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Chapter 3: Chapter 2: Introduction

Oh, I don't think we're properly introduced yet.

My name is Daniel Rainer, I'm gonna be seventeen this year, and the youngest Leader Of Sector this world has ever seen.

What does that mean? I guess I have to start from the beginning.

First, you should understand 'Powers'.

Powers are the basic, fundamental unit that defines a person's future, whether it's going to be successful, or short-lived.

Powers can be classified into different terms: Strength, Flame, Air, Liquid, Metal, Sound, Light and None.

A person with a Strength Power has the ability to manipulate his own physicality, which means that he can make himself grow stronger, faster, taller, more attractive, or all at once, with his own willpower. One can usually also heal himself with this Power, and quicken up the pace to turn back cuts, wounds, burns, fractured bones, sprained muscles, and usually anything in general.

A person with a Flame Power has the ability to manipulate heat, fire and radiation. And that's exactly as it sounds, the person can create fire, increase the temperature of his surroundings. But the most terrifying, is when a person is strong enough to control radiation. Especially gamma radiation... Things can really go south if you aren't prepared to meet someone like that.

A person with an Air Power can manipulate wind and vacuums. This Power isn't really terrifying if you aren't strong enough. The most you could do is blow someone away from you using blasts of wind or a small tornado. But if you have real talent, then you could manipulate gravity by creating a perfect vacuum in small areas, sucking in unfortunate people.

A person with a Liquid Power could manipulate any matter as long as it is in liquid state. That could mean that you could potentially suck out the blood from a person's body through the pores of their skin until they're a piece of dried jerky. Try to get that picture out your imagination.

A person with a Metal Power can manipulate any from of element in solid state. Don't let the name trick you, Metal doesn't necessarily mean just metal. One could even teleport, by disconnecting the atoms and molecules in their bodies and reconnect them somewhere else. But sometimes, there can be someone strong enough, to be able to manipulate vectors, which means he could change the speed, and direction of certain elements by focusing on them directly. I met a guy like that once, and I have to admit, even I was surprised at how hard it was to beat him. (But I did in the end of course.)

A person with a Sound Power has the ability to manipulate sound. Now, in my personal opinion, this Power can be the second most useless one, or the second most terrifying one, it all depends on how you were born. If you were born weak, then the most you could probably do is prevent any sound from reaching any ears. But if you were born strong, then you could make the people around you experience deafness of even death by producing a sound that's extremely loud. But if you were born perfectly, you could destroy the entire Earth. That's right, destroy the freaking earth. All he has to do, is produce a sound loud enough to shake the very core of the earth, and vibrate the plates together until they eventually crush themselves and wipe out the entire Earth. (Just gonna end it here.)

A person with a Light Power has the ability to manipulate photons produced from a light source. This Power is almost the same as Sound. You can either be useless, or absolutely overpowered, it depends on if you were born talented or not. If you were born weak, then you could probably take out all surrounding light from the area, blinding those in it. But if you were born strong, you could be able to create a pressurized beam of light that can blast your opponent to the moon. And if you were born to be that perfect person, then you could even compress matter until it turns into plasma, and basically create a sun on the surface of the Earth. (Gonna stop here too, good luck sleeping well tonight!)

And finally, the person with None Powers has the ability to manipulate... nothing. Because that's all that is it, None means this person has no Powers at all. It's almost sad to think about, that you were born without any powers at all, in a world filled with people who were. But as my master says, this world is unfair after all. And even the most powerful of the powerful can't change that.

Anyway, this would be the basic types of Powers. And any individual can be born with any one of them.

But now, we get to the more advanced parts. Power Combinators and PoweMeasures.

Power Combinators are people who were born with multiple Powers. People like this are of course, than those who were born with one Power only. But that doesn't specifically mean that they are stronger, it all depends on their PoweMeasures.

A PoweMeasure is a calculation and estimation of how strong a person is in terms of their Powers.

A person with None Powers is considered a '1.0', but someone who could destroy the world would be considered a '10.0'.

This relates to the Power Combinators before because if you were a Power Combinator with three Powers, yet only have a PoweMeasure of say... '4.2', then someone with only one Power, but has a PoweMeasure of '4.3' would be seen as the most likely winner, despite you having more powers then him.

You understand how the hierarchy works in the world now? Great, let's start talking about the world itself now.

The world is split into six Divisions, and those Divisions are spilt into smaller areas called Sectors. These Sectors are spilt again into even smaller areas known as States.

These States are the smallest unit of land in terms of the Unique Government System, and the biggest would be the Divisions.

The Unique Government System, or UGS, is a proposal to put a single person in charge of a specific amount of States, called a Leader Of State, but this person would be under a more powerful person that controls all States that they own, known as the Highest Leader Of State.

UGS also uses a territory conquering system to keep things interesting.

In a Sector, there can be multiple Highest Leader Of State that is in opposition with each other, and they all control different States, and in order for one Highest Leader Of State to claim more territory for him or herself, they can send someone from the States that they control, a Leader Of State, or even themselves to attack another State that they do not control, and they do this by attacking the Leader Of State in that State. If they win, then they get to control the State, if they lose, then they have one injured person that failed their mission. In the case of a random person chosen to attack the opposing Leader Of State, it's fine, they're expandable. But if a Leader Of State is chosen, or a Highest Leader Of State decides to go themselves, then it may be catastrophic, since others may try to take advantage of this and defeat the injured person and take their States.

If a person defeats a Highest Leader Of State, then all the States that were under their control goes to the Highest Leader Of State in their territory.

And if a Highest Leader Of State manages to take control of all States in a Sector, then he is no longer called a Highest Leader Of State, but called a Leader Of Sector.

I'm one of them.

The title is flattering, but it can get annoying sometimes too.

So many people come to me to challenge me to a fight so that they could claim my Sector, always underestimating me to be 'just a kid' and that they would win easily.

They mostly end up like the man that I fought earlier.

Though there are some very powerful ones that I have met over my experience as a Leader Of Sector, but none have prevailed. (Or else I wouldn't be called a Leader Of Sector now, would I?),

Anyway, the other thing you should know is that when a Leader Of Sector manages to controls all Sectors in a Division, then they become a Leader Of Division. (Should be common sense.)

This would be mostly everything that one has to know in this world, I'll explain the lesser important things if I encounter them, but for now, it's time to be introduced to something else...

I took another step towards the school gate, no really wanting to enter the dreaded place of 'learning'.

My World.

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