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Chapter 2: Chapter 1: New Life

Ingwe Ingweron, the High King of all Elves, look adoringly at his new born elfling, he raised the male elfling to his lord Manwe, king of the gods in Arda and said "My lord, what should we name this humble elfling of mine ?"

Manwe pondered for a moment and said " This Elfling body is blessed by Eru and the lights of the two trees, let his name be kal, as he is your son, then his name shall be Ingkal son of Ingwe"

Manwe knew this elf would be special, Eru had told him that this elfling is blessed by him and shall be the light that shines through the dark. 'He is also born under the light of the two trees specifically Laurelin, this child had many gifts, Ingkal, I shall watch your career with great interest' Manwe smiled at the thought and raises his hand to bless the elfling.

<b>Vanyar Palace, Taniquetil, Valinor</b>

"Ilwen, Lord Manwe had already given his name, his name is Ingkal" Ingwe smiled at his wive Ilwen, because of the magic of the vanyar elves and the magic in Valinor, Ilwen managed to gave birth to Ingkal without much difficulty or pain.

Ilwen smiled and took Ingkal with her arms and said lovingly, "That is a very great name, and you will be of great service to Eru and the Valar, may the light of Eru bless you my dear elfling.". Just as she finished saying her words, the elfling opened his eyes and stared curiously at his mother.

"Ah, he's finally awake, his eyes spoke wisdom themselves, where's Ingwion, he must be excited to see his little brother, ah there he is, come see your little brother his name is Ingkal" Ingwe smiled at his firstborn and beckon him to come closer.

Ingwion smiled at his parents and looked at the elfling in his mother's hand and said " I sense great power from him mother, with my guidance in spearmanship he will definitely put those proud and crude Noldorian in their place, especially that proud Feanor.", Ingwion could not hide the happiness and excitement on his face.

"That's good that you have that intention with your brother, but he must also learn the Vanyarin magical ways and poetry. Our heritage is not less deadly than Finwe's people do" Ingwe quickly remind not only to Ingwion but to his newborn as well. The Vanyar Elves are the noblest and fairest of the elves, although they might not possess the Noldorin skill in craftmanship or their renowned martial capability, the Vanyar were taught Valinor magics and poetry, they are also favored elves of Manwe, king of the Valar. 'Our legacies, and talents are not to be underestimated', Ingwe thought with himself.

The young Ingkal grew fast, and the new Vanyar prince is renowned for his great wisdom and surprisingly, his skill in craftmanship. This talent was decovered during Ingkal's visit with his brother to Aule's hall, the young prince seems interested with metalworking and is fascinated with Aule's works. Aule as the god of fire and forges was quite surprised to see such interest in metalworking from a Vanyar elves, but odd people came from time to time, and he decided to share a few words with the young prince. The young Ingkal went home with his brother, and he was very interested to try a few things at his home.

"I never saw you with such vigour and excitement before Ingkal, are you interested in the Noldorin art ?" Ingwion teased his brother with a smile.

"I am interested in craftmanship, but who said it's a 'Noldorin' art ?, I am not interested in their ways brother, I am however, very interested with the Valar's art of metalworking. See the difference ?" Ingkal retorted, however Ingwion saw that his brother's eyes were shining with excitement and curiosity, he sighs and thought to himself, 'Will Ingkal be loud with his experiments and craftmanship like those Noldorin are ?, I hope not, I do not want to hear <i>'Clank,Clank,Clank'</i> when I recites my poetry at night.'<span style="background-color: rgb(180, 215, 255);"></span>

The two brothers walked and chatted on their way back to Taniquetil. They passed the landscape of Valinor under the lights of the two trees. The beauty of Valinor made many elves felt their days to be peaceful and will remain so forever. Along the way, they saw many elves and ainur doing their things, the two brothers arrived in a garden, and they decided to rest there for a while.

" Let's rest here for a while, I can see great many food lying around", Ingwion said as he picked a green fruit from a tree and tossed it to Ingkal. The two brother chatted happily in the garden, they even met some friends pass by.

Ingkal enjoyed the delicacies in the garden and suddenly asked his brother," Ingwion, do you remember what Cuivinien looks like?". The question took Ingwion by surprise and he replied with a smile " I do actually, it was a dark place, the only light we have are Lady Varda's creation in the skies. It's incomparable with the beauty Valinor has to offer."

" But father once said that there were elves who chose to stay behind, he said they were attracted to the terrain and environment of middle-earth" Ingkal replied curiously, he wanted to know if his brother's opinion on the matter is the same as his father's. "Foolish elves they were, they lacked faith to Eru and the Valar, they shall never behold the beauty of Laurelin and Telperion's light, the only elves I can respect in middle earth is Lord Cirdan the shipwright, at least he did something useful there", Ingwion scoffed with disdain, The Vanyar left middle-earth without hesitation, and their faith and devotion to their king Ingwe and the Gods are higher than other High Elves, and Elves. Ingwion remembered the dark and cold days in middle-earth, and he too had trouble understanding why those foolish elves wanted to stay in a land marred by Morgoth's corruption. Despite Morgoth has already been imprisoned, his corruption remained and those lands are not suitable for the immortal elves to live on. Only in Valinor could they live in peace.

After knowing his brother's opinion, Ingkal fell deeper in thought. He heard stories of Thingol and Melian, the stories of forest and rivers in middle earth. He was fascinated by them, he wanted to know more, and deep down in his heart he wanted to go there himself. However, he put this desire aside, knowing that his father and brother are wiser than him. Both of them were born there after all, and he know all to well about Morgoth and his evil deeds.

As the brothers eaten and rested, they continued their journey to their home in Taniquetil. Along the way Ingkal's thought wandered around the words Aule had taught him, he wanted to experiment, he wanted to create. As Taniquetil appear on the horizon, his excitement grew.

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