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Chapter 5: chapter 5: meeting with Hokage (part 2)

"So that was your truth on the actions and the events that happened today, but I think I heard you mention that you still had an opinion to make clear?"

"Yes, Hokage. I have still my personal opinion to mention. and I'll start in a moment but I'll warn you, it will be rude and hard to hear for some." Raven said.

"I don't mind. I'm interested in what you have to say."

"Oke I'll start with my two teammates at the start of the day," then Raven turned to Noragi and Rato.

"WHAT THE FUCK WHENT THROUGH YOUR FREAKING MIND!!! first of all who comes to training in freaking civilian clothes? Also, the training was at 6 am, not at 6:10. If this was a rescue mission the time you got there, our allies would be dead," Raven started ranting.

Both Kakashi and Hiruzen looked surprised at that quote, because if this was a mission. their allies would have been dead.

"Second, where the hell are your tools? no pouch for kunai or shurikens. this was a shinobi training exercise. WHO THE FUCK COMES TO A SHINOBI EXCERCISE WITHOUT THERE WEAPONS!!! AND YOU!! first, I thought, at least she has some weapon with her. BUT NO, MAKEUP. FUCKING MAKEUP TO A TRAINING EXERCISE. THAT SHIT WILL GET SWEAT OFF THE MOMENT YOU START RUNNING. you even used perfume. do you want to tell everybody in the neighborhood where we are? There are at least 2 clans in Konoha that can detect the smell. what do you think shinobi from other villages don't have ways to detect strange smells in the neighborhood. If this was a mission, any shinobi would know where we were and we would be ambushed without even knowing it."

"Now about the test, WHAT THE FUCK WHERE YOU THINKING!!!! this a test so famous that it literally in the textbook of the academy. IT IS A TEST FOR TEAMWORK. It doesn't test anything else. or it's a sick Jonin only time he can show of against 3 students who don't know anything yet. Why else would they give this test? Or did you really think 3 students could win against a Jonin who knows more Jutsu in his finger than any of us combined? And then your plan, I distract him and you get the bells. That is the most stupid plan ever. even 3 students couldn't distract a Jonin and you wanted to let me do it alone. ARE YOU DUMB OR ARE YOU DROPPED ON YOUR HEAD OR SOMETHING. if he didn't go easy on me he would have ended the training in 5 minutes. And then when I try to help you have the balls to threaten my best friend, AN INNOCENT CIVILIAN," Raven's anger was rising a lot.

The temperature in the room was also rising a bit. but nobody noticed it.

After cooling down a bit Raven continued," Then the test, I didn't notice anything you two did, I don't care about that. But I gave you like 5 to 6 signals to use your Jutsu or use it as a distraction to get the bells or let me catch my breath. But did you do anything no? Did you learn anything in the academy, because I think the lesson on signals was every Tuesday? And I think you weren't sick those days." The Hokage had to smirk at that remark.

"Then I got knocked out and woke up here. I thought ok the training is ended and I failed so going back to the academy. no problem. AND THEN I HEAR YOU BRAGGING ABOUT A PLAN, FIRST I THOUGHT IT WAS THE PLAN YOU DISCUSSED WITH ME. BUT OH NO, TO MY SURPRISE YOU WHERE PLANNING TO USE ME AS BAIT FROM THE BEGINNING!!!!"

the room started to heat up again.


Now they could feel the room started to get heated, even the Hokage and Kakashi were amazed. "ANSWER ME DAMN IT!!!" Raven yelled at Rato, but he was so scared of Raven right now he couldn't say a word. Small flames started to form around Raven before Kakashi knocked him out. the temperature and the flames went out directly.

" it seems that Raven has some affinity with fire chakra to manifest it without training. but we will keep that for another discussion. Now Rato can you please answer the question." the Hokage asked.

"w-w-what do you mean with the question, Hokage," Rato asked rattled.

"Well, I thought it was clear. the question: Were you trying to kill Raven?"

"N-n-no of c-c-course not. I used him as a distraction for my Jutsu and then we could get the bells. that was the plan. how was I to know that he would be in the crossfire."

"Then you told him what Jutsu you were going to use, and you told him he was bait for it? right?"

"Y-y-yes o-of c-course I did," Rato said.

"Oke, I know enough. ANBU could you go get me Inoichi from the Intelligence division."

"Yes, Hokage." the ANBU responded.

"W-w-why did you a-a-ask for someone from the Intelligence division."

"Well, someone is lying to me, it's either you or Raven. And Inoichi can get to the bottom of this." the Hokage responded.

"B-but there is no need, it's Raven who is misunderstanding the plans we made. Yes, this is j-just a misunderstanding."

"Well, we will so find that out."

knock knock

"Ah come in,"

"You have sent for me, Hokage?" Inoichi answered

"yes, I wish for viewing from today's events from these two boy's memory. because there is someone lying to me."

"Ok, who do I start with."

"well, let's start with the boy that's knocked out. and only the events from today. ok,"

"Yes Hokage," and Inoichi took out his tools from the intelligence division. and they started showing the day from Raven's point of view.

-the morning prep-;-morning meet at 6 am-; -the discussion before battle-; -the battle- and then waking up at the Hokage.

"Ok, Inoichi that's enough. now it's time to see the events from Rato's view." then the Hokage turned around and didn't find Rato.

"Did he just run away? ANBU, bring him back here,"


then an ANBU enters with a knocked out Rato.

"Why is he knocked out?" the Hokage asked.

"He started screaming when captured, about mistreatment and misconduct. and we also saw him ordering around some guards to kill a certain Yukino. So we knock him out."

"Ok leave him here and go help the other ANBU protect Yukino. you can bring her here after the second thought."

"Yes Hokage." and the ANBU went away.

"Now Inoichi, I wish to see his actions from today,"

"Yes Hokage," and then did the same as with Raven.

Rato point of view:

-morning at 6 am, why do I have to get to train at this hour-

-meeting at 6:02 with Noragi, why so early -

-meeting team at 6:10, to early -

-the discussion before the battle, and the real plan.-

-the ambush, why didn't I get to kill off that damn orphan.-

-waking up at the Hokage.-

"Thanks, Inoichi for your help,"

"No, problem Hokage," and Inoichi left.

"So not only do we have a dysfunctional team, but 1 of the members tried to kill the other on. Any thoughts Kakashi."

"I didn't think the problems were this deep, I was lucky by bringing this before you."

"Yes Kakashi, this would have been a big problem. Now, this is what we'll do. Noragi, do you still want to be a shinobi?"

"No, Hokage. I would rather be a civilian please."

"Ok, Noragi, you will be transferred to the civilian school. ok? and you may leave"

"Yes, Hokage," and Noragi left.

"Rato is going to prison, not only for threatening a fellow student, trying to murder a fellow student but also for trying to murder a civilian. His family will be notified. and for safety reasons, we will give Yukino a better job. Also, let an ANBU watch over her for a while."

"But now what do we do with Raven? any thoughts Kakashi?"

"Back to the academy, he didn't do anything wrong but he failed the test. so back to the academy. he didn't disagree with that decision."

"Yes, I think that would be the best point of action," the Hokage decided. "now let's wait for Yukino to come to pick him up,"


after Yukino picked up Raven and took him home.

The Hokage said," Now that it's just us Kakashi, explain to me how a Jonin like you is 2 hours late to a meeting he maid, and then his excuses are, a black cat crosses my path," ...

"Oh crap," Kakashi thought


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