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Chapter 2: Training

"I'm done!" Turilla said leaping out of the chair with her plate.

"Did you just inhale all your food?" Imo asked laughing.

"I will finish my breakfast first. You girls go put the dishes and wait for me and Mrs. Kimberly." The smaller winged lady said to the two girls.

Collecting all the plates, Imogen and Turilla went to the kitchen to clean them when they saw a little girl who was putting the utensils in their rightful place.

"Irina where is Jacob?" Turilla asked tapping the tiny girl who whipped her hands before she signed.

She used both her hands and showed it like she threw something, the sign for 'leave behind' then she pouted before she continued to put the dishes back.

"Isn't that like the 7th time he did that to you?" Imogen asked angrily. She then walked up to where the little stood to collect the dishes and helped to put them back in the cabinets.

Putting the tips of her plan onto her lips and retracting them was the sign for 'thank you.' With a bright smile, Imogen said "You are most welcome."

"Hey Tri- Where is she?" Imogen asked went she noticed no sound coming from near her friend.

Holding a red-haired boy softly in which it wouldn't hurt him by his left ear she said "Look whom I found."

"Owie, Turillaaaaa Ittttt huuuurrrrrttttssss." He screamed exaggerating while he kept hitting her hand. "Mean Turilla"

"Ha! I'm mean? What you did was also mean, you know." She said releasing his ear and putting both her hands on her hips. "Now tell us why did you leave Irina? You know her conditions, right?"

"Yes." He said sadly. "But-But when I try to call her to play she didn't say anything then she did something with her hands and I can't understand what it means." He continued in frustration.

"Hey Jacob, Do you really know what her condition is?" Turilla asked bending down to the younger boy's eye level.

Shutting his eyes tightly and clenching his fists he shook his head saying "No I actually don't"

"Why did you tell that you did, then?" Imogen asked in a soft voice.

"Be-Because you guys would think that I know nothing and that I'm stupid." He replied almost on the verge of tears.

"Of course we won't. No one's born knowing things." Turilla said patting the younger boy's red, soft silky hair. "So don't worry about asking for help. Ok?"

Wiping his tears with both his tiny soft hand, he nodded saying that he understood what she said to him. Taking a handkerchief from her left jean pocket and wiped his drippy, small, red nose. With a loud 'pweet' sound all the mucus came on to the handkerchief. Holding it with her middle finger and thumb, Turilla went over to the dustbin to discard of it.

Taking in a loud sniff Jacob said "I'm sorry Irina. I'll never do that to you again."

"Um…Jacob… Irina can't hear what you are saying." Imogen said putting her right hand on Irina's shoulder.

"Really!?" Jacob said with wide eyes. "Oh, I'm very sorry Irina. How do I say that in sign?" He asked looking up at the two older girls.

"You clench your fist and rotate it in a circle around your chest." Tri said while she showed the blue eyed boy who copied her.

With a bright wide smile, Irina clapped her hands happily and gave Jacob a big hug. Brushing the tips of her fingers along her free hand, Irina signed "Forgive"

"What did she say?" Jacob asked with wide, sparkling eyes looking up at the two older girls.

"She says that she forgives you." Imogen replied. "I think Mrs. Kimberly is done eating. Want to head out to the training grounds, Tri?"

"Sure. See you kids later." They said waving to the two younger children as they walked out of the kitchen. The back door of the old chapel kitchen was tall, very wide and had various marking around the border and the middle. Using the small, carved stick that also had marking on it which was place in the middle of the door, Imogen put the tips of her fingers in between the stick and door to pull the stick with the markings out of it place.

"Can I do it this time? Cause you did it yesterday." Turilla whined.

"Of course." Imogen replied handing over the stick to her best friend.

Using the stick Turilla drew on the door few characters in her Ângwo language. They looked different to the English alphabet, but different. The symbols decipher for the word training, bǔgko

"I see you have gotten better at your grammar, Ms. Turilla." Said a stern, firm voice from behind the two girls.

"Thank you Mrs.-" as Turilla was about to finish her sentence the older lady cut her off saying

"It shows how much you have studied, Turilla. You used the wrong vowels again. It's boǔngfoid. and not bǔgko." She spat harshly.

During this time Imogen's grip on Turilla tightened as a method of reassurance that she was there for her.

In Mrs. Kimberly's eyes Turilla was just a young girl who knew nothing. She is supposed to be disciplined and strictly mannered. Whenever Turilla made a mistake in spelling Mrs.Kimberly would severely punish her. She wants Turilla to be so perfect that not a single mistake would come out of her.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Kimberly. I won't make that mistake again." Turilla apologized bowing her head. Pushing her aside, Mrs. Kimberly stepped in front of her, tore the magical stick out of her hands and wrote the correct symbols on the big, wide kitchen door.

When the two doors opened there was a humongous, wide ground with lots of training equipment. There was an enormous obstacles course with loads of different obstacles to pass through; there were a few children who were going about it. Some were almost at the top where the fake diamond was at while the others were struggling at the bottom that was spinning with fighting dummies.

There were a few other Unicorns helping other children with hand to hand combat, some were practicing archery. Next to the archery field was a forest that the children use as a simulation. There was another field with sword fighting and in the border of it all was a massive track course.

"Imogen, you go along. I need a word with Turilla." Kimberly said to the other girl who gave a light parting smile to her best friend before she left. "Turilla follow me, I have something I want to show you."

Panic-stricken Turilla followed the older woman who took her to a large detached gym that had all the equipment that you could think of but was super filthy. Pouting while hunching her back Turilla groaned in her head. But the older lady didn't say anything and continued to walk to the end of the gym room. At the end there was a door that she opened using her magic, the inside was full of potions and magical glowing bottles of different sizes and shapes.

"Ok now here's what you have to do. I want you to clean this whole place up, it should be sparkling. You have to use the potions that are in here." Mrs. Kimberly said pointing to the room.

"But Mrs. Kimberly what did I do?" Turilla questioned the scary lady.

"It's for your own good. This will be today's training. I'll be back in an hour." She said before turning on her heels and leaving the poor girl to clean the whole gym room all by herself.

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