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Standing opposite Mitchell was, Him. Her crush from eight years ago. She couldn't believe her eyes as she saw him. It's been years, those buried teenage emotions in her started brewing and all she wanted was to move close to him and pull him into her arms.

She stood rooted to the ground and hoped he could look at her, he did.

Dusk felt eyes on him, he was used to it, but he felt a piercing gaze and he turned to look at who was staring at him so intensely. He turned at saw a young girl, and he wondered why she looked at him with gaze filled with love. He thought of why he couldn't read her mind.

Mitchell heart raced when he looked at her. All of a sudden, she saw a red light pointing at him, her eyes widen in shock and fear.

As she rushed towards him to caution him when he didn't focus his attention on her even though he was looking at her, she was shot.

As she got close to him, the bullet was fired, hitting her on her head. Blood sputtered on Dusk's face as he stared at the drop dead lady. He rushed to her side and held her close to him. He didn't quite understand what had just happened. He looked up at the club building and sighted the killer's gun but he couldn't pay attention as he looked at the dead girl.

Screams filled everywhere and those in the club also started to run. Camilla left the man she had followed and started to look for Mitchell. She ran out of the club to where she left and she screamed, "Mitchell!"

She wondered if she had left for home, so she took her phone and dialed her number, he heart was racing.

It rang, she heard the ringing of Mitchell's phone even though everywhere was noisy as everyone ran for their life. Mitchell's ringing tone was Maniac by Straykids, and it was always in the high volume.

Camilla strolled forward, locating the sound and there she saw her friend, in someone's arm. Blood everywhere.

There were others who also stood looking at the dead body, but others also ran for their lives.

Camilla's breath inched as she saw Mitchell, she staggered to where she was and got on her feet. She took Mitchell from Dusk and tapped her cheek

"Mitch, wake up," said Camilla with tears rolling down her eyes. "Baby, I swear, we won't ever visit a club, so wake up for me, hmm."

She continued to call our Mitchell before she started screaming, "No! No! Mitchy don't do this to me. We haven't received your pay from your writing platform yet. We haven't spent the money yet, we haven't gone out to chill around the world.

We haven't washed your dirty clothes and we haven't trashed the garbages." Camilla shouted as she shook Mitchell's cold body. Those who watch the scene couldn't take it as they all cries too.

The Ambulance came and as the para medics tried to take Mitchell away from Camilla, she looked at them with a red shot eyes.

"No! No !leave my Mitchell, No," she screamed and Dusk went to her and took her away from Mitchell's body. The para medics took Mitchell on to the stretcher bed and wheeled her into the ambulance.

"No, let me go," screamed Camilla as she tried to enter into the ambulance.

"We'll go after them, Camilla," said Dusk

Camilla got into Dusk's car and they followed the ambulance behind. Camilla looked disheveled.

"Seeing you after a century and you look like this," uttered Dusk as they trailed behind the ambulance.

"Shut up," roared Camilla as she wasn't interested in talking at the moment.

She had visited the Club to meet him, it had been a century since she had seen her brother last and this past years, she had been hearing the Kinczkillers name and she knew it was Dusk who could be leading the business world. Her other brothers couldn't possibly leave home. They were faithful unlike she and Dusk.

To not attract attention, she had decided to find him here in the crowd but... this happened.


At the hospital, she was declared dead, she had died immediately the bullet pierced into her skull and when they got here, Camilla had forced them to do something. Nothing could be done.


Mitchell stood in her white attire, she looked at where she was and she broke down in tears. She clearly remembered all that had happened.

She died already, no more Camilla, no more writing. She was dead. She couldn't blame her crush, he wasn't they one who killed her, she clearly didn't know she was going to be shot as she was only trying to push him away to avoid the bullet.

"Anderson," her name was called.

She moved forward and the man who called her took her with him and he stopped when they got to a place.

"Jump," he muttered in s thick and cold tone.

"What?" she asked unbelievably. There wasn't anything to jump onto. He couldn't possibly ask her to jump into the clouds.

"Jump," he muttered again in that same time and Mitchell moved away from him.

"Don't you want a second chance?" inquired the man and Mitchell's eyes widen.

"A second chance in life?" she asked and he nodded.

"I'm offering you a second chance to live," he said

"And I will gladly accept it with my all," muttered Mitchell.

"Jump," he said and she did.

When she jumped, everything stopped for a moment. The clock went anticlockwise in a fast motion before it stopped at a time.

It was as if the world went backwards, which it did.

Mitchell woke up on a bed, she rubbed her hands on her eyes before she smiled broadly. The opportunity to have a second chance in life was intriguing, she knew she just couldn't die just like that.

She looked at her surroundings and didn't quite understand where she was. The room she was in, had a burning log with a tall shelf of books at the corner. Everything looked like an ancient stuff she normally watched in the British movie.

"Where the fvck am I?" she asked herself.

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