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Chapter 46: Departure

The two looked at each other in silence for a while. The wolf boy stood by, .

"Claire.. Moon… why did you decide to come down from the purple moon?" Finally, Kaelen asked first, breaking the silent atmosphere.

Claire Moon opened her mouth to speak, she paused, her words caught in her mouth. "Why did I come down?" She hadn't really thought it through.

"I- we simply want to go on an adventure," she said.

"I see." He nodded in understanding. "Are you guys going to stay in the territory of the sect?"

"No, we have certain places to be," the ethereal beauty shook her head to the side and spoke.

"However, I wanted to meet you before we left. I was curious what type of person could float in outer space in their spiritual form," she added, smiling. 

"God, what a smile." Kaelen thought as he stared.

Shaking his head, he picked a rock and threw it high in the sky, "Oh- that. You know, I'm still a bit surprised at what happened then. Ahaha." Kaelen glanced up at the sun and laughed. "To see there were living beings on the moon… Turned my world upside down." He continued.

Staring at his handsome face, Claire Moon walked towards him slowly. Soon, they were standing shoulder to shoulder. She was very tall; only about two or three inches shorter than Kaelen, who had grown a bit in the past six months.

She bent down and caressed the fur of the shadow cat, who was sitting next to him.

"Why? Why would you have a preconceived notion that there couldn't be people on the moon?" she smiled and asked in soft tone, as she moved her hand up and down the Golden-eyed Shadow Leopard.

Knowing it could not stop the girl, shadow cat simply accepted the petting; it had gotten used to it anyway.

Hearing her question, Kaelen's eyebrows raised slightly. Indeed, what made him think there couldn't be any living beings on the moon?

"I don't know. Sometimes- actually quite often, people stare at the moon with the idea that it's this unattainable place which kinda mystify and embellishes its appeal. It's hard to think of it has a place where someone is living on. Besides, the moons don't seem like places mortals could survive in since; there's no sign of vegetation, so there's probably no oxygen. Plus, the essence of all life and environments contributes to forming heaven and earth energy. A homogenous place like the moon does not seem to have the complexity of a world for its environment to be suitable for cultivators, who may be able to survive under its different atmosphere." He thought for a bit and answered.

Claire Moon, like an immortal fairy, stopped petting the shadow cat and turned to face him. Her beautiful long hair moved along with her face, whipping across to the other side. She looked into his bright amber eyes and nodded.

"You have the right guess. It isn't possible for normal beings to live on the moon, but, not all moons are the same." She then pointed towards the two silver moons in the sky. "Those moons have no living beings on them as you probably noticed. They just exist as satellites we call them, that hover around great world, shine their light during the night and regulate seas. The purple Divine moon, as we call it however, is a bit different, though also it does all that- I'm sure you have heard of the story of the golden crows in the sun?" She asked.

"Of course! The legendary mythical sacred beast Three-legged Golden Crow is said to be able to live in the sun, bask in its solar flames and even become one when it dies." Kaelen's eyes lit up as he recounted, the image of that titanic crow still made his heart tremble.

"Right! The purple divine moon is similar. It also has the immensely powerful and pure, purple moon sacred energy. It's very beneficial to certain groups. There are mythical beasts, moon spirits, and immortal races that can live inside the moon and be born within thanks to it." She stopped and glanced at the wolf boy. "Like Yue Lang, for example. He's now in his human form but is, in actuality, from a mythical beast race.

"Oh!?" surprised, Kaelen glanced a few more times at the boy. He had guessed it wasn't human from its features, but to think it was a mythical sacred beast; that's a beast rank of supreme rarity and nobility in the True Martial Great World. As he looked at the wolf-like pupils and ears, a light suddenly shone in his mind, the image of a gigantic silver wolf and a moon fairy traversing the sky appeared in his mind.

"He's the Silver Moon wolf you were riding!?" he asked in disbelief.

Claire Moon laughed at his shocked expression. "Yes. He's from the Silver Moon Sacred Wolf clan. Though he's already a few hundred years old, he should be in his adolescent years in terms of human life."

"Hahaha, human boy, it seems you have witnessed my magnificence. Our Silver Moon Sacred Wolf clan can even go toe to toe with the sacred golden Crow; we are rare beasts that you wouldn't hope to see in your entire life; rejoice at your fortune." The wolf boy laughed, his hands on his hips. He appeared very satisfied with Kaelen's reaction.

"And you. Are you also a wolf?" Smiling, he turned his gaze away from the pretentious wolf boy, he looked at the fairy-like goddess.

She shook her head. "No. I'm from a different clan. The Silver Moon Sacred Wolf and moon spirits formed from the purple moon sacred essence are the natal life forms of the purple moon. I was not born on that moon, but I'm currently residing in it because of certain circumstances." Here, she stopped talking, and a sad expression clouded her impeccable face, with no sign of willingness to continue.

"I see." Noticing the clear blockage, Kaelen decided not to push. Everyone has their secrets, and he just met the girl - he can't expect her to pour her heart out yet.

She sat down next to the shadow cat, hugged her knees, and gazed at the vast expanse horizon laid before her eyes. Being at the top of the mountain, they could see the vast topography and the infinite horizon.

Gusts of wind would occasionally blow by, levitating her long, dark hair that glistened with a mysterious purple light.

"Your hair... it seemed purple when you were on the moon." Kaelen remarked.

"My natural hair is black, but when exposed to Purple Moon Sacred Qi of the moon it takes its shade... She explained.. "Can you tell me about your childhood?" she then asked, her figure appearing particularly lonely, her godly appearance suddenly had a semblace of mortality and vulnerability. The vulnerabilty matched with her heavenly looks; the superposition of the contrasting states shook Kaelen's heartstrings.

Looking at the breathtaking picturesque scene, Kaelen was once more dazed.

"Sure," he agreed, then sat beside her, and began recounting his life. He paid no heed to such things; for he didn't think anything of his life. He considered it to be quite boring actually, since he lived in the back mountain for most of it, until he entered the sect.

Since she asked for it, Kaelen didn't mind telling her. As he spoke, she would occasionally stop to ask for clarifications.

The wolf boy lay on the ground not far, with his hands behind his head. He silently listened to the conversation.

A few hours later, Claire Moon had fallen asleep. Her head fell to the side and landed on Kaelen's shoulder.

Looking at the heart-stopping beauty so close to him, Kaelen was a bit amused. "Who sleeps next to a stranger on their first meeting?" He thought.

He knew, of course, that she was probably much stronger than him, not to mention the sacred wolf that followed her around. He couldn't do anything if he wanted to.

"Just watching her sleep is a treat in itself," he mumbled. He looked at the mixed orange-purple sky, as the sun set, and the moons rose. A dozen or so minutes later, he too, fell asleep.

Not far, the moon wolf looked at the two, a surprised glint flashing in his eyes. "To think the young palace master would let her guard down in such a way with someone she just met. I hope she knows what she's doing."


The next day, Kaelen was laying on the ground, asleep, when suddenly, he woke up.

"Awwwwhhh." He yawned loudly as he stretched his arms. "What a delicious sleep. I don't think I've ever slept that well."

He looked to his left and saw the shadow cat's big body lying there, and to his right, there was no one but a note. "She left…" A sad light flashed in his golden amber eyes. He took the note and read what it said. There were only a few lines.

"I enjoyed you telling me stories of your childhood. I hope the next time we see each other; I can meet your friends and grandfather Dai - Claire Moon."

He read the note, and an indescribable feeling surged in his heart. "I hope I will see you again," he mumbled.

"Kaelen!" a calm and valiant voice called at him from behind.

"Huh?" He turned to see Long Aotian standing with his arms behind his back. Yu Hao stood right behind him.

"Master, senior brother!" A joyful expression erupted from the young boy's face. He quickly stood and bowed.

"You have done well, junior brother. I saw the aftermath of your battles - it seems you faced much tougher opponents than I did, yet you still finished two months before - you truly are a monster." Yu Hao praised as he laughed.

"Ahahaha. It was quite difficult." Scratching his head, Kaelen smiled wryly.

"Your senior brother is right. You have done very well, Kaelen - here's a reward." Long Aotian spoke and threw a square of cloth towards Kaelen.

"Clothes?" Seeing what it was, Kaelen was a bit surprised.

"Those are clothes made of special materials. They will provide you with a higher degree of protection and won't be ripped that easily. It is a treasure armor," Long Aotian explained.

"Oh. Sweet!" Kaelen exclaimed in joy.

"I see you've become quite close with it." Looking at the Golden-eyed Shadow Leopard, Long Aotian smiled.

"Yeah, he's been quite useful and made me less lonely the last few months." Kaelen smiled and caressed the head of the beast. A slight reluctance to separate from it filled his heart.

"You can bring it around with you if you want." Seeing his expression, Long Aotian reminded.

"Really?" Hearing that, Kaelen's expression brightened up. He thought it would have to stay in the Azure Dragon Mountain.

"Yes, the sect doesn't mind students having monster beasts around, as long as they control them properly."

"Great! Shadow cat can come with me." Kaelen smiled joyfully; his mood immediately rose.

"Alright. Put on your new clothes. We will head back to the Ascending Dragon Mountain. It is time for you to take on a few missions and go outside for experience; you must learn about the world and see new things. It is not good to be confined in one place when you're growing."

"Yes, Master." Kaelen nodded straightforwardly. "A mission? I'm going to go outside the sect; Awesome!" He rejoiced in his mind.

He quickly changed his torn clothes for the new treasure armor. It was a simple, scaled red garb with golden steel plates at the shoulder and heart area. The garb's scale-like tissue shone with a metallic light.

"Alright, I'm ready," he said.

"Okay, let's go," Long Aotian nodded.

Yu Hao whistled, and a giant white crane came flying down from the sky.

It landed, allowing everyone to get on board. Seeing this, The shadow leopard turned into a black mist and reappeared in a much smaller form. It actually looked like a cat now, about a forearm big.

It jumped on top of Kaelen's shoulder and sat.

Seeing it, Kaelen was both amused and taken aback. "I didn't know you could do that, ahaha."

It lifted its head with a proud expression. "I can do many things," it sent a message to the boy in a youthful voice.

"Ahh!" Yu Hao shouted, and the crane rose high, flying towards the Ascending Dragon Mountain.

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