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The Moon Queen & Her Werewolf Roommate The Moon Queen & Her Werewolf Roommate original

The Moon Queen & Her Werewolf Roommate

Author: Adrianne_Nolte

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: The Queen & Her Werewolf Roommate

Chapter One

Once long ago in the Deserts of Africa, there was a very good looking, strong man. He was strangely dressed, his coat was long and dark. He never came out during the day, for he could not handle the heat of the desert sun. So he stayed in his sand castle till night fall, and then he would roam the deserts.

So one night as he was roaming the desert, he happen to come across a deserted lake, his first thought was how welcoming the cold water looked, and considered taking a swim. However there was already someone in the lake, a beautiful glowing girl, she did not see him approach the lake, so he kept out of sight and watched from a distance. He noticed that she was intensely attractive, her hair was the color of the sand, and fell all the way down her back, the tips just touching the top of her backside. Her skin glowed white like an angles, from this distance he could however not make out the color of her eyes.

As he watched her swim and splash in the water he wondered why she looked as though she had the glow of the moon underneath her in the water, and as he looked up into the sky to search for the moon he noticed that he was not able to find it in the night sky.

He was convinced that the beautiful girl had stolen it, and he needed her to put it back in its place, he was a werewolf and relied on the moon for his transformation back to human form so that he could walk among the mortals. He decided to slowly approach the lake, and as he started to move out of his hiding place, the beautiful girl noticed the movement, and shouted out into the night. He could not understand what she was shouting, but noticed the distress in her voice.

Werewolf: "Hush now beautiful maiden, I mean you no harm."

Moon Queen: "I asked who goes there?"

Werewolf: "I will not hurt you, I just need you to please put the moon back in the sky where it belongs, please."

Moon Queen: "Are you crazy, did you just accuse me of taking the moon?"

Werewolf: "The evidence is in the water surrounding you."

Moon Queen: "I am a Queen, I have no need to steel what is already mine!"

Werewolf: "Are you telling me that the moon is yours?"

Moon Queen: "I am the moon."

Werewolf: "That's impossible! You are a crazy woman, and I do not believe you. You need to put back the moon, right this instant or else!"

Suddenly the woman rose out of the water, and floated into the air, her light was so bright that for a moment the werewolf was blinded, but he could feel the energy in the air all around him, it was crackling like lightning.

Next moment he felt a jolt right in the middle of his chest and he found himself flying through the air above the dunes, and then he started falling towards the ground, he braced himself for a hard impact, and the moment his body made contact with the ground, he blacked out.

The Moon Queen swooped down and picked him up, cradling him to her chest as she carried him like one would carry a sleeping child, all the way back to her castle in the sky. Once there she threw him into the prison cells in the dungeons of her castle, and went back to her room as the sun was about to rise, and this meant that it was her bedtime.

When the sun started setting the next day, the Moon Queen slowly woke up from her slumber, and as she left her sleeping quarters her best friend, and castle advisor came up to her.

Moon Rock: "My Queen, thank goodness you have final awoken. The prisoner you threw into the dungeons yesterday, has been screaming since he woke up, and the staff do not know what to do with him. Please advise?"

Moon Queen: "Thank you Rock, I will take care of it, right now."

Moon Rock: "Thank you, my Queen."

The Moon Queen made her way down to the dungeons. Her plan was to confront the wolf on his appalling behavior the previous night, and he would surly be punished for his false accusations of that she would make sure, but what she saw once she reached the wolf's prison cell shocked her, and left her blood cold.

There in the wolf's place lay a man, his body build was stronger than the average man, his skin color was about five shades darker than her own, as if he spent a lot of time in the sun, he had black hair touching his shoulders, and the way the light reflected from his hair, the black almost looked blue. He seemed to be in unbearable pain, when she addressed him and he turned to face her, she fell back a couple of steps because of the intensity of his eyes, they had a bright emerald green shine, looked glass like, as if this man had no soul, his beautiful green eyes, looked lifeless.

Moon Queen: "Who are you, how did you get here, what happened to you? Are you okay?" GAURD get me the castle doctor, NOW!!!!"

The man put up his hand, indicating she should stop, but she could not hear him saying stop, so instead she took the man's hand and pressed it to her chest, he could feel the thumping of her heart against the back of his hand, and was it his imagination or did it feel like there was a slight electric charge as well, as she pressed his hand to her chest, with her other hand she brushed the hair out of his eyes, and for the first time they where finally able to look each other directly in the eyes.

The man noticed that her eyes where grey, and looked like the reflection of the moon. Never loosing eye contact he said to her.

Werewolf: "My name is Loup Noir, but all my friends and family call me, Loup."

Moon Queen: "Loup Noir, that is from the French language, meaning black wolf, not so?"

Loup: "That is correct."

Moon Queen: "I don't understand, what dose this mean, are you a werewolf?"

Loup: "I am the werewolf king's oldest son, so yes I am a werewolf!"

Moon Queen: "So what are you doing roaming the desert, accusing Queens of stealing the moon?"

Loup: "You keep saying you are a queen, but may I ask? The queen of what?"

Moon Queen: "I am the widow of the Moon Man, the moon is my castle, I am the Queen!"

Loup: "Okay, so I am about to change into the wolf again, I can feel the transformation starting to develop, I need you to please get out of the cell, and make sure that you lock this door so that I can not get out, the Wolf in me is very angry, and hungry to teach someone a lesson, you are the target of its aggression, so you need to do as I say, and then run and hide, until sunrise, I will come and find you once I have transformed back to my human form, please my Queen?"

Moon Queen: "I will not hide from you, I will do as you request, but once you are done doing what you need to do, you will be able to find me in my sleeping quarters, as I can not be awake while the sun is up. I will tell the guards that they are to let you in, if you are able to wake me, we can talk."

The Moon Queen turned to leave the wolf's cell and lock the door as he had requested, and as she was running down the corridor towards her bedroom, she could hear him growling and screaming in agony, and at that moment she felt sorry for him and the pain that he had to go through daily every time he transformed. She no longer felt anger towards him for the things he said the night that they met, all she wanted to do was help him, and she wished that there was a way she could take away his pain. As she got into her bed she found her self excited at the thought that he would be coming to her bedroom later, she had a very strong attraction towards the beautiful man with his emerald green eyes, and she could not deny the electric feel she got when she touched him, she could hardly wait to find out if she would be able to feel it again.

Chapter Two

After Loup finished his transformation, and was finally able to stand up straight he called for the guard, the guard came to unlock the door to his cell and directed him to the Queen's bedroom. As Loup approached her bed, he was once again overwhelmed by her beauty, and he could not resist the temptation to kiss her, as soon as their lips touched he felt that small electric jolt again just like the previous day when she touched his hand. This caused the Queen to open her eyes, and when she saw Loup above her and felt the tingle on her lips, she immediately pulled him closer for a more intimate kiss, as Loup deepened his kiss, they both started to feel the electrical charge getting stronger, running through both their bodies. It felt amazing and Loup kept thinking that he did not want the feeling to end. Soon the Moon Queen felt Loup's strong hands go under her night shirt, so she broke their kiss and put her hand on his, as they made eye contact she could see the desire along with confusion in his eyes.

Loup: "Please don't leave me hanging like this?"

Moon Queen: "Loup, I cant go any further than this with you, I do not want to hurt you, you already go through so much pain every time you transform, and I refuse to add to your pain."

Loup: " I don't understand, how will you hurt me? I am not mortal thus you can not hurt me, my heart dose not work like a human mans heart."

Moon Queen: "So are you telling me that you are not able to feel emotion?"

Loup: "I do feel emotion, but I am not able to feel love, because I was cursed by a witch the day my mother gave birth to me, the same witch that cursed me, killed my mother."

Moon Queen: "Is the werewolf transformation also part of the curse?"

Loup: "No, that I am afraid is a birth defect." He said laughing.

Moon Queen: "Loup, I am very attracted to your man form, but not so much your wolf form, and I don't know if I will be able to move past that, once we share a night of passion."

Loup: "Why don't we try, and then see what happens?"

Moon Queen: "I have never had a night of passion with any man yet."

Loup: "So you are still a virgin?"

Moon Queen: "Yes."

Loup: "Then let me be gentle and show you what it is like?" As he said this he leaned forward pulling her lips towards his again, and once again when their lips touched the electric pulse was back, and it still felt amazing. As Loup's hand moved over her body, Moon felt more and more of the charge running though her blood, till she felt as tough she was going to explode, it felt amazing and she could here herself say between breaths of passion, "Please Loup, don't stop..."

Loup was not able to control him self as he felt her starting to shiver with pleasure, and when he heard her begging for him not to stop, it is all he needed to push him over his edge.

In the aftermath of their passionate night, as they still lay together in the Moon's bed.

Loup: "Do you still believe that you will hurt me?'

Moon Queen: "No, I think that I am the one that is going to end up being hurt by you."

Loup: "How about I make you a promise? I promise that I will never hurt you intentionally, be it physically or emotionally?"

Moon Queen: "Loup.....

Before the Queen could finish her sentence there was insistent bagging against her door, quickly she threw her blanket over Loup, and told him to not make a sound or move, and ran towards the door tying her dressing gown tightly around her waist.

Guards: "My Queen, I have been tasked to help you escape the castle through the secret undergrounded passage, the castle is under attack we have to leave now!"

Moon Queen: "What who would attack the castle? And why are we not defending what is ours instead of running? I need my sword, I am not running away!"

Guard: "My Queen, with all due respect, you will not be able to fight against these monsters, they are werewolves, and they are in packs of hundreds! Please we need to take you to safety!"

When Loup heard what the guard said he threw the blanket off him and ran towards the Queen.

Loup: "He is right, you need to go, NOW Moon!!!"

Moon Queen: " I will not leave my castle, I will not leave my people, I will fight and defend what is mine, alongside my men!"

With that Loup bent down picked Moon up and threw her over his shoulder and demanded the guard to lead the way. As Loup started running he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his back, and started falling forward towards the ground. As he was falling towards the ground Moon on his shoulder managed to jump off and land safely on her feet, she turned around to see what had happened to Loup, and saw that he had been shot in the back with a dart. In that moment Rock came running towards her.

Moon Rock: "My Queen, I have been so worried, who's this? What happened to him?"

Moon Queen: "Rock I will tell you later, right now I need you to help me get him to a safe place please, we need to tend to his wound, the arrow spike might be poisoned!"

Moon Queen: "Guard throw him over your shoulder and follow us, quickly."

Together they all started running as Rock lead them to safety.

Moon Queen: Guard I want you to follow Rock, and make sure that you bring this man to a safe place, I will catch up with you later."

With that she turned and ran back in the direction that they just came from, on her way she crossed paths with the werewolf that shot Loup in the back.

Moon Queen: "Who are you, and what do want?"

Werewolf: "I was sent by my farther to collect my brother, he needs to face his punishment!"

Moon Queen: "And you choose to destroy my home in the prosses? You are the one that needs to be punished!"

She pulled out her sword and struck the werewolf in the shoulder, he fell down in pain, and once he was at her feet she lift her sword above her head and jammed it into his back, straight through to his heart in the front. Then she looked up she saw the werewolf's pack moving towards her, so she turned and ran, to her left was the door towards the library, she ran in, and locked the door behind her, in the library she found the secret leaver behind the book case against the wall, and when she pulled it, the case moved to the side allowing a gap big enough for her to pass through to the secret passages with in the castle walls. Once inside she pulled the leaver again to close the gap, and made her way towards the staff quarters, she needed to find a disguise for herself. As she approached the outlet towards the staff quarters she could hear panicked whispering, and she closed her eyes to tune into the whispers.

Rock: "We need to find the queen, she might be hurt."

Guard: "Have you tended to the injured man?"

The queen recognized the voices, so she opened the outlet and went through to the other side.

Rock: "My Queen, o thank goodness, I was worried sick."

Moon Queen: "We need to find a safer place, Loup can we wake him, how deep is his injury?"

Rock: "He has been in and out of conciseness, his injury dose not seem that deep or threatening, yet we can't seem to keep him awake."

Suddenly there was a loud crashing sound outside. The guard crept towards the window and peeked out trying not to get noticed, he turned to the Queen and Rock and indicated to them to be quiet and hide.

Meanwhile the Queen indicated to Rock to take Loup by his feet, as she hooked her wrists underneath his arms and started dragging him towards the outlet, her plan was to escape the castle trough the secret passages with in the walls.

As they were moving through the passages, and struggling to drag Loup, he started stirring, so they stopped, and Moon bent down next to him.

Moon Queen: "Loup can you hear me, please I need you to wake up, we need to run, please wake up?"

Loup: "Hello beautiful, I will not let anything happen to you, I promise you."

Moon Queen: "Please Loup, try to stand, we'll help you."

Slowly they guided Loup upright, and held onto him as he found his footing. Once he was upright he shook his head a couple of times to get rid of the grogginess, and quickly they all started moving as Moon lead them through the passages towards the exit into the dark forest, as they came closer to the door, Loup asked her where it lead to, and she told him that it exited into the forest.

Loup: "I don't think that is a good idea, as soon as I get into the open air, they will be able to track me on my scent, we need to find a place like the underground dungeon you kept me in when we first met."

Moon Queen: "Then Rock and the Guard should go through the door, and you and I will go back to the dungeons!"

Rock: "We can just leave you my Queen, we have an obligation to keep you safe. It is our duty to protect you at all costs!"

Moon Queen: " Then that is what you must do now, please go and go find help, we need someone that will be able to get us out of here without getting killed or tracked on our scents! Someone that can fight against this huge army of wolves. Rock take the guard and go seek help from my nephew, tell him I sent you, as I am trapped in the castle's dungeons, go now!"

Rock: " Okay my Queen, we will send help as soon as possible, in the mean time please stay safe."

As the Queen watched the guard and Rock leave, she turned around to address Loup, and realized that he was busy transforming again, so she hid herself in the closest alcove she could find, and she watched Loup's transformation.

Loup: "I can smell you Queen, come out, come out where ever you are, like I said the night we met, I will not hurt you, but we do need to talk, you have a lot of explaining to do, I can also smell my brothers blood on your hands, and I need you to explain what happened so that I can figure out how to help you."

Chapter Three

Slowly the Queen stepped out of her hide out.

Queen: "Loup, I am sorry about your brother, I acted for our protection, but I think I might have made a big mistake, I am sorry."

Loup: "He and I where never close. I need you to tell me what he said to you?"

Queen: "He told me that your farther had sent him to collect you so that you could face your punishment."

Loup: "Good riddance, seems like he was completely crazy, so you did us all a favor by killing him, trust me!"

Queen: "Loup when are you going to transform back to your human form?"

Loup: "My transformations have been acting up since we slept together, so now its all whanky, that is why I am not able to answer your question, beautiful. I suggest that we get a move on to those dungeons and wait it out, once I am in human form again we can get out of here."

Queen: "So the pack will not be able to smell or track you while you are in human form?"

Loup: "Yip."

Queen: "This way, the dungeons are just around the corner."

Loup: "Good girl, lead the way."

Queen: "So here we are, how long do you think we will have to wait till you transform again?"

Loup: "I am not sure, but we are not in a rush since it is day time outside, I can not be in the sunlight."

Queen: "I thought that it is only vampire's that are not aloud to be in the sunlight?"

Loup: "That is correct yes, but my mother was a vampire, so I am special as she always said. Just a pity my farther dose not feel the same as she did about me."

Queen: "What happened to your mother?"

Loup: "When my Grandfather found out about me, he had her killed, and banished my farther from the werewolf world."

Queen: "Then why did he send your brother to have you killed?"

Loup: "He found out about you."

Queen: "But we only had one night, its not as if I am pregnant?"

Loup: "Are you sure?"

Queen: "Yes, I am not able to bear children. So your grandmother was a witch?"

Loup: "Yes, why are you not able to bear any children?"

Queen: "When I was forced to marry the Moon man, I was still a child. He bought me to his castle and locked me in these dungeons, the day I turned 18 years old he came to unlock the dungeon door and told me that if I spent the night with him he would make me happy, I refused. So he kept me locked up, then one day I tricked him into thinking that I was ready to give him what he wanted, and when he came to fetch me I hit him over the head with a rock and ran out of here, but when I finally reached the edge of the forest there was no where else to go, and the moon man caught up with me, he was furious because of my deception, so he bought me back to the castle and locked me up in the dungeons again, but this time he promised that I would never see the light of day again. Many years later he fell ill, and I was collected from the dungeons to care for him, so I poisoned him, unsuccessfully. When he found out about it he order to have me beheaded, but the guard that was in charge of leading me to the gallows was my best friend, and helped me to escape again, from my previous escape attempt I remembered a house I saw in the forest, so I went straight to the house this time, I did not know that the old witch that lived there was in fact the moon man's mother. She opened up her door and let me into her house when I told her that I was being chased and by whom, she threw me in a cage she had in her house, and told me to wait there, while she ran out the door. My guard friend saw her leave her house, and came in to find me, he told me who she was and let me out the cage so that we could go hide. When the evil witch returned with the moon man, and I was nowhere to be found, she freaked out and cursed me, the curse says that I will never be able to bear children unless I find my true love."

Loup: "I am so sorry that you had such a ruff marriage."

Queen: " It is almost dark, will we be able to move soon?"

Loup: "No, I do not think so."

As Loup said this he leaned forward to the Moon and put his hand behind her head pulling her lips towards his, and they kissed, and again it felt magical, and before they could stop themselves they once again ended up lying breathless and totally satisfied next to each other, in the after throughs of their passion.

Queen: "So will it be like this every time we sleep together?"

Loup: "Like how?"

Queen: "Amazing...., I mean so passionate?"

Loup: "I have no idea, its has never been like this with any other woman I have slept with before."

Queen: "So you feel it to then?"

Loup: "You mean the electric shock every time we touch our lips, or the way it sparks every where I touch you on your naked body? I hope that never goes away, I love watching you enjoying it!"

Queen: "Why are you such a jerk when you are in your wolf form?"

Loup: "Am I really such a jerk?"

As he said this he suddenly had a pained look on his face, and the Moon realized that she was going to witness his transformation in person for the very first time.

The prosses was long and looked painful, and as Moon watched she once again felt so sorry for this man and the daily pain that he had to go through with each transformation.

Finally the transformation was complete, and she was faced with Loup's human form, and she was mesmerized at how handsome the man was.

Moon looked at the beautiful man before her, and patiently waited for his breathing to return to normal, and she thought to herself, I wish I could fall in love with this man.

As Loup finally normalized after his transformation, he looked into Moon's eyes, and felt a sudden sharp stab in his heart, the pain was so intense that it bought him to his knees.

Immediately Moon step forward and raped her arms around Loup's chest, but the force was so impactful that they both ended up on the floor, she was lying on top of Loup with her arms trapped behind his back, when Loup realized that she was unable to move, he pulled her lips towards his and kissed her with all the pain that he felt in his heart.

At first the pain in Loup's heart intensified, and he was barely able to breathe but no matter how hard he tried he was not able to convince himself to break the kiss, and that is when he realized with astonishment that he was at Moon's mercy.

Chapter Four

Moon was left breathless from the kiss, and needed a minute to get herself together once Loup finally pulled away. The moment Loup pulled out of her arms she felt a sudden sharp pain in her chest, the pain was so intense that she fell to her knees.

Loup: "Moon you feel it to?"

Moon: "The sharp pain to my heart, is that what bought you to your knees to?"

Loup: "Yes."

Moon: " What dose this mean?"

Loup: "Once long ago when I was searching for a cure for my curse, I ran into a wise man that told me that a curse can only be broken by the truest act of the main emotion of the curse. Since both our curses involve love, the sharp pain that we are feeling is the first signs that we have found our true acts that we need to break it."

Moon: "So what do we do to break it completely?"

Loup: "I am not sure, but I plan of having all the fun in the world finding out!"

With that he suddenly picked Moon up and carried her to her bedroom. Once in her bedroom he put her gently down on the bed, and walked and stood at the foot of the bed. While standing there he requested Moon to make eye contact with him, as they looked into each others eyes he started stripping her pants off her legs, the moment his fingers touched her bear skin the tingling feeling started again and Moon closed her eyes.

Loup: "Moon, please open your eyes, I need you to not break eye contact!"

Moon: "Then we need to trade places, I am not able to keep my eyes open when you make me feel so amazing."

Loup: "And you believe that if the roles are reversed that you will not have the same effect on me?"

Moon: "Yes."

Loup: "Then we shall trade places, simply so that I can prove you wrong, you stubborn woman!"

As he said this he stripped his pants, garbed moon by her ankles pulled her down the length of the bed, and once he was able to put his hand around her hips he lifted her off the bed and put her firmly with her feet on the ground at the foot of the bed. He then proceeded to crawled up the bed towards the head of it, but before he had the chance to turn and lie with his back on the bed, he felt Moon pushing him on his back so that he was forced face down onto the bed.

Loup: "How are we suppose to keep eye contact in this position?"

Moon: "I want you to concentrate on nothing else but my touch and the way it makes you feel, no eye contact permitted, since I am now the one in charge the rules have changed!"

Loup closed his eyes and with a smirk announced: "I am at your mercy my Queen."

With that Moon started kissing him from the bottom of his feet slowly making her way up his legs toward his head, as soon as she reached his waist she stopped kissing and moved to sit on top of his back side. She instructed him to put both his hands beneath his chin and rest his head on them. Then she started messaging his back, moving her hands slowly in circles all over his back towards his shoulders, every where her hands touched Loup's body she could literally see the sparks as they both grew excited, she felt as if her heart was beating a million miles a minute, and she swore Loup could hear it thumping in her chest. When her hands once again came to his shoulders she lean in to kiss him in his neck and behind his ears. Loup's heart started beating so intensely that he swore it was making Moon bounce around on his back.

It was at this point Loup could no longer contain himself. He needed to be inside her right now, so he suddenly turned around and threw Moon on to her back pinned her arms above her head in a death grip, and kissed her so fast and hard that she actually stopped breathing for a second, then he pushed into her so hard and fast that she screamed out of pure bliss and that's when their whole world suddenly changed. They where no longer in her bedroom, Moon opened her eyes to see what was going on, but the moment she made eye contact with Loup nothing else mattered, in his eyes she saw all the emotions in his heart, and suddenly her heart felt all those same emotions she was reading in his eyes, immediately she knew that they had finally broken the curses and that they would be with each other for the rest of their lives.

To the rest of the mortal world observing the night sky, there was a bright light that grew bigger and bigger make a spiral pointing outwards into the hemisphere, looking like an upside down tornado and as they watched, the spiral finally spinning right out into the ozone and disappearing just as quickly as it appeared, and in its place was the Moon shining just as bright as that light.

Moon and Loup had finally found true love.

Adrianne_Nolte Adrianne_Nolte

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

And be sure to read more about Moon & Loup's love story in the next chapter Finding Home =)

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