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80% The MARVELous Harry Potter / Chapter 28: 28. CLASH OF TITANS.

Chapter 28: 28. CLASH OF TITANS.


Reaching the scene, Harry took in the challenging situation. Hulk was being forced back by Red Hulk, and the formidable Cull Obsidian was teaming up against the green giant. The Thing, knocked out, lay nearby, looking battered but slowly recovering.

Harry didn't hesitate. He swiftly performed an extra-strong Episkey on the Thing to aid in his healing, then turned his attention to Red Hulk. Considering the similarities between Red Hulk and Hulk, Harry pondered whether a tickling charm would be effective. Sneaking up to the massive figure, he tried the charm, but Red Hulk evaded it as if his sixth sense sensed danger from the spell, growing even angrier at the wizard.

"Stay out of my way, little wizard. I'll finish you," warned Red Hulk, not taking Harry seriously.

Understanding that direct confrontation wasn't his strong suit, Harry changed his approach. Recognizing the need to support Hulk and weaken their mutual enemies, Harry pointed his wand at the weary Hulk. Casting Engorgio to make Hulk even larger and Confundo to fuel his rage, Harry successfully tilted the odds in his favor.

Red Hulk and Cull Obsidian, perceiving the growing threat of the expanding Hulk as an immediate danger, redirected their attention to Harry, wanting to eliminate the troublesome wizard. But before they could act, enormous hands seized them, and Hulk ruthlessly pounded them into the ground, creating a massive crater. Despite his increased size, Hulk displayed surprising agility, landing a series of punches until he was satisfied. With a powerful roar that felt like it could shake the ground, Hulk raised his massive head to the sky. The loud sound echoed across the battered battlefield, a triumphant anthem of his strength.

His eyes, still holding a hint of anger, now gleamed with satisfaction. The triumph wasn't just over his enemies; it was a victory over the inner struggles that had always troubled him. Like a king on this battleground, Hulk asserted his dominance with a primal show of power, surpassing mere victory. It was a clear assertion of control over the chaos that had unfolded.

The muscles on his massive body flexed as he stood tall, showcasing the raw strength he had just unleashed. The ground beneath him almost seemed to bow in acknowledgment of his triumph, creaking with every step he took. Hulk's roar lingered in the air, a testament to the unyielding spirit that had conquered challenges.

In that moment, Hulk wasn't just a creature of anger and destruction; he was a powerful symbol of unbeatable strength and triumph. His roar to the sky reflected the deep satisfaction within the core of this green behemoth, like a king reigning over the aftermath of his conquest.

As the spell effects wore off, Hulk returned to his original but still imposing size. Seizing the opportunity, Harry swiftly used binding spells on both Red Hulk and Cull Obsidian, ensuring they couldn't do anything. Red Hulk then shrank back, transforming into General Ross, clad in torn clothes, a defeated figure after the magical onslaught. 

The battlefield now rested in silence, marking the victory of Harry and Hulk over their formidable adversaries. The weary Hulk, breathing heavily from the intense battle, shifted his attention to the looming threat of the leviathans circling above. Recognizing the need to harness the green giant's formidable power, Harry commended him, "Good job, big guy, but our battle isn't over yet." He pointed towards the massive creatures dominating the sky.

The Hulk, ever eager for a challenge, grinned and replied, "GOOD, PUNY WIZARD MAKE HULK POWERFUL." Roaring loudly, he leaped towards the nearest leviathan. With a mighty punch, he collided with the enormous head of the flying giant, sending it crashing down to the ground in a colossal collision.

Harry, observing the awakening rock giant, remarked, "How long are you gonna nap, rockhead? The battle ain't finished." He scolded The Thing, who appeared more interested in catching some Z's than completing the fight.

"Who died and made you the boss? Just let me catch some shut-eye. I'm tired," grumbled the tired Benjamin Grimm, expressing his fatigue and desire for a break.

"Believe me, big guy, I wish I could rest too. But we're in the final stretch of this fight. Loki, the mastermind, is out, and his pals are taking a break with him. All that's left is cleaning up," Harry reassured The Thing, attempting to motivate his massive ally.

Getting back on his feet, The Thing grasped the situation. "Well, you're right. We're almost there, and I need to blow off some steam after that beating. By the way, what's your name, wizard?"

"Harry. Harry Potter," the wizard replied.

The Thing released a deep, hearty laugh. "Impressive, Harry Potter. And it's not rockhead; everyone calls me the Thing. My friends call me Ben, so you can call me Ben." This exchange brought a brief sense of camaraderie, a welcome break in the chaos surrounding them.

With a renewed determination, the Thing, Ben Grimm, plunged into the ongoing battle, muscles flexed and ready for action. Choosing to rely on his colossal strength, he began hurling rocks like baseballs at the airborne Chitauri chariots, adding a unique twist to the skirmish. One of the rocks struck a chariot, causing it to sway uncontrollably before colliding with a Chitauri aiming its weapon at Domino.

Focused on blasting Chitauris with their own blasters, Domino heard the commotion behind her. Unfazed by the incoming attacks, she turned around to see what was happening, casually shouting, "Heyaa! HARRY! How's it going there?" while waving to Harry, now standing with the rock-like powerhouse.

Breathing a sigh of relief at seeing her in good condition, Harry replied, "I'm fine, Domino. You don't look so bad yourself. Need any help or something?"

"Well," Domino responded after a quick glance around, "Do I look like I need help? But thanks for asking." She continued her relentless assault on the Chitauri forces.

"Good, stay safe. I'll reach out to the others to figure out what's happening all around. It's high time we put an end to this," Harry declared before using his communication device to talk to the rest of the Avengers and Fantastic Four"Attention, Avengers and Fantastic Four. Loki and his accomplice, along with Red Hulk, are no longer a threat. It turns out Red Hulk is some General named Ross, manipulated by Loki. I've got Loki's scepter in my hands. These alien soldiers are somehow connected, as I discovered when trying to infiltrate their minds. Now, our move is to close the portal and sever their connection to the main ship. If we don't, we'll be overwhelmed by an endless wave of these alien soldiers. I need updates from the other side."

In the midst of their own battle with aliens, the Avengers acknowledged Harry's urgent message. A collective sigh of relief swept through the group, their attention now fully on the gravity of the current situation.

Tony's tired voice crackled over the communication devices. "Well, well, who would've thought Ross is hiding such a big secret," he remarked, the subtle hum of his Iron Man suit audible in the background. "But everything's clear here. Barton and I are handling these Chitauri for now, but Harry's right. We need to close the portal. I don't think we can hold out for too long. I'm running low on energy, and Barton's out of arrows."

The connection stayed live as Mr. Fantastic chimed in, his voice steady amidst the chaos. "We're ensuring the safety of civilians here. So far, so good, but everyone's pretty scared. Susan and I are getting tired."

Thor's commanding voice thundered through the earpiece, the weight of his words lingering in the air. "Have you truly defeated Loki, Seidr of Midgard, and where is he?"

Harry's response carried a mix of weariness and triumph. "He's sound asleep here after taking the beating of his life. He never thought his opponent could be sneakier than him, and he paid the price."

Natasha, her voice sharp and focused, provided a crucial update. "Can anyone hear me? I've got Selvig with me. I can close the portal, but I need Loki's scepter."

Captain America's authoritative voice broke through the communication channels, rallying the team. "All right, everyone. Reed and Tony, ensure everyone's safety there and hold on for now. Thor, keep thinning out enemies along with Human Torch. And most importantly, Harry, good job. Take the scepter to Natasha and close the portal. Let's put an end to this."

Harry's determined response, transmitted through the devices, set the tone for the final push. "I'll be there, Natasha." The Avengers, now united in their efforts, prepared for the ultimate push to conclude the Chitauri invasion and safeguard the Earth.


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