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Chapter 19: Ra/Chaos

"Who let you in here little one?" A voice boomed, standing tall as another man was walking calmly down the road.

"Hey!" The being yelled, getting in front of the man and looking him straight in the face.

The man who had emerged in the realm and began walking down the road looked at the being, his eyes a mesmerizing shade of black, like the depths of a starless night. He wore an enigmatic smirk that hinted at secrets and mischief, and a long, dark cloak billowed around him, as if moved by unseen winds.

His strangest and most unique feature however, were the black wings attached to his back.

"Who am I, you ask?" the man replied, his voice dripping with a mixture of arrogance and amusement. "Why, I am but a wanderer in this realm, seeking to explore its wonders and engage in thrilling encounters. Find myself yada yada... Just a bit of soul searching friend."

The being narrowed its eyes, unyielding in the face of this mysterious intruder. "You don't belong here. This is not a place for wanderers or thrill-seekers. This realm is guarded for a reason."

The black-eyed man chuckled, the sound echoing through the fiery expanse. "Guarded? Ah, little one, I fear you misunderstand. I am not bound by the rules that govern your realm, or any realm for that matter. I am a free spirit, a being of chaos and mischief. And I see you have quite the power within you."

A flicker of curiosity and suspicion crossed the being's features. "What do you want?"

The man's smirk widened. "I already said it didn't I?" Lucifer said with a sigh as he lashed out, slamming his fist in the beings face. "Soul searching."

Anger surged within the being as it summoned its own power to retaliate. Flames erupted from its form, blazing with an intensity that could rival Zeus's lightning bolt.

"Hmm, wasn't expecting more gods in this realm, a bit disappointing not gonna lie," Lucifer said as the god formed a huge fiery ball, sending it flying toward him at super sonic speeds.

"Give me that!" Lucifer yelled, using steal and feeling a connection to the fiery ball, quickly sending it back to the god even faster than it was surging toward him.

The god quickly burst the ball of fire, glaring down at Lucifer. "You've piqued my interest little angel. Congrats on lasting this long with the sun god Ra…"


Lucifer stood up straight, staring at the man with a strange look on his face. "Your name is Ra? That's so shit, and here I thought Lucifer was a terrible name, thank god I didn't end up with that shit." Ra growled and rushed toward Lucifer, his body widening and growing as he swung forward, a blinding light erupting from his fist.

Lucifer inhaled slowly, his heart pounding as he exhaled and black energy burst around Ra.

"W-What is this!" The god yelled, looking at it spreading all over his body.

"C'mon mate, I told you it's soul searching, though… You're strong enough for me to take all your godly energy."

As the black energy enveloped Ra, the god's powerful form trembled, and his blinding light dimmed. Lucifer's smirk remained, his eyes gleaming with a newfound intensity. The god's strength flowed into him, mingling with his chaotic essence, absorbing the very essence of a divine being.

"You can't… you can't do this!" Ra protested, his voice weakening as the black energy drained him. "I am a god! You can't steal my power!"

"Hahahahahaha... Ha, Now Ra, clearly that isn't true, right? I've been alive for nearly 5,000 years now and one thing I've learned in all that time..." Lucifer said as he got close to the god, his eyes a creepy matte black, voids replaced his pupils, a stark contrast to his normal emerald eyes.

The god struggled, trying to resist the relentless drain on his power, but it was no use. Lucifer's black wings unfurled, and he embraced the divine energy coursing through him, growing stronger with each passing moment. The power of the god surged through him, and he reveled in the exhilarating rush.

As the last vestiges of Ra's divine power were absorbed, Lucifer's black wings flapped with newfound strength, and he looked upon the weakened god with a mix of triumph and indifference.

"Now, now, Ra, don't despair," Lucifer said, a mocking tone in his voice. "You should be honored. Your power will be put to much better use in my hands. Chaos doesn't discriminate, after all."

With that final taunt, Lucifer turned away from Ra, his dark cloak billowing behind him. The god was left gasping for breath, his once formidable power diminished to mere embers.

"Find myself huh... I will alright. The most evil being in all the realms!" Lucifer yelled, a crazed smile on his face.

He... Had gotten worse.

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