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The Multi-Dimensional Guild of Wanderers The Multi-Dimensional Guild of Wanderers original

The Multi-Dimensional Guild of Wanderers

Author: KnightWriterRLK

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: - Chapter 1 - Evelyn Snowbright

Below the shade of a giant oak tree, the figure of a young woman; of whom was awakening from what seemed like a very deep sleep, showed visual traces of life from where there were none a few hours before.

If anyone looked closer, then they'd notice the bloodstained, disheveled, and heavily injured form of the human woman's body slowly yet surely heal from the fatal wounds it had received while miniscule green lights suffused the injuries, rejuvenating the once dead flesh of the corpse of the woman...

[Initializing Soul Transmigration Process... 1%...] [Installing System... Transmigration Process at 15%...] [Rejuvenation of Host Body In Progress...]

After a few hours, the young woman's body woke up with a gasp...

~ ??? POV ~

"*!GASP!*", was the sound she exhaled out of her as she awoke from the abyss of death while her hands roamed her body in a frantic manner.

As she tried to get her breathing under control while she gave herself a frantic check over, her eyes widened when she was met with the sight of bloody clothes, a tunic made of some kind of cloth with tears all over, a pair of leather breeches that were also torn up, and a pair of blood covered brown leather boots on her person.

"What the f*ck!?! Where am I? What happened to me?!," she asked herself frantically while she tried to get herself under control.

As if waiting for those exact words, a blue holographic looking screen with white text appeared in front of her vision.

[Greetings! The Soul Transmigration Process is 100% Complete. You are now the sole owner of the Job and Rebirth Evolution System. Rejuvenation of Host Body is at 100%... If you want to know more, then ask me the right questions...]

"What?... What are you? Whose body was this...? What happened to my old one? Why me?", she asked in rapid-fire while she gestured to herself.

[I'm a part of your Job and Rebirth Evolution System. The body that you now inhabit belonged to a young woman that died hours previously. You died in a tragic plane crash and your old body is lost at sea... It's most likely being consumed right now by all sorts of sea creatures... And your soul was picked out by random happenstance by the Transmigration Selection Council amongst the million they had to review at that exact time and a thorough review of your character, memories, way of life, and the accumulated Karma gave you the right to transmigrate and gain a random System to help you out...]

The answers she received shocked her, and tears started to fall from the corners of her eyes. "I died... my family... my friends...," she muttered to herself softly while she leaned up against the tree behind her. "What am I supposed to do...? I'm guessing that since I died that I can't go back to my own world, right? Where am I...?"

[You have been given a chance to enjoy a new life... Choose your own path... I'll be there alongside you every step of the way. I'm a part of your System, after all.]

[And after having died in your old world, your soul has been picked and transmigrated within this one. You can't go back to your old one. There are laws, rules, and regulations against it... I apologize. And the world... or the Realm that you now reside within is named Midgard... one of the Nine Realms within the world that you now reside in... Any other such pieces of information regarding this world and the other Nine Realms have to be discovered by your own efforts in order to learn more...]

It took her half an hour or so to digest what she learned while she slowly calmed down her turbulent emotions.

After she wiped away a few more of her tears with the cleanest portions of her not so clean and still bloody torn tunic, she asked, "So System, what kinds of features do you have? And do you have anything else that you can tell me about Midgard?"

[To start with, you can either vocally or mentally access the selected areas via the Job and Rebirth Evolution System.]









[Once you do, then I'll give a brief summary as to what each of them entails... And the only pieces of information that I have about Midgard is that you may know of it due to a few MMORPGs that you have played in the past. There are numerous types of monsters, different kinds of magic, and other such mysteries that you'll most likely stumble upon in this Realm and the others connected to it. The MMORPG called 'Ragnarok Online' is a good reference point, but not everything you've experienced in those games you've played is 100% accurate to the source...]

With her curiosity driving her, she mentally brought up her [Status] and what she found was pretty surprising.


[Name: Evelyn Snowbright]

[Race: Human Midgardian]

[Age: 17 Years Old (Formerly 29)]

[Height: 5 feet 0 inches]

[Title(s): None]

[Level: 1 (0/100 exp)]

[HP] [100/100] (1 HP/10Sec Regen when resting and/or out of combat)

[SP] [136/136] (1 + 6 = 7 SP/10Sec Regen when resting and/or out of combat)

[Job: Novice (No Other Classes Unlocked As Of Yet)]

[Job Level: (1/10) (0/100 exp)]

[Primary Stats:]

[STR] 1

[AGI] 1

[VIT] 1

[INT] 1 + 35 (Permanent Gain due to having accumulated a similar value in your previous life) = 36

[DEX] 1

[LUK] 1 + 45 (Permanent Gain due to having accumulated a similar value in your previous life) = 46

[Available Primary Stat Points: 29 (The accumulated age and experience of your soul...) + 17 (Your new body's physical age) = 46]


[ATK] 1 + (Total LUK 46 ÷ 3 = 15.3) = 16.3 ~ 30.1 (Calculated range between regular physical melee damage and a critical strike)

[MATK] 36 (Total INT) × 1.5 = 54 + (Total LUK 46 ÷ 3 = 15.3) = 69.3 ~ 83.1 (Calculated range between regular magical damage and critical magical damage)

[DEF] 1

[MDEF] 36 (Total INT) x 2 = 72

[HIT] 2 + (Total LUK 46 ÷ 3 = 15.3) = 17.3

[CRIT] 46 (Total LUK) × 0.3 = 13.8

[FLEE] 2 + (Total LUK 46 ÷ 5 = 9.2) = 11.2

[ASPD] (Still Calculating)

[MS] 1 (1 mph walking) (2mph jogging/run/sprint)

"It does remind me of Ragnarok Online, although there are some changes... I'm guessing that since I've yet to do anything against a valid target is the main reason as to why my attack speed is still calculating... Can you give me the rundown of how each of my Primary Stats work and how it affects my Sub-Stats as well as my HP, and SP... I want to know how much you know about it to your best knowledge. I don't want to make the wrong assumptions... And I want to make sure that the stat points I'll allocate are in the right places as needed for my continued survival..."

[That is correct. I was given only the barebones understanding of this world, this System, and such, but that's why it's called the Job and Rebirth Evolution System. It'll slowly evolve over time the more we understand the world, affect it, and how it'll affects us in turn.]

[STR stands for Strength, and it affects your melee damage, carrying capacity, and with sufficient gear you can multiply your attack power via a weapon or other such pieces of equipment. If it affects anything else, then we'll find out in the future. I don't yet know whether this will affect the inventory, but we'll get to it when we can.]

[AGI stands for Agility, and it affects your overall speed in many aspects; for example: your ability to dodge, your attack speed, and your movement speed. If it affects anything else, then we'll find out in the future.]

[VIT stands for Vitality, and it affects your overall endurance; both physical and magical, increases your overall health points, and your body's natural health regeneration. If it affects anything else, then we'll find out in the future.]

[INT stands for Intelligence, and it affects your magical damage, multiplies your magical defense, affects the effectiveness of certain types of magic, increases your overall spell points, and your body's natural spell energy regeneration. If it affects anything else, then we'll find out in the future.]

[DEX is Dexterity, and it affects your accuracy in many aspects, your ranged damage, and it affects the casting time of spells. If it affects anything else, then we'll find out in the future.]

[LUK is Luck, and it affects your fortune in many aspects, the critical damage that you can inflict, and it multiplies the likelihood of you being able to dodge what comes your way. If it affects anything else, then we'll find out in the future.]

'Hmmm... interesting. That's very good to know. Now then, how about Jobs?'


[Current Locked In Job: Novice [Level (1/10)]]

>> [0/100 exp]

>> [As a Novice, you will learn the basics of how to wield certain weapons, gain the necessary skills in order to further survive, prepare yourself to earn and/or learn the job you'd want to take in the near future, basic evasive maneuvers, basic combative tactics, and gain basic skills and/or abilities depending on your chosen path. The Novice Job is the most Basic yet the most important for those that were born in Midgard...]

After having quickly reviewed what was said about the Novice Job, she mentally tapped the [Skill(s)], [Abilities], [Magic], [Inventory], [Rebirth], and the [Evolution] tabs in order to learn as much as she could about them.


>> [(It's unknown what you'll unlock and learn until you Level up your current Job)]

>> [Available Skill Points: 0]


>> [(It's unknown what you'll unlock and gain until you Level up your current Job)]


>> [(You have no access to any types of magic, spells, and such as of yet)]


>> [Zeny: 0 (Midgardian Money Denomination)]

>> [(1x Beginner Starter Pack for Evelyn Snowbright)]


>> [After a successful Transmigration, you have earned a total of 2,900 Rebirth Points. Each 100 Rebirth Points earned is thanks to the age of your soul prior to your Transmigration.]

>> [(Unknown requirements have yet to be unlocked/discovered as to how this can be used to your benefit)]


>> [(You have no access to this tab as of now since you have yet to unlock/discover it's purpose)]

As she looked through the tabs of her newly acquired System, Evelyn had gained even more questions, but it looks like she and her System will have to find out these answers together. 'It'll take me a while to get used to all of this and it'll help distract me from the fact that I died, transmigrated in a new world, and I've now gained access to a System.'

*Sigh* 'I'll have to reevaluate my emotions slowly and over time... I can't let my sadness fester. I'd get depressed otherwise...,' she thought to herself with a sad *Sigh* escaping her lips.

And with that little bit of introspection over with for the moment, Evelyn opened the (1x Beginner Starter Pack) that was located within her [Inventory]; of which contains 299 individual screen boxes that are empty of any item icons. The only [Inventory] screen item box that contains an item icon stores the (1x Beginner Starter Pack) within itself. These 300 boxes in her [Inventory] are going to be very convenient for her, she can feel it.

As soon as she opened up the (1x Beginner Starter Pack), a few System notifications popped up.

[(1x Beginner Starter Pack) opened]

- You have gained the following...

> (1x Clean Cotton T-Shirt [+2 DEF])

> (1x Clean pair of form-fitting Leather Breeches [+2 DEF])

> (1x Clean pair of Leather Boots [+3 DEF])

> (1x Clean pair of Female Cloth Undergarments [+1 DEF])

> (1x Beginner's Dagger [+6 ATK])

> (1x Beginner's Mace [+7 ATK])

> (1x Beginner's Sword [+7ATK])

> (1x Wooden Buckler [+5 DEF])

> (25x Copy of Traveling Documentations and Proof of Identity for Evelyn Snowbright)

> (1x Beginner's Map [Once you become a Level 5 Novice, then you'll gain access to a Mini-map after using this useful item])

> (50x Pieces of Tasty, Healthy, and Nutritious Jerky)

> (1x Minor Enchanted Leather Water Bottle of Refreshment; Self-Refilling)

> (1x Leather & Cloth Sleeping Bag)

> (1x Minor Enchanted Campfire of Hearth; Idiot Proof)

"Wow, now that's a good starter pack.", she said with widened eyes as she reviewed and scrolled through what she gained from it. "From now on, in order to make sure I don't get too bogged down by notifications, can you make sure that I only get them when I'm safe and any changes to any of my Primary and Sub-Stats will be stated by you due to me Leveling up, equipping gear, weapons, and other such things."

[That can be arranged. Do you want a summary of what your Sub-Stats entails? And when you gain any skills, abilities, and such, then would you also like me to notify you when you're safe and free from any sudden conflicts?]

After stretching for a bit, Evelyn stood up and actually paid attention to her surroundings while she said, "Yeah, sure. That'll be helpful. It helps to make sure that I won't get distracted if my life is ever in peril. If I'm talking to a person, then make sure to inform me of any notifications if there's a lull in the conversation. I wouldn't want to seem like I'm rude or something..."

The area that Evelyn found herself in was a sprawling forested area with grassy foothills, all sorts of different trees abound, and there are little white furred creatures hopping all over the place. There are also pink blob like creatures hopping to and fro in a peaceful manner while there are wooden golem-like entities walking throughout the area.

The sun was still up and the gentle winds that roamed this forest was pretty refreshing to experience.

[ATK stands for Attack power, and it quantifies your melee physical damage and your ranged damage.]

[MATK stands for Magical Attack power, and it quantifies your magical damage, and it may affect any type of healing magic and/or spells.]

[DEF stands for Defense, and it quantifies your own physical defenses. We don't know as of yet how it affects your ability to not get staggered, pushed back, and/or your ability to not get unbalanced in times of great strife.]

[MDEF stands for Magical Defense, and it quantifies your magical defenses against magical attacks against your person.]

[HIT stands for Hit Rate, and it quantifies your overall accuracy in most aspects.]

[CRIT stands for Critical Attack power, and it quantifies your damage against the critical areas of your enemies.]

[FLEE stands for Flee Rate, and it quantifies your overall ability to dodge attacks aimed at your person. We don't yet know how it'll be affected when attacked by multiple enemies at once.]

[ASPD stands for Attack Speed, and it quantifies the speed of your physical attacks, and the speed that your body can exert when under the strains of combat.]

[MS stands for Movement Speed, and it quantifies your overall unaugmented speed when you walk and run.]

With those explained to her, Evelyn didn't hesitate to change the clothes that she wore to the newer ones that she gained thanks to the (Beginner Starter Pack) after she scrutinized her surroundings a little bit more to make sure that there weren't any perverts around. She wasn't bothered by the wandering creatures or the fact that she was stripping naked in a forest in broad daylight since her time and experience in the armed forces gave her a lot of confidence in her female body.

The new body that she now had was 17 years old according to her System, which was a far cry from her former 29-year-old self, but she had no complaints as she studied her own body more thoroughly while she dressed herself up in her new clothes. The soft beige skin color was decently fair, but at least it wasn't the porcelain one that she had before; of which burned pretty easily under the sun.

Her new trim and soft body that had a decent swimmer's build had a shapely feminine form about it and her decent sized shape, which she guesses was most likely a mid-sized C-cup in size was a size bigger than her previous body's solid B-cup. Her waist was also pretty trim while her derriere had a sort of firm softness about it. 'It'll take me awhile to make these new glutes of mine as solid and firm as they used to be in my old body.' *Sigh* 'And my [Status] said that I'm now 5 feet and 0 inches. I basically shrunk 6 inches from my old body, which will take some time for me to get used to...'

Her short-length black hair, which was a fair shade darker than the one she had in the past, was thankfully easy to manage and her System let her know that her eyes were a brilliant shade of blue. Her previous eye color was brown, but she doesn't mind all that much that she now owns a pair of blue ones.

After she got dressed in her new clothes and with the (Wooden Buckler [+5 DEF]) held secured to her left forearm via leather straps and with the (Beginner's Dagger [+6 ATK]) sheathed on her side via the attached leather belt/sheathe; of which was strategically placed on the small nape of her back with the handle to the right, and ready to be drawn by her right hand at a moment's notice, Evelyn felt ready for her new adventure.

[After equipping a (Clean Cotton T-Shirt [+2 DEF]), the pair of (Clean Female Cloth Undergarments [+1 DEF]), the pair of (Clean Leather Breeches [+2 DEF]), the pair of (Clean Leather Boots [+3 DEF]), the (Wooden Buckler [+5 DEF]), and the (Beginner's Dagger [+6 ATK], you have increased your [DEF] and [ATK] Sub-Stats.]

[DEF] 1 --->>> 1 + 13 = 14

[ATK] 1 --->>> 1 + 6 = 7 + (Total LUK 46 ÷ 3 = 15.3) = 22.3 ~ 36.1

"Not bad... not bad at all", said Evelyn while she performed a few stretches. She made sure to place the clothes that she wore before into her inventory just in case she may have need of it. "I'm glad I was a fair deal handy with knives thanks to having undergone knife fighting both in a practiced environment and in combat when I was still in the service. Hey System, is it possible for me to observe or scan these creatures around me to get a sense for their levels or something? Do you have that feature?"

[You'll have to approach one of them and I'll try, but I don't know whether I have that feature. Try to approach one of them and we'll see if anything happens or if it'll unlock something. If we happen to inadvertently aggro one of them, then get ready for a fight.]

"Well it can't hurt to try.", and with that said, Evelyn slowly approached one of the bouncing pink blob like creatures with cautious steps. 'System, remind me to read up on my background in this new world that's within my (Copy of Traveling Documentations and Proof of Identity). It can't hurt to review where I originated from in the Realm of Midgard.'

[Reminder Set. I'll remind you before nightfall.]


As soon as Evelyn got within 5 feet of the bouncing blob of pink, she heard her System doing something until...

[Low level monster within detection range. Scanning...]

[Basic Monster Detection & Observation Unlocked]

> [Basic Monster Detection & Observation Ability Acquired]

>> [Level: 1/? (1/100 exp)]

>> [Supportive Type & Passive Self-Cast]

>> [Costs: Uses 1 SP/every 30 seconds of usage]

>> [You have gained a passive aura that can't reach past 5 feet in every direction from where you are located that detects, observes, and can give you the basic information on low level monsters. Your line of sight and your mental need for it will unlock the basic information that's been scanned on the monsters as necessary. When not needed, then it'll only show the name, level, HP, and SP of said monster.]

With that gained, Evelyn quickly used it with her System's help and assistance in order to gain the necessary information on the bouncing pink blob that she approached.


[Level: 1]

[Race: Plant]

[HP] [50/50]

[SP] [0/0]

[More Info...]

>> This Poring is a small jelly-like pink monster that likes to swallow any small object in sight. They are made up of a gelatinous plant-like substance that have somehow gained an animalistic sentience. They are normally non-hostile, and these cute monsters move via bouncing.

>> [Monster Primary Stats]

[STR: 1]

[AGI: 1]

[VIT: 1]

[INT: 0]

[DEX: 6]

[LUK: 30]

>> [Monster Sub-Stats]

[Property: Low-Tier Water/Plant Elemental]

[ATK: 7 ~ 10]

[DEF: 0]

[MATK: 0]

[MDEF: 5]

[HIT: 22]

[FLEE: 82]

As Evelyn studied the Poring's information, she was kind of baffled with the little thing's ability to dodge attacks with the ridiculous [FLEE: 82] that it has in its Sub-Stats. While she pondered on it, the little Poring just bounced away nonchalantly.

'Hey System, I've got a feeling that I'll need to either distribute my free [Stat Points] where they're needed, target a different Level 1 monster, and leave these bouncing blobs alone for now. Is it because it's a monster that the discrepancy between it's [Primary Stats] and it's [Sub-Stats] are pretty different from a [Human Midgardian] like myself?'

[Follow your instincts... from what I've learned from having viewed your soul's memories, you're a pretty capable individual. You've got practical combat training, you've deployed in a few skirmishes between neighboring hostile Factions, and you're experienced with certain weapons; both melee and ranged, for one reason or another. You are free to distribute your Stat Points however you wish.]

[For the monsters, we don't have enough information as of yet, but it's a good hypothesis. We'll find out more in the future. Now then, what do you plan to be? You do have prior memories of playing the MMORPG called Ragnarok Online, so the Jobs could be somewhat similar in scope. The way you distribute your Stat Points would heavily affect your future performance as certain Jobs..., so what'll it be?]

With that said, Evelyn slowly roamed about the old and healthy-looking forest while she organized her thoughts. 'You've got a point. I've always been partial to being a combat healer kind of character when I played Ragnarok Online. Hmm... why not, I'll distribute my stats real quick to accommodate my future Job that I'll focus on. If we play our cards right, then I'll be very formidable... though it might take us a while to get on the right path.'

With a gesture, she went to her [Status] and applied all of her stats to the areas that she wanted.


[Name: Evelyn Snowbright]

[Race: Human Midgardian]

[Age: 17 Years Old (Formerly 29)]

[Title(s): None]

[Level: 1 (0/100 exp)]

[HP] [100/100] --->>> [110/110] (1 --->>> 1 + 2 = 3 HP/10Sec Regen when resting and/or out of combat)

[SP] [136/136] --->>> [140/140] (7 SP/10Sec Regen when resting and/or out of combat)

[Job: Novice (No Other Classes Unlocked As Of Yet)]

[Job Level: (1/10) (0/100 exp)]

[Primary Stats:]

[STR] 1 --->>> 1 + 9 = 10

[AGI] 1 --->>>1 + 9 = 10

[VIT] 1 --->>> 1 + 9 = 10

[INT] 36 --->>> 36 + 4 = 40

[DEX] 1 --->>> 1 + 11 = 12

[LUK] 46 --->>> 46 + 4 = 50

[Available Primary Stat Points: 46 --->>> 0]


[ATK] 10 + 6 (Total Weapon ATK) = 16 + (Total LUK 50 ÷ 3 = 16.6) = 32.6 ~ 47.6

[MATK] 40 (Total INT) × 1.5 = 60 (+1 MATK for every 5 points in DEX = [2]) + (Total LUK 50 ÷ 3 = 16.6) = 78.6 ~ 91.6

[DEF] (+1 DEF for every 5 points in AGI = [2]) + (+1 DEF for every 2 points in VIT = [5]) + 13 (Total Equipment DEF) = 20

[MDEF] 40 (Total INT) x 2 = 80 + (+1 MDEF for every 5 points in VIT = [2]) + (1 MDEF for every 5 points in DEX = [2]) = 84

[HIT] 2 (+12 DEX) = 14 + (Total LUK 50 ÷ 3 = 16.6) = 30.6

[CRIT] 50 (Total LUK) × 0.3 = 15

[FLEE] 2 ((× 10) Total AGI)) = 20 + (Total LUK 50 ÷ 5 = 10) = 30

[ASPD] (Still Calculating)

[MS] 1 × (Total AGI 10 ÷ 5 = [2]) = (2 mph walking) (4mph jogging/run/sprint)

'Huh, that is a lot of calculations,' thought Evelyn while she felt a light tingling coursing through her body after she placed her [Status Points] into the areas that she needed them to be in. After a minute or two, the feeling died down and she felt pretty energized.

[Primary Status Tier Unlocked after your LUK has reached 50 allocated points. It now requires 2 Status Points to increase that number to 51 and onwards to 60.

> 3 for 61 ~ 70

> And onwards]

[Random Ability Gained due to having reached LUK 50]

> [Fortune's Favored Blade]

>> [Level: 1/5 (0/1,000 exp)]

>> [Supportive Type & Passive Self-Cast]

>> [Costs: 25 SP per Cast]

>> [There's a 1 out 20 chance that any physical melee strike you perform will be doubled in damage. When successful, then it'll consume 25 SP; however, if there's no SP available, then it won't work.]

"I have no words... this could be very useful, but it requires us to rely on chance. But I can't complain, since we did gain it after having reached 50 in luck. You could say that it was very fortunate...? Ehhh.", Evelyn joked with a simple smile while she gestured for her [Status] screen to disappear.

[Yes, you could say that.]

~ After an hour of walking through the forest ~

~ Evelyn's POV ~

'It's good to have a decent understanding of my surroundings while I reviewed the types of monsters near me. Thank goodness I haven't stumbled upon any higher leveled ones.'

"There's nothing but Porings, Lunatics, and Willows in this forest...", she muttered while she once again reviewed the stats for the last two monsters. Thankfully, her System gained the [Monster Encyclopedia Ability] after having used the [Basic Monster Detection & Observation Ability] on the 50th monster that she stumbled upon.


[Level: 3]

[Race: Brute]

[HP] [60/60]

[SP] [0/0]

[More Info...]

>> This Lunatic is a common kind of rodent with white fluffy hair all over its body. It likes carrots and it's a carefree fluffy animal. This plump and shaggy monster is shaped like a rabbit.

>> [Monster Primary Stats]

[STR: 1]

[AGI: 3]

[VIT: 3]

[INT: 10]

[DEX: 8]

[LUK: 60]

>> [Monster Sub-Stats]

[Property: Low-Tier Neutral Type Animal]

[ATK: 9 ~ 12]

[DEF: 0]

[MATK: 0]

[MDEF: 20]

[HIT: 26]

[FLEE: 86]


[Level: 4]

[Race: Plant]

[HP] [95/95]

[SP] [0/0]

[More Info...]

>> This Willow is a tree that absorbed the ambient magical energy of a forest and gained a simple sentience about it. It is mostly harmless unless attacked first. This one is one of the young ones that roam about aimlessly.

>> [Monster Primary Stats]

[STR: 1]

[AGI: 4]

[VIT: 8]

[INT: 30]

[DEX: 9]

[LUK: 10]

>> [Monster Sub-Stats]

[Property: Low-Tier Earth Elemental]

[ATK: 9 ~ 12]

[DEF: 5]

[MATK: 0]

[MDEF: 15]

[HIT: 28]

[FLEE: 88]

With a plan in mind after she finished reviewing the stats and comparing them with each other after having observed her 100th or so monster; Evelyn, in the end decided to start attacking one of the Porings and have her System monitor how gaining exp from a monster kill affects it and her own body.

With a running approach, Evelyn unsheathed her dagger and attacked the nearest Poring with a simple swipe of her weapon while she faced the buckler ahead of herself.

The Poring; sensing that it was about to be attacked, quickly bounced out of the way. With combat engaged, the little pink blob tried to tackle her, but she quickly rolled out of the way and tried to swipe at it while it was on a collision course with her former location.

[ - 32.6 HP]


[Level: 1]

[Race: Plant]

[HP] [17.4/50]

[SP] [0/0]

[More Info...]

As Evelyn regained her stance, the pink blob-like monster bounced towards her again to tackle her head on. Evelyn quickly ducked away from the obvious assault and swiped her blade at the passing Poring. It can't dodge once it was up in the air, after all.

[ - 32.6 HP]

After she inflicted it with that last half of damage, it popped like a pink balloon made up of liquid before evaporating quickly. As it evaporated, it's body somehow left behind a few items... (2x Jellopy), (1x empty bottle), and (20 Zeny). As soon as these things dropped into the ground, a different Poring; as if sensing items for it to eat, started heading this way. Evelyn quickly stored these items into her inventory before they got gobbled up.

[You have gained 10 Exp towards your next Level (10/100 exp)]

[You have gained 10 Exp towards your next Job Level (10/100 exp)]

"So, how did the experience gain affect the System?"

[I detected a slight fluctuation affecting the Rebirth & Evolution aspects while the Job aspects gained a miniscule growth. I have no idea as of yet whether what we absorbed from the death of the Poring was Magic, some kind of Life Essence, Emotional Energy that was released as it got killed, or otherwise. We'll most likely find out after we gain more exp. And good job on taking down that Poring, by the way.]

"Thanks... After that hour or so of observing the movements of these Porings, Lunatics, and Willows, it was only logical for me to come up with all sorts of possible combat scenarios to gain an advantage during battle."

With a pleasant grin, Evelyn continued her attack against the nearby Porings; one by one, until she heard, [Congrats! You are now Level 2!] [Congrats! Your Novice Job is now Level 2!]

[You've Gained 5 Status Points and 1 Skill Point]

[You've Gained 10 Additional HP & SP]

[Skill Gained -> Basic Dagger Mastery (Level: 1/?) (0/100 exp)]

[Skill Gained -> Basic Shield Mastery (Level: 1/?) (0/100 exp)]

[Skill Gained -> Basic Camping Survival Mastery (Level: 1/?) (0/100 exp)]

[Skill Gained -> Basic First Aid (Level: 1/?) (0/100 exp)]

"Not bad for half an hour or so worth of work. Thanks again for keeping time."

[It's no problem at all. You did suggest that I should start to keep time like a clock in the midst of you taking down those Porings.]

While she enjoyed the sudden breeze that rolled through the forest, she asked, "How much exp do I need in order to get to the next level for both my Level and my Novice Job?"

[Let me section something off real quick... it'll appear translucent and miniscule at the very left corner of your vision. It'll act like a HUD or Heads Up Display for you...]

After a few seconds, Evelyn saw a tiny, small blue screen with white lettering pop up at the area that her System said it would. Once she focused on it, it became solidified, more obvious, and easier to read. When she stopped focusing on it, it became translucent and unassuming again.

[Evelyn Snowbright]

[17 Years Old (Formerly 29)]

[Race: Human Midgardian]

[Level: 2 (0/200 exp)]

[Novice: Level 2 (0/200 exp)]

[HP: (120/120) (3HP/10sec)]

[SP: (150/150) (7SP/10sec)]

'Thanks System, that makes things a whole lot easier.'

Evelyn once again kept monitoring her surroundings, but there weren't any changes to the environment. 'It is pretty peaceful out here.' She was reminded of the the many times that she went on nature hikes with her family once they got together for their days off and went on their annually scheduled family trips... 'I sure hope their doing alright...'

After a few minutes of calm, she read up on the new skills that she gained after having leveled up.

[Basic Dagger Mastery (Level: 1/?) (0/100 exp)]

>> [Passive Skill]

>> [Damage with Daggers and Knife-like Weapons are increased by 3%. Weapons handling and techniques with these kinds of weapons are easier to perform.]

>> [After having used a Dagger while on your road as a Novice, you have Unlocked and Gained this Skill. After having reviewed your memories, the Mastery you've gained with these kinds of weapons in your past life makes it that much easier for you to reach an unknown height with the Mastery of these kinds of weapons.]

[Basic Shield Mastery (Level: 1/10) (0/100 exp)]

>> [Passive Skill]

>> [Physical damage that's blocked, deflected, reflected, and/or parried with Shields and similar like equipment are 3% likely to be easier to perform.

>> [3% of Physical Damage received can be blocked, deflected, reflected, and/or parried with enough effort and timing.]

>> [Learning to defend oneself from harm is common sense when being attacked by your opponents. After having blocked a charging Poring with a Buckler, you have Unlocked and gained this Skill.]

[Basic Camping Survival Mastery (Level: 1/?) (0/100 exp)]

>> [Passive Skill]

>> [Setting up a camp, starting a fire, cooking food over a fire properly, boiling water properly, and other such necessary skills are made easier and more efficient by 5%.]

>> [After a successful setup and a good night's sleep, then an increase in exp gain by 5% can be achieved which will last for 4 hours.]

>> [You've had an enormous amount of experience of camping in the wilderness in your past life. Who knows how strong your Mastery on this skill could become in the future...]

[Basic First Aid (Level: 1/?) (0/100 exp)]

>> [Supportive Type, Self-Cast, and Single Target Type Cast Through Touch]

>> [Costs: 25 SP per Cast to regain 5 HP]

>> [Performing First Aid is one of the first things a Novice needs to learn and master in order to get used to using SP. It could save your life when used correctly and it's a lifesaving stopgap until a real healer works on you or others. It stimulates the body's natural regen through the basic excitation of SP.]

'This will definitely help... Hey System, any changes to my [Job(s)] tab?', she asked while she went on ahead to explore more of the forest around her.

[No changes seen as of yet; however, when you leveled up it felt like something might appear in the Jobs and Evolution tabs. We'll most likely find out more once you finish Leveling up the Novice Job.]

"That's good to know," she said as she prepared to fight more Porings. "Time to grind for some more exp..."

As she got into it, it didn't feel all that monotonous since she's now in a fantasy world fighting low leveled monsters, wielding a dagger & buckler, and after each kill her System notified her how each usage of her weapons gave her [+5 exp to Basic Dagger Mastery] & [+5 exp to Basic Shield Mastery] as well as the relevant [+10 exp to next Level] & [+10 exp to next Job Level].

She was happy that her System kept on simplifying the notifications and gains to her and she wondered how it'll truly affect her once she really got into the skills, abilities, and stuff once she unlocks and chooses her First Class Job; of which she plans to become an Acolyte. She recalls the types of spells an Acolyte is capable of as well as the things they could perform once they're qualified and changed into their Second Class Job and by then she'll obviously choose to be a Priestess.

The power to heal oneself, teleport, warp to different places, and to bolster one's own self through the usage of Holy Magic is a great benefit for her own survival. Evelyn recalls the numerous different threats that this world has after having asked her System since her System has viewed her memories and reminded her that she did remember correctly. This world has Demons like Baphomet, the Progenitor of all Vampires: Dracula, Dragons of Legend, and many more fearsome and terrifying beings. She'd rather not think too much about them now unless it was relevant. She'd rather not get nightmares.

This is a dangerous world to be in, so she aims to gain strength, power, and hopefully enough resources to deter the threats that'll come her way.

As Evelyn took down another Poring, she glanced at her exp bar; noticing how she's almost due for another Level up, she noticed how she didn't even feel how much time passed by if it wasn't for her System. Fighting monsters, having a weapon in hand, and moving around freely like this felt pretty liberating.

She knows that she'll most likely grieve for her having lost everything from her last life, but she felt a sort of freedom for not being bogged down and working 12-hour shifts at the hospital anymore. She'll miss her friends, family, most of her co-workers, the greatest platoon that she's been a part of and kept connections with when she was in the military, and all of the friends that she made when she was gaming in her free time.

She'll miss them all and she won't stop missing them, but she's trying to slowly move on from that while getting herself used to this new world of hers. It'll take her a long time until she won't feel that sting of hurt, sadness, and regret of having lost her old life, but she hopes that she'll accept her situation once she gets her mind and emotions settled after some time of introspection.

After having killed another Poring, her System revealed to her the new set of notifications and a few of them were pretty surprising since she didn't expect them.

[Congrats! You are now Level 3!] [Congrats! Your Novice Job is now Level 3!]

[You've Gained 5 Status Points and 1 Skill Point]

[You've Gained 10 Additional HP & SP]

[Basic Dagger Mastery Skill has Leveled Up!]

[Basic Dagger Mastery (Level: 2/?) (0/200 exp)]

>> [Passive Skill]

>> [Damage with Daggers and Knife-like Weapons are increased by 6%. Weapons handling and techniques with these kinds of weapons are easier to perform.]

>> [More info...]

[Basic Shield Mastery Skill has Leveled Up!]

[Basic Shield Mastery (Level: 2/10) (0/200 exp)]

>> [Passive Skill]

>> [Physical damage that's blocked, deflected, reflected, and/or parried with Shields and similar like equipment are 6% likely to be easier to perform.

>> [6% of Physical Damage received can be blocked, deflected, reflected, and/or parried with enough effort and timing.]

>> [More info...]

[Basic Monster Detection & Observation Ability Leveled Up!]

[Basic Monster Detection & Observation Ability]

>> [Level: 2/? (0/200 exp)]

>> [Supportive Type & Passive Self-Cast]

>> [Costs: Uses 1 SP/every 60 seconds of usage]

>> [You have gained a passive aura that can't reach past 10 feet in every direction from where you are located that detects, observes, and can give you the basic information on low level monsters. Your line of sight and your mental need for it will unlock the basic information that's been scanned on the monsters as necessary. When not needed, then it'll only show the name, level, HP, and SP of said monster.]

[Skill Gained -> Basic Human Midgardian Written & Spoken Language Comprehension]

>> [Level: 1/5 (0/100 exp)]

>> [Passive]

>> [Any self-respecting Human Midgardian should know how to speak and read the written word of the most prevalent language of their people.]

[Skill Gained -> Basic Dodging Skill Acquired!]

>> [Level: 1/10 (0/100 exp)]

>> [Supportive Type & Instinctive/Intuitive Survival Skill]

>> [Level 1 gives Evelyn a +1 Flee Rate]

>> [After having successfully dodged a good number of opponents without being damaged by said opponents, Evelyn Unlocked and Gained this very helpful skill. She now finds it a slight bit easier to perform evasive maneuvers.]

"Damn! Now this is a good indicator for things to come. I should try to see if performing certain types of actions can generate more skills," she said with a wide grin on her face. Evelyn then took a look at the corner of her vision to look at the changes to her mini-HUD with a thoughtful expression.

[Evelyn Snowbright]

[17 Years Old (Formerly 29)]

[Race: Human Midgardian]

[Level: 3 (0/400 exp)]

[Novice: Level 3 (0/400 exp)]

[HP: (130/130) (3HP/10sec)]

[SP: (160/160) (7SP/10sec)]

'Hmm... so each level up doubles the needed exp to climb up towards the next level for both myself and my chosen Job. The same seems to be the case for the skills and abilities I've gained so far, but I don't have that many of a set to compare as of yet. Maybe I'll come across a Skill or Ability that'll take a while to Level Up...'

After that errant thought passed through her mind, she looked up and saw that the sun is still high up in the sky. 'It's possible that it's still around the afternoon of the day, but I can't really be sure. From the feel of the ambient temperature, it could be spring, but I'm not familiar with the seasons of this world since I've only been here for less than a day. I don't know how long the day and night cycle is here as well as how the seasons on this world affect said day and night cycle... looks like we'll be playing it by observation until we've got the necessary information we need.'

With narrowed eyes she looked at the nearest creatures next to her.


[Level: 1]

[Race: Plant]

[HP] [50/50]

[SP] [0/0]

[More Info...]


[Level: 3]

[Race: Brute]

[HP] [60/60]

[SP] [0/0]

[More Info...]

"I'll leave the Level 4 Willows alone for now. Let's see how I fair up against Lunatics while taking out any Porings I can find."

With that said, Evelyn approached one of the white, fluffy, and rabbit-like monsters called a Lunatic and didn't hesitate at trying to swipe at it with her dagger. She missed since the little Lunatic hopped away before trying to attack her ankles with a bite.

Although the [FLEE] [Sub-Stat] of the Lunatic was at 86 with its [AGI] at a 3, the fact that it's [DEX] is at 8 and it's [HIT] [Sub-Stat] is at a low 26 was helpful to Evelyn's current predicament.

Evelyn's current [AGI] is at 10 and her [FLEE] [Sub-Stat] is at 30 + 1(Due to her newly acquired Basic Dodging Skill giving her an additional [FLEE] [Sub-Stat]) while her current [DEX] is at 12 and her [HIT] [Sub-Stat] is at a 30.6; which really helped make a difference since she was easily able to be slightly ahead and dodge the Lunatic's rapid bite, tackle, and claw attacks. The whopping 86 [FLEE] [Sub-Stat] belonging to this fluffy menace defined its absurd reflexes and it proved it to Evelyn as it dodged her swipes, thrusts, and stabs with her dagger.

This wasn't like fighting a Level 1 Poring; of whom has a very linear and obvious bouncing trajectory that she's been exploiting in order to dispatch and takedown quickly and efficiently. 'This little shit is annoying.'

After having dodged a few more of its aggressive ankle bite attacks and bashing it in the face with her buckler on reflex, a thought quickly formed in her mind. "Let's see how you like this," she told it with a slight smirk while she took note that it seemed to be slightly disoriented after that hit to the face.

She made to swipe at it and just like before, it swiftly dodged her obvious and telegraphed dagger swipe, but as it dodged her dagger's edge; it wasn't ready for the foot careening towards its head while it was already on the move.

[ - 47.6 HP (CRIT!)]


[Level: 3]

[Race: Brute]

[HP] [12.4/60]

[SP] [0/0]

[More Info...]

With a satisfied grin, Evelyn looked at its beady red eyes and saw an animalistic rage that was more obvious than it was before after her hit landed on its little fluffy head. 'Just as I thought... it's quick to follow up and dodge my first strike with it's incredible reflexes, but it can be bottlenecked by a quick follow-up strike.'

The Lunatic let out an angry *screech* before once again trying to bite her ankles, which she promptly dodged quickly and tried to counterattack with a swipe of her dagger, but it seemed to have wised up a little and dodged it.

However, Evelyn followed it up with a feint stab, which it dodged, but it didn't see the kick heading for its side until it was too late.

[ - 32.6 HP]

With that kick, the little Lunatic died and it poofed away into white fluffy clouds; for some odd reason, but it left behind some loot. Evelyn swiftly placed the (1x Feather), (1x Apple), and the (1x Clover) in her inventory while she asked, "Hey System, how long did it take me to defeat that Lunatic? And how come my reflexive buckler bash to its face didn't do any damage?"

[+10 exp to Basic Dagger Mastery Skill]

[+10 exp to Basic Shield Mastery Skill]

[+10 exp to Basic Dodging Skill]

[+15 Level exp]

[+15 Job exp]

[It took you 1 minute and 6 seconds to take care of it. And your buckler is a beginner's level gear and you don't have a Skill that says you can bash their heads in and do damage to them. I did register that it was briefly stunned, so trying to see if you can unlock a shield bash Skill or an equivalent would be worth a try. Those kicks were inspired, so keep up the good work and follow your instincts.]

[Update - I've taken the liberty to tweak the notifications for your ease.]

'Thanks for letting me know. And it looks like I get a slight increase in exp to my skills, Level, and my Job. How come my Basic Monster Detection & Observation Ability is very sporadic at gaining exp?'

[It's probably due to us having only come across Porings, Lunatics, and Willows and the constant usage of the ability towards these three have made it a moot point for the ability. We may need to come across more monsters, creatures, and the like in order to further improve it.]

Evelyn let out a breath and nodded while saying, "It makes sense. We'll worry about it another time then. It's pretty useful, so I was just wondering."

Before moving on to attack the nearest monster, Evelyn quickly took out the (1x Minor Enchanted Leather Water Bottle of Refreshment; Self-Refilling) from her inventory and took a refreshing drink of water. The cool water was drunk with gusto and once she had her fill, she placed it back in her inventory.

"I wonder how much farther I can go with my leveling before the sun starts to set..."


{Author's Note:}

Hello everyone, I'm back and writing again. I'm alive and I'll be updating my other stories as much as I can. My update schedule will be hectic though, since my job has mostly taken most of my time. I'm trying to find a good work/life balance, but it hasn't been working out. My last relationship also ended up in flames and my significant other was pretty toxic, so I'm living it up the single way; unfortunately.

I hope you enjoy this story. If you have thoughts, comments, and such, then feel free to share them.

P.S. - (09/20/2023) - I edited this chapter since I made a few grammatical and spelling errors that I really needed to fix. I felt so embarrassed not having noticed them...

KnightWriterRLK KnightWriterRLK

It took me awhile to figure out the calculations and I've got a way to keep track of the numbers to the best of my ability. I've played Ragnarok Online, WOW, and other MMORPGS in the past and I'm also a D&D nerd, anime enthusiast, and a writer at heart. Please comment, share your thoughts, and if you like it, then I'm happy.

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