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Chapter 34: Chapter 34

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"That match was at an incredibly high level..."

Tatsuya used the ending signal as a BGM and said in exhilaration. The match itself was a completely one-sided affair.

His comment on level was in regards to the magic used as well as its application.

Especially Hattori, whose skillful use of magic techniques was enough to prompt him to hope "Miyuki learns a thing or two from him". (He didn't say "he could learn something", because he had arrived at the conclusion that he was incapable of imitating that level of skill.)

Tatsuya never overly underestimated Hattori. Even though he had defeated the man in a match, that was only because he seized the initiative and got under his guard. Tatsuya recognized this from a completely objective perspective.

Compared to Magic Power, his magic application was even more skillful. Tatsuya already had an inkling of this given his many opportunities to see Hattori in action.

Still, that earlier display of might honestly exceeded his expectations. (I am still a long ways off from getting an accurate read on others...)

"Next match will be the finals."

Utterly ignorant of Tatsuya's mental struggles, Honoka innocently opened up.

For her, it was only natural that the Student Council Vice President boasted great skill.

The word "natural" shook Tatsuya out of his reverie.

Isn't it only natural to not read others accurately? He was only a high school student after all.

Tatsuya's mental status was still stuck in his persona as the Special Lieutenant from the Independent Magic-Equipped Battalion from last night and it was only now that he reverted to the high school student Shiba Tatsuya.

"The finals begin at 1 PM, and it's a little early for lunch..."

"Will you take us for a few cold drinks, Onii-sama?"

"Agreed. Ice cream would be even better."

Hearing Miyuki's suggestion, Shizuku swiftly assented.

He had no duties as a technician today.

Nor did he have to worry about any hindrances from any criminal organizations.

Occasionally, it wasn't bad to indulge in the life of a high school student — Tatsuya thought and made his decision.

"I saw a concession truck earlier, would that be acceptable?"

"Yes, let's go!"

Tatsuya tossed aside any thoughts regarding how others would see one young man leading three beautiful young ladies and led Miyuki and company to the ice cream concession area.

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The finals for Monolith Code was set for the "Valley".

In order to pass along the board's decision, Mayumi visited the players' resting area.

Surely a simple matter like passing the word along didn't necessitate the Student Council President's appearance.

In reality, if that's all there was, Mayumi probably wouldn't show up in person.

"Juumonji-kun, are you here?"

After speaking into the intercom near the entrance, someone immediately replied with "Right away".

Shortly afterwards, Katsuto appeared wearing a vest and protective leggings as he used his head to raise the cloth hanging over the doorway.

"Apologies for my wardrobe."

"Don't worry. It's not like you're indecent." Katsuto was covered in the scent of alcohol. And not because he was drinking.

That must be because his deodorant contained alcoholic content. He delayed coming out immediately probably to spare Mayumi the scent of sweat clinging to him. While he wasn't a feminist of any sort, he was undeniably a gentleman. It was just like Katsuto to notice all the small details without mentioning anything aloud, Mayumi thought.

"So, what is it?"

Mayumi had set aside her official business and was busy ruminating over nonsensical things when Katsuto's question shook her back to reality.

"The setting for the finals has been decided. Can you come with me for a minute?"

If this was all there was, one sentence would have been sufficient.

Yet, Katsuto didn't ask "why" or "what for" as he quietly followed behind Mayumi.

Mayumi led Katsuto to the same room where she spoke with Tatsuya three days ago.

Just like three days ago, she erected a soundproof barrier and started speaking quietly with the already seated Katsuto.

"Father sent a coded missive. Apparently, this is the directive from the clan meeting."


"Looks like Juumonji-kun hasn't received it yet, right?"


Though Katsuto's response was unexpected, but coded missives from the clan meetings generally took a considerable time alone to decipher. The Juumonji Family must have felt that even though this was the break time between matches, the captain being absent for a long period of time would rouse suspicion. That was Mayumi's take on the situation.

Mayumi and Katsuto were on a different footing than the other members on the team.

This difference was not because they were the Student Council President and Club Group Leader, but because their social standing was inherently different.

Mayumi was a direct descendant of one of the current Ten Master Clans.

Katsuto's standing was even more unique.

Not only was he a direct descendant, but, unlike Mayumi, he was also the heir of the Juumonji Family.

Among all the students in the Nine Schools Competition, only Masaki could stand on equal footing with Katsuto.

"Two days ago, didn't Tatsuya-kun defeat Ichijou-kun?"

"...So what?"

Katsuto's question wasn't "why are you bring this up", but "so what". Nay, in reality his question was a mere formality.

"The Ten Master Clans stand at the pinnacle of this country's


Magicians who bear the name of the Ten Master Clans must be the strongest Magicians in the country."

Mayumi's voice contained an ironic tone. The ideas she was expressing were not her own, but came from her father, and by extension were the "doctrine" handed down by the clan meeting. She probably believed otherwise, but right now the clan meeting's "doctrine" overrode her own personal philosophy.

"Even a high school game cannot allow people to suspect that the power of the Ten Master Clans is anything but absolute. That's probably what they're driving at."

"But, that match can't simply be dismissed as fun and games." The rebuttal was only words, but the tone was relaxed and light.

"In other words, the clan meeting asked for a match to aggrandize the might of the Ten Master Clans, did I get that right?"


I just don't want to force such a ridiculous burden onto



Rather, this is a duty that naturally falls to the next heir of the

Juumonji Family like myself. Sorry for causing you so much worry."

"That's nothing really..."

Likely due to her terrible mood, Mayumi rarely cut loose with a barrage of sincere grousing.

"Seriously, this is ludicrous... Even if Tatsuya-kun was a side branch, so long as he had the bloodline of the Ten Master Clans, then he wouldn't be embroiled in this third-rate farce..."

Katsuto didn't comment on Mayumi's complaints.

"Just leave it to me."

He didn't show any outward sign of emotion as he calmly replied.

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First High was against Third High for the Monolith Code finals.

The back stories behind this match up were legion, to the point that it could even be called a "fateful showdown", but the finals were even more one-sided than the semifinals.

Maybe it was just karma.

Everything Masaki did to Eighth High in the Newcomers Division was returned with interest.

The setting for this match was the "Valley".

From the get go, anything that utilized the terrain, such as flying icicles, falling rocks, or even boiling spray, was sent hurtling towards Katsuto in an endless stream.

However, Katsuto's barrier reflected all the attacks. Every motion vector was reversed.

Electromagnetic waves (including light) were refracted. Molecular oscillation was adjusted back to a stable value. Psion intrusion was denied.

All attacks were obstructed by the multi-layered defensive barrier. Nothing could stop Katsuto's advance.

Multi-layer Move-Type Defensive Magic "Phalanx".

This magic, while putting the real value of the Magicians from the Juumonji Family on full display, was not simply a sustained magic barrier, but a multi-layered barrier that continuously refreshed itself.

This was just like a dense formation of heavy infantry that marched as one to increase the group's defensive power and then translate that power into offense.

Once the foremost rank of soldiers fell, the next rank would immediately fill in and maintain the defense. This magic inherited the name from that ancient formation and displayed defensive prowess and suffocating pressure worthy of its lofty name.

Katsuto was situated in a narrow arena as he steadily advanced step by step towards the enemy's position.

The players from Third High couldn't ignore or avoid him.

If they let up on the attack, surely they would be instantly engulfed by a decisive attack...

Each step increased the pressure a little more, forcing them to cling onto that belief and urged them to press the assault.

Though they were unable to penetrate that wall, they should still have exhausted the defender somewhat. Yet compared to the three panting players from Third High, there was nary a sign of fatigue on Katsuto's part.

When there were only a paltry 10 meters or so between the two sides, Katsuto finally came to a stop.

He stopped his slow, plodding advance,

And bunched all his energy together to kick off the floor.

A boulder-like body flew through the air while parallel to the ground.

He cast Speed·Move Magic on himself, then adopted a shoulder tackle position as he crashed into the enemy players. His impermeable barrier remained active the entire time.

One of the players from Third High was sent flying by the sudden impact against this indomitable barrier.

Katsuto's gigantic frame didn't stop for even a second before changing course for the next enemy.

Before this insurmountable barrier and the overwhelming interference strength attached to it, magical defenses and momentum shifting became meaningless.

The players from Third High were helplessly smashed aside as the Monolith Code finals drew to a close.

This complete victory served to crown First High's overall victory with a fresh crown of laurels.

Seeing Katsuto raise his hands in response to the applause, Tatsuya and his friends also applauded, but were all unable to speak.

Dominant was no longer sufficient to describe what just happened. Besides terrifying and tremendous, no other words would suffice.

The tactic itself was simple.

Simple enough to describe this as a trial by brute force. Yet that magic — was not "simply" brute force.

He continuously cycled between the Four Great Systems and Eight Major Types at irregular intervals while creating new barriers — an awe-inspiring "difficult" brute force.


So that's the Juumonji Family's 'Phalanx', eh..."

Besides ordinary expressions, even Miyuki had nothing left to say. This showed that she was shocked by what just happened.

He could understand that sentiment. But disagreed with her words.


I doubt that's the original 'Phalanx'."

Multi-layered Defensive Magic "Phalanx" was practically another name for the Juumonji Family.

However, most people never got a chance to catch a glimpse of this magic.

That's because, in general, there was no need to create a barrier that defended against all major systems and types of magic.

Under the condition that multiple Magicians were attacking the same target, more attacks would lead to an increase in the variability in the types of attack magic and increase the risk for magic interference. All of this was well known.

It wasn't that Tatsuya had beheld this magic before.

In the earlier match, the multi-layered barrier that Katsuto cast did include magic from all systems and types of magic.

That truly was "Phalanx".

Still, Tatsuya wasn't able to accept this conjecture so easily.

"That final attack...

It's hard to imagine that was the original purpose of the 'Phalanx'."

Rather than calling this a leap of logic, this was closer to his intuition. Even if he believed that the real Phalanx was reserved for something far more terrifying.

"If Onii-sama says so, then that must be how it is. In that case...

Juumonji-senpai certainly has an intimidating power." Tatsuya agreed.

While he was clapping in appreciation, Tatsuya suddenly felt Katsuto's eyes sweep over him.

Katsuto raised his fist to the heavens and basked in his victory.

Tatsuya saw that, for an instant, Katsuto's gaze matched his own and, in that instant, he revealed a wide smile.

I am stronger than you — that was the declaration Tatsuya read from Katsuto's eyes.

The grace of kings that forced one to their knees without resorting to brute force.

But at the end of the day, that was only political sophistry.

Before battle was even joined, the awesome might of absolute terror that forced their opponents to abandon their swords and any hope of resistance was the true mark of kings.

Katsuto, he who returned the cheers of victory, understood the value of that power and how to utilize it. He carried the majesty of a monarch.

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