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"Because I'm bringing the party to you," Tony replied. Moments later, Tony flew toward them, pursued by a leviathan.

"I don't see how that's a party," Natasha remarked.

"Great," Harry sighed. "Who's dealing with that?" Harry inquired, contemplating how to handle a flying basilisk look-alike alien. Suddenly, a shout rang out: "It's clobbering time!" A rocky giant slammed the flying leviathan to the ground.

"Hold on," Stark warned before launching a rocket at an exposed part of the leviathan. Harry swiftly erected a shield to protect himself and the allies from the ensuing explosion. The Chitauri, reacting to the blast, emitted screeching war cries—annoying for Harry more than anything.

The rock giant roared victoriously, but then a fiery boy appeared in the sky, incinerating the Chitauri.

"Who are they?" Steve inquired.

"New recruits, I suppose," Harry said with a shrug.

"Welcome to the show, Fantastic Four," Tony quipped as Reed Richards and the elegant lady appeared behind Captain Rogers.

"Late invite, Stark. What can you do?" Richards retorted.

"Hey, better late than never," Stark shrugged.

"Right, better clench up, Legolas," Stark said, grabbing Barton and zipping away.

"Thor, your lightning's effective against them. Try to bottleneck the portal, but conserve your energy. This battle might drag," Steve directed. Thor nodded and took off, his hammer spinning.

"Harry, Nat, you're with me on the ground. I'll switch between assisting others and backing you two up," Steve outlined his plan, turning to the eight-foot-tall giant rock figure. "You seem like the only one who can help here."

The Thing's grin conveyed confidence, silently signaling his readiness to assist.

"For the rest of you, do what you do best," Steve addressed the other members of Fantastic Four.

"We'll handle ourselves," Reed assured.

"I sure hope so," Captain America replied, eying the situation warily as he still doesn't know them.

"Are you ready, Harry?" Natasha asked.

"I was born ready," Harry sighed, surveying the chaos the Chitauri had unleashed.

"We'll get through this," Natasha reassured.

"Never doubted it," Harry replied sincerely. "We'll win, no doubt. But these people... they didn't ask for this fight."

"They never do," Steve concurred.

"Well, it's our job to protect them, so let's bloody get on with it," Harry declared, swiftly turning and unleashing a volley of spells toward multiple groups of soldiers. His movements quickened as he prepared a significant transfiguration spell. Objects in the vicinity morphed into dangerous magical creatures he vividly remembered from his world—Acromantulas, werewolves, three-headed Cerberus, and other formidable creatures like Hippogriffs surged toward the Chitauri ranks. As chaos ensued, Harry ascended into the sky on his broomstick.

The air crackled with magic as the transfigured creatures wreaked havoc among the Chitauri, creating a diversion and drawing their attention away from vulnerable areas. Harry maneuvered swiftly, surveying the battlefield from above, strategizing his next move to aid in the defense and ensure the safety of the civilians below.

In the chaos of battle, Harry led his transfigured army, a diverse array of creatures, charging into the fray. As he surged forward, the other Avengers and members of the Fantastic Four fought their individual battles across different sectors of the city, rallying against the Chitauri onslaught.

Thor soared through the skies near the portal, his lightning strikes wreaking havoc among the incoming Chitauri. Alongside him, the Human Torch blazed a trail of fire, incinerating any invaders in their path.

The Invisible Woman and Mr. Fantastic worked in tandem, utilizing their powers to shield civilians and repel the invading forces, exhibiting an incredible display of teamwork.

Black Widow and Captain America maneuvered through the chaos, engaging enemies while rescuing stranded civilians, their swift movements a dance of combat and rescue.

Hawkeye and Iron Man coordinated their attacks against the Chitauri soldiers riding the flying chariots, aiming to thin out the aerial threat and maintain control of the skies.

However, the most intense clash unfolded between the Hulk and the Thing, locked in a brutal showdown against their formidable adversaries. Hulk faced off against the Red Hulk, who is, in reality, the one and only General Ross, and the Thing grappled with Cull Obsidian, the adopted son of the mad titan Thanos, both pairs locked in struggles of raw power and experience.

In the midst of the chaos, Loki observed, relishing the pandemonium. "As I anticipated, each hero is occupied in their own skirmish. Before long, they'll succumb to the overwhelming numbers of the Chitauri. Cull and Red Hulk will handle the brute forces while dealing with the nuisances of Hulk and Thing. These new additions will be dealt with just like the Avengers. It's time to join in and show my brother a glimpse of my power as I reign over this planet."

Loki's sinister plans unfolded as he contemplated joining the battle, aiming to further complicate matters for the already beleaguered heroes and solidify his dominion over Earth.


In the fight of titan-like figures, the ground trembled as the Hulk and the Thing clashed with the opponents of their own size. The raw power of these four titans shook the very foundations of the battlefield.

Hulk roared, his thunderous voice echoing as he exchanged earth-shattering blows with Red Hulk. Each punch felt like a seismic event, sending debris flying in all directions. Their fists collided with bone-crushing force, creating shockwaves that rattled the surroundings.

Meanwhile, the Thing grappled with Cull Obsidian, a towering and immensely strong adversary. Their battle was a symphony of brute force, each strike sending shockwaves through the air. Cull's colossal strength was matched only by the Thing's unyielding resilience. Their clash reverberated through the streets, leaving destruction in their wake.

Both battles were fierce and unrelenting, with neither side willing to yield an inch. Hulk's rage fueled his relentless assault, while the Red Hulk matched him blow for blow, their collision sending shockwaves that rocked the battlefield. Their destructive fight threatened to tear apart everything around them.

At the same time, the Thing grappled with Cull Obsidian, their clash a testament to raw power. The Thing's tenacity and strength were put to the test against Cull's immense might. Each strike echoed with sheer force, causing nearby structures to crumble under the intensity of their battle.

The battlefield was a cacophony of destruction and raw power as these mighty beings clashed, their struggles threatening to reshape the cityscape. Each blow was met with equal ferocity, the ground quaking with the intensity of their brutal combat.

Unfortunately, the battle between Red Hulk, Cull Obsidian, Hulk, and the Thing raged on, and it seemed the tide was tipping in favor of the seasoned combatants. The experience and skill of Red Hulk and Cull Obsidian gave them an edge, leaving our heroes grappling with their formidable opponents.

Red Hulk sneered as he exchanged blows with Hulk, taunting him between clashes. "Is that all you've got, greenie? I expected more from the so-called strongest there is. You're just a tantrum-throwing child!"

Hulk roared in frustration, his immense strength matched by Red Hulk's calculated tactics. The ground shook as their conflict intensified, the surroundings taking a beating from their immense power.

At the same time, Cull Obsidian faced the Thing, his relentless assault testing the Thing's resilience. Cull landed heavy blows that echoed through the shattered streets. The Thing grunted in response, holding his ground against the overwhelming force of his adversary.

The heroes struggled against their experienced foes, the nearby buildings already reduced to ruins amidst their brutal clash. The battle had become a destructive spectacle, the city bearing the scars of their titanic struggle as they fought tooth and nail against opponents who seemed to have the upper hand.


Near the portal, Thor and the Human Torch took to the skies, embroiled in a fierce aerial battle against the incoming Chitauri army and their formidable leviathans. The sky became their battleground as they fought to fend off the relentless assault from the airborne invaders.

Thor summoned crackling bolts of lightning, hurling them with pinpoint accuracy at the Chitauri forces. Each lightning strike crackled through the sky, finding its mark and taking down several enemy ships and soldiers. His powerful throws were like celestial fireworks, illuminating the chaos with bursts of electrifying energy.

Beside him, the Human Torch blazed a fiery trail, streaking through the air with fiery arcs that incinerated Chitauri ships in their path. His flames engulfed the oncoming attackers, creating a dazzling display of searing heat that reduced enemy reinforcements to ashes.

The leviathans, massive and menacing, loomed in the distance. These colossal creatures posed a significant threat, but Thor and the Human Torch didn't falter. Thor summoned winds of immense force, creating a storm that buffeted the leviathans, disrupting their flight path and causing them to stagger.

The Human Torch flew in agile loops and dives, using his fiery heat to fuel the storm and burn the armored defenses of the leviathans. Both of their powers complimented each other, turning the Chitauri-filled sky into an orange spectacle.

After witnessing the scene they created, Thor complimented Johnny, "Well, I must say you are good, fire-man."

"It's Human Torch, not fire-man, and well, I agree with you, we do make a good team," replied Johnny while being both annoyed and amused.

As the battle raged on, the sky became a canvas of elemental fury—lightning clashed with fire, and the heroes fought tirelessly against the overwhelming might of the Chitauri armada and their monstrous leviathans, determined to protect the city from their destructive advance.

Amidst the chaos and destruction, Black Widow and Captain America moved with precision and courage, embodying heroism in the heart of the battle. Theirs was a relentless effort to fight off the Chitauri invaders while ensuring the safety of the endangered civilians caught in the crossfire.

Black Widow swiftly maneuvered through the debris-strewn streets, her combat prowess on full display as she engaged the Chitauri soldiers with calculated strikes and swift takedowns. With acrobatic finesse, she skillfully incapacitated multiple enemies while darting between crumbling structures to shield and rescue civilians caught in harm's way.

Captain America, wielding his shield with unwavering resolve, led the charge against the Chitauri onslaught. His iconic shield became a formidable weapon, deflecting blasts and protecting both himself and those around him. With each throw, the shield found its mark, disarming adversaries and creating brief windows of opportunity for strategic counterattacks.

Together, Black Widow and Captain America operated in perfect synchrony, their unwavering teamwork an inspiring sight amidst the chaos leaving the rescued civilians with the feeling of awe. They seamlessly covered each other's backs, fighting with unwavering determination while ensuring that the civilians found safety in the midst of the havoc.

While Captain and Natasha were busy, Hawkeye and Iron Man joined forces to tackle the aerial threat posed by the Chitauri soldiers riding their flying chariots. Their coordination was key as they worked together to thin out the airborne enemy forces and maintain control of the skies.

Hawkeye's precision with his bow and arrows was unmatched as he skillfully targeted the Chitauri soldiers riding the flying chariots. His arrows soared through the air with unerring accuracy, finding their marks and taking down multiple adversaries, creating a path for Iron Man to swoop in.

Iron Man, equipped with his high-tech suit, soared through the skies with agility and

 speed. His repulsor blasts lit up the battlefield as he engaged the Chitauri soldiers, firing bursts of energy to neutralize their flying chariots. The sky became a dazzling display of technology and archery as the duo fought to gain the upper hand against the aerial assault.

Their coordinated attacks disrupted the Chitauri formations, causing confusion among the enemy ranks. Hawkeye's strategic prowess in targeting specific weak points and Iron Man's sheer firepower created a formidable combination, making it difficult for the Chitauri soldiers to maintain their airborne advantage.

As they fought side by side, Hawkeye's precise shots provided cover for Iron Man's more powerful attacks. The two heroes seamlessly complemented each other's strengths, creating openings in the enemy defenses and reducing the aerial threat posed by the Chitauri soldiers on their flying chariots.

Their teamwork and tactical coordination were crucial in controlling the skies, ensuring that the Chitauri's aerial advantage was neutralized, and paving the way for the other heroes to focus on other aspects of the battle unfolding across the city.


( Author's note.) 

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