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Chapter 2: Chapter 2

I wake up in a bed. Is this what the Other World is like? A soft, comfortable bed? I pull the blankets closer to me, their warmth and comfort hold me like a swaddled baby. If this is genuinely the Other World, then I know I made some excellent decisions while I was alive. Ha, and I know that isn't true.

The first thing I remember is golden brown eyes. The alpha's eyes. Then I remember the chase, and the adrenaline I felt then now begins to flood my veins. My eyes snap open and instantly close again from the bright light coming from the window. I sit up in the bed, wincing at the dull ache that has settled in my shoulder.

I rub the pain away, looking around the room as my eyes adjust. It's a bedroom, first off. The bed I'm in is one of the most comfortable ones I've ever slept on (and that's saying a lot). The sheets are luscious, and the pillows are fluffy. Everything is soft to the touch. Confused, I continue to look around the room.

What happened after I lost consciousness? I throw the blanket off of me and am horrified to see myself in only my undergarments. Face burning, I put the sheets back over me, holding them over my chest. Who undressed me?! Where are my clothes?! I assess my body for any internal injuries, but it's only my shoulder that aches. Relief settles over me. My eyes scan the large bedroom, looking for my clothes, but all I see are my boots at the end of the bed.

Where the hell am I? My mind is struggling to figure it out. Was I captured? If I was caught, then why am I in a bed? A comfy bed even. Why aren't I dead? Were's aren't known for keeping prisoners. And if I'm a prisoner? What do they want from me? Is it the Elf that wants me? My nose crinkles up at the thought. What would he want me for?

I jump at the knock at the door. Holding the blankets over my chest, I put myself on the defensive. Intense flames dance over my fingertips, but they're quickly extinguished as a small girl comes in, a bundle of folded clothes in her arms. When she sees me awake, she grins, closing the door softly behind her.

"You're awake!" She giggles, skipping over to me. She places the clothes on the bed, and I realize that they're mine.

"Who are you, where am I?" I question hastily, snatching my clothes. I'm shocked to see them clean. She smiles at me. She can't be older than twelve.

"I'm Danica, what's your name?" I look at her suspiciously. Her eyes are a light brown, a similar shade to the alphas. Her hair is a dirty blonde, and a spatter of freckles lay across her nose. She looks innocent enough.

"Aria," I say, and she beams me a smile. "Where am I?"

"You're at my brother's pack," she says happily. "But Bubba said you were trespassing, which you're not supposed to do." This is the alpha's sister?

"You're a Were?" I ask quizzically, and she nods.

"Yup! Everyone here is," her nose crinkles. "Except for Mr. Ki. And you."

"The Elf?" She nods and rolls her eyes.

"Bubba said that having an Elf like him around is helpful for the pack, but," she shrugs. "I don't think it's a good idea."

"Elves are dangerous," I warn, and she nods quickly.

"Yes," a dark look passes over her face, but it's then quickly erased. "You seem nice. I don't know why Mr. Ki says you're dangerous." Her blunt words shock me, and I struggle to think of what to say. Me, dangerous? I'd like to think so, but I know that isn't true.

"Um... Thank you?" Danica smiles. "Danica, do you know why I'm here?" She shakes her head.

"Bubba says I have a big mouth, so he doesn't tell me anything anymore," she giggles. "Not after I told everyone I caught him with three she-wolves." I gawk at her, and her eyes suddenly become distant before they focus back on me.

"Oh! I gotta go!" She skips back towards the door, and before I can call her back, she's gone. I quickly get out of the bed, slipping my clothes on. I know that look on her face. That's the look Were's get when they communicate through their pack link. Someone's coming to see me, I just know it. I get up and grab my boots, quickly slipping them on before standing up and holding one hand behind my back. Magic conjures in my hand in the form of a small flame. If they're going to hurt me, I'm not going without a fight.

I pause for a moment, just in time to hear the faint footfalls of multiple people approaching. The door opens slowly, and the elf enters. Ki glares at me, and I waste no time glaring back at him. He draws his sword.

"Put that flame out, mage, before I kill you," he snaps, and I bring my hand in front of me, the flames growing on my fingertips.

"I'd like to see you try, elf," I retort back, taking a step towards him.

"There's no need for that," a voice sounds, captivating my attention instantly. All at once, my defenses drop as a man walks in, tall, broad, and reeking of power. His eyes land on me, and my heart jumps into my throat. His eyes are the same golden brown as the alphas. His caramel-colored hair is cut short to his head, and his skin is olive-toned. A typical color for the Weres, seeing as how they're outside all the time. His pupils dilate, and his jaw clenches, hands going behind his back as he looks at me.

"My name is Alpha Benjamin Lawson," the alpha says, voice hard and unemotional, and I swallow hard. "That chase wouldn't have been necessary if you hadn't been in my territory."

"I know you Weres love a good one, just making sure you get some enjoyment out of it," I retort, and he smirks. I shiver. I should be shaking in fear by this man, not feeling like a quivering maiden.

"I see," he steps towards me, and as he approaches, I realize the top of my head reaches the center of his neck. "Why were you trespassing on my land?"

"My horse was stolen at the last outpost," I explain, again. "I told this to your Elf here, but it seems to have fallen on deaf ears." I shoot a glare at the Elf as his ears twitch. Elves are known for their heightened sense of hearing, and they get pretty butt hurt if you talk bad about them. Ki glares back at me, hand on the hilt of his sword.

"Ki was only doing what I asked of him," Alpha Lawson says, and I look back up at him. "Regardless of the reason why you were on my land, there is no excuse. The Vale Law says-"

"I'm sorry to interrupt you, Alpha," I interject, causing his eyes to narrow. I'm walking a very fine line here. "I'm not sure if you know, but the King's Knights suck at their job, and the main road is as dangerous as ever."

"The main roads work just fine," he growls, and my body is suddenly covered in goosebumps. Did I find that growl... Attractive? I can't help but laugh at his statement.

"Yeah, if you're a man," I snap back. "Don't tell me you don't hear about women getting kidnapped and raped on the main road and knowing the Knights don't do shit about it. And me being a mage?" I scoff. "I'd die the moment I set foot on that road without a horse." The room becomes heavy as I glare up at him. Alpha or not, I'm not going to let him intimidate me.

"That is still no excuse to break Vale Law," he growls, taking a step towards me. He's standing at least a foot from me, and the heat emanating from him is intoxicating. What the hell is wrong with me?!

"And if I know my Vale Law correctly," I snarl back, eyes narrowing as I stand my ground. "You have every right to kill me, yet you didn't and haven't yet, so what's stopping you?" I could cut the tension in the air with a knife. Seeing him angry, eyes narrowed, and pupils dilated like this has my heart racing and my body reacting in a way I'm not expecting. Something is off here. Any other Were would have killed me on the spot, not kept me around.

"Leave us," he growls to Ki. Ki gapes at him, shocked.

"But sir-" the alpha turns around, a loud growl echoing in the room. My body shivers with goosebumps, and I quickly rub them away from my arms. What the hell?

"Do not question me," Benjamin's voice is dark, and a strike of fear flashes through the elf's eyes as he quickly leaves the room, door slamming behind him. My hand goes behind my back, a flame emanating between my fingers. The alpha takes a deep breath before turning back to me.

"There is no easy way to explain this," he sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. "And I don't like it any more than you do."

"What are you talking about?" The flames dance on my fingertips, ready to light this alpha up. His eyes open and meet mine, and suddenly my flames disappear at the expression on his face. His expression has softened, and he has lost his hard and stoic demeanor. In its place is a warmth I haven't ever felt from anyone before. My heart races in my chest, and I'm not sure if it's with fear or with adoration.

"You're my mate," there's a roar in my ears at his statement. Mate? He can't be serious? Me, mates with a Were? I want to laugh, but all I feel is terrified.

"You're... Kidding," the alpha runs a hand over his face and through his hair.

"I wish I was," he sighs. I wish he was, too.

"I can't... I can't be your mate," I spew hastily. "There has to be a mistake. You have to be wrong about this." He takes a seat on the edge of the bed, leaning his elbows on his thighs.

"Then explain to me why you aren't dead yet?" He lifts his gaze to mine, and I fall silent. There is no reason for me to be alive right now. If this alpha really follows the Vale Laws so strictly, as it seems to me that he does, then I would have been sent to the Other World by now. There's only one way out of this.

"Okay, so," I begin, and he looks at me expectantly. "I'm your mate, and neither one of us like that, correct?" He nods. "We could always just reject each other." Understanding flashes through his eyes before they return back to their emotionless expression. He's about to say something, mouth open when his eyes become distant. Someone is communicating with him via the pack link. He quickly stands and looks at me.

"Looks like I might need your help after all,"

"What?" Benjamin heads for the door, and I follow right behind him. We exit into a hallway, and I realize how big this place really is. It's basically a castle. I've never been in a Were pack house before. I've heard stories of lavish halls and grand dining halls as well as large training arenas. From the little I've seen so far I could say those stories might be true. People are entering and exiting the hallway, and I try my best to stay as close to Benjamin as I can.

"Champions are on their way to invade my territory," he explains as people run past us. "And there's too many for my Enforcers to handle." We jog down a grand staircase that opens up into an enormous foyer, chandelier included. The walls look generations old, and I realize that this place has been here forever. Probably before The Great Calamity.

"Champions, but why?" He shakes his head as we take a quick right.

"I've been having land disputes with the lord nearby," he says, holding the door open for me as we exit the building, opening up into a large clearing. "I've tried to be civil, but that apparently has failed." There are people all around me, and they begin shifting into their wolf forms, their clothes ripping to shreds.

"Lord Hepton?" Benjamin stops short, eyebrows raised in surprise. "I... I was heading for his territory."

"You aren't his mage, are you?" He asks, and I scoff, rolling my eyes.

"For that buffoon? You couldn't pay me enough gold for that," Benjamin smirks but wipes it away quickly before he starts walking again. "I was headed there to look for work seeing as how my horse was stolen and everything."

"Well, I've got a job for you," he says, and I have to jog to keep up with his long strides.

"How much are we talking for payment?" He looks over his shoulder at me.

"Your life." Okay, that's fair.

"What do you need me to do?" I ask, hoping I rested up enough.

"There are about five hundred Champions are on the edge of my territory, and his, and I'd like to keep them from coming in any further," he says. "Could you build a barrier?" I smirk, brushing my hands together as flames flicker between my fingers.

"That's my specialty, babe," he stops short and turns to me, bewilderment and shock on his handsome features. I wink at him before running off towards the border.

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