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38.09% The Iceman

Chapter 8: Chapter 8

Obligatory Disclaimer : I do not own anything (except maybe OC characters) all characters, places, worlds, universes…etc mentioned here belong to their respective owners and/or companies.

This is purely a work of fiction. Not meant to offend or incite, but to entertain and maybe inspire.

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I'm an asshole. It's one of many things I am, I won't sugarcoat it. I have these hormones running around in my system making me act sometimes on impulse and to be honest it's hard to control, I constantly have nightmares when I do get to sleep of those tortured kids I rescued and those people I put down. I might have ptsd from dying and coming back to life but I keep pushing it back to maintain a grasp on my sanity. I have a shit load of problems, but that's for me to solve not anyone else.

I also have problems taking orders sometimes. But that's only if the orders are from another asshole, you see it takes one to know one.

Sometimes, I think cyclops thinks he's the Captain America for mutant-kind, like some sort of a leader that's never wrong. But even captain America was wrong at times, he's made mistakes too, but what he does after that is what matters. He learns, and apologizes. He never repeats the same mistake twice, it's what makes him a great leader. He's human, he's flawed we all know that, that's why we relate so much to him, it's the hope he brings about—represents. As a human being that always strives for the better, that is constantly trying to improve for the best. No matter the situation, that's why I look up to him.

Then we have cyclops. I admit he's great at directing people, but no so much at leading them. He doesn't have that type of I'm-also-human connection with others, similar to magneto, it's like he's on a pedestal looking down and I guess from that high up you begin to lose that grasp on humility. Hell, wolverine could lead the X-men(I'd totally be 100% down for that) better than Cyclops's ever could. Because Scott summers is an unrepenting asshole. Don't take my word for it, just browse over his X-Men history to know. I think I understand now why he became the most hated X-Men character to ever live. And living with him makes it all so more convincing.

So when we got back to the mansion after the fight with the monster, I had my ears talked off for not following orders. While ignoring the fact that the media seemed really appreciative of my efforts. The casualty rates were minimised with the number of people my clones got to the hospital. Or the fact that for the first time since I got here, someone said thank you to the mutants on live tv.

That decision I made wasn't a spur of the moment decision. I ran the calculations, my clones provided an omnidirectional view of the area, and I had the power to accomplish it. Sigh let's just listen.

"–that's why you will follow orders from now on. Don't make me repeat myself, the a

second time I do there will be consequences. We're done here." He gestured for me to leave his office. Emma frost who stood by his side like the wicked step wife of a villain, had a smug smile on her face staring at me.

I stood from the chair and walked out the door, closing it behind me. And then I stopped. Sigh. I can't keep quiet.

I opened the door again and walked in on them. Their gazes snapped on me, not expecting me to walk back in.

"You know Cyclops. Saying I did a 'good job' would've been nice. I do realise my faults, I'm still learning this hero stuff. I'm not a pro like you guys. But since you began talking, I noticed that you haven't once told me how to correct any of the mistakes you've said I've made. I haven't heard a single word of advice, You've just been bearing down on me, I would appreciate some encouragement in all that criticism. Have a great day sir, you too miss Frost" I said, once again leaving the office, I felt relieved after letting all that off of my chest.

"This kid is walking on thin straws" Scott summers stoically addressed his partner. He expected the boy to solemnly reflect on his mistakes, not talk back to authority. Scott knew a troublemaker when he saw one, and he's seen a lot of them. The kid wasn't any different, the tattoos he had on himself spoke volumes to that end. He was still a minor, but he was already smoking -I'll have to warn him for that- 'Probably thinks it's cool' he shook his head.

"I'd say he has quite the self esteem" Emma added. "It isn't so bad for him to be bold. Oh Scotty, learn to relax a bit" she leaned towards him, "Like now, your power tone really turns me on"


"Hey Mindee" I greeted, walking into the music room. Her beautiful symphony coming to an abrupt pause. She raised her eyes to meet mine.

"Well, if it isn't Mr iceman. The captain who ditched his very own team's first meeting"

"Oh, come on, not you too. You know I had to go with the X-men"

"Whatever. Just sit quietly and let me play my song" she said flatly.

"You're breaking my heart Mindee, why you gotta be so cold?" she rolled her eyes at my words and went back to playing the piano. I was absorbed in her music, I loved the ways her fingers moved on the keys. She had discipline and creativity blended together, to work a masterpiece.

I've been working on something for her.

"Hey Mindee"

".....sigh What is it Drake?" she asked with a clear tone of annoyance.

"Could you come over here for a minute, I want to show you something" I tapped on the small bench.

She deadpanned staring at me.

"....Please just read my mind before this gets anymore awkward"

I felt her mental link established with mine. She raised her brows and walked over to me, taking a seat on the bench.

Glistening Ice crystals appeared out of thin air, the smell of natural frost flooded the room as the crystals began to intertwine, forming a larger transparent structure.

"It's…wonderful" she said, her pupiless eyes widened in amazement, almost at a loss for words. Before her was a grand piano made entirely out of ice. It's resplendent blue glow, gave a calming feel to the room. Snow fogs lingered beneath the piano, as though it were floating on clouds. The grand piano slowly slid towards them, coming at a stop before her fingers.

She stifled a chuckle, when she saw cartoonish engravings of her face on all the ice keys.

She stared at him, he smiled at her and gestured for her to give it a go. They didn't need words, they had a mental link. Drake, didn't have any ulterior motives other than wanting to just watch her play the piano and maybe try to draw closer to her. She frowned, why did he do this? For no other reason than to watch her wholeheartedly play on an ice piano? Why would he be so interested in watching her play? He considered her a good friend. She did too, but this wasn't what good friends di-- No, she was overthinking things again. She had the tendency to do that when in his presence.

'Is this a type of payment for me covering for you?' she questioned.

'No, I just love watching you work those keys.' he replied.

She stared at him, this time longer. She looked into his blue eyes as though she was trying to map out his iris. She wondered why he'd continually be so close to her. She clearly saw that he was easing his way past her defences 'It's nice' she thought. Most would avoid her due to her cold personality - what'd you expect when you're a clone of Emma frost herself - but he didn't, he'd spend more time with her than with anyone else in the school. She stared at his charming smile, unknown feelings fluttering in her heart. 'He's cute' for the first time in a very long time, the corners of her lips genuinely tugged upwards. She smiled. She didn't know why, but she wanted to trust him.

He nodded to affirm. "See, you look even more beautiful when you smile. It's really radiant."

She playfully elbowed him, using that move to inch a bit closer to him. Turning to direct her focus on the glass like piano. Her eyes closed as her fingers moved across the keys, a heavenly piece of music was created with each tap, her emotions expressed with each stroke on the instrument that was literally made for her. She felt warmth, even in this cold, she felt a welcoming warmth.

The pale moonlight shone through the glass windows, as if to blanket the budding couple seated together on the bench in its comfy cloak of light.

Not noticing the hazel eyes staring through a crack in the door. Hisako, glanced at them in silence. She pushed the door to a close, her hand lingering on the wooden frame for a moment, she turned around walked through the halls with her head slightly bowed.


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Surprise mother lovers!

One last glory chapter right before I write the exams. This chap is to bring the monster fighting Arc to a nice close…hopefully. We get to learn a little bit of Rob's situation and his problems which he keeps bottled up.

And then there's the mutant self proclaimed messiah aka cyclops.

Oh and to put the cherry on the icing, we've got teenage love in the air.

WOW, what a time to be alive.

I'll have to go now, gotta fully focus on the exams. Pray for me my good folks. Till we meet again rain @way!

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