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Chapter 43: You know

/Belle POV/



{My first time in the dungeon was going well! There were a lot of monsters that tried to hurt me but I was okay! Sure I was being chased by so many goblins but at least they didn't leave bodies when they die. Unlike that time that Grandpa saved me from that one goblin that tried to *shudders* never mind that, it's time for me to help my goddess and find a girl to save in the dungeon!} thought Belle as she took a breather and tried to play it stealthy this time, the only weapon that she had was a dagger from the Guild that she had bought, so it was only going to be good for the first floors, but she'd make that best of it and get as many drops as she can. It was a sound plan but there was a single chink to that suit of armor, there were so many monsters that were spawning, the guide in the Guild said that usually Goblins only spawned in groups of five but here, they were spawning in groups of ten or even twenty! Just what was going on in the dungeon?!



/Frank POV/



{Well then, it seems that this little hero is getting overwhelmed, better make an entrance when they least expect it.} thought Frank as he simply went closer to the area that Bell was at. {Although I wonder how many things have changed in this alternate reality, how different is everything here? And is this Bell a male or a female?} Frank thought to himself as he continued to make his way downtown walking fast, faces pass and he's right behind the hero of the story. {Okay then they look exactly the same except he's wearing shorts, that's a very strange choice of wear but who am I to judge. since I wear rags because I find them as a good disguise.} Frank thinks to himself as he then knocked out the white rabbit. (Well then, time to set up the exact scene that occurred in the show. Domain! Summon a minotaur and have them come here to my location, and keep an eye out for anyone higher than Level 4.) he ordered the little girl as she replied (Yes Master, sending the minotaur to you riiiiiggghhhhhttt now!) and as she finished her words a minotaur spawned straight from the wall and looked around before spotting Frank. it kneeled on one leg and lowered its head in reverence to the master of its creator. (Well then buddy, I'll call you Prometheus, since you're pretty fucking buff. What I want you to do here is chase this little rabbit here and corner them, and if you sense someone around the Level Six or higher, roar as loud as you can to give away your position, when they come, feint a strike onto the rabbit and make sure you don't hurt it. And when the other enemy comes, you're going to have to take a single strike here bud, don't worry about this phase of my plan since your soul will remember and I'll have you evolved into a Xeno, do you understand what I want you to do? Also if no enemies come I'll do the play myself, do you understand?) Frank gave his entire plan as the minotaur grunted and nodded at his words. (Very good Prometheus, you'll do fine under me, keep following orders and you'll be in the sun in no time.) he promised the minotaur as they nodded happily at his words. (Alright bud, take the rabbit and find a good spot for you to play the script in, I'll be keeping watch over you.) Frank said as he then started to see the events unfold before his eyes.



/Loki Familia Executives/



The Loki Familia's mock expedition team was already seeing the large amount of goblins and Kobolds line the halls like decorations. They were so elated that even Bete ran straight for them and started to kill as many as he could, and harvest as many stones and drops that he could get his hands on. Riveria was watching the walls to see if monsters were going to spawn, and the rest of them went off the farm Excelia and drops. All in all it was going well for them, that was until they heard a scream of someone and the roar of a monster they knew all to well, a minotaur. (Ais, go see what's going on over there!) Finn said as he was swinging his spear around and cutting multiple threats in an instant, his [Spearman] Development Ability slowly but surely getting better in grade, but yet again it was slow. Ais heard the captain's directions and quickly sprinted towards the scream and saw someone being cornered by a minotaur, the monster in question had already raised their club and was about to strike down onto the person when Ais quickly unsheathed Desperate and had slain the minotaur. The blood had covered her slightly and completely drenched the girl who had been originally cornered by the minotaur. (Are you okay?) she asked as she swung desperate to get rid of the blood on its blade. The girl in question went completely red and ran away screaming, seeing this Ais was somewhat shocked that the girl did this but she never showed it on her face. She simply resheathed Desperate and walked quickly back to her familia as they surprisingly regrouped to her location. (Ais are you okay? What happened here?) Lefiya asked as she had a staff in her hands while she readied another spell to use in the meantime. (Well then, it appears that fate has still taken the same path that it was supposed to, what a shame, anyways then, how are all of you guys doing! I'll just give you guys some advice, Riveria and Lefiya, if were the two of you, I'd train your bodies to handle the level of magic that you guys use.) a square had appeared right in front of them as Bete quickly tried to slice it with his nails but it simply just went through it. (Hey there Fido! I didn't expect you to make such a quick recovery! Who's a naughty doggo, you are! You are!) he mocked Bete as he waggled his finger straight at him.



Bete was already filled with rage from the sight of the man, and was getting even more angry over time because of his taunting, but seeing a signal from their Captain he had to suck up the rage and frowned. (Okay then Franku-san, what specifically your goal here? Money, revenge, or are you just doing this for fun?) Finn said as his grip on his spear started to get tighter and tighter. (The last one isn't exactly the main reason but it is one of them to be honest, mainly it's out of your train of thought, but know this, I could be your good friend, I could be your worst nightmare, or somewhere in between, but know that I am not the last challenge.) Frank said with a smiling face as he then cackles at what the team's reaction is. (Why don't you fight us you coward! You brute! You-you, p-pervert!) Lefiya said as the laughter then dies down instantly as his face went cold. (You know-) he said as the square showed a white light surrounding him (I hate that word so so badly, and usually I'd kill the person who called me it, sometimes, I give them a fate worse than death, but since your existence is still useful to me, I'll just break a couple dozen of your bones.) he growled out as the white light disappears and the voice was heard right behind him. (Ready to fucking play nerds?) he said in a dark voice. The Loki Familia was in complete shock as all of their eyes went wide as they quickly grabbed their weapons. But unfortunately, frank was too fast for them, he quickly grabbed the closest person near him, which was Gareth, and held his legs and made him into a meat club. (Raaaaagggghhhh!!!!) he shouts out as he repeatedly smashed Gareth into the walls as Gareth's head started to bleed badly, Frank then threw Gareth at Riveria, which hit directly into her abdomen, and the force of it rippled through her body and left hairline fractures on some of her ribs, she coughed out saliva as the pain coursed through her, but she held it in to cast [Rea Laevateinn], which Frank quickly dodged as he dashed straight at Riveria as he had his fist clenched, red energy coursing through it as he aimed straight at her face, but then he was blasted away by another wave of Magic casted by Lefiya, who feared for her life but still had some sensibilities to try and help her friends, Frank was blasted into a wall from the force of the spell and spat on the ground. (You little bitch, I'm going to break your fucking femurs when I get my hands on yo-) he said as he was interrupted by an attack from the twins. (ALRIGHT! NO MORE FUCKING AROUND! SILVER CHARIOT: ACT II! GRAAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!) he summoned his new power as the humanoid had disappeared from their sight, and he had also used about eight percent more power from the Slayer as compared to usual (Time for all of you to see that I don't fuck around!) he said as he quickly disappeared from their sight.



A shout resounded as Finn turned around to see that Bete's head was being held up in the air by Frank ,as he repeated the very same thing that he did outside of the dungeon. (*bang* *crash* smash* *crunch*) went Bete's body as it too the abuse that Frank did. Another sound came as Tiona was kneeling down holding her Achilles tendon, which was sliced by the "stand" that Frank had. (As I said.) Frank talked as he appeared right in front of Finn. (Nobody.) he said as he grabbed Finn by the neck, cutting off Finn's airflow. (F̸̝̐U̴̎͜C̶̜̕Ķ̶̅S̸̻̉ ̵̭̈́Ẃ̵̮I̶̙̿T̸̢̆H̵̘̾ ̶͖͒M̵̰̓E̵̟͘,̵͖͠ ̴̨̀B̵͉͗Ḯ̴̡T̷̗͆C̶̲͝Ḥ̷͒.) he said as he headbutted Finn straight into the wall. Lefiya was already crying as she tried to heal her comrades. (You know what, I'll be generous, let me break your legs, and I'll leave all of you alone to lick you wounds.) he said as Lefiya stared into his eyes as she contemplated what she should do. (Oops, time's up. Make a choice before I change my mind.) he said as she then said (Fine, but please don't hurt them!) she says as tears started to form as Frank flipped her upside down and cracked both of her legs. She screamed in pain and cried, but then went to heal her teacher/mother figure right before passing out. (You guys, are utter fucking garbage.) said Frank as he turned around teleported back to the 100th floor.

AntiLoliLewding AntiLoliLewding

1832 words, alright so me putting up Frank as a menace to society is going well, personally I think that it would be nice to find an "ally", so I have something I wanna do to the rabbit. Anyways and as always, I'll ssee you guys, on the dark side of the moon! Peace!

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