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Chapter 39: Chapter 39:I like you too. But!

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Gregor smirked and uttered slyly "It just so happens that I like you. Very much, in fact."

"I know you do," Dacey muttered drily, "And I like you. But, of course, I already told you that. Even so, I thought that'd be obvious. I mean, we're already on a first name basis, are we not, Gregor?"

"Yes, we are," the Mountain affirmed. There came a lengthy pause in the tent. Gregor spent most of it staring at the wall. Finally, he turned back to the tall girl and told her "Dacey, I'm going to ask you a very personal question. I want you to answer it with total honesty."

"Alright," Dacey conceded.

There was another short interval of quietness, and then Gregor turned to Dacey, looked her in the eye, and asked without blinking "Could you… see yourself with me?"

Dacey did not give a verbal response right away. She must have seen that question coming. Even so, she appeared surprised by it. After an uncomfortable silence, she gently placed her hands on top of Gregor's and gave him her answer: "Truthfully, I… I can, Gregor. In fact… I can see myself better with you than just about any other man in Westeros."

A wide smile extended across the Mountain's face. He took Dacey's hands in his own and revealed "I feel much the same about you, Dacey. Most lords may be content with having a wife that will be faithful and give them heirs. But what I'd like to have is a wife that's capable of joining her husband on the battlefield and fighting alongside him. I would also like one who is not afraid to speak her mind."

"I always speak my mind," Dacey pointed out.

"I know you do," Gregor contended. "From what I gather, I am very close to your ideal preference for a husband. Meanwhile, you are very close to my ideal preference for a wife. You could say that you and I seem perfect for each other. So much so that I say we should do something about it."

Dacey cocked her head and asked attentively "Are you asking me to wed you, Gregor?"

"You could say that," Gregor alleged, "But I only want you to accept my offer if you truly desire to."

It only took Dacey a few seconds to make a decision. She looked Gregor in the eye and told him "When we return to Moat Cailin, I'm going to write to my mother. I'll ask her to give us her blessing."

Gregor grinned at her and stated "I shall count the days until I meet her."

He then leaned forward, gently took ahold of the back of Dacey's head, and softly pressed his lips against hers. In response, she closed her eyes, placed her hands on Gregor's shoulders, and returned the kiss with the true passion of the Northwoman she was.


Fingers was left without a lord. Robert mentioned that his Hand was in the process remedying that issue.

Lord Jon Arryn had already listed a number of ideal prospects for the new Lord of the Fingers.

So far, the most promising contenders were Lord Yohn Royce's second son, Robar and Lady Anya Waynwood's second son, Donnel. Even Ser Lyn Corbray was being considered for the position.

There was no mention of Lord Jon's wife, but Gregor could imagine that she was devastated by the loss of her childhood "friend." Gregor was not heartless, but he was not feeling particularly sympathetic to Lysa Arryn's woes.

Gregor was hopeful that Lady Lysa would eventually get over Baelish's death. After all, he had only been manipulating her for a couple years, as compared to the couple decades in the original universe.

There was a strong chance that she was not as damaged as she would have ultimately been. Perhaps she was even capable of being reasoned with.

If she did not recover from the shock of Petyr's murder, Gregor would not make it his trouble. Lysa's grief was strictly her problem.

The mental and emotional well-being of Lord Hoster Tully's fanatical younger daughter was far from the top of Gregor's list of worries.

As long as she did not poison her husband this time – and it was unlikely she would, given that there was no one around to persuade her now – Gregor would simply keep her out of his mind.

The letter from Robert arrived about ten days after Gregor dispatched a raven to King's Landing.

It took only four days for the raven sent to Bear Island to receive a response. This one was very brief; it only contained two sentences:

'I ride for the moat. Expect me within half a moon's turn.'

It was written in the hand of the maester at Bear Island, but it was not challenge for Gregor and Dacey to guess who had dictated that letter.

Gregor did not know precisely what to make of the message. All he knew for certain was that the mother of the woman he wished to marry was coming to Moat Cailin.

Since there were no additional details (such as the nature of her visit), that could have been either good news or bad news. He found himself oddly perplexed.

As for Dacey, she was amused. It was just like her mother to be so forward, concise, and ambiguous in something as important as this.

Since she did not seem worried, Gregor decided not to fret over Maege Mormont's impending arrival.

Gregor knew that by this point in time, Lord Jeor Mormont had already joined the Night's Watch. So Jorah was currently serving as the Lord of Bear Island.

Normally, the duty of arranging marriage contracts for the other members of his family would have fallen primarily on Jorah's shoulders.

But House Mormont had always been something of an oddball in the North; it was similar to Dorne in that men and women were equal in everything.

Lady Maege had taken it upon herself to organize betrothals for all of her daughters.

Which, naturally, included her firstborn. She had not involved her nephew in any of the negotiations.

Eight days later, a small group of riders was spotted approaching from the north. The on-duty watchman was able to identify them by their banners.

They were House Mormont retainers. At the front of the short column was Lady Maege herself.

As soon as he was notified of their approach, Gregor gave the order for the northern gate to be opened.

The doors were fully parted and the portcullis fully raised by the time the company from Bear Island reached the moat.

They all swiftly galloped into the holdfast. Once they were all in, they were guided over to the stables. After dismounting, they gave the stableboys charge of their horses.

By the time the party from Bear Island finished unloading their possessions, Gregor Clegane, Dacey Mormont, and a few top-ranking Legionnaires had entered the vicinity. They proceeded to approach the stables together.

As they got closer to the new arrivals, Gregor urged himself to remain calm, cool, and collected.

First impressions meant everything in Westeros, especially in the North. And especially when dealing with a woman who would most likely become his goodmother soon.

This would not be the first time Gregor ever met one of the parents of a woman he was courting. Be that as it may, it would be the first time in this life.

Gregory Welch had had five girlfriends, three of which were among the six women he had slept with (the other three were just flings).

The two he had not slept with were the ones he had been involved with during high school. He had only met the parents of two of his ex-girlfriends. Fortunately, both pairs had taken a liking to him almost straightaway.

That was one of Gregor's best qualities; he had an innate ability to get on the good side of just about everyone he met.

He had never had much trouble getting people to like him in his first life; Gregory Welch had been a very charismatic person.

Gregor Clegane was certainly charismatic by Westerosi standards. Through his deeds, he had gained the love and respect of many people from all nine of the major regions of the country.

He was still far from being universally adored, but he was well on his way to that objective. Even so, his popularity meant little and less if he could not win over Jeor Mormont's younger sister.

When Gregor and his companions reached the Bear Island retinue, the Mountain stepped in front of Maege Mormont.

She gave him her full attention, but she did not say a word.

He folded his hands behind his back, lightly bowed his head, and declared "On behalf of the Legion without Banners, I officially welcome you to Moat Cailin, my lady."

Lady Maege seemed pleased by the sincerity and cordiality in the introduction. She smirked and stated wryly "I'd have thought you'd welcome me on someone else's behalf, as well, Lord Gregor."


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