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66.66% The Haze

Chapter 2: Ch.1 Nightmare

"Can you get out?" Dakota Smith says to his little sister Mia Smith.

"Why? Its fun watching you play games," She replied. Ten year old Mia had baby blue eyes, pale skin, and dark red hair just like her mother.

"I don't care, your distracting me," Dakota says frustrated. Unlike Mia, 16 year old Dakota had green eyes, pale skin, and has dark brown hair. Each of the children looked almost exactly like their parents.

"Your so mean Koko," Mia said as she leaves the room. Dakota just rolls his eyes and continues playing COD.

"Yeah sorry just my little sister," Dakota laughs into this mic. In his free time he usually plays video games with his friends. His best friend was Micha Jones, he had black curly hair, brown eyes, and dark skin. Dakota's other best friend Carla Martinez played video games with the guys as well. She had dark brown eyes as well, caramel skin, as well as dark brown hair almost black. Like the two boys she has a thing for girls. More specifically she's lesbian, both Dakota and Micha supports her fully.

"You won't find her so annoying once she starts dating Koda," Carla points out. In the background Dakota could hear her constant button mashing.

"She isn't going to date thats final," Koda says as he began to button mash as well. The response he got back was her famous scoff. In the background Micha chuckled and continued to kill zombies left and right. "Anyways, you guys want to go camping this weekend?" Dakota asked. Both teens on the other side of Koda's mic paused.

"Koda you know that we can't, as much as we'd love to we just can't," Micha replies.

"Don't tell me you two still believe that stupid myth?" Koda groans, "its just a dumb story our families told us to keep us out of the woods as kids!"

"I don't know Dakota. A girl from our school said the same thing. A week later she looked horrid, like she had went insane or something. She's missing now you know!" Carla hesitant voice states. Micha agreed saying he had heard the same thing, all while Dakota huffed.

"Whatever," he mumbles.

After a couple of hours of gaming the three teens log off the game each doing their own thing for a while. Dakota laid on his bed reading a book he had bought a while back. Dakota wasn't a really bad kid, he still broke the rules an average amount of the time. But he wasn't the kind of guy who uses a girl, then crashes a car and get arrested for drug use. Because trust me there are guys who do that type of thing.

No Dakota was the type to skip school every now and then, maybe smoke a cigarette or two, and disobey his mom here and there. But other than that he was a good kid, good grades, good personality. Best part, he wasn't a homophobic, or racist, and he respected women. But to him it all just seemed to be logical. It wasn't because his mom raised him right, it wasn't because the author is up at 1:30am trying to make a good point and is failing miserably. It was just because Dakota thought it was the right thing. His best friend is black his other best friend is both female, lesbian and Mexican. He'd just be a dickhead if he didn't support not only his friends but the whole community.

"Dakota!" His mom, Selene shouts from downstairs.

"Yeah!" Koda yells back. Of course he didn't get a reply so he got up grumbling and made his way down stairs. "You called mom?" Koda says.

"Why did the school call me for the third time this week saying you didn't show up for your classes?" His mother said almost shouting. "I swear Dakota your grades will start to go down if you keep skipping! Did Carla tell you to skip again? That's it I'm calling her mother!" She ranted.

"Mom stop, it wasn't Carla's idea. I just felt shitty this morning," Koda groans. Technically he wasn't lying. Koda has been feeling sick to his stomach lately, its strange really. But whenever he's near the forest he feels fine, it was as if something wanted him to enter the foggy forest. His mom turned around and gave her son a worried look.

"Watch your mouth for starters. And second, you've been saying that for weeks now are you sure your okay?" Selene asks putting her hand on Koda's forehead. He simply shrugged and looked at the floor.

"Mommy! Your home!" Mia shouts prancing off the stair case. Chuckling Selene turned towards her daughter and gave her a hug. Dakota simply gave a tired smile and made his way back to his room. Put of no where he got a wave of exhaustion and felt the need to pass out.

Entering the room he didn't even bother to close his door, he just plopped down onto his bed and passed out.


Waking up in the foggy forest Dakota sat up and rubbed his eyes. 'Where am I?' he thought. 'This isn't my room... what the fuck?'. Dakota quickly got to his feet and looked around. He didn't know which way to go. All the trees looked the same, and it was too foggy to see even 10 yards away.

An ear splitting roar sounded through the forest. Koda couldn't tell which way it came from, but he didn't want to know. He just started running hopping it was the right way. He heard heavy footsteps running after him, looking back Dakota saw what looked like some kind of animal on all fores. It was huge, with black shaggy hair, and a face so terrifying you'd be afraid to ever leave your house again. It reminded Dakota of a creepypasta he once read. He remembered it was called Seedeater or something. Just this monster didn't have a animal skull for a head.

The monster leaped at Dakota making him fall to the forest floor. And just as it seemed as if the monster was going to feed on him, Dakota woke up in his bed. He was soaked in sweat, and he was breathing heavily.

"What the fuck?" He whispered. His t-shirt was clinging to his torso, and his hair was drenched in sweat. Koda felt discusted, confused, and scared as hell. What the hell was that animal? No better yet monster. Dakota decided to go and shower not wanting to think much more of the vivid dream.

After his shower he refused to go back to sleep, so he watched Netflix till he was supposed to get ready for school.


Song: Hellboy- Lil Peep

Ask me wtf I just wrote and I will deadass tell you I don't even know. But anyways. Good morning, Good afternoon, and Goodnight.


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