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Chapter 7: Chapter 7: I’ve Finally Found Her!

Dustin POV

It was an hour into the party, and I hadn't seen the birthday girl yet. If anyone knew where she was, it would be Julie, so I walked over and asked. "Hey babe, have you seen Destiny?" She scrunched up her nose in thought before replying. "No, not since we got dressed together. Do you want me to go look for her?"

"No. I can find her. We're twins remember; she can't hide from me." I gave her a quick kiss before I headed into the house in search for Destiny. When I reached her room, I could feel that something wasn't right.

I knocked on the door, but it was just silence on the other side. But something was telling me that this is where she was. "Destiny, I know your in their, so open the door, please." Still, I got no reply. I was getting more and more worried, so I pulled out my emergency key and put it in the lock.

As I twisted the knob and tried to open the door, I felt resistance on the other side. 'What the hell?' I thought to myself as I applied gentle pressure and slowly widened the crack enough for me to squeeze through. As soon as I stepped in, my heart stopped. I looked down to see my beautiful sister curled up on the floor. She's spent so much time straightening her hair, but now it'd began to mat and curl around her face, soaked from her tears.

I bent down and asked, "Destiny, what happened? Why are you lying their on the floor?" When she looked up into my eyes, my heart broke. My sister was hurting, and I didn't know why. I did the first thing I could think of and scooped her up into my arms. As I began to walk her over to her bed carefully, I heard her whisper, "He rejected me." Instantly my body tensed and my wolf Max came to the surface, ready to destroy whoever did this to her. "Who rejected you?" He growled.

He wanted a name, and he wanted it right then. No one rejected my sister and lived to see another day. Destiny simply shook her head; the pain of rejection still too much for her. I sighed and fought for control before I placed her in her bed and pulled the covers up. I then climbed in behind her, held her close, and just let her cry.

Before long, her breathing was slow and shallow, and I knew she was asleep. I gently removed myself from the bed and made my way back downstairs. When I reached the bottom, Julie came up to me. "Hey, where have you been? The party's almost over." She saw the look on my face and knew something wasn't right. "Where's Destiny?" I took a deep breath before replying, "she's upstairs asleep. She was rejected."

"WHAT?!" Julie roared. "Where is this son of a bitch? I'll fucking kill him for hurting my girl. Who was it, was it one of the visiting alphas? I knew I didn't like them, just wait..."

She spun around, ready to go back to the party and open the gates of hell. Before she could take two steps, I grabbed her and pulled her to me. I placed my head in the crook of her neck and inhaled deeply, calming myself down and her too in the process. "I don't know who it was, babe," I say, still holding her. "She was too broken to even tell me his fucking name! Maybe in the morning, she'll be able to tell us what happened." I grabbed her hand before saying, "Come on, let's go back to the party. At least one of the birthday pair should be in attendance." Julie nodded her head before we set off. I could play the happy birthday boy then, but the next day I was going full Alpha on some unsuspecting soul.


Unknown POV

I walked around the party, feeling a sense of unease. I knew that I was in no danger as many of my pack warriors were here with me, and the Blood Moon pack had always been close allies, but still, something seemed off. I took a sip of my drink and noticed plenty of she-wolves giving me the eye, trying desperately to get me to see them.

At twenty-one, I still hadn't found my mate yet, and I had no desire to fool around with any randoms. I ignored their pathetic excuses for flirting and turned to my best friend, Shane. "Isn't this supposed to be a birthday party?" I said, "Where are the guests of honor? I know I've seen Dustin around, but I don't think I've seen his sister yet."

"Beats me," Shane replied, before adding, "but the Blood Moon she-wolves? Man!"

I laughed before I rolled my eyes at him. "Be careful, man. We don't leave until tomorrow night, and I don't want you starting any shit, messing with some chick who doesn't belong to you." He feigned innocence and said, "I would never!"

"Yeah, sure," I replied before making my way to the buffet.

After grabbing my food, I sat down at my table and began to people watch. The Blood Moon pack was huge, and I'd learned one of the reasons for their continued growth was the exceptional leadership of their Alpha, Michael. I'd spoken to him and his Luna briefly upon my arrival, and they were nothing if not gracious hosts.

Once I found my mate, I planned to lead as well as the two of them had. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that Dustin had returned to the party, but I'd still not seen his sister. I began to wonder, why was I so focused on this girl? At this thought, my wolf Star began to stir.

~What's going on man?~

~She's here.~

~Yeah, who is this 'she' you speak of? Because if she's not my mate, then I don't...~


I shot up from my chair and looked around.

~Mate, mate, mate!~ Star chanted in my head in between howls.

~Chill out, man. Are you sure she's here? I don't see anyone remarkable.~ I thought, doubt slowly starting to creep into my mind.

~She's here, you dick!~

~Goddess dude, chill.~

I continued to scan the crowd.

Star was usually just as cool and calm as me, so I knew that if he said she was here, she was here. Shane came back to join me and asked, "What's up, bro, what's got you all tensed up?"

"He's found her," I replied. Shane gives me a 'huh' look before I dragged my hand through my hair. "Star, he says our mate is here, but I can't find her."

"Oh shit, congratulations, man. Is she one of the Blood Moon chicks? I bet she's sexy as fu..." I cut his thought off with a deep growl. Shane looked over and apologized. "My bad man, I just got excited for you."

Star was still pacing back and forth in my mind, and rolled his eyes and mumbled "idiot" as he continued sniffing around for our mate. I walked past the dance floor, and I smelled the faintest hint of caramel. Star picked up on the scent almost immediately and carried me straight to the pack house and up the stairs.

The smell was getting stronger and stronger until it pulled me to a stop at one of the bedroom doors. When I stopped at the door, Star yelled at me.

~What are you doing? Mate is in there. Go get her! NOW!~

It took all my strength and composure to push him to the back of my mind and gently knock on the door.

I waited for a response, but when I didn't hear anything, Star again chimed in.

~Go. Get. Our. Mate.~

I slowly opened the door, and the intoxicating smell hit me full force. I walked further into the room and saw the beautiful figure lying on the bed. My only thought at that moment was, 'Damn an angel, this girl is a Goddess." Star agreed with a loud and happy howl. "I've finally found her..."

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