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Chapter 2: Chapter 1

MAY 22

I woke to the sounds of my alarm telling me I had an hour before class. It was finals week and sleep seemed to be a second thought for the past two weeks. I am so glad this is the last class and exam I will ever have to do for the rest of my life. I groggily got out of the bed with protest, I noticed Bruce left again without saying goodbye. It's like I was talking to a brick wall last night. I took a shower and got dressed because the Dinner is closed today so I can come back and get some much-needed sleep. I tie up my hair in a scarf that matched my outfit, I wore a creme camisole top with blue jeans and a floral kimono cardigan and sandals. I checked the pets' food bowls to find they were still empty from last night, "Ugh, why do I put up with this. I simply asked, hey if you leave early could you feed the pets because I'll probably wake up late and not have time before class. But did you help me out when I'm the one basically paying bills around here? Nope." I finish filling the babies' bowls and started the car. With only enough time to just barely make it into class, I rushed to my seat and pulled out the last of my things when professor Gavin walked in and locked the door on two students behind him. "Sorry guys, if you are adamant about taking the exam you can either try for my next period's exam. or take my summer course." he drew the blinds and called attention to the front of the class. "Alright, so this is hopefully the last I will ever see any of you guys so please, try to pass. I know It's been a crazy past few weeks with all our major cramming but I have faith in you all." He walked around passing out papers directly in front of everyone. "Now, these are your tests, wait for my signal to flip them over and begin. once you are done please bring them to my desk is what I'd normally say but for today I'd advise you all just stay in your seats till your allotted time." He finished passing out the papers and looked at his watch for a moment. "Begin." and we were off.

"Alright pencils down." Professor Gavin called. he walked around and took the remaining papers before dismissing us for the last time. And we all cheered that we were through with it all, now let's go home. Bruce was already home when I pulled up. when I walked in I was astounded by the mess he made, shoes, clothes, dishes, the list could go on. "I was only gone for two hours, what the hell happened?" I asked him as I walked further into what he called a house. He continued to make himself a sandwich "Nothing happened, I just got home as well, I thought you said you were probably gonna wake up late today? Wait, where did you go?" I was about to tear him a new one when my phone rang, It was work. I answered with a sigh "Hello, uh huh, okay. Be there as soon as I can." I hung up and went to put on my work clothes. "Have fun at work," he yelled behind me with a mouth full of bread.

While at work I was finding it hard to stay awake. And the inconsistency of customers was really daunting. I switched with a couple of coworkers so that I could keep busy. But sleep was winning more than I realized when my coworker Andy caught me as I almost fell over. "Are you okay? You have been off today." he whispered under his breath "I'm good, just a little sleepy is all." He helped walk me to the kitchen when our boss came out on the floor. "A little bit sleepy my ass. you look downright dead. This is not the place to go this far for." I started to counter but he cut me off "Nope, look I already talked to the boss seeing as how you are coming down with a fever. You drive here?" I nodded "Why?" "Because you are not driving anywhere." He held out his hand in a request for my keys. "But you don't know where I live for one, and two how will you get back?" "One, you're putting your address in my phone, and two we're driving in mine. I can bring your car later. Now hand 'em over"

I reluctantly handed my eyes and address over, but he was right on the no-driving thing. I have been up more hours than I've been asleep in the last month. And those were mostly because of nightmares. As we got in the car Andy turned on the AC and pulled a small freshly washed blanket out from his backseat, "Why do you have a freshly washed blanket in your car?" I asked him, he chuckled as he started off the drive. "Don't worry, It's recently bought so it's never been used." We drive in silence.

I was running in a forest when I spotted a clearing up ahead of the trees. I dashed towards it with all the strength I had left. Just as the trees cleared I was met with a cliff, and I didn't have enough traction to stop. As I attempted to come to a stop, "Gasp!" I bolted up from the seat in a daze the nightmare still fresh in my mind. I looked around and see we were stopped on the side of the road, I slowly turned to see Andy looking at me with a what the fuck look. "What the fuck Anna?" we sat there for a moment before he sighed and started driving again. "I have nightmares," I said, I waited for him to respond but he stayed quiet. "I haven't been getting any good sleep and then I just finished my last final exam today so I've been pulling all-nighters." I finished and went to look out the window, "And how long as the no sleep been going on?" he asked, I thought for a moment. "Five weeks." he nods his head as he continued driving. Not long after we pulled up into my driveway, "Hey, I know it's been tough but if you ever need to talk to someone. You know where to find me." I nodded as I grabbed my bag and headed out of the car and into the house.

I was met with an angry-looking Bruce. Ok, here we go.

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