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Chapter 6: Chapter 6: The aftermat

So while Kakashi has to explain himself against the Hokage, Raven and Yukino are going back to his apartment.

After 5 minutes Yukino turns to Raven," care to explain, why I had to pick you up at the Hokage office?"

"Well, a lot has happened since yesterday. It's going to be a long explanation, so let's go to Ramen Ichiraku. So we can eat and talk at the same time, ok?" Raven suggested.

"Ok, but I'm paying. today was my last day helping at Rato's parent's shop. they even overpaid me." Yukino said proudly.

"Oh, they let you go?"

"Well, yes. Why I don't really know. I always did what they asked me to. But its actually great because now I don't have to quit on my own,"

"What do you mean to quit on your own? you were planning to quit?"

"Ah, didn't I tell you? I was allowed an internship at the medic corp. Well, it's only showing me the ropes and also showing me what I have to start learning. I can't actually start yet because I'm still at the academy. But I can start learning and they will start teaching me."

"I'm so happy for you, Yukino. you always wanted to be a Medical-nin. Just like your idol."

"Yes, yes, I know. I'm getting one step closer to Tsunade. I really hope to be like her one day. She so awesome," Yukino said with sparkles in her eyes. Everybody at the orphanage knows that Yukino just worships Tsunade. Not for her clan of Senju, no. Yukino worships her for being a strong female shinobi, also Tsunade was also been credited with creating the official system of the medical ninja along with which she created laws that her students and other medical-nin alike, should abide by.

And the greatest dream Yukino has is to once meet Tsunade and if possible become one of her students. But she knows that's only a dream since she left Konoha and even if she came back. Tsunade quit being a medical-nin. But that doesn't stop her from dreaming.

Both Raven en Yukino finally arrived at Ichiraku's. they sit in a corner and order. after the food was delivered, "Are you going to start talking?" Yukino asked.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll start. but don't forget to eat your ramen, else it will get cold."


then Raven started telling Yukino about his day. he tells her everything, even the death threats, and the blackmail. they always had the rule to stay completely honest with each other, except if it was a mission or secret order. but they both respected that, since there shinobi and that how it just is.


So after the explanation, Yukino took a breath to take it in.

"So, let me get this straight. You sacrificed yourself to the command of Rato, and knowing doing so you'll be going back to the academy because he threatened me? Why the hell would you do that? Al you wanted to be was a shinobi. I would have been fine."

"Yukino, yes shinobi is my dream, as being a medical-nin is yours. But I could wait another year to start to become a shinobi, so if I could keep you safe by just listening to that prick and sucking up another year at the academy, then so be it. you would be safe, he would be happy and I'll get a better chance for a better team next year. because the one I got this year sucked."

"But I don't want you to miss out on anything because of me." Yukino looked down.

Raven said, "Yukino, don't look so down. yes, it sucks going back to school. but it has a bright side."

"A bright side?" she questioned.

"One, no problems for u, two, I'll be staying with you for another year, so you wouldn't miss me that much and third I can help with your school work and training. isn't that what you wanted to do too?"

"Hey, don't make this about me. I know you're bummed at this."

"Well to be completely fair, part of me wants to go back to the academy to retrain."


"Well, I got my ass handed to me at the training grounds."

Yukino looks at me with a strange look, "what has that anything to do with it?"

"Well, it made me realize that I'm not ready to become a genin."

"But you graduated?"

"Yes, I graduated, but during the test, it showed also I'm so far behind the students from the clans."

"Why do you say that?"

"In the clans, the students not only get guidance and training, but they also get to fall back on clan Jutsu. Jutsu that the clans are known for. So when they become graduated from the academy they already have a headstart against people like me, an orphan. I don't say that I can't catch up but they have a headstart. you understand?"

"Yes, I get it. they have an advantage over children from civilian and Orphan background. But what has that anything to do with going back to the academy?"

"Well, not much indirectly. but at the academy, there is a library, not only filled with history and other class materials. but they also have information on different Jutsu and techniques. I'm going to try and start studying those. Also, try to ask a Jonin to maybe train me earlier or set me up with a training plan. A little like your internship."

"Ah now I understand. you're going to use the year at the academy to catch up to the kids of the clans by studying more on after the academy, then actually the stuff from the academy."

"You got it right, Yukino your so clever."

"Yes, I am, Hey, ..."

They started laughing at that joke. after that they paid and went home.



the new school year started. Raven had to go back to school in a year filled with clan members. "Well, can't have everything going for you." During class, he sees the same information from last year. the only difference is that now they have an extra teacher outside Iruka, His name is Mizuki. I don't really care that much. after the first week of classes I went to meet up with Iruka.

"Sensei, do you have a minute?"

"Sure Raven, with what can I help you?" Iruka asked.

"Sensei, I have a small problem. I want to better prepare myself for the shinobi life and catch up to the clan kids, but I hit a snag at the library."

"How do you mean,"

"Well, I can't access the D-rank Jutsu's to start catching up."

"But that's normal, those Jutsu are for Genin, not students. And I don't follow catching up with the clan kids."

"Well Sensei, you know I graduated last year. After the first test, I found out how inexperienced I am with Jutsu. At school, we don't learn Ninjutsu or Genjutsu. so I thought to learn it when I was redoing my year, but I'm not allowed access. And what I mean catching up to the clan kids. Sensei, you should have noticed that the clan members in the class are also trained at home in not only clan techniques but also clan Jutsu."

"Yes, I know you graduated last year, I was the one who passed you. but because you failed the test set by the Jonin, your status hasn't changed. So no access to the D-rank side of the Library. And the clan members, yes they get training at home, but that doesn't give them an advantage against the other students."

"Now you're kidding yourself, Sensei. Everybody can see the difference between a clan member and a non-clan member."

"It's not true," Iruka argued.

"You want proof, I'll give a perfect difference. Uzumaki Naruto vs Uchiha Sasuke. do I have to draw a picture?"

"they are the exception," Iruka tried to argue.

"Another example then, Sakura vs Hinata Hyuuga. hell, let Sakura fight Ino. she will still get beat."

"t-t-that isn't true, Hinata would win against Sakura."

"Really, want to bet on it?"

"What do you mean?" Iruka questioned.

"Tomorrow there is their first battle training no, let's bet on it. Clan member vs non-clan member. Sakura vs Hinata."

"Why would we do that?"

"One to prove my point, and two make you see the difference. because it seems to me your in denial."

"Fine, you will see. there is no difference."

"But that's not only what I want. since your so sure. if Hinata wins tomorrow, you will allow me access to D-rank of the library, with the guidance of a Jonin. If Sakura wins, I'll quit asking about the library and come to a school like any other kid. Deal or are you not that certain?"

"Deal, prepare to wave the library goodbye." And Iruka walks away.

"You will see something tomorrow, sensei." And Raven started going home all laughing. "Library here I come."

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