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Chapter 35: 34. Bicycle

Tuesday, 31st. March. 2015

Jin and Jungkookie woke up early and went over to their new place to resume unpacking, which left me just about ready to leave for morning class. I'd slipped on a pair of Jean shorts and an oversized jumper after getting out of the shower. The day outside was bright, but I could still feel a slight chill in the air through the window I'd cracked open earlier. Just as I slung my bag over my shoulder and opened my front door to leave, I was met with a surprised looking Joon already standing there, arm raised as though about to knock.

"Hey there" As I greeted him, the arm he had up fell to his side, and he flashed me an innocent, dimpled smile.

"Morning. Glad I caught you in time, was worried that you may have already left," he said.

"Oh? In time for what?" I tilted my head to the side in question.

"In time to give you a lift to class," he said, as though it was obvious. I had to think about it for a second. This was different. If he wanted to walk I wouldn't have thought twice. But he had said the word lift, and I didn't even know that he drove.

"Sure? Why the sudden offer? It's not like you," I said, stepping out with him and closing my door.

"Well, it's kind of a special occasion" Joon gave a small chuckle as he accompanied me down the stairs.

"Is it?" I asked again, wishing he'd just get to the point already and stop stringing me along.

"Yeah, Jin Hyung got me a new bike, so I wanted to take it for a spin" Joon beamed. The sheer innocence of him made it impossible not to crack in giggles.

"Ahhh, now I get it. That's so cute" I pushed him playfully which he laughed at.

"Cute? I am?"

"Yes, Joon, you're many things. One of them is definitely cute," I teased, only for him to ruffle my hair.

"First time I've been called cute, but hey, not mad at it. Anyway, let's get going" Joon peered around over to the blue bike which was leaning against the white concrete wall of my front garden.

"Oh? Wait? You only have one seat?" I felt confused as I saw his bike and wondered how he planned to take me anywhere with only one seat.

"Easy, just sit on the handlebars," he said casually, slipping my bag off my shoulder and putting it on his own.

"Really? This feels like something I'd do as a kid" I laughed but went along with it as he got on and sat on the seat. Once he had the bike steady, he hoisted me up with ease so that I was perfectly on his handlebars.

"See? No problem at all" I turned aside to see him smiling. My back against his chest was the perfect support and I was very comfortable there as he walked us out the gate and onto the street.

As we did Jungkook, Hobi and Jin, who were busy moving things, noticed us and broke into laughter at the sight.

"You actually agreed to that?!" Jin cackled, whipping tears from his eyes as he yelled out to us from across the road.

"Why?! You jealous of my ride?" I yelled back, making them laugh even more, but I didn't care. I was so happy that I didn't care if we looked silly.

"Alright, you ready?" Joon asked. The bike dipped a bit as he sat on the seat and I heard his foot on the pedal.

"Ready~ let's go!" I giggled, and then we slowly took off. At first he was a bit wobbly, and we both laughed and panicked, but as soon as we got steady, we were totally fine.

"If you feel like you're gonna slip, just let me know," Joon said as we rode down the street, passing by a few people who spared us glances.

"I'm fine, your chest is like the perfect backrest," I giggled, feeling the wind in my face and my legs dangling over the front of the bike as we rode. Joon laughed as he noticed.

"You look way too happy right now. You sure you're alright?" He was right. I was having the time of my life and it was showing, but could he blame me?

"Huh?! This was your idea! Hey, for real, this is so fun. Can we do this every morning?" I turned my head to peek at him and he broke into a smile.

"I mean, I don't see why not. Do you really want to do that?" He spared me a glance as he asked. My hair blew in the breeze and made it harder to look at him, so I faced forward again.

"Yeah! If we get the chance, I love doing things like this. It really takes me back to younger, more carefree times," I sighed happily as memories of my childhood surfaced. Maybe it was a mixture of his childlike smile and the freedom of the moment. Either way, I was so glad he offered. I leaned back, feeling his arms on the handlebars encircle me as we approached the campus.

Joon dropped me off by the main building, handing me back my bag before saying he'd catch me later tonight when I got home. The afterglow of my morning carried me through classes with a smile plastered on my face. If having the boys as my neighbors was going to be like this, then I was over the moon that the universe had willed it.

But, as the day pressed on and my mind wandered, I remembered something I'd seen last night. I'd nearly forgotten all about it. Nearly forgotten that I'd seen Jin slip out in the middle of the night.

Who was the person he was talking to? And what was it that the mysterious guy had given him?

The glint of the object felt familiar, like something I'd seen somewhere before, but I couldn't recall where. Whatever it was, maybe it's still in their house. Maybe I could try to find it. I mean, it was already suspicious enough that he went over there in the dead of night for whatever it was.

There was the chance that it wouldn't be at their apartment anymore, but it wouldn't hurt to try, right?

Also, I knew there was stuff they were hiding from me. My intuition was telling me this was one of those things. Maybe it'll help me piece together what that was, or lead me closer to the truth.

Mostly, I've kept my suspicions to myself. Since I rarely express it to them, I doubt they would suspect me of snooping around. They probably think it doesn't bother me that much, or that I haven't given it much thought.

Well, at least that's the impression I feel I've given them. This would be to my advantage, and I was glad I hadn't been more forceful about it. Part of me worried, though, about what lay behind the curtain. What this truth that they put so much effort into keeping from me was.

Only time will tell. That and for me to keep pushing forward. That's what I'm going to do.


After I got home, cleaned up, changed into something more comfortable and lay down to relax after a long day, it was already about 8pm.

On my way in I peeked across to the boys' place to see that they'd put in curtains, but the lights inside were on, which I took as them being home. Which also meant they would have finished moving all their things into their new apartment and were probably tired. Joon had told me to go over once I got home but I hesitated, not wanting to show up in case they were exhausted from the move.

At that moment, my phone lit up. It was a text from Hobi, so I opened it.

Hoseok: Jiaa, are you home yet??

Jia: Yea, I'm here. What're you guys doing?

Hoseok: Well, we were planning to drink and do some karaoke but Yoongi fell asleep and the others had to go into the agency 🫠

Jia: Oh so? You're by yourself? Why didn't you go with them?

Hoseok: Hahaaaaaa because I started drinking early, can't go in drunk

Jia: LOL umm

Hoseok: Come over 😜

Jia: Right now?

Hoseok: Yeah, I need a karaoke buddy 🤩🥰🥳😉

Hoseok: Hurry up 😏

Jia: Ok ok, coming

I knew it was just Hobi there and that he'd been drinking, which, at first, I thought I should have reservations about going. But, on second thought, I realised it might actually be an excellent opportunity to snoop around. So, before going over, I changed into something a little more provocative, some cute frilly lace pajama shorts and a light jumper that loosely melded over my cleavage. This revealed my curves precariously.

And by the way his smile shifted to wander downwards when he opened the door, I knew it'd worked perfectly. Hoseok was tipsy, and he hadn't been as discreet as he probably thought he was being. But that was the whole point, wasn't it?

"Glad you're here to keep me company. It's perfect, having you so close by," Hoseok commented as he relaxed confidently on the couch. Upon entering, the lounge was the first room you were immediately walked into.

"It's almost too perfect," I laughed, almost all too coincidentally. And despite having that thought, on somewhat of a whim, He somehow caught on.

"What do you mean? Too perfect?" He shifted, a light smile lingering, but his eyes were telling me a different story. He was curious.

"No, it's nothing. I guess I'm still on a high from having my best friends as my neighbors. It's like I'm daydreaming" I leant back on my hands, the distance between where we sat together feeling like nothing with the way his gaze was fixed on me.

"Jia, you always talk in code. Look, if you're thinking something like 'this is too good to be true' or whatever, don't" Hoseok continued, "Just because we're idols, doesn't mean we are above you."

In my vagueness, he somehow assumed I meant it was like a dream because they were famous. I had narrowly avoided the reality that I was just suspicious of why they had moved so near to me.

I gave a small nod as he sat forward and reached to pour a shot from the half empty bottle of Soju on the coffee table.

His head turns in question as he asks, "Would you like one too?". The cheeky smile he gave made me forget completely about the serious comments he'd made moments before.

"Yeah, sure. Shots and karaoke are the best combination," I laughed, noting the microphone on the table and the TV already on karaoke.

I crinkled my nose as the liquor burned lightly on the way down. Hoseok shot it down like it was nothing before grabbing the mics and handing me one. It didn't take long for him to pick a song.

"Alright, pretty little lady. Would you be so kind as to join me in a duet?" Hoseok stood up and extended a hand to me graciously.

"Seeing as you asked so nicely, I would love to" I placed my hand in his, giggling at the way he suddenly pulled me to my feet, hitting his sturdy chest.

"Smooth" He looked down at me for a moment, bemused by my clumsiness.

"Should be more gentle with me," I retorted, hitting him in the center of his chest with my palm. Hoseok didn't flinch, like he didn't even feel it.

"What have I told you about tempting me, hm?" The aura Hoseok emitted switched in that instant, turning heavy and suggestive.

"Stop joking around, the song is starting," I whined, attempting to push him, but it wasn't until he pulled away that I felt the air lighten, but it wasn't for long.

The entire time Hoseok and I sang chaotically together, he couldn't keep his hands to himself. He was all over me, touches setting me on fire and leaving me heated. I found myself wanting more of him. He had this effect on me.

We took a shot break while he poured us another few rounds of shots. He laid-back, the alcohol making him much more relaxed beside me than I'd ever seen before.

And it wasn't long before he pulled out his phone and started showing me all the funny pictures he'd taken of the boys recently. One's of Jin wearing oversized glasses and Jungkookie pulling weird faces. He peered at me for a moment before cracking into a brief grin. "Now I think about it. We don't have enough pictures together."

I laughed but posed for some selfies as he turned on his cam and started taking snaps beside me. "You're so photogenic Jia," He complimented before getting ready to take another.

"Nooo, you are," I giggled, blushing at his compliment. Suddenly, he hesitated before clicking the button to take the photo. I looked at him. Hobi turned to face me. Then it happened. He kissed me on the lips. The click of the camera sounded.

"Hoseok.. Wha.. Did you just take a picture of us kissing?" I stammered, feeling airy at his sudden peck. The feeling of his lips on mine lingered.

"I've wanted one of us kissing for ages" He cracked into a cheeky smile. Upon seeing my blush, he laughed. Hoseok's laugh vibrated against my shoulder as he leaned into me. My cheeks hurt as I broke into a smile. Our eyes met for a moment, and the mood grew still. That's when he kissed me again.

At first, his lips nipped softly at mine. But I needed more. I clung to his shirt and gave a faint pull. Noticing my neediness, he shifted up and slowly crawled over me as I lay down. His tongue forced its way deeper into my mouth, making it hard to breathe. Suddenly, Hoseok stopped and fell into the space beside me.

"I'm exhausted, I'm sorry baby girl," he sighed, arm dropping over my stomach, cupping my side with his hand. The light squeeze of his touch tingled.

"It's okay, I'm tired too.. it's been a long day" I pulled my head aside to glance at Hoseok. He really looked tired now that I was looking at his face so closely.

"Mm, I'll make it up to you next time. Promise," His voice rasped, and he closed his eyes, pulling me a bit closer even though our bodies were already pressed together perfectly in the limited space of the couch cushion.

"I know you will.. it's alright.. sleep, Hoseok," I whispered, reaching up to touch the brown locks of his hair. He looked so peaceful as he lay there beside me. The smell of him filled my nose. It was a mixture of exhilaration and calm. So difficult to describe.

After a short while, light snores came from his slightly parted lips. I'd been staring at them for what seemed like a while, despite not actually knowing how much time had passed. But it didn't matter. It wasn't important when I was there next to him like this.

That's what I wanted to believe, but there was still something that was important that I needed to do. And now was the perfect timing. So, as carefully as I could, I lifted his arm and tucked it into his chest so I could get out of his grip.

Once I maneuverer my way out without waking him, it was my chance to try and look around.

I didn't know where to start. There were the stairs as soon as you entered the front door, and a hallway behind them which led further into the house.

As I tiptoed off the white carpet of the lounge onto the polished wooden floorboards of the hallway, I noticed a door. Behind it, was a kitchen which doubled as a dining room. Then, from out a large glass sliding door, I could see the small backyard area.

There probably wasn't much to find in the kitchen, right? But I was already here, so I looked around anyway. I opened up cupboards, seeing various pots, pans, cooking appliances, a bottle of gasoline.. wait, what?

I knelt down to get a better look at the label, and then pulled it out and sniffed it. Yep. Gasoline.

Why did they have this? This was not normal for someone to have in their cupboard under their kitchen sink.

My heartbeat picked up pace. I closed the cupboard, stood up, and took a deep breath. My mind turned blank. I walked back out of the kitchen. Just as I reached the stairs, the front door opened.

"Namjoon," I stuttered. His eyes widening as he walked in.

"Jia, what're you doing?" He questioned, still looking a tad confused. I couldn't decipher which.

"I was, um, drinking with Hoseok" I forced myself to get a grip and answer. Joon glanced over to see Hoseok dozing off on the couch and gave a small chuckle. "Ahh, he passed out on you, I see."

"Yeah, I was just about to head home," I explained, trying to rationalize why he'd caught me in the hallway and not next to him.

"Oh, right? Did you want me to walk you home?"

"All the way home? I feel bad making you go so far," I joked. Joon sighed and smiled a little.

"I know, right, you're such a pain," Joon remarked as he pulled me under his arm as we made our way out again. The night air hit my skin, causing bumps to ripple across my arms.

"Am I really?"

"What? No, of course not... Am I?"

"No… you're.. such a sweetheart"

"Only for you, because you have such a sweet heart"

"Shh.. or I won't be able to sleep tonight, I'll have a head full of you being all cute and romantic"

"Would that be such a bad thing? You're always floating around in my mind"



"Nothing.. I.. should get some sleep"

"Yeah, sure thing"

"Goodnight Joon, thanks for today. I had a lot of fun"

"Goodnight Jia, sweet dreams"




Surprise haah,

Let me know your thoughts pls ^^

ily guys~

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