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Chapter 9: Chapter 8: Life continues

After what happened last time, Rolls was approached by Slayers, and today we are at an award ceremony for his act of bravery.

"We at the Lexinim Local Slayer Office would like to hereby express our deepest apologies to the people and in this specific case, to the Garden of Little Worms kindergarten for this incident.

"We'll make sure to always keep the citizens safe, especially our children! Incidents like these will not occur under our watch ever again.

"And to the little hero, who saved the day. Thank you, Rolls Kimura."

Everyone clapped and the ceremony ended soon after. We were all there to cheer for him and then went back home.

-8 years old; Year: 2011-

"To the children who entered elementary school, we sincerely congratulate you. And…" We were in the middle of the graduation ceremony and I couldn't be bothered to pay attention as the principal spoke.

"Maky, you should pay attention, it's our graduation." Sara whispered to me.

"From kindergarten... Does it really matter?" I couldn't help but narrow my eyes as I whispered back.

"Of course it does... How else will everyone know I'm an amazing child?" Jasmine butted in despite having no business being in this conversation.

"You guys are making too much noise, we'll get in trouble..." Naomi also entered the convo.

"She's right, I can hear you from here." Crystal added.

"See Marion, we can't get caught lacking with them. We're above that." Rolls commented on the side.

"I see, Boss Rolls makes all the sense." After recovering, Marion became even more of a Rolls' simp.

That day after the ceremony was over, we all got scolded as a group.




Eventually, the first day of elementary school came, and as fate would have it, we all ended up in the same school that is something that didn't surprise me cause there weren't that many elementary school nearby, so it was a possibility... What I don't get, is how we all ended up in the same class?! How?!

"Hello everyone! I'm Jasmine Olberg, and I live in Jermoria. I love playing and know the best games. I'm also open to making new friends. There are also things I like: watching tv shows, theater, acting, singing, playing piano, gymna-" Jasmine introduced herself, and as one would expect she was going a little overboard.

Jasmine was a red-haired girl with green eyes, who had her hair in twin tails.

"Hmmm.. Jasmine, how about we stop here for today and you tell us the rest another day? After all, a young lady needs to be a little mysterious." Our new homeroom teacher tried his best to stop her without sounding mean.

"Yes! Of course! How could I forget?... Can't give you too much all at once. Hehehe!" She totally fell for it and was very proud of herself.

"Good, so next up is Sakura Lorvi. Sakura, why don't you introduce yourself?" The teacher moved on.

"Y- Yes! I'm... I-I'm... I'm Sakura Lorvi and I like books, chocolate, tea, and ice cream! I came from Garden of Little Worms kindergarten, just like Jasmine. I'm also not good with crowds, but don't be afraid to talk to me. I'm glad to help if I can. Also please call me Sara instead." Sara introduced herself stuttering but she was able to do it in the end.

Sara was a girl with brown hair and golden eyes, her hair being straight.

"Wow, you were very brave for us, thank you." The teacher said.

From there the next one was Naomi.

"Hi! I'm Naomi Parker and I'm from the same Garden of Little Worms kindergarten as Jasmine and Sara. I like Soccer, Running, Gymnastics, Music, fashion, and watching scary documentaries with my mum. You can talk to me if want. I'm happy to meet everyone." Naomi said with a smile, she seemed to have changed a bit since the incident in kindergarten.

Naomi had purple hair and eyes, her hair being curly.

"Ahh, you like documentaries? Then it seems we'll get along." The teacher joked.

Then following that, it was Crystal.

"Hmmm, I'm Crystal Oberon, and I'm from the Garden of Little Worms kindergarten as well. I like books, horror movies, cars, and decorating. I don't like sweet things and prefer salty foods. I can talk to anyone so feel free to talk to me." Crystal did a peace sign as she introduced herself with a smile.

Crystal was a girl with white hair and blue eyes.

"Yes, sweets aren't for me either. They are too much." Teacher nodded.

Continuing the streak, Marion.

"Hey! I'm Marion Parker, and I'm also from the Garden of Little Worms kindergarten. I like Superheroes, hard candy, soup, Judo, and Boss Rolls! He's the best! You're all gonna see when he introduces himself!" Marion gushed about Rollls.

Marion had long grayish dark hair, and orange eyes.

"Hmmm... Is that so?... Rolls, we'll have to call your parents for an interview later." The teacher replied.

Rolls was visually bothered but that didn't stop him from going up next.

"As you all heard, I'm Rolls Kimura! I'm the man who will be the best slayer in the world! I like weapons, armor, cartoons, sweets, and fighting!... Oh, and I'm also from the Garden of Little Worms kindergarten. Hope you all can keep up with great me!" Rolls smiled widely as he introduced himself.

Rolls had blond hair and green eyes.

"I see... That's some high ambition. Good, just don't forget your friends and family once you make it big." The teacher smiled.

Many students introduced themselves and right before my turn, it was a green-haired girl with actual cat ears and a tail....

(In the end it still feels weird to actually have demi-humans around… though I did hear they make a lot of money in streaming and adult content… but they are also the target of a lot of hate for being different and even reminding some people of monsters…) I shook my head thinking of such an unfortunate situation.

"…" She got up but said nothing.

"Please tell us a bit about yourself." The teacher calmly urged her.

"Yes... I'm Selene Astrom, and I didn't go to any kindergarten... I like cats, romance movies, milk, wandering around the city, and shopping... Hope you like me..." She introduced herself.

Selene was a green-haired cat girl with golden eyes.

"I got told I'll get ill if touch her."

"Me too, my mom said I should never talk to her."

"She really looks like a monster in a way."

"Mine just said I should stay away."


"Don't know, she just said so."

"My dad said all demi-humans work for the devil and the demons. That's why they don't get along with humans."

"Wow, so they are evil... She doesn't even look scary though."

"It's a trick, you know the devil and demons always trick you."

"Ok yeah, you're right. She's definitely evil."

Without caring about her presence the kids whispered to each other as they observed her. Not saying a word, Selene just sat down.

Finally, my turn came, and I got up to introduce myself. "I'm Makiel Faurith, also from the Garden of Little Worms kindergarten, and I like meditating, physical training, martial arts, Slayers, my family, and stories. That's it." I introduced myself calmly.

Then there was me, I was a blue-haired boy with purple eyes and smooth dark skin, carrying an air of calm about me.

After a few more introductions, It was over, and things continued from there.

-Later on-

To my surprise, they measured the mana quantity of the students, and I landed as 4th in my class:

1st- Crystal

2nd- Rolls

3rd- Sara

4th- Makiel

5th- Marion





Because of the Museum incident, Jasmine's mana is almost none, so she came in last.

Lunchtime had come and groups were already being formed, as was my style, I began looking for an empty table. Once I found one I sat down and before I knew it the others started sitting around me.

"I'm going to get more food, 3 servings is not enough for someone like me." Rolls got up.

"Y-yeh! This is far from enough!" Marion who was clearly full followed him.

"All they do is eat! Is that why that stupid machine said I don't have any mana?! Because I don't eat a lot?! Fine then! I'll eat a lot! Now!" Jasmine also got up to get more food.

"Wait! I don't think that's it! Calm down, you're going to get mad at me later for letting you do this!" Naomi followed after her.

"They never stop..." Crystal shook her head looking at the commotion.

"I think it's good, it means they are healthy." Sara commented with a smile.

(They're always so lively, it's cute.) I couldn't help but slightly smile.

"Look at her! She's just like mom said."

"She even has a tail... Is she really a person?"

"Don't look at her, I heard she turns you into stone if you look too long."

While Selene was looking around trying to find a place to sit, the kids were looking at her and commenting. Once she found a spot, she went up to the girls sitting there and asked.

"... Can I sit here?"

"Sorry, but no. Why would you sit with us?" One of the girls replied.

"Oh... Ok..." Selene turned to leave.

"Yeah, go back to the slums where you belong." The same girl said.

"... I'm not from the slums..." Selene mumbled as she walked away.

"Who would have known with those clothes?" The same girl responded.

"Yeah, she doesn't know her place." A second one of the girls expressed.

"She's like the stay dogs on the streets." A third of the girls declared.

"... I'm sorry... I didn't mean to..." Selene began crying.

Seeing this, I couldn't help but see the various times I was talked down to for being weak... Involuntarily, I got up and grabbed Selene's hand then guided her to our table.

"There's a sit on our table. Come." Even though those words came out of my mouth I didn't even give her the chance to respond and just took her.

"I... I don't think that's good for you... They will bully you too..." Selene responded.

"I don't care, it's nothing new anyway. Plus look? My friends seem happy to have you around." I showed her the table where everyone was smiling.

"Hum... Ok... Thank you." Selene slightly smiled and came even though she was still hesitant.

Meanwhile at the mean girl's table.

"Which kindergarten are they from?" The first girl asked.

"The Garden of Little Worms Kindergarten." The second girl replied.

"Should I look into them? I can get their info in a few days." The third girl proposed.

"No, they aren't worth it. I saw their poor people's behavior. Let them be." The first girl answered.

Back at our table, Selene sat down and was immediately greeted by Rolls.

"Hi! Don't worry about how weird Maky is, he's a cool guy once you get to know him. Honestly at first I thought he was a girl, but nope, just a little weird." Rolls talks nonsense to her like it's nothing.

"What are you talking about?!" I couldn't just ignore him this time.

"Relax, they are odd, but being in this group feels nice." Marion commented.

"Oh... I'll try..." Selene replied.

"Don't worry about them. You can just eat, and if you would like, we can also talk... Honestly, I want to be friends with you." Sara calmly approached Selene.

"Don't fall for it, Sara is too nice, there has to be something wrong." Jasmine came in.

"Not this again, I told you're going to start something again..." Naomi facepalmed.

"I don't see how you're doing well after having to follow her all day." Crystal commented to Naomi.

Selene smiled looked at the table and continued to talk to Sara.




"Welcome everyone, it's nice to meet you all. I'm Crystal's Dad." A man with white hair and blue eyes welcomed us to his house with a smile.

Crystal invited us to come to her house.

"You kids must be tired after a big day, so allow me to make you some snacks. What do you want to drink and eat?" Crystal's dad asked everyone as we went inside.

Various kids gave their input on what snacks they wanted. Soon Crystal's dad gave them what they asked for and I got donuts and a chocolate milkshake.

Drinking the milkshake made my mana flare up as it reinvigorated me and restored my mana...

(What is going on?!) I questioned.

{Relax, it's just a potion. The man who made this definitely has the alchemy path. Whatever drinks he makes, turn into mana potions and maybe other things if he's not careful...} Vandir explained.

(Oh... I see... Wouldn't these make training mana much easier?) I asked.

{Yes, but alchemists aren't that common and there's a limit to how many potions you can drink before you pass out or get sick.} Vandir elaborated.

(... I'll have to find a way to get more potions.) I concluded.

{You could always just get closer to that Crystal girl and use that connection to get more potions, cause you're not easily getting your hands on potions without loads of money.} Vandir advised.

(I don't feel good using her like that...) I rejected the idea.

{Your view of relationships is very naive. All relationships are a form of give and take. You have to be ready to take more from some than you normally do, so long as you repay them later, it's all fine.} Vandir expressed.

(That sounds sketchy...) I pointed out.

{So what? The world is a sketchy place if you're not ready to make others your stepping stones, you will be someone else's stepping stone. Do you want to stay weak forever?} Vandir insisted.

(Fine... I'll see what I can do.) I ultimately agreed.

"Hey Crystal, if anyone ever messes with you. You can count on me." I said.

"Uuugghh... Yeah... Thanks, I guess." She smiled awkwardly at me.

From then on things just moved on and my days continued as I trained my physical body.

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