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Chapter 5: Mana Cultivation


When Adelor opened his eyes in the real world, it was already early morning. But for some reason this morning was different.

Adelor felt like a new person entirely, and the world was...well more colorful than usually. He didn't know why but from time to time he would see specks of light here and there. These specks of lights would be in different colors, sometimes red,sometimes blue and so on. As he was engrossed watching these strange specks of lights, he continued to see them more frequently. Especially around his parents bed. This specks of light followed no particular patterns, they would come and go as they pleased.

Suddenly as he was studding these specks of lights, his hole world exploded.

Everything turned grey on the background except for this strange specks of lights. Now Adelor understood it.

{These specks of lights must be mana, it looks like my talents finally activated}

To Adelor, the world had never been more colorful. He shifted his gaze tours his parents bed, and was greeted with a sight to behold.

He couldn't believe his eyes. His father, was surrounded by so much mana, he was literary covered in it.

What was strange though, was that the mana in his father's body was moving in regular patterns, different from the mana in the air.

It was like watching blood move through the veins, and the brains would play the role of the heart. Pumping mana through these 'mana veins' as Adelor decided to call it for lack of a better term.

{It seems dad is a mage. I wonder if he is a 'real mage' as the Rock guy explained it, though I still have no idea what a 'real mage, is}

This wonderful sight was cut short, when a sharp pain entered his head. It was like a knife cut thru his brain and he fainted instantly.

What Adelor didn't know was that inside of his bed, there were a lot of Magic runes. Some of these runes would active a protective shield, in case of danger. While some others were monitoring his life signs 24/7

You could say that Marcus had gone a bit overboard, but the truth is, that he was a little paranoid and a bit overprotective about his son.

Lucky for him, he just fainted from exhaustion, his life signs were normal, at least to the runes.

Nobody found out any thing.

The next time Adelor gained conscience, it was still morning.

{It seems I only passed out for a few minutes. I should be more careful when I active this mana sight. Also I should see what that mana cultivation technique, that is supposed to raise my mana pool and spirit is}

But Adelor didn't try to go right away in the old room because he had no idea what would happen him on the real world. While he was sure that he wouldn't disappear, a number of other things could happen.

Plus his loyal follower (mom) was coming to say hello to him.

So he had to put his best child display.

After all Adelor didn't want his parents think that there was something wrong with him. Who knows they might think he is possessed or something. Back on Earth, the so called witches were burned alive by the church. And on Earth magic didn't even exist.

He didn't wanna think what might happen him here on this new world. So Adelor decided to play it cool. And act like a normal child.

That means giggling at the stupid faces adults around him make, trying to grab onto them. Oh and

puping on your pants but honestly he didn't need to fake that. He just couldn't hold it long enough.

After a few giggling and stupid faces later, Aldelor was lifted up in the air by his loyal follower (mom).

His loyal follower (mom) , just like everyday, showered him with lots of hugs and kisses. Then they headed for the bathroom, where he would get his baby bath and change his dippers. The bathroom was right next to his room. So it was safe to say that he hasn't left this room since he was born.

Different from his room the bathroom was nothing special. There were no gold decoration or any exquisite furniture.

Just a place to take a dump, in the right corner and a small place to take a bath.

{ I guess even the rich wanna take a dump in peace}

As he was having his baby bath Adelor couldn't help but wonder. How was it possible for them to have warm water every day .

It might sound stupid but in the past having warm water was a chore all on it own. Only the wealthy could enjoyed warm baths like this. And he didn't see anything that could have been used to make the water warm in this bathroom.

In fact he didn't know where the water come from. This bathroom didn't have running water.

{This shit makes no sense... But anyway if I can accept that reincarnation is true, than I guess I can also accept this}

After he was bathed and all cleaned up it was time for his breakfast. And for breakfast he had, just like any other day for this two months, Breast milk.

He wasn't complaining though, the milk had a good taste.

Adelor never would have thought that having a bath and eating would be this tiring. He was already starting to feel sleepy. No wonder babies s leep all day, they just can't help it.

As his loyal follower (mom) was preparing him for bed, Adelor thought that this would be the best time to try and go back to the old room.

Adelor focused on the strange rock on his field of vision and after a few seconds he found himself on the old room again.

{Let's see}

Just to be sure Adelor looked around but nothing had changed the old room was the same. So was the table and the books. On an paranoid thought he also checked the spell book but it still was empty.

Finally Adelor decided to open the JOURNAL book. The letter from the last time was no where to be seen.

But now there were a few pages written in the book.

But Adelor now was facing a huge problem. First even though the words weren't written in English but in some other language he could somehow read them. No that wasn't the problem, the problem was that even after a few hours of reading he still didn't understand how to do what the book said.

The book said that mages used their spirit as a net to catch the mana and pull this mana inside of their bodies. This explained why spirit was so important to mages.

Now the discovery that the 'Master Magus' had made was that before you have opened the mental space, after you put the mana inside of your body, you should circulate it tours your head

By the way Adelor found out that the so called mental space was this old room where he was in.

So he didn't have to worry about opening his mental space.

Also the book said that after you have opened your mental space you should meditate while your conscience is on the mental space.

And that the mana should first go though the mental space.

That was OK . Adelor understood the theory. The problem was that this damn book said nothing how to actually do it in practice.

It was like explaining how you could use a fishing pole but not explaining how to built one.

{How the f*ck am I supposed to use my spirit to catch mana. I can't even feel the mana inside this place}

As Adelor was complaining a thought crossed his mind. Why not change things a bit. In stead of using his spirit as a net to catch mana why not use it as a magnet to attract mana to him.

But he wasn't sure if mana acted like metals so he decided to start imagine a vacuum cleaner.

Adelor imagined like he was holding a vacuum cleaner and that he was attracting mana

Finally after god knows how long, a speck of light came in. And than another ,and another and so on

It looked like this tactic was working. But he soon run into another problem. The room turned into a chaotic mess with speck of light everywhere.

The mana inside of his body wasn't supposed to run wild like this. He had seen it on his father. The mana inside of him was moving in a regular pattern.

So he temporary stopped absorbing mana and begun thinking how to solve this. First he decided to start making the mana obey. While he had no idea how to move mana inside of his body he thought that he could just start by moving the mana inside of his mental space.

In the beginning the mana specks didn't obey him but after a few moments they started moving around as he willed it.

But Adelor also found out that no matter how hard he tried he couldn't get all the mana specks to obey at the same time.

As Adelor counties to move the mana specks he noticed that some of the mana specks were being absorbed by the walls.

Adelor wanted to investigate it but he had to stop because he had spend a lot of time in here. With a thought he found himself staying in his bed.

Nobody had noticed a thing. So after 'waking up' he found out that he wasn't tiered any more. And decided to announce his presence.

By crying of course

As he was going to do that he sensed something hot moving around his body.

It wasn't painful or anything.

It just felt weird. Then it hit him, this must be the mana that was absorbed by the walls of the old room.

Now he had a clear idea on what to do. He would get mana inside of his mental space and make the walls absorb mana in a more active way.

Feeling a lot more confident about his future now Adelor started to call for his loyal follower (mom)

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