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Chapter 3: Shutoku

As the minutes ticked by in the game, Ryo's presence on the court became increasingly noticeable. He had managed to intercept several of Midorima's shots, much to the astonishment of everyone watching. His natural athleticism was making up for his lack of basketball experience, disrupting Midorima's rhythm.

Takao, always one for playful banter, couldn't resist a jab at his teammate. "Looks like the newbie's got your number, Midorima," he teased with a grin.

Midorima, slightly annoyed, pushed up his glasses and retorted, "Don't bother me, Takao."

In a pivotal moment, Hyuga, seizing an opportunity, passed the ball to Ryo. Midorima, quick on the defense, approached Ryo and challenged, "Alright, let's see how you do on offense."

Ryo, feeling the pressure, attempted a fake. His move was awkward and unrefined, a stark contrast to his defensive prowess. Midorima watched the clumsy maneuver with a mixture of surprise and disdain. 'Incredibly bad,' he thought.

With the ease of a seasoned player, Midorima swiftly stole the ball from Ryo, capitalizing on the rookie mistake. He moved back, found his spot, and with his flawless shooting form, scored another three-pointer for Shutoku.

The score now reflected Midorima's offensive retaliation, but the crowd and the players were still buzzing from Ryo's defensive impact. Ryo, slightly embarrassed by his offensive blunder, shook his head and refocused. He realized he had much to learn, but his determination was unwavering.

Riko, watching from the sidelines, shouted words of encouragement, "Don't worry about it, Ryo! Keep up the defense. You're doing great!"

Kuroko approached Ryo, his expression calm and focused. "Don't worry about offense, just concentrate on guarding Midorima. You're the only one who can match him," he advised.

Ryo, feeling a mix of frustration and determination, nodded in agreement. "Alright," he said, refocusing his energy on defense.

The game progressed with Seirin's Shun Izuki making a sharp pass to Ryo. Once again, Midorima was quick to guard him. Ryo, visibly annoyed, tried to shake off Midorima's tight defense, but his efforts were in vain.

In a moment of frustration mixed with inspiration, Ryo resorted to an unconventional move. He hurled the ball across the court and sprinted after it with incredible speed. Midorima, taken aback by the unexpected tactic and Ryo's burst of speed, couldn't hide his surprise.

Ryo reached the ball just before it went out of bounds. Without hesitating, he took a shot from the edge of the three-point line. Hyuga, watching the play unfold, thought to himself, 'Is he going for a three-pointer? Can he really make that?'

The ball soared towards the basket, an ambitious and risky shot. But it missed by a wide margin. Hyuga, understanding the difficulty of such a shot, especially for a newcomer, thought, 'Of course, it's normal to miss that.'

Midorima, clearly annoyed by Ryo's audacious attempt at a long-range shot, approached him with a stern look. "Not just anyone can make those shots. Show some respect, rookie."

Ryo, his temper flaring, shot back, "Who are you calling a rookie? Stupid four-eyes."

Midorima, taken aback by the insult, retorted in disbelief, "Four-eyes??"

The game continued with intense energy. With only two minutes left on the clock, the atmosphere in the gym was electric. Shutoku was quickly advancing in a counterattack. Ryo, determined to make up for his previous mistake, ran to intercept Takao but was easily outmaneuvered.

In a swift turn of events, Shun Izuki managed to steal the ball. Ryo felt a tingling sensation surge through his body - his striker's instinct kicking in. Without a second thought, he dashed towards the opposing basket with incredible speed.

Kuroko, always aware of his teammates' movements, noticed Ryo's sudden burst and prepared himself. Midorima, recognizing the threat, chased after Ryo, yelling, "I won't let you get away!"

Shun passed the ball to Kuroko, who was now in control. Midorima was close on Ryo's heels, but Ryo, using his agility, executed a stunning fake. Midorima, caught off guard by the unexpected move, stumbled slightly.

In that brief moment, Kuroko lobbed the ball towards Ryo. Leaping into the air with remarkable height, Ryo reached for the ball. The gymnasium fell silent as he soared, his body a perfect blend of strength and grace.

With Midorima below him, Ryo caught the ball and, in one fluid motion, slammed it through the hoop with a powerful dunk. The rim rattled under the force of the shot, echoing through the gym.

The crowd erupted in cheers and applause. Even the Seirin players, who had been momentarily stunned, began to celebrate. Midorima landed, his expression a mix of shock and admiration.

As Ryo landed back on the court after his electrifying dunk, his teammates rushed towards him, their faces lit up with exhilaration.

Hyuga was the first to reach him, slapping him on the back. "That was insane, Ryo!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with excitement.

Shun joined in, grinning broadly. "You're a natural, man! Where did that come from?"

Kuroko, with his usual calm demeanor, added, "Great job, Ryo. You surprised everyone."

Ryo, surrounded by his newfound teammates, couldn't help but smile, feeling a sense of belonging and achievement.

On the other side of the court, the Shutoku coach, Nobunaga Shimura, watched Ryo closely, his expression thoughtful. 'So he's a rookie. Poor dribbling, defensive skills, ball control, and more. But despite that, his physical power is tremendous,' he analyzed, considering Ryo's potential impact on future games.

Riko, standing on the sidelines, observed Ryo with a proud smile. In her mind, she was piecing together his potential contributions to the team. 'Ryo's physical strength is a significant asset, but it's not his main weapon. What really stands out is his instinct for the game. Right now, he can dunk, but once he learns to shoot and defend, he'll be the one controlling the play. Yes, he'll be the one pulling the strings for Seirin.'

Midorima, with his signature calm demeanor, dribbled the ball methodically as he prepared for his next move. His gaze was fixed on the basket, a clear intention in his mind. "Hmp, jumps high and is fast, yes, but basketball is more than that," he muttered under his breath, acknowledging Ryo's physical prowess while also underlining his own belief in skill over raw talent.

Positioning himself on his side of the court, Midorima was ready to showcase one of his most impressive skills. He had the rare ability to shoot from virtually anywhere on the court, a talent that had earned him a formidable reputation.

Hyuga, realizing Midorima's intention, cursed under his breath. "Damn, I forgot he can shoot from anywhere!" The realization hit him like a wave, the threat of Midorima's long-range capabilities suddenly at the forefront of his mind.

"Stop him!" Riko shouted from the sidelines, her voice filled with urgency. She knew what Midorima was capable of, and allowing him to take such a shot could be devastating for Seirin's morale and their slim chance of closing the gap in the score.

As Midorima launched the ball towards the basket, a long arc tracing through the air, Ryo reacted with incredible speed. In a moment that seemed to defy gravity, he leaped into the air, intercepting the ball mid-flight. It wasn't just a block; Ryo caught the ball with both hands, an act so unexpected that it left both teams in shock.

"HOW?!" Midorima thought in disbelief. His shot, which was almost always a guaranteed score, had been stopped, not just blocked but caught. The realization that Ryo had managed to do something so improbable against one of his shots was a jarring experience for the green-haired shooter.

Landing gracefully on the court, Ryo didn't waste a moment. With a swift motion, he passed the ball to Shun Izuki, who was already making his way towards the basket.

Shun caught the pass perfectly and, without hesitation, scored. The gym erupted into cheers for Seirin, the momentum of the game shifting palpably in their favor.

As the teams reset for the next play, the Seirin bench was alive with energy. Riko, her eyes shining with pride and excitement, couldn't help but applaud. "Incredible, Ryo! That's how you turn the tide!"

Hyuga, still in awe of what he'd just witnessed, clapped Ryo on the back as they prepared to defend. "That was some jump! You're full of surprises, aren't you?"

Ryo, catching his breath, could only offer a modest smile. Despite his inexperience, he was beginning to understand the depth of basketball, the strategic plays, and the importance of every action on the court.

As the game neared its climax, Shutoku's Yuya Miyaji initiated a play, deftly passing the ball to his teammate, Takao. Ryo, energized by his recent plays, dashed towards Yuya with exceptional speed, forcing him to pass quickly. Yuya, sensing the imminent pressure, smoothly transferred the ball to Takao.

Takao, adept and experienced, managed the ball with a relaxed but focused poise. He noticed Ryo, who was rapidly approaching him, and quipped confidently, "It takes more than fast legs to play this game."

His eyes then searched for Midorima, Shutoku's ace shooter. Midorima had already positioned himself, ready for a signature long-range shot. He was momentarily airborne, preparing to catch Takao's pass and shoot in one fluid motion. Takao, trusting in their time-tested play, lobbed the ball towards Midorima's awaiting hands.

However, Ryo, displaying remarkable game sense and agility, leaped up, intercepting the pass with an unexpected swiftness. Takao stared in disbelief, his calculated pass thwarted. "How??? Did he predict that?" he muttered, shocked at Ryo's instinctual play.

The ball, redirected by Ryo's interception, rolled towards the sideline, threatening to go out of bounds. Ryo, reacting with lightning-fast reflexes, dashed after the ball and rescued it just in time, keeping it in play. He quickly aligned himself for a shot from just inside the three-point line. The shot, however, bounced off the rim - a near miss.

Midorima, quick to react, leaped towards the rebounding ball. But Ryo was already in motion, his athletic prowess clearly evident as he soared higher than Midorima, capturing the ball in mid-air. With agility and strength, he landed only to immediately spring up again for a follow-up play.

Midorima, not one to give up easily, jumped to challenge Ryo's second leap. Yet, Ryo's physical strength and momentum were overwhelming. In a powerful, fluid motion, he slammed the ball through the hoop for a thunderous dunk.

The force of Ryo's dunk was so immense that it unbalanced Midorima, causing him to fall backward onto the court. The gym erupted into cheers and applause, the crowd and Seirin players alike awestruck by Ryo's powerful display.

Hyuga, from the sidelines, couldn't help but shout, "That's pure power! Incredible, Ryo!"

Riko, watching with pride, exclaimed, "That's the way, Ryo! You're making a difference!"

Kuroko, typically reserved, nodded in approval, quietly saying, "Impressive skill."

As Midorima picked himself up, Ryo extended a hand to help him, displaying good sportsmanship. Accepting the gesture, Midorima stood and remarked, albeit grudgingly, "You're full of surprises, Ryo. But we're not done yet."

Breathing heavily, Ryo responded with confidence, "I'm just getting started."


As the final moments of the game ticked down, the intensity on the court was palpable. Shutoku maintained their lead, but Seirin, fueled by Ryo's unexpected prowess, had managed to close the gap significantly. The final buzzer sounded, and the scoreboard read Shutoku 85, Seirin 78. Though Shutoku was victorious, the margin was narrower than expected, thanks in large part to Ryo's contributions.

Midorima, ever the competitor, approached the Seirin team as they gathered on the court. "This isn't over," he declared, his tone firm. "We'll see you in the preliminaries."

Ryo, wiping sweat from his brow, responded, "You really have a bad attitude, you know."

This remark irked Midorima, causing his expression to sour. Takao, standing beside him, couldn't help but laugh at the exchange.

Kuroko, approaching Ryo, complimented him, "Good game. It will be a pleasure having you on the team."

Ryo, still catching his breath, replied, "I haven't said I'll join yet."

Just then, Riko walked up to them, tossing a towel to Ryo. "Great job out there. You played like you've been part of the team for years," she said, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Ryo caught the towel, wiping his face. "Thanks, but I still need to think about it," he said, though his tone suggested he was seriously considering the offer.

Riko, not missing a beat, replied, "Take your time, but remember, you're a natural. You've got a gift, and it'd be a shame not to use it."

The Seirin team, despite the loss, was in high spirits as they left the court. The game had shown them the potential of what they could achieve with Ryo on their side. His raw talent, combined with their teamwork and spirit, could take them far in the upcoming season.

As they walked off the court, the buzz of the crowd still echoing in the gym, Ryo looked back at the scoreboard. He knew he had much to learn, but the thrill of the game and the camaraderie he had experienced were drawing him closer to the world of basketball. The decision to join Seirin's team loomed in his mind, a decision that seemed more and more like a new beginning.

As the Seirin team made their way out of the gymnasium, still riding the high of the competitive game, Hyuga clapped his hands together to get everyone's attention.

"Alright, team! We all put in some serious work today. I say we deserve some good food. How about we hit that new burger place down the street?" Hyuga suggested, a smile on his face.

The suggestion was met with enthusiastic agreement from the team.

"Sounds great! I could eat a horse," exclaimed Izuki, his usual pun-ready self.

Koganei chimed in, "Yeah, and I want to try those giant milkshakes they have!"

Mitobe nodded in agreement, a quiet smile on his face.

Kuroko, in his soft-spoken manner, added, "It sounds good. It will be nice to relax together after the game."

As the team discussed their post-game meal, Riko suddenly spoke up, "Actually, Ryo and I won't be joining you guys. We haven't finished our... 'date' yet," she said, a playful tone in her voice as she wrapped her arm around Ryo's.

Ryo, slightly taken aback by Riko's sudden embrace, managed a smile, though his cheeks reddened slightly. "Uh, yeah, we still have some... things to talk about."

The team erupted in a mix of cheers and playful jeers.

"Ooh, Coach Riko's got a date!" teased Hyuga, winking at Ryo.

"Remember to keep it professional, Coach!" Koganei added with a laugh.

Kuroko, looking at Ryo, said quietly but with a hint of amusement, "Good luck, Ryo."


In a sports store, Ryo and Riko found themselves in the basketball shoe section. Rows of sneakers in various colors and designs lined the shelves. Ryo looked around, a hint of disappointment in his voice, "So, continuing our 'date' meant coming here?"

Riko smiled, a playful glint in her eyes. "What's wrong? Were you expecting something else?"

Ryo sighed, a slight smile on his face. "Actually, no, I kind of figured it would be something like this."

Riko laughed lightly. "It's important to have good shoes for playing basketball. You don't want to get injured."

Ryo, his hands in his pockets, responded, "I haven't said I'll join the team yet."

"You keep saying that," Riko teased. "Hurry up and pick a pair."

Ryo's gaze drifted to another section of the store, where soccer shoes were displayed. He looked at them with a mix of nostalgia and affection. His eyes then caught a photograph of Cristiano Ronaldo lifting the Champions League trophy, a symbol of soccer glory. He thought to himself, 'I guess I'll never win a title if I stay there.'

His eyes then moved to a photo of Michael Jordan, triumphantly holding the NBA trophy. The image seemed to ignite something within him. Slowly, he reached for a pair of white basketball shoes. Holding them in his hand, he said, "Well, I guess this is the best path to winning a trophy."

Riko's smile widened, her eyes reflecting pride and excitement. "Welcome to Seirin, rookie."

As Ryo looked at the shoes in his hands, a sense of resolve settled over him. This moment marked the beginning of a new chapter in his athletic journey. Basketball, a sport he had never considered seriously before, was now his chosen path. He was ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead with the Seirin basketball team.

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