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Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Light slowly crept into the room somewhere between night and day Ethan gave his dark eyes the pleasing sight of her body as she slept. He listened to her as she let out soft sleep sounds. He suddenly heard a panel open ahead of him; he covered her with his wing as Leora the Seer emerged from a secret passageway. She stood and came face to face with Ethan in full Aurickan forum staring at her with his deadly gaze. All she could do was stare in astonishment, for she had never seen an Aurickan in full form. Leora then realized that they must have completed their binding; she blushed then turned on her heels the way she came. He emerged from the bed as much as he wanted to stay by her side Ethan had work to do. Finding that the other door that he had seen last night went to a bathing area where a large heated pool was, he began to bathe himself realizing that he was still in his true form. Wondering why he didn't change back as he examined himself in the mirrors he heard the door open, turning to find Shira standing there she found him with a look of dismay.

♪"I still believe in your eyes,

I just don't care what you look like,

Baby, I'll always be by your side.

Don't leave me waiting too long please come by.

I still believe in your eyes

There is no choice I belong to your life,

Because I exist to love you.

You'll be my beloved and will fly away,

And I'll fly with you.

I'll fly with you.


Every single daylight hour and every hour of darkness,

I have always dreamt that you will be by side.

Oh my love every single daylight hour and every hour of darkness,

Everything is going to be alright,

And I'll fly with you.

I'll fly with you.


Dream of me,

And I'll fly with you.

I'll fly with you." ♪

"You," Shira sang, calming his fear she could feel welling up in him closing the distance between them, stepping in the pool taking a bottle of oil from a nearby shelf that holds bathing essentials as she joined him in the water.

"The warmth of your body was no longer next to mine so it woke me from my slumber. Do not fear your reflection my Guardian, your true form needs now to be known. Draw strength from your commanding presence, do not care what others think, only care what I think. And I think you are even more handsome in your true form. They will fear you but I never will." Shira said, rubbing the oil into his skin.

"Why am I unable to change back?" Ethan asked.

"Your human form is no longer needed, your body is aware you are your most powerful in this state and is needed for my protection. You will not be able to change to your human form for a while harsh times are upon us and we will both be tested to our limits." She answered finishing up as they both climbed from the pool fresh and clean. Shira wrapped him a light cloth with ease around his large wings; he caught her chin stopping her work and kissed her full lips.

"You are truly worth all the training that these long years have brought upon me, you are my life and I will protect you till the end." Ethan said, pulling her close, wrapping her with a towel knowing she was growing cold. They ate their morning meal together in one of her many private chambers and previously had clothes made for his Aurickan form to suit his needs. By eight sharp they were both dressed in royal attire and ready to take on whatever came their way. A knock came at the door and Dedrick entered.

"My Lady, My Lord. All Song Maidens and their supposed Guardians have all been found and are waiting in the great hall. I have summoned Leora but she refuses to go near the hall. She rambles on about something called the Song of Screams?" Dedrick said bowing to them. Glancing oddly at Ethan noticing his new appearance, Leora appeared as if from nowhere falling to the floor next to Shira.

"I can hear them. They all sing the Song of Screams, some more then others. My mind is chaos from there pleading sounds." She said holding her head. Shira kneeled beside her.

"This is not good; the Song of Screams is a song that only a Seer can hear. It's a song that lets the Seer know that a Song Maiden has not been properly matched and bonded. It can cause them agony that is why Seers strive to rightfully match Song Maidens with their proper Guardian." Shira explained trying to comfort her friend.

"Have any of the teachers from the school said anything?" Ethan asked Dedrick noticing he was leery about his new form.

"Nothing My Lord, Some wonder why they are here. As do all of the Song Maidens and these knights that claimed to be there Guardians. There are a hundred or so." Dedrick informed them. Ethan and Shira knew now was the time that they had to tell him.

"My friend I know that this pains you, I am sorry that this has gotten so out of hand. We should have been looking for them, but we now have to fix what they have wronged. Help them find their happiness, I know you can do it you are so strong. Go get ready and be back here and we will walk down with you." Shira whispered to Leora. She nodded and then left by the secret passage.

"Dedrick please feel free to speak your mind as you always do, Ethan and I are one. You are my dear friend and I would like very much for you two be friends as well." Shira said in some way comforting him for what information was about to be spoken.

"Very well, I am puzzled by several things. First was what Ethan said to me yesterday that I was a brother Aurickan and now here one sits bonded to the Mother Song Maiden. What is going on here? Why does he claim that I am a creature of the night?" Dedrick asked with persecution as he pointed to Ethan wanting answers.

"You have so much sorrow Dedrick, do you not? And you cannot trace where it comes from can you? I am about to tell you why I found you and brought you into my circle of confidence. I once had a sister whose name was Cynthia. She was the eldest, I was very close with her." Shira started.

"I always hear that name whispered around like a phantom that follows me. What is my connection with your sister?" He asked, wanting all of his questions answered.

"Twenty years ago my sister was to receive her Guardian. At that time Leora was not the Binding Seer, an elderly Seer was she spoke the name of my sister's guardian and then was silenced with death as was my sister. They both were assassinated, her guardian was you. In my pain and sorrow I found you kept you close because you were a part of my sister. The link that you feel between us is the love that I have for my sister." Shira said nearly in tears.

"So I am a Guardian without a Song Maiden. What does one do, if all that is whole in his life, is not whole? Are we to live half lives? Half truths? I understand why you did what you did. I thank you Shira for that small kindness for if you would not have found me I would have been lost. You must have been similar in heart or I would have been able to see it all along." Dedrick said caressing her cheek with the back of his hand. Ethan stood by watching with dark eyes knowing that he had to know the truth and that she was the only one that could tell him. In a way Ethan knew that Dedrick was right they do have a connection but he understood it and felt it along with her.

"You are also a true blooded Aurickan for only a true blooded Aurickan can be Guardians to Royal Song Maidens. Aurickans can take the form of a human until their true form is called upon by their Song Maiden. Aurickans have a keen sense of smell that was how Ethan was able to know that you were the same as him. Unfortunately you will be unable to transform safely like Ethan. Only the sound of an Aurick's Maiden's voice brings forth their true power, to attempt a transformation without ones Maiden would only result in a crazed Aurickan that has no reason, just pure instinct. I am sorry Dedrick to withhold this information from you; I thought that if you knew it would cause you even greater pain. I pray now that it gives you comfort and not pain. Please take all that I have given you and do with it what you will." Shira said, reaching up and holding his hand.

"My Lady, All I have ever known was to protect you, and I shall do just that. I can't leave it all up to him. He will surely have a scratch on your fair skin before the sun sets," Dedrick said with a new found calmness to his soul teasing Ethan. The Aurickan gave a low growl, Shira smiled at their friendly rivalry and pleased that Dedrick decided to stay despite everything.

The large great hall was crowded full of Song Maidens, it did not take long for Kisa and Hanna to find each other. All of the maidens whispered among each other as to why they were called to the capital from the Mother Song Maiden herself. Some of the girls did not look well. One fainted and then threw up her breakfast.

"I wonder if she is alright." Kisa asked Hanna, as one of the other girls joined them.

"Anona has been a Song Maiden assigned to her Guardian for two years now. She gets sicker as the days go by, half the time she cannot sing for him. They say that something is wrong with her; it's not just here it's every one of us. Something is going on and someone finally figured it out that's why we're here." The maiden said to them as they watched a doctor come in and examined her. A royal attendant came into the room at the head of the stairs and tapped a scepter on the marble floor and the room became quiet.

"All hail her royal highness, Princess Shira An LaMakan. Mother Song Maiden. Her Guardian Ethan La Turs, Father Aurickan, accompanied by Leora the Seer and Dedrick Von Loran General of the Royal Guard." The announcer said bowing to them.

Shira stepped into her royal role, head held high holding Ethan's hand. All eyes were upon them as they gazed upon a creature of the night with their Holy Mother Song Maiden. Everyone gasped and backed away, Shira squeezed his hand reassuringly. Aurickan were not common but were not uncommon to be Guardians, a full blooded Aurickan in his true form had not been seen in a decade. For one to be seen and bonded with the Mother Song Maiden herself was shocking. Mostly feared because they were regarded as creatures of the night, which in a sense they were, but there Maiden was there day. They were to balance each other, so many rumors about them because they were so mysterious, no one actually knew who they really were unless you knew one.

"My good Songstresses it has been brought to my attention that you all sing the Song of Screams, you suffer needlessly from those who did not know what they were doing or did it intentionally to harm our great kingdom. You all to my great sorrow were not Bonded with your true Guardians." Shira said lowering her head as the crowd murmured among each other.

"There are many things you were taught that are not the true ways of song. I lend my hand to ease your suffering, only a Seer has the mystical right to bind a Guardian with a Song Maiden. If a Seer is not used and you are assigned to the wrong Guardian it is a slow death warrant for you all. You all silently sing the Song of Screams; it is a song that only a Seer can hear that brings them such pain." Shira continued motioning to Leora obviously in pain next to Dedrick as he held her up.

"I feel the melody drift from you as well, you have all been summoned here to bond you with your proper guardian and help heal the damage already done. I assigned some of the royal guards to answer any questions you might have, my home is yours till you are comfortable joining your rightful Guardian. We will now begin the process of Naming." Shira announced to the Song Maidens, the royal guards then instructed to make a line to see the Seer.

"I can't believe he didn't tell us! I thought we were friends," Hanna said pushing her way to get in line.

"He had his reasons Hanna, Aurickan are truly feared creatures you know." Kisa said, trying to justify his actions as she followed her, apologizing to all she pushed.

Leora's pain eased as she began the healing, naming each Song Maidens rightful Guardians. Leora gave them the name of their true guardian and what information she saw about their Guardian. They were instructed to return with their Guardian to be Bonded to them.

"Look, where next," Hanna said to Kisa as they waited at the door. The Maiden before them left and the guard instructed them to continue one at a time.

"Do you know who I…we are? We are acquaintances of Ethan, stand aside." Hanna ordered the guard, he grunted. "My orders are to let you in one at a time." The guard said blocking their way. Ethan hearing the commotion at the door went to investigate, standing in the doorway towering before them with his large frame.

"It is alright captain; I do know these two trouble makers." Ethan greeted them with a smile showing them into the room.

"Shira, these are the two trouble makers I told you about. Kisa, Hanna, this is my Song Maiden." Ethan said, taking Shira's hand, looking at eachother like they were the only two people in the room. Kisa watched with envy for the connection that they had, she wanted with her Guardian. Hanna scowled, not envying them but wanting Shira's place.

"I have heard such wonderful things about you both, because Ethan knew the two of you and he was able to inform me that this injustice was going on, please let Leora tell you the name of your Guardian." Shira said, gesturing to the white eyed Seer. Kisa happily went and was told her Guardians name was Tristan.

"I do know Tristan, but how will I know that he is the right one?" Kisa had asked the Seer.

"He is not a young recruit, my dear he is a man with much knowledge that you will love to learn from he is rugged but always has a gentle hand. You will not find him, he will find you, and you will know that it is him in a single heartbeat." Leora said envisioning the moment when they will first meet. Leora moved to Hanna and took her hand.

"I am sorry I cannot see a Guardian in your future, in fact the only thing that I can see is clouds. My vision is blurred by your strong feelings of resentment, the only way for me to announce your Guardian is for you to be ready for him. Your childish ways are blocking my vision from him. You still have a lot to learn; please continue to train till this envy has left your heart. Only then will I be able to see your Guardian and bond you with him." Leora ended the vision and let go of her hand, Hanna's face turned crimson with rage. What could this seer know of her and her feelings? She felt the urge to slap the seer but instead turned and ran from the room. Kisa apologized for her behavior again and followed after her. Ethan made a slight movement in wanting to go after her as well but he somehow felt it was wrong and Kisa had already gone so he stayed.

Leora was finished naming all of the Song Maidens Guardians by the afternoon meal. Shira proclaimed that there were to be several days of feasting to rejoice for the return of the Maidens. Some Maidens knew who their Guardians were and sought them out to be bonded. The day was long and all were weary, Shira wished to retire early from her public role as Mother Song Maiden. Ethan always at her side followed vigilant eyes and was still unsure for what he was, a creature of the night.

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