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Chapter 3: Chapter 3

The musky smell of books filled the air. I have finally found where the library was in this castle after weeks of being here. It gave off a completely different feeling from all of the other rooms in this wing of the palace. The library was still as luxurious as everything else but it had a more relaxing vibe to it. It doesn't feel like a golden bird cage here. I walked through the bookcases to find a history book of some sort. History might be the most important thing to learn to succeed here. During my search, I found books about magic and sorcery along with what I was originally searching for. I sat down on one of the velvet armchairs. Excitement bubbled inside of my stomach as I opened the book.

I read and read for hours. One book after another, I filled myself with information. The history books I read had piles of information that sated my original curiosity while giving me bunches of new questions. So from my research, I found that this world is indeed called Adeolone. There are plenty of insane theories as to how this world came to be. One book said that the gods created this world as a place for relaxation. Another said that the world was created with the essence of mana but that made no sense.

There was plenty of information in the books about the other kingdoms as well. Floribus Provinciae is appearently where it all starts. The book titled 'Where The Flowers Lie: History of Floribus Provinciae' was all about the purity of fae. Though it was a bit biased, it gave great insight into what they value. The more ancient races started at that kingdom so that's pretty interesting.

Militibus Loco is the second most ancient kingdom. It has some of the fiercest heroes in this world. The books that talk about this kingdom are all about warriors like Donovan Hild or their warrior kings. One of the more interesting things that I've read are about the minor wolf packs. This was probably the only kingdom that the books get really in depth with about the different territories.

Next is the kingdom Punctum Disendi. This is the kingdom I found most intriguing because it had so many inspiring people. It is the pinnacle of knowledge in this world and has plenty of researchers.

Regione Libido is a place for entertainment. It is one of the more 'evil' places, but not truly. It is just the place that people have the most thoughts against. It wasn't one of the most interesting places to learn about though.

Delicae Terra, where I am now, is the newest kingdom. It is by far the most mixed kingdom in Adeolone. Unfortunately since it's so new, there isn't enough information to read about Delicae Terra

After recapping all the information that I learned about, I heard the sound of a book drop. My curiosity got the best of me and I moved my legs to check it out. From behind a bookcase, I stared at the young girl reading a book called "Guide to Reading People" and a stack of books next to her all on psychology. She'd probably pick up the book she dropped.

"Your Highness?" I whispered. Her eyes darted towards me and a mask of embarrassment covered her face. She tucked the book she was reading behind her and was awkwardly covering her stack of books with her tiny hands. If you can't imagine, it didn't do much.

"Elaine. Hehe, I was going to find you in a bit. What are you doing here?" she asked.

''Just reading some history. You?" I replied back.

"Do you like history? I can include you in some of my lessons since you are my playmate." She rushed to say. Anthea was obviously trying to change the subject but since she shares my need for knowledge, I will leave it for now.

"That would be great, Your Highness," I answered. Her eyebrows scrunched up and a heavy sigh escaped her mouth. "Something wrong Your Highness?"

"That is what's wrong! You've been here for a month, Elaine and you still haven't called me by my name!" she groaned.

What the heck? She is a princess! How am I supposed to know when to call her by her name?

"Your Highness, that is a bit improper," I said with an eyebrow raised.

"Fine. We'll get there someday!" she replied cheerfully. "Matilda, can you please send these books to my room?" Anthea said to the maid.

"Yes, Your Highness," the maid said. She then looked towards me. "My Lady, would you like me to send your books to your room as well?" I nodded and gave her my stack of books. My heart broke as I thought of how long it would take me to get back to them.

Then the princess pointed a stick at me to hold onto. This is something she has been doing for the last week. In her own words, since she can't hold my hand to drag me places, she will use a stick. I appreciate it though. She's a respectful friend which is nice. It gives me a strange feeling of deja vu sometimes. I grab the stick and she starts pulling me through the castle to her room. During the time I've been here, I have found out that she has just moved to this wing to be near her father. Once we got to her room, I saw two sets of commoners clothing on her white chantelle sofa. I looked towards her, asking questions through my eyes.

"We are going to the town!" she exclaimed

"In commoners clothes?" It wasn't that I was complaining. This is a great chance to see what is in Delicae Terra, but why in commoners clothes?

"It isn't fun to go in my regular clothes. People in the towns I go to like it better if I am in cotton clothes."

"But wouldn't you get treated better in your regular clothing?" I asked. She let out an exaggerated groan.

"You don't get it!" she whined "People treat me better because they have to, not because of who I am! When I dress like this, I get to work my natural charm!"

"Okay, okay, I get it," I replied. It's strange hearing that from such a young child. She's only seven? I looked her in the eyes and she gave me a cheeky grin. What a cocky child.

"I am going to change in the bathroom! You change here, okay?"

"Kay." She grabbed the clothes and ran into the bathroom. Going over to the couch, I felt the dress fabric. Soft. So much for true commoners clothing. After I took off my palace gown, I slipped on the commoners dress. It felt like a fuzzy hug. I rubbed my arms and was practically hugging myself. I jumped on the white and gold velvet couch and cuddled myself into a nap.

"Elaine!" I heard. A poking feeling was annoying me on my waist. I slapped away the thing multiple times but it kept going. I groaned as I got up.

"What?" I questioned my peace attacker.

"We gotta get going, sleepyhead! If we don't go now, it'll be too late!" Anthea explained. I got up and grabbed the stick she was holding out and she dragged me out the castle through the gates.

"We aren't taking any guards or maids?"

"Nope! We aren't taking a carriage either."

"What!" I yelled "We aren't taking a carriage!?"

"That is what I said," she cockily explained

"How are we going to get there?"

"We're going to walk halfway then we can get a townsman's carriage to get us the rest of the way."

"Where are we going?" I groggily asked in my sleepy state.

"The closest wolf pack," Anthea nonchalantly said.


RuuTai RuuTai

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