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The Multiverse: Son of the Devil The Multiverse: Son of the Devil original

The Multiverse: Son of the Devil

Author: DaoistfGosi3

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: The Wizarding World

--- London, 1985 ---

In a decrepit orphanage on the outskirts of the city sits a young boy that quietly flips through the pages of a book with great speed.

The boy is slim for his age, pitch-black eyes, pale skin, and blood-red hair make this child rather haunting to look at.

He closes the book before throwing it to the side and picking up another one.

His room is a mess, filled to the brim with books on every subject known to man.

Before he begins reading, he makes a small mental note, '10,819'

That is the number of books he's read and he remembers every single one.

He knew from the moment that he could think for himself that he was different from everyone else.

It wasn't just for the fact that he knew that he was a Demigod that became a reincarnator, it was also due to the fact that his maturity was miles above his peers, he could read an entire book within minutes, and learned things at an extreme speed.

He knew that he was in the magical world of Harry Potter, while he has never read the books or watched the movies, one of the small gifts his father gifted him gave him basic knowledge of the world and most major events in the future.

Most people in his position would try to learn wandless magic but he knew that Occlumency was his greatest ally at the moment.

It helped him keep his emotions in check, compartmentalize all his knowledge, and protect himself from intruders.

After mastering Occlumency, he made his mindscape look like a series of puzzles and mazes, if the intruder failed a single time, they would see a horrifying scene of their loved ones getting fucked by their worst enemies... not a pretty sight but it's what they get for intruding where they don't belong.

Orion is a boy of many talents that is complimented with his genius intellect, he excels in school, already being pushed forward several years.

He wasn't alone in the orphanage, Lucifer wasn't going to send his only child away without some form of protection.

Leonard King and Jackson Riley, demons that served his father for centuries are now bound to his will.

With Leonard being two years ahead of him and Jackson being twice his age, he was happy to have them.

They helped him learn Occlumancy, making it a lot easier.

Leon is tall for a seven-year-old, with tanned skin, brown hair, and ocean-blue eyes. he's a charmer, he likes to talk and is a natural politician. he was Lucifer's advisor and spokesperson for two centuries.

Jackson Riley was the opposite of Leonard, being ten years old, he stands at a whopping 5'8ft and has an athletic body.

With dark skin, a shaved head, and grey eyes, his stoic features help his strong and silent persona.

Hearing a knock at the door, Orion puts down his book before turning to the knocker.

"Leonard, Jackson, what are you up to now?", he says with a sigh at Leon's mischievous smile.

They sit on the side of his bed, Jackson holds up a letter with the Hogwarts seal on it.

Leon speaks for him, "the letter came a moment ago, we came to ask what you wanted us to do?"

The room filled with silence as the boy pondered on their next moves.

He clears his throat before laying out some basic plans, "Accept the invite to Hogwarts, get your wand and the other shit on the list when someone comes to pick you up"

"Act starstruck by the wizarding world, do an inherency test at Gringotts, and in a few months, when you actually go to the shittest school of magic in the world, try to convince the hat to put you into Ravenclaw"

His two guardians nod at his instructions, Leonard interjects once he knows that he won't interrupt his master, "Why Ravenclaw? surely Slytherin would best suit your plans"

Giving his advisor a near-silent sigh, he goes on to explain his thoughts, "Slytherin is only good if you're a pureblood, which none of us are"

"Hufflepuff would be good to get a bunch of loyal, hard-working sheep but they also too scared of their own shadows to be useful"

"Gryffindor is full of hot-headed, reckless fools that don't even know what the word discipline means"

"Ravenclaw on the other hand, even if all the members aren't geniuses, the people sorted into Ravenclaw all have a hunger for knowledge, and they have a larger library than the school itself"

The two older boys nod at his sound reasoning, they exit his room leaving him to his books once more.

--- Two Years Later ---

These two years changed the boys drastically, Jackson got into Ravenclaw like he was instructed, with his centuries of knowledge, and hard-working attitude, he stood above his peers, he wasn't fully recognized as a genius but he helped Ravenclaw win the House Cup in his first year.

During winter, easter, and summer breaks, he would return to the orphanage with books on various subjects that helped Leonard and Orion expand their ever-growing knowledge.

They had one year until Leonard got his Hogwarts letter, he already mastered most of the spells up to fifth-year, and could already perform two dozen wandless spells with ease.

Even if he's only seven years old, Orion knew that as the son of Lucifer and Prince of Hell, he had to do everything in his power to attain power in every aspect of the world.

Politics, business, military, crime, magic, wealth, health, you name it, he has his eyes on it.

Since he had such big plans, he decided to wait on learning any wandless spells for at least another year, and focus on learning more about this world, both the muggle one and the magical one.

Over the next year, Jackson would make himself known in Hogwarts as a true genius when he excelled in every class.

He let everyone know that his non-biological brother, Leonard, will be joining Hogwarts.

Why did he do this? because he was told to by Orion, this would give Leonard a platform to build on from the moment of his arrival.

While Orion ordered Jackson to focus on excelling in every subject and becoming a force to be reckoned with. He wanted something different for Leonard, he was ordered to make connections, grow his influence, and earn valuable favors.

Jackson would be Orion's version of Bellatrix, a one-man army.

While Leonard would be his voice, he would eventually join the ministry, and with some leverage, they would aim to make him the Minister.

Orion has many plans for the magical world but even more for the muggle one.

--- One Year Later ---

Now eight years old, Orion sits alone in the orphanage as his guardians have already left for Hogwarts.

Just like Jackson, Leonard took the inherency test, and nothing came out of it, which was to be expected.

Now, as he begins his venture into wandless magic, he decides to go a step further and focus on chantless magic too,

Chantless magic is by far the most advanced form of magic and is the handiest in a battle since your enemy won't know what is coming at them.

Of course, he had used magic before but only to master Occlumency and Legilimency, he practiced by wiping the memories of the other orphans and giving them new ones.

With three years of meditating and reading books on magic, he knew that magic only worked with proper intent and focus.

Holding out his hand to a pile of books in the corner, he pushes his magic into his hand, 'Accio'

Instantly, the book comes flying to his hand, a little too fast for his liking but considering the fact that he just did wandless and chantless magic on his first try, he was ecstatic.

Leonard and Jackson have yet to even try chantless magic and they have kept their wandless magic hidden for now.

So much to do and only two years until he goes to Hogwarts, not enough time for drastic change but enough to make an impact.

He smiles at himself as he looks at his training regiment.

--- Two Years Later ---

In the courtyard of the orphanage, three boys of various ages can be seen sparring while using a mixture of spells and martial arts.

Due to Orion not hitting puberty yet, he still has a rather immature and muscleless body, while his cohorts, Jackson and Leonard are completely different.

Through strenuous exercise sessions and nutritional potions, their bodies have improved massively.

Leonard has a lean, muscular body, similar to that of Jet Li in his prime.

Jackson on the other hand is a walking tank, already standing at 6ft at fifteen years old, with his broad shoulders, and large muscles, he's an intimidating sight.

Sweat pours down each of their bodies, they gasp for air after hours of fighting.

Jackson beats the duo in martial arts, while Orion wins most spell battles due to his chantless magic and cunning dueling style.

Taking a seat on the ground, they proceed to talk about the coming months.

Orion starts the conversation like always, "Both of you will let the school know of my arrival as your non-biological little brother, do the usual overprotective brothers gimmick, tell people that you will send them to hell if they mess with me, blah, blah, blah"

He turns to Leonard, "it's good that you earned so many favors over these two years, keep at it"

Leonard gives a respectful nod before Orion turns to Jackson, "Graduate as soon as your fifth year ends, once you legally become an adult, make your own family and adopt both of us as your brothers"

"After that, apply to join the Aurors, i want you to aim to become the head of the DMLE, i know you are a lot like Alastor Moody in the sense, you dislike leading and prefer to just fight but i need someone i can trust in that position"

"It won't be forever, just until we can take over the majority of Britain, which should only take between five to ten years"

Jackson nods, uttering a few words, "Inherency Test, how did it go?"

Orion shrugs his shoulders, "does it look like we're living in the Black estate or something? i didn't inherit anything"

Leonard rises to his feet, "we should get a move on, we need to pack for Hogwarts tomorrow"

The boys head into the orphanage, stepping over the dead bodies of the children and caretakers they used as target practice.

With a flick of his hand, Orion sets the corpses on fire, quickly disintegrating them into nothing but ash in the wind.

[Not all chapters will be this long and i will probably update once every handful of days]

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