/ Urban / The Hidden Gold Mine Heiress Divorcee

The Hidden Gold Mine Heiress Divorcee Original

The Hidden Gold Mine Heiress Divorcee

Urban 506 Chapters 14.5K Views
Author: Vera Whitehead

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On the day of the divorce, Boris Lewis gave Ziana Scott 100 million dollars on the condition that she take the child back to remote mountain.
Not long after, the two met again. The ex-wife he identified as poor wore tens of millions of the world's only high-end shoes, and her feet were priceless crystal high-heeled shoes. She brazenly said in front of the camera that she owns a gold mine.
Boris Lewis thought, a mere 100 million, why are you pretending to be rich? I'm worth hundreds of billions and I don't dare to brag like that!
He and the majority of netizens are waiting for the day when she slaps her in the face.
It turns out that her family's gold mines are innumerable, and she is not a poor farm girl, but a genius with super IQ, a master of many sciences, a god-level master, a national chess player, a master of metaphysics...
And the savior who he has been looking for for many years.
In order to get Ziana Scott back, Boris Lewis made love madly.
"I want a kiss!"
"I want a hug!"
"I can't live without my wife!"
The reporter interviewed Ziana Scott, "What is the relationship between Mr. Lewis and you?"
"Oh, he's my simp ex-husband." She smiled swayingly, "but the next one is better. We’ll never get back together."


  1. Sara_Comfort
    Sara_Comfort Contributed 1060
  2. Sandy_Lawrence
    Sandy_Lawrence Contributed 209
  3. Jeanine_Morphis
    Jeanine_Morphis Contributed 147


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    Author Vera Whitehead