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Chapter 13: Wakanda

Nick Fury had wanted to go himself and retrieve the Vibranium from Wakanda but because he had no knowledge about inspecting minerals, much less inspecting the authenticity of Vibranium, he too felt that sending Charles was the best bet,

Since he had no malicious thoughts against America, proven in the war against Chitauri. He was a brilliant Scientist, proven by his quick analysis to how to close that damm portal in the New York war, and since this whole operation had commenced and was going to succeed because of his intel, he was more at ease at sending him,, than sending Tony or Bruce, since Tony was a little untrustworthy, and Bruce was a hot potato.

"Okay listen up. We will drop you in South Africa, where you will meet the Wakandan army to whom you will hand over Erik Killmonger.

They will then take you and Killmonger in their own jet to Wakanda and after reaching there, you will be taken to a guest house.

There you will bathe and relax, and the next day, you will be granted an audience with the King T'Chaka, and there you will try to bargain for more Vibranium than it was agreed upon.

You are a national Hero so they might consider it, but if they don't, just check the Vibranium they are giving, verify their authenticity and once you are satisfied, you can request their forces to escort you out of Wakanda.

Once you are ready to leave, press this button, and we will be ready to receive you at the rendezvous point.

This is a GPS transmitter, keep it on you at all times."

Fury explained everything to Charles while handing him some miniature gadgets while Tony was explaining all of his findings on Vibranium from his Father, Howard Stark's research.

"Okay buddy, I hope you are ready." Said Tony as he shook Charles's hands and secretly handed him a small chip.

Charles felt the chip and smiled at Tony as he understood what he was trying to say.

Tony had tried searching for any Wakanadan servers on the internet but every result was a failure, and hence, he gave Charles a JARVIS bug, the improved version of the one he planted in the Helicarrier No. 64.

'Let's see who wins then...Tony Stark or Shuri.'

Charles then, under the heavy Security forces arrived at the rendezvous point where the Dora Milaje Guards were present with their Royal Talon Fighter.

"Charles Augustus Magnussen" Said Charles while extending his hands towards Okoye, who was the leader of the Wakandan armed forces, as well as the leader of Dora Milaje, an elite group of female bodyguards.

Okoye wasn't the type to easily make friends, and especially not with someone of the British Royal blood, whose ancestors were responsible for the Slavery of Black people all over the world, but since she was here on T'Chaka's orders, and she acknowledged Charles as a person who saved countless lives in the Battle of New York, she merely nodded towards Charles as a greeting and ordered the Dora Milaje to arrest Erik Stevens alias "Killmonger".

Charles took back his hand and looked back at Maria and Nick who had come with him to see him off and they both awkwardly looked at this and sighed.

"Follow us" Said Okoye as she led Charles to their Jet and flew away.

It hadn't even been five minutes since they started flying when Charles saw that an invisible land suddenly became a lush city after a forcefield was lifted from it.

Below him, there was the Golden City of Wakanda, the Capital!

Charles saw this scene and he had to admit that Wakanda was probably the most advanced civilization on the planet.

Looking at Charles who was appreciating their city, Okoye and other guards felt pride, and soon they landed beside what seemed like an army.

"Take him away, and you come with me." Said Okoye as she handed Erik to the guards who took him away.

There was no blood-right here, there was no challenge here. T'Chaka had already known about Erik and he had asked S.H.I.E.L.D to take away his Ring.

That ring which proved T'Chaka's blood was with Charles and that was what the bargaining chip was for them to even discuss about getting some Vibranium.

"You will not wander around in the Royal palace without any supervision. You can go to the city but you are not to argue or fight with any civilian. You must listen to any and every order from the Wakandan Army so they can maintain order in the city.

This will be your room. Tomorrow, you will have an audience with the King and you must remember to greet him and the council properly."

Okoye started giving orders after orders which Charles listened carefully and soon they arrived in a luxurious room which was enriched with the African and Wakandan's tradition.

"A very beautiful room" Charles praised out loud to which Okoye nodded with a small smile.

"If you need anything, you can either use this intercom here or tell it to any of the Dora Milaje, which are the warriors who escorted you here."

"Understood" Said Charles with a smile and Okoye turned around and left him.

"Master, There are about 8 different micro cameras which are placed in this suite. Even the bathroom and washroom have one.

There are multiple audio bugs as well placed around almost everywhere in this room." Came Veronica's voice in Charles's ear.

It was no surprise that Wakanda has already developed Nanobots out of Vibranium, I mean they had an unlimited supply of Vibranium for thousands and thousands of years from Mount Bashenga and Shuri was a Genius as well, catapulting Vibranium tech to new heights.



In Shuri's lab, T'Chaka, T'Chala, Shuri and Okoye were standing and looking at the multiple screens in Charles's room.

"Hey love. Yeah, I have reached Wakanda. You know, this is such a beautiful city, I wish you could be here with me. I would've loved to stroll the streets here with you. Their General Okoye is a little uptight but they are not stinky. I thought that due to my background, they might have some bias against me but they seem to be very warm people.

Yeah, about the Vibranium I will obviously try to bargain with the King. Well, let's see. Tomorrow I will be meeting him. From his speech at the World Council, he seems like a really reasonable guy. Yeah….Yes yes….of course. I Love you too, bye."

They all saw and heard Charles talk with Maria Hill from the cameras after which Charles went inside the bathroom and started the tap to fill the bathtub.

To his visible surprise, the bathtub was filled with warm water instantly and Charles then started taking off all of his clothes and entered the bathtub.

T'Chala disabled the audio-visual screen at this time and looked at his father and his sister, Shuri, who was already pretending to look away with a mischievous smile.

"He is not a threat, King Father."

T'Chaka looked at his son and then at another screen which had all the information of Charles Augustus Magnussen on it, from his Novels to his Heroic deed in the New york war.

"It seems that way" Replied T'Chaka as he turned around and left.

Charles took a good bath and then dressed in his Black 3-piece suit again after which he left his room and started walking towards the Golden City.

Right now, Charles was kept in the Royal Guest House near the Palace and the Golden City was some miles away.

Charles kept walking on foot while the Guards were already informed about him and they let him pass.

It seemed like Charles was unwatched by the Guards as he had no one following him but his every movement was being monitored from their control room.



Charles was the centre of attention as he arrived in the Market area, as so far, no one of white skin colour has ever entered their market.

If we say that there was no Racism from the Wakandans towards the white people or prejudice against Americans, then that would be a white lie.

Knowing about the history of the slave trade of their own brothers and sisters who were not privileged to be born in Wakanda, these people had obviously formed an Echo Chamber around them where the Whites are Devils.

Obviously, not everyone was like that. They were such an advanced civilization and they were well educated as well. It was a balance there were closet racists in America and people who were against racism and the same could be said for Wakanda. It had both kinds of people.

And that was also the reason why Charles was turning heads wherever he visited in the Golden City, as many have seen the live footage of that alien attack that day and recognized him. Many wanted to have a good chat with him while some wanted nothing to do with him.

"Your popularity rivals that of my Brother here." Suddenly came a voice from his side and as he turned around, he saw Shuri, standing there.

"Hmm, so your Brother is my competition here?" Joked Charles as he went to her and took her extended hand.

After kissing the back of her band, Charles greeted.

"Charles, Charles Augustus Magnussen. May I know the name of this bewitching Lady in front of me."

"Shuri. And It's nice to meet you too, Charles."

"Shuri, what a unique name."

After Charles carefully left her hand with both his hands, Shuri smiled and asked.

"So, Charles, how did you like our city?"

"Well, I must say it is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It's a pity that I don't have the Wakandan currency or I would've liked to buy many things from here."

Shuri smiled at this and replied while raising a single brow.

"Tell you what, Charles, I will take you to our currency exchange if you give me that A.I. host chip in your pocket, which is trying to hack our systems."

Charles pretended to act surprised and then took out the chip Tony gave him and handed it to Shuri, who immediately destroyed it with nano vibranium gloves which immediately encased her hand.

Shuri was actually a little scared and immediately wanted to destroy that chip because as soon as Charles arrived in their city, she saw that their servers were suddenly behaving differently. She immediately understood that it must be Charles who was doing it, but after researching about him in detail, she found that he was best friends with Tony Stark and it must be that playboy who gave this to Charles.

She found that the technology to make renewable energy from Vibrnaium and the technology to create nanobots were already getting uploaded to an outside server and she immediately shut down the infected server and started the deep clean of JARVIS before arriving here, in front of Charles.

"I am incredibly embarrassed and don't know what to say" Said Charles as he gave her an awkward smile.

"Please follow me, Charles." Said Shuri as she turned around with a smile and entered a small car.

Charles complied and entered the car after which he realised that the car quickly took off in the air, and flew directly towards the Royal Palace.

"Where are we going...and Who are you?" Asked Charles while pretending to be ignorant.

"Hmm, I thought I did tell you my name, Charles. Well whatever, Let me introduce myself again. I am Shuri, The Princess of Wakanda and the Head of Science and Information Exchange."

The flying car parked itself inside of her lab and with a confident smile, Shuri got out and went towards her desk in her highly sophisticated lab.

Charles awkwardly came to the lab, and suddenly found that the electromagnets in the lab were trying to attract him.

'Obviously, I am made out of Vibranium after all Thought Charles as he cast a silent spell on himself and camouflaged his entire body to be that of flesh and bones to the people and technology who would scan him.




Tony Stark was ecstatic while reading all the research which JARVIS pulled out of the Wakandan server before being purged. He was shocked to see the invincible properties of Vibranium and his mind was working on things that he could make out of Vibranium. Complete Virtual camouflage, Completely silent thrusters and armour. You can land however hard you want and you would still make no sound at all because Vibranium would absorb all the shock in itself.




"There is no use for that GPS in your Shoes, by the way. All the signals going in and out of Wakanda are automatically intercepted." Said Shuri as she looked at Charles who seemed a little nervous.

"What happened, White Boy? Can't handle a woman who knows every one of your secrets in a foreign country, where you have no friends?"

Taunted Shuri.

Her words were not meant to be malicious and she was just having fun in her mind because she had always been like this, unrestrained to speak anything freely. She didn't know about political correctness but that didn't matter here.

Charles just gave her an awkward smile and shrugged his shoulders, indicating that he was out of words and didn't know how to explain himself.

"Hahaha...Don't be so uptight. I brought you here because I wanted to ask you. Why is my father interested so much in this Erik Stevens or Killmonger or whatever his name is? He is obviously not from Wakanda as there is literally no record of him here, then why?"

Shuri was obviously curious. Shen knew that her father was not telling her everything as she could feel the look her father was giving to Zuri in the council when Killmonger's photo came up.

Suddenly, T'Chala came into the lab and confronted Shuri.

"Shuri! He is a Royal guest. You must talk to him with respect."

Turning towards Charles, T'Chala said

"Sorry for my Sister's words earlier. Why don't I escort you back to your room."

His words had simple meaning, that they'd like Charles to be in his room than anywhere in the Royal Palace.

"You arrived just now...How did you know what Princess said to me?" Asked Charles while showing genuine curiosity on his face, to which T'Chala smiled and without answering, escorted Charles out of the lab, out of the Royal Palace and then asked Okoye to escort him to his Suite room

"Veronica, How much did you plunder?" Asked Charles under his breath after returning to his room.

"Everything, Master. I was in their Servers before JARVIS. They have absolutely no A.I. guarding their servers. Even if there were any, It wouldn't be able to stop me, but their defense was pretty weak and now…..Everything in Wakanda can be controlled by you. The Vibranium laced clothes, weapons, vehicles, even the Black Panther Habit.

We know every secret of Wakanda. There thousands and thousands of years worth of Technology and the location of their Vibranium reserves.

Master, they have so much Vibranium that we can create a small moon out of it."

Charles smiled and just sat on a chair by the window and waited for the nightfall.




In the morning, Charles was escorted by Okoye towards the Royal palace and soon, he was in front of the Throne on which T'Chaka was sitting.

Charles had seen from his Hexagonal glasses that T'Chaka had gone to kill Erik Killmonger at the night to end any kind of trouble that could arise in Wakanda due to him, but he couldn't do it.

The painful memory of his brother and his death was just too much for his guilt and he silently walked away.

He had decided that fair was fair and no matter what, Erik should be given a chance to speak out his mind.

"Charles Augustus Magnussen, First of all, let me thank you for your corporation. I saw your valiant moment in the New York war where you saved not only New York but the neighboring states from the Radiation as well." Said T'Chaka as he stood up.

The Council didn't really liked that their King stood up to greet this man in their council but they kept their mouth shut as their eyes were on Erik Stevens, who was handcuffed, standing behind Charles with his head down.

"You know T'Chaka…" Charles only said till here when suddenly everyone was shocked and Okoye even raised her Vibranium spear towards him.

"He is our KING! You dare disrespect the Monarch!"

"As I was saying...This is exactly the reason I will not waste any more of my time on you guys. Only one thing I'll say, Is that you shouldn't have kept so much Vibranium in your Palace. At least not the Nano-Vibranium."

His words as if stopped time! Suddenly, the Black Panther Habit which was on T'Chaka suddenly flowed out of his chest and encased his body to become the black panther but the next second, that Black Vibranium Armor which he was so proud of started crushing him.

This was shocking. Everything happened so fast that before anyone could react, A swarm of Nano Vibranium came from nowhere and instantly killed everyone!

It was too fast. One second they were still offended by Charles and the next second, they were all dead as the Nano Vibranium flowed out of their bodies like a river.

Shuri, T'Chaka, T'Chala, Okoye, Killmonger, Juri, the rest of the Council, the Dora Milaje, the Royal guard...Everyone was dead in just a second.



Flashback to last night.

"Veronica, Tomorrow when I am being taken to meet the King, start transferring all the Nano Vibranium towards the Throne room."

The Cameras and Listening devices in Charles's room were all made out of Vibranium and so Veronica easily controlled them after hacking and overtaking the main controls of the Wakanda's tech and Charles opened up a portal and retrieved multiple tubes of Pym Particles to help Veronica in this quest.

Veronica knew where all the Nano Vibranium was, so she easily controlled all of it, including the weapons and the Black Panther Habit on the King and instantly killed everyone in the Throne room today.




Nick Fury was sitting in his room and was talking to someone on the Video conference when suddenly his phone started ringing.

After a few minutes, Maria Hill and Nick Fury both boarded a QuinJet with multiple S.H.I.E.L.D staff and immediately flew towards the coordinates blinking on the screen.




The Wakandan Library was in ruins, The Wakandan Technological Labs were in ruins, the protected gardens and caves for planting the Heart-Shaped herb were also in ruins.

It wouldn't be a stretch to say that every possible tech that Wakanda had was destroyed to atoms.

There was an extreme amount of Dark Magic circulating inside of the Mount Bashenga.

There were dead bodies after dead bodies of soldiers, lined up outside of the mount and in the inside, A very large Portal was opened under the huge Vibranium reserve which was already mined and engulfed the entirety of the mined Vibranium in one go.

Next Charles looked at the Vibranium quarry, which was so large that it could supply Vibranium to the entire world easily.

Charles was glowing extremely dark at this moment and even he could listen to the whispers of the dark dimension clearly.

He was maintaining his sanity with the help of his spells and he kept opening portals and destroying and transferring the humongous amounts of unprocessed Vibranium to someplace.

It took him about 4 hours to do it, after which he started going towards the other unprocessed Vibranium reserves which can't be controlled by Veronica yet.




In the golden city, Vibranium was rare, but not that much. Rich aristocrats were able to afford some Vibranium heirloom such as a weapon, a shield, some armour perhaps.

It was a luxury awarded to those with military merits or other contributions towards the country of Wakanda or someone with too much money could buy it after getting permission from the Wakandan royal family.




It had been just a few minutes when Nick Fury & Maria Hill, along with Elite S.H.I.E.L.D agents had started to fly towards the coordinates when they suddenly saw something which frightened them.

They saw that there were an immense amount of Fire Demons fighting with the Wakandan Soldiers and the Civilians inside the Capital of Wakanda.

What was supposed to be a golden city, was burning with an endless inferno.

"Holy….." Said Nick looking incredibly shocked while Maria quickly fumbled her phone and

notified Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff.



When Charles had discovered Muspelheim before, he had a very simple plan for them. They were mindless killing machines who only listened to the orders of Surtur, and maybe the Fire Dragon of Surtur. But that's it.

Charles very conveniently arrived back in Muspelheim after killing everyone in the Throne room and immediately went towards a mountain he discovered previously where he suspected a colony of Fire Demons to reside.

He quickly came to them and before they could even know what hit them, everyone from that colony, over a couple thousand fire demons started to pour out of the Wakandan Throne room and they waged a war against every living thing they encountered in the Golden City.




Dr. Strange was still learning many things. He wasn't as wise and powerful as he was in Infinity war as that was still far away into the future. Right now he was practicing with the Eye of Agamotto when he suddenly sensed an extremely dark magic being casted on the earth somewhere. The evil intent of this magic was so high that Dr. Strange was immediately reminded of Dormammu and he quickly called the Sanctum Leaders for an emergency meeting.

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