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Chapter 41: Power

"Isn't it fascinating?" Ren exclaimed with a mixture of pride and intrigue. The group gazed at her fingers in amazement as a hole slowly manifested on her fingertips, accompanied by a mesmerizing tinkling sound.

To their astonishment, a bullet emerged from the hole, the very same bullet that had previously lodged in her body. Worm-like creatures squirmed on the palm of her hand, and it became clear that these entities had pushed the bullet out, facilitating a rapid healing of her wound. It was a bizarre and inexplicable phenomenon that held them all in awe.

Ren displayed her newfound abilities once more. She delivered a powerful kick with her right foot, and in an instant, she appeared halfway across the battlefield, launching a devastating punch at Andre. Her entire body seemed to spin like a top, creating a whirlwind of force that combined with her inhuman speed and suddenness.

With a crisp sound, her fist connected with Andre's face directly. However, the result left Ren stunned momentarily as Andre appeared unharmed.

Andre grinned and taunted, "Haha... isn't it a surprise? Trust me, you have more surprises in store."

Then, with astounding swiftness, he lifted one foot high into the air, akin to plucking a blade of grass, and executed a powerful kick to Ren's chin. The force of the kick sent her hurtling towards a wall, and she collapsed onto the ground, unable to rise.

"Broken limbs, I think the doctor will appreciate her as a specimen," Andre remarked casually.

Ren's eyes remained fixated on Andre, her mind grappling with disbelief. How could this be? How was it possible? In the past, whenever she used her zombie bugs during missions, her adversaries were like helpless lambs led to the slaughter, devoid of any means of resistance. How could they suddenly become so powerful?

Meanwhile, King Ada and Jill had successfully obtained the R-1 evolution potion, and in fact, they still possessed some mysterious potions of unknown properties.

"What's wrong?" King Ada, who was leading the way, stopped abruptly.

King Ada appeared to have an epiphany. "If Ren can't hold out, we won't have a chance to escape."

Ren had always been a nearly indestructible force after injecting herself with zombie bugs, rendering her virtually invincible. But what if their adversaries were also injected with some kind of enhancing drug? Given the nature of the facility they were infiltrating, it was entirely plausible that their foes had utilized such substances.

Jill, growing agitated, asked, "So what's your plan?"

King Ada promptly pulled out a tablet, displaying a map of the base's interior. This blueprint had been discovered during their previous visit to the construction department of the company.

"Take a look here. If this is accurate, the base's chief officer should be located here. If we can capture him, at least we won't have to worry about anything else. Moreover, there's a self-destruct mechanism in the base. Even if it's nonfunctional, we can use it to blackmail these people while awaiting rescue." The prospect of their daring plan filled the air with renewed determination.

Jill's voice wavered with concern as she questioned the risky plan they were about to undertake. "Are you certain about this plan? If we deviate to rescue Ren, we might miss our opportunity. The consequences could be dire."

King Ada wore a concerned expression, her brows furrowed with worry. "There's only one chance here. This base doesn't seem straightforward to me. How long has it been since you received a report from Ren?"

Jill's face froze as the realization hit her like a cold, hard truth. Ren had not been in contact with them ever since the three of them had separated. Two possibilities presented themselves: either Ren had gone rogue and lost her sanity, which was highly unlikely given her character, or she had met her demise. The latter seemed increasingly plausible, casting a shadow of sorrow over the duo.

"All right, if our target isn't here, we need to leave immediately."

"Let's go."

In the central control room, Sean stood there, momentarily struck speechless by the unexpected intruders. "Are they here to find me?"

"It's been confirmed through their conversation. They're here for you boss. Do you want to alert security?"

"No, Andre is on his way back. Are these two individuals foolish, or do they think they're in a movie?" Sean mused with a mix of bemusement and concern. The audacity of sneaking into a secure facility to locate the base's chief officer was beyond daring. Perhaps, he thought, they believed they had a miraculous guardian angel watching over them?

As King Ada and Jill pressed onward, they encountered no resistance, no encirclement, not even a single soul to challenge their intrusion. Their path remained remarkably unobstructed, a strange twist of fate.

"Wait, this feels... too easy?"

Jill nodded in agreement, her instincts on high alert. "There's not much else we can do; we're here now."

Exchanging determined glances, they continued along their path, executing various tactical maneuvers with exceptional precision. Even Andre, who had once been their adversary, couldn't help but be impressed by their skill and determination.

A door stood before them, and they approached it with unwavering determination. King Ada reached out to open it, while Jill held her gun at the ready.

Creak... The door swung open, revealing a room that sent chills down their spines. A barrage of gun barrels was aimed at them, and in the room, a young man in a white coat, likely the person they were searching for, greeted them. However, they hadn't expected him to be so young. On the floor lay Ren, unconscious and in dire straits.

"What's going on?" Jill, who had been awaiting their instructions, was now thoroughly perplexed.

"See for yourself."

As Jill attempted to step forward, she recoiled, her body shrinking back, shock and disbelief written all over her face. "My goodness...are you asking me to see for myself?"

King Ada stepped aside, allowing Jill to get a clearer view of the room.

"Good heavens... What the... heck... Ren!" Jill exclaimed, her voice trembling with a mix of horror and disbelief.

Their faces were etched with shock. They had initially intended to leave immediately, but now it was too late. They had inadvertently walked right into the lair of the base's officer.

Outside, security personnel had emerged, blocking their retreat from all directions. Their firearms were carelessly tossed to the ground, leaving them defenseless and at the mercy of the situation.

King Ada, though unfazed by the dire circumstances, maintained her composure. However, it was Jill who seemed to be fumbling for something concealed in her clothes, desperation and determination in her eyes.

"I advise you not to do that."

Before she could react, Andre closed in on her and delivered a punch to her abdomen, causing her to double over, retching intermittently, her intended action thwarted.

From the folds of his clothing, Andre produced an injection containing an unfamiliar bug. Sean observed it, surprised by its unexpected appearance—a zombie bug, a unique creation likely native to the Antarctic base. However, its production seemed limited. Once injected, it rendered the individual virtually indestructible unless a shot to the brain occurred.

Zombie bugs could expel bullets from the body, enhance wound healing, imbue superhuman strength and speed, and, crucially, not transmit infection.

Had Sean's R-1 serum not been in the picture, this might have been an excellent product.

"Speak! Tell me!" Andre demanded, as the situation escalated into a tense standoff in the heart of the mysterious base.


Read ahead on my Pa*treon! 

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