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Chapter 5: 05

Kingdom of Pharahan

Central Province

Core Sector


21 September 3748 AD

03 months after the great raid of Nimbor VI


Tula is the Capital world of the Kingdom of Pharahan rule by the Nebtawi Dynasty. As a capital world it exlude the aura of grandeur.

The planet is home to three sprawling megatropolises, each showcasing the height of the architectural marvels.

These megatropolises are interconnected by a network of intercontinental maglev trains that crisscross the planet, allowing for seamless travel between different areas for its population of 34 billion people.

As the most populated planet in the kingdom, Tula pulsates with life, its skies filled with skycars, and its streets bustling with activity.

Amongst the bustling cityscape, one building stands out as the epitome of grandeur.

The main palace of the royal house.

This magnificent structure takes the form of a pyramid, reminiscent of the ancient Egyptian pyramids but adorned with intricate and detailed architectural elements that showcase the wealth and power of the ruling dynasty. The walls of the palace are adorned with elaborate carvings, and decorative motifs, with many details structure that suround the wall.

The palace serves as the centerpiece of Tula, symbolizing the authority and opulence of the Nebtawi Dynasty.

It is a place where the king resides, surrounded by luxury and decadence, overseeing the affairs of the kingdom.


Currently, a tense meeting is underway in one of the meeting chambers inside the grand palace.

King Sobek II, filled with fury, unleashes his anger upon the people gathered in the room from his elevated chair. All eyes remain fixed on the floor, avoiding direct eye contact with the enraged monarch.

Many members of the King's council were present, including Dulan, the king's advisor; Salmek, Admiral of the 01rd royal fleet; Tipu, General of the 01st royal army; and Zimri, a representative from the royal intelligence branch.

They sat facing each other, with five chairs on the left and five on the right, and the king's chair positioned at the center on the other end.

The room was also filled with their numerous aides. Standing behind the chairs.

"What do you mean you couldn't find them!!?"

"Three months they have been looking yet there is not a single clue of where the rebel hide out is!!?"

The king roars, his voice reverberating across the chamber.

The question is directed at Admiral Salmek, a stout and unimposing figure with oily hair, whose appearance belies his position of authority within the royal fleet.

One cannot help but question how such a man attained the rank of Admiral.

"I offer my sincere apologies, great king."

Salmek stammers, nervously clutching a handkerchief and using it to wipe the beads of sweat from his forehead.

"Our fleet intelligence has exerted their utmost efforts to track down the rebels."

"Utmost efforts, you say?"

King Sobek retorts, his voice dripping with disdain.

"If that were truly the case, the rebels would have been obliterated long ago."

The king's dissatisfaction with Salmek's response is palpable, his frustration evident in his piercing gaze and the sharpness of his words.

King Sobek leaned forward in his chair, his piercing gaze fixed on Zimri, a representative from the royal inteligence branch.

A young man, exuded a sense of confidence and arrogance, knowing the importance of his role.

"Zimri, report! What have your agents uncovered about the whereabouts of those treacherous rebels?"

"Your Majesty, our intelligence suggests that the rebels have managed to evade our tracking efforts. There is no solid evidence of their current location or their next move."

Sobek frowned, his impatience evident.

"No signs? No clues? How is that possible? Are our agents incompetent?"

Zimri took a deep breath, maintaining his composure before continuing.

"It seems, Your Majesty, that the rebels have been engaging in small-scale skirmishes with our royal forces across multiple worlds. These engagements are strategically designed to remain beneath your attention, but simultaneously signify their presence."

Zimri waited for a brief pause giving time for the King to absorb the information before calmly adding the crucial information.

"There is something more, Your Majesty. Our agents have reported sightings of a new weapon in rebel hands. It is an unknown blaster model, more powerful than our own AN-2 lasrifle."

Sobek's eyes widened with a mix of disbelief and concern. So is everyone else. The room fell into a hushed silence as the weight of the revelation settled upon them.

A new blaster model, more powerful than their own AN-2 lasrifle?

The question echoed in their minds, stirring a sense of unease and urgency.

The AN-2 lasrifle had been a recent development, manufactured only a year ago. Only the RT-lasrifle from the Aldebaran Confederacy that could rival their own.

To think that the rebels possessed something that surpassed their own technology was a troubling realization.

"A new weapon? How did they acquire such technology? And why do you think it superior ?"

He cleared his throat before answering.

"Your Majesty, the rebel blaster exhibits several distinct advantages over our AN-2 lasrifle."

Everyone have their full attention for Zimri's report.

"Firstly, it boasts a sleeker design, which enhances maneuverability and ease of use. Secondly, it possesses greater firepower and range, allowing the rebels to engage our forces from a distance with increased effectiveness. Lastly, the rebel blaster is notably lighter in weight compared to more bulkier and heavier AN-2, which provides them with an advantage in terms of mobility and agility."

Zimri concluded.

"While we are still gathering more intelligence on this new weapon, Your Majesty, it is evident that the rebels now possess a significant technological advantage. We must proceed with caution and adapt our strategies accordingly to mitigate this threat."

He then remember something, and chastise himself for almost forget.

"Furthermore, Your Majesty, there is an intriguing aspect to this rebel blaster. When one of our soldier get his hands on this blaster, it becomes inoperable. It appears to have a built-in mechanism or something that prevents unauthorized use."

"We have promptly handed it over to the Royal Armory for further analysis. Our experts are currently examining the weapon to understand the nature of this mechanism and determine if there are any vulnerabilities that can be exploited."

Zimri emphasized.

"Rest assured, Your Majesty, we are actively working to unravel the mysteries surrounding this new weapon. Our goal is to devise countermeasures and develop strategies that will neutralize its threat and restore our technological advantage."

The king listened intently, his expression reflecting a mix of concern.

He knew that swift action and decisive measures were necessary to address this unexpected development in the rebels' arsenal.

"Very well, Zimri. I trust in your abilities. Ensure that every resource is allocated to this investigation. We cannot allow these rebels to gain any advantage over our forces."

Zimri bowed respectfully before leaning back on his comfy chair.

"I also have something to report, your majesty. It is also related to the new tech that the rebel have."

The king and everyone focused their attention to Tipu, the General of the 01st royal army.

Tipu, cleared his throat and begin his report.

"A couple days ago, our hyperspace beacon on the planet Tannas has been raided by the rebel. It is a relatively small raid, but the concerning part is that this rebel have some sort of hover bike with a powerful blaster canon.These bikes are incredibly agile and fast, allowing the rebels to strike swiftly and unexpectedly."

"What?! How is it possible that our forces are being outmatched by a group riding hover bikes? This is unacceptable! Incompetence, I tell you!"

Tipu quickly explained try to calm down the once again raging King.

"Your Majesty, please allow me to explain. It was not a large-scale raid. The rebels arrived swiftly on their hover bikes, launched an attack using their hover bike blaster canon, and vanished just as quickly. The speed and agility of their bikes caught our soldiers off guard. We conclude that this is like some kind of test drive of their new found tech."

"But still, to be caught of guard by a mere group of rebels on hover bikes? This is a disgrace! How did they acquire such advanced weaponry? We need answers!"

Dulan, the king's advisor, adorned in a robe embellished with opulent accessories that showcased his wealth, interjected into the ongoing discussion. His voice dripped with arrogance as he addressed Tipu's assessment.

"Indeed, Your Majesty. The sudden appearance of these new weapons raises questions about their origin. But let us not forget, they are still rebels. No matter what new technology they possess, they cannot match the might of our industrial capabilities."

Dulan's arrogant and condescending demeanor became evident as he dismissed the rebels' advancements, believing that their new weapons were insignificant in comparison to the kingdom's power. He relished the opportunity to showcase the superiority of their forces and put the rebels in their rightful place.

He will teach them how to treat your better.

The other council members exchanged glances, some with a hint of annoyance at Dulan's dismissive attitude.

They understood the gravity of the situation and the need to address the rebels' growing capabilities, regardless of their status.

But they know if they argue, Dulan will just dismiss them. So they just choose to ignore him.

So Zimri tried to give some sense to the King.

"Even still Majesty, we must intensify our efforts to gather intelligence and uncover the source of this threat. It is imperative that we address this issue swiftly and decisively."

The other agreed with Zimri's opinion. The King nodded to him.

"Agreed. I want all available resources allocated to this investigation. We cannot allow anymore challenge to our authority. Find out where they obtained these weapons and neutralize this threat immediately!"

"I assure you, Your Majesty, we will leave no stone unturned in our pursuit of the truth. We will bring an end to this rebellion and ensure the safety and security of our kingdom."

Answer Zimri, puffing his chest.

The discussion continued, as they delved into strategies to bring an end to the rebellion that had persisted for over 40 years.

This was not the first time the kingdom had faced rebellion, but none had endured for such a prolonged period in its long history.

"It is because Aurelian Primus was once one of our own Admirals that this rebellion has persisted."

Salmek cautiously voiced his opinion, careful not to offend the king.

The mention of Primus, who had formerly served as an admiral in the royal fleet, was a delicate matter.

"I concur."

Zimri added, his expression serious.

"Primus is intimately familiar with the inner workings of our fleet, and he has used that knowledge to his advantage."

"He is nothing but a disgrace."

the king sneered, his distaste for Primus evident.

"If he had not been so easily swayed by the Dorunan incident, he could have become a grand admiral for the entire royal fleet."

The expressions on the council members' faces varied. The mention of Primus's name had stirred up strong emotions within the room, highlighting the complex nature of their relationship with the former admiral.

The Dorunan incident, also known as the Dorunan Massacre by the rebellion, was a dark event in which the people of the agricultural world of Doruna rose up in protest against their oppressive governor.

The governor had subjected the populace to unpaid labor, cruelty, and other heinous acts, pushing them to their breaking point.

Frustrated and desperate for change, the people took to the streets to voice their grievances.

In his fear, the governor sought assistance from King Ihotep at the time, who dispatched troops under the command of Aurelian Primus, then an esteemed admiral.

However, when faced with the governor's demand to bombard the protesting masses, Aurelian Primus made a fateful decision. He refused to carry out the orders.

This act of defiance against his superiors led to Aurelian's arrest for insubordination.

Meanwhile, the governor, now issuing direct orders to the troops, commanded them to mercilessly massacre the protesting people.

It was in that moment that Aurelian Primus, witnessing the atrocities committed by those he once served, made a life-altering decision—to rebel.

The Dorunan massacre served as a breaking point in Primus's life.

As an admiral, he had often been confronted with the government's wrongdoing and witnessed the atrocities committed against innocent people.

However, he chose to remain silent, attempting to mitigate the damage and maintain a sense of justice within the flawed system. And then the Dorunan massacre happen.

"The inhabitants of Doruna deserve what they got. They should not be allowed to defy the authority of their governor. They are mere ordinary people, and their duty is to serve their leader."

Dulan continued, echoing the king's sentiments with a condescending tone. Many in the room nodded in agreement. But many not so sure, so they keep their mouth shut.

"Its been five years since he has been killed, it is his son who is now leading their rebel group."

"Aurelian was just a child hardly a threat."

Dulan added dismissively of Tipu's comment.

Tipu pondered deeply, searching for strategies to counter Aurelian.

Neither he nor Dulan considered Aurelian a significant threat. Although he has proved to be as good as his father in the last five years, he still not a threat to their eyes.

However, the recent emergence of the new weapon had stirred some concern within Tipu, prompting him to explore potential countermeasures.

"Your Majesty."

Dulan interjects, his voice laced with a subtle tone of sycophancy.

"perhaps we should consider alternative methods to quell this rebellion. Diplomatic negotiations, perhaps?"

King Sobek's eyes narrow as he turns his gaze towards Dulan, his patience wearing thin.


he scoffs, his voice dripping with disgust.

"These rebels killed my father, defied my rule, tarnishing our glorious Kingdom, and you want to negotiate ? they deserve nothing but swift and decisive annihilation!"

Ten years ago, Aurelian Primus ambushed the previous king, Ihotep, when he visited one of his pleasure planets.

The king's entourage was caught off guard, unable to stop the rebel onslaught on the king's ship, leading to its destruction.

Seeking vengeance, King Sobek sent an assassin to kill Primus, which was successfully accomplished five years ago.

Dulan, realizing the gravity of his suggestion, quickly attempts to save himself from the king's wrath.

"Of course not, Great King,"

he stammers, his voice trembling.

"What I mean is that we could send an invitation to the rebel leader, Aurelian. He is young and inexperienced, and they have been on the run since we attacked their main base on Nimbor VI."

"I have confidence that Aurelian will at least entertain the idea of listening,"

Dulan continues, his voice laced with conviction.

"We will bring him to a location of our choosing and ambush him. By eliminating him, the rebellion will crumble. After all, he is not his father."

As Dulan explains his plan with misplaced pride, the room fills with a mixture of disbelief and bewilderment.

The gathered individuals beside Tipu, recognize the inherent flaws in Dulan's strategy.

'What a stupid idea'

some whisper under their breath, their faces contorted with skepticism. They know all too well that Aurelian is just as dangerous as his father, if not more so. In previous encounters, Aurelian had consistently outmaneuvered and outwitted the royal army.

However, their previous reports and warnings to the royal court had fallen on deaf ears, resulting in a dangerous underestimation of their adversary.

Regrettably, the King found merit in Dulan's proposal.

"That's an excellent plan, Dulan. Proceed with it."

the King declared.

Dulan's slimy smile widened as he nodded in agreement, pleased to have received the King's approval.

'We are doomed. The king and his advisor is a moron'

Some of the aides of the council member silently thought.

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