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Chapter 4: Chapter 4

'You have slept in a bed your HP and EP have fully recovered.'

'God that's going to get so fucking annoying, wonder what time it is? 'I wondered as I rose from my slumber. I look at my bedside locker and see there is a clear crystal, I'm guessing its a lacrima, it displayed 6:30….. Wait 6:30, why the fuck am I up so early, seriously I'm never up this early. Even for work, or school. Sigh I don't even feel tired, must be the gamer's mind. Fuck I guess I actually got to do something now. Right I've got money so I might as well go shopping, I need clothes that aren't bloody and don't smell of sweat.

So now it's time to venture out to the big bad outdoors, I just hope there isn't too many people. God I hate people. I would much rather talk to my fucking dog than a person. Well most people are fine it's just the people who are loud, full of themselves, cocky and I really hate people who think they can tell others what to do. I hate bullies, I was never bullied when in my last life, thankfully, there weren't many in our school, but I really hated people who would call people names, physically injure them for no reason and then go off and brag about it to others. I really hated it.

There were was this first year in my school who was bullied on my bus, since I was older, I gave them a warning to leave her alone or I would tell….. Okay I didn't say that what I really did was threaten them and their families. I was always known in my school as the angry loner. Its probably because I maybe sort of threatened a lot of people if they annoyed me, and that I never really talked to people, anyway this girl thanked me and sat next to me for a couple of months on the bus, I helped her with studying and what not, the bullies never bothered her on the bus so I thought they was kind of stupid of me now that I think about it.

But one day when she didn't come to school, I got worried she was quiet the day before, usually we would have a quick chat to pass the time, but it was never a full blown conversation. she never missed a day of school either so, I was really worried. Then I thought maybe she was just sick so I didn't think much about it. But when I got to school my year head made an announcement at assembly that morning. It turns out they still bullied her in school when I wasn't around and she never confided in me. She committed suicide the night before, she didn't have any friends other than me, she was an only child to and her parents were devastated.

I was absolutely livid, it wasn't the first time I dealt with suicide, but it was my first time seeing someone getting bullied so much they actually commit suicide.

I saw the bullies at lunch time in the canteen. And they were laughing at the fact they pushed an innocent 13 year old girl to suicide. I was so fucking angry, just thinking about it is making me angry. I picked up the chair I was sitting on and smacked it against the back of the leader's head. I wasn't thinking straight at all. I saw red and I wanted nothing more than to rip them to shreds.


"What the hell man are you insane, you could've killed him." annoying pussy number one said.

"Your fucking next you bastard, you killed an innocent girl, death is too good for you." I think you know who said that.

"What are you talking about, were innoc-". That was the last straw for me as I cut annoying pussy number two off with a swift uppercut to his jaw. Unfortunately for me, fortunately for them, I was held down by the caretakers that work in the canteen. It took both of them to hold me back, and when they did I realised what I did. While it was satisfying doing it , the look of fear and horror and even disgust from the crowd around us wasn't. My 'friends' were there, they were the ones that were disgusted with me, me I was sticking up for the girl who was bullied to death and they were disgusted with ME… I stopped struggling and said.

"okay I'll stop, but I hope you bastards rot in hell for what you did to Rachel."

As soon as I said that I think people knew why I did that, some people looked like they had a slight bit of respect because of that, but the were still scared i would lash out.

But considering I nearly caved in a 13 year old's skull and I almost knocked out another I'm not to surprised they looked at me as a monster

(flashback over)

Considering what I did I got off pretty lightly, I got a week's suspension and my parents were called in to talk to the principle. My brother and sister went to this school and were good students, the principle actually taught my brother. My parents new how I was when it came to suicide, I lost my best friend when I was 8 to suicide. But that's a story for another time.

I only got suspension to show I was being punished. I'm actually surprised I wasn't arrested for what I did, I pretty much attempted manslaughter, but considering I was 15 and the parents of the bullies were disgusted with what their children did to Rachel, they dropped it. Rachel's father was a lawyer and even offered, that if I was to be brought to court he would help me out. I was even more surprised they didn't get arrested, but unfortunately there wasn't any evidence she was bullied by them. While I only talked to Rachel from time to time to help her I also helped her to study for the exams. I got to know her parents because of that and got on really well with them. They treated me like I was family, hell it was Rachel's dad that got me my job. I helped them out around their house from time to time, helped them with the funeral. They even named their child after me, well his middle name. Turns out Rachel's mother was pregnant with a baby boy, wonder how that kid is doing now actually.

Anyway I don't know how going to the shop turned into a trip down memory lane, only it's the bad side of memory lane, and I don't know where I was going with this metaphor. I think it's a metaphor? Or is it an expression? Ah who cares let's go shopping.

Turns out by having flash backs you get lost, so it took me about ten minutes to find the fucking shop, after walking into three female clothing shops and somehow ending up in this world's version of Ann Summers, that was an experience. They have a shop for sex toys but not for magical items ,seriously what the fuck Hargeon. I guess there is more horny housewives than mages in Hargeon.

I just decided to buy two simple outfits that were cheap but nice looking. I bought a two pairs of black cargo pants, I got a light green round neck t-shirt and a white v neck t-shirt and black boots. While I was in a changing room I noticed I was wearing my chained necklace from my past life.

Me and my best friend got rings that had our names inscribed on the inside. 'Allen and Madison. Anime lover's for life' that's what we wanted on them but the idiot who inscribe them wrote, 'Allen and Madison, lover's for life'. Kind of a big mistake, considering I was seven and she was ten and we both had knowledge of...let's just say we had the talk. I wasn't supposed to get it that early but I was there when Madison got it from her parents, they taught we were doing 'inappropriate things' when they weren't around, so they taught us the 'birds' and the 'bees'. I don't know how they taught we were doing shit like that, come on we hadn't even hit puberty yet and they taught we were fooling around.

Anyway we didn't mind what the ring said it was more to remember each other by. I always kept it on me even though it was eleven years ago. It was the only thing I had of hers other than my memories, that are slowly disappearing, and my love for anime that we shared.

When I had outgrown the ring I bought a black chain so I could wear it around my neck. It wasn't the only thing I put on that chain.

Rachel always wore a necklace that had a rose on it, it was a silver rose, kind of plain but it was nice. She got it from her Grandmother before she past and when Rachel died her Mother gave it to me, I'll be it hesitantly. I got a jeweller to make it so that it could be attached to my chain. I always had this chain with me, it held memories of my first friend and crush, and my little sister who I failed to protect.

I was glad I had it with me in this world, a world where things like magic and dragons are real, a place where something as simple as joining a guild would give you incredibly strong bonds of friendship and a family. One that may be loud, constantly fighting and kind of annoying at times but it's a place where people could call home, a place where they could come to getter and fight for their family. A place to belong. It feels that with this ring my friends are with me in spirit watching over me. I'm just glad I get to share this with them. It's a place I plan to protect, where I hope I can become apart of this family, maybe for once in my life I can actually feel welcome, feel happy to walk in the door and with a genuine smile on my face and say 'I'm home' and have people smile and welcome me as one of their own.

I don't know how buying clothes got me to go on an emotional rant. But I feel happy that I'm not alone in this world. With my powers, I will make sure to protect the people of fairy tail. I will change this world into a world where the future isn't war death and violence. But it's one of happiness, a world where the people I hope to be able to call my family are safe, and live like they always to. Barley being able to pay rent, struggling to become an S-class. Taking missions, only to cause destruction and having to pay half your earnings to fix it.

I will make this world's future better. But to do that I must become stronger, I must join fairy tail in four years time. I must prevent as many deaths as I can from happening.

{new quest unlocked}

Join fairy tail.

Rewards: fairy tail guild mark, 20,000xp, ?


{new quest unlocked}

Prevent as many casualties from the fight against Zeref and Acnologia.

Rewards : ?


I can't decline the second one but I wasn't going to anyway. I obviously accepted both of them.

To join fairy tail I must become strong and I obviously need magic. For now I'll try and find that dungeon. I need to become as strong as I can in four years. And I don't plan on stopping. I'll aim for S-class and I'll train the weaker mages at fairy tail. Hopefully I can become strong enough to at least beat Erza but that's going to take a while and a lot of effort on my part. Even with the gamer power, I'll try not rely on it but I will obviously abuse the shit out of certain features.

Now you're probably wondering, 'why aren't you going to rely on The Gamer Power, it will help you to become stronger.' and my answer to that is 'it's a secret'.



Okay I'm joking. The reason is it's too overpowered and while I don't want people to die, I'll only end up using it as a crutch. Ill end up abusing the power, treat people as if they are npc's and treat my new life as a game. I could end up causing more deaths if I treat my life this way.

Now this could be treated as that the author is to lazy to keep track of my stats or that he doesn't have a fucking clue as to how to write a gamer fic. And you would probably be write….to an extent. If there was an author to this, it would probably be me or a weaker version of me. A version of me who wants his life to be like mine. Where he can interact with his favourite characters, do magic, maybe even meet dragons. if he is me, he will probably have a boner for. I don't even know how to write a fanfic so if a version of me actually gained the courage to post one. Why the fuck would he do a gamer story. Seriously its really difficult…. Probably ….. I think it is anyway.

But I even if I believe my new life is that of fiction, which I don't, I will not become reliant on this power. No matter how awesome it is, I won't rely on it. This doesn't mean I won't use it. God no, I will use it. I just won't use certain things that this power entails. I probably won't use the party system, I won't use the level up system either. I'll keep a hold of all my stat points and I will only use them if I have to. If there is an enemy too strong for me I will abuse the shit of having all them stat points. It will be a major table turner. I will work for stat points. I will gain strength by actually doing exercising, gain knowledge by reading.

The only things I will definitely use are some of my skills, my inventory, I can pass that as requip magic, and I will definitely use skill books to use magic and the dungeon system/loot system. I will only use some other features if I have to. Now enough mindless babbling, time to find that dungeon.

And so I set out to look for the dungeon, what else did you expect me to do, I started to look in the forest where I fought the... the ...the, fuck what was it called again? I known its name was stupid but what was it? ... Ah who cares its dead. I went to the forest where I killed that thing and I searched the nearby area.

After about an hour of fucking searching I decided to take a break and try and use magic. Or at least try to learn to use mana for now until I decide what I want to learn magic wise.

So I sat down on a nearby tree stump and got into a lotus position. I closed my eyes and blocked out my senses. With my heightened senses came better control over them. I guess it's so I don't overwhelm myself. It took me a while to clear my head and when I did I heard that fucking annoying *ding*

'You have learnt the skill 'mediation'(active)

By clearing your mind you were able to enter a meditative state.

Your magic regen has improved by 5%.'

Now to get a feel for my magic. It took me a while of focusing but eventually I felt a pull, like I was being guided into my very being. I felt calm, warm and safe. My magic felt like it was gently moving through my system, like it was in my veins. I could hear my heartbeat and for each beat I felt a pulse in my magic, like it was resonating with my heart. I gently reached out with my mind and guided it to my hands as a test to see what would happen. As I focused I felt my hands grow heavier yet lighter at the same time, I felt my muscles in my arms strengthen as my magic passed through them to get to my hands. I think even my bones strengthened as my magic passed through them. I didn't focus on them only on guiding my magic to my hands until a *ding* broke my concentration. As I opened one eye to read the box , I quickly glanced down at my hands and seen they didn't look any different I kind of felt disappointed at this but as I read the box that slowly disappeared.

'By guiding magic to your arms you have created the skill 'iron fists'(active).

Iron fists allows you to strengthen your muscles, bones and skin to be as strong as iron.

Increases strength by 10

I was surprised I expected to form a mana ball or something, not strengthening my body. But this is good for now. I'll try and do the same to my legs. And so I did, but the result was different

'By guiding magic to your legs you have created the skill 'stealth foot'(active)

Increases your speed when active and allows for quiet movement. Move like gentle breeze and be gone before your victims know it.

Doubles your speed

When active you make no sound.

Strengthen your leg muscles to become hard like stone

Increases vitality by 10

Increases dexterity by 10

Ill try and learn some magic, even if it's just a mana blast. It could give me the upper hand in a fight.

I started meditating again, focusing this time on shaping my magic as I brought it to my hands. I imagined a ball, a small blue ball about the size of a tennis ball. I didn't bother about trying to move it or about adding spin to it. I just focused on forming it. It took me a while but I could feel my magic moving to my hand, it felt different that earlier. It felt almost liquid. It felt warm but cold at the same time. I opened my right eye just a crack and seen a tiny ball of magic floating above my palm. It looks unstable, it keeps warping in shape and size. Then it exploded.

"Ah! You some on a bitch!" I maay have punched a tree, or two, or three. I just punched a small forest. Heh, heh get it three tree's a small forest.

"Dear god what is wrong with me, I'm laughing at my own joke. I didn't even say it out loud. If someone saw me they would think I'm insane." first I'm thinking my life is a fanfic and now I'm laughing to myself about a terrible joke.

Oh. I remember that make magic is unstable if used one handed, unless you are strong at forming it. Maybe I should treat it like a make magic.

And so I put left palm open facing up and my right fist on top of the middle of my palm and focused on forming a ball. As soon as I felt the warm but cold liquid I chanted

'mana-make energy blast'

And with that I moved my right hand and watched as the ball formed about the size of a football and launched towards a tree that was about five feet from me. And it went through it like it was a hot knife through butter. Then it exploded, it wasn't that powerful but it gave off a large flash of bright light that blinded me for a minute. It was then I heard the fucking*ding*

'Through trial and error you have learnt 'Mana-Make magic'

Based off of your understanding of ice-make magic you have created mana-make.

Using your hands to mould your magic into mana then into a sculpture.'

Mana-make magic

(sub skill(s))

Energy blast: moulds a ball of mana which gets launched at high speeds. Capable of cutting through objects then explodes and forms a bright flash of light that stuns enemies and temporarily blinds them.

These will be very useful for when I find that dungeon. Hopefully that's soon. I pull out the lacrima clock I acquired from my room and saw it was 12:30.

"Wow guess I was so focused on learning my magic I lost track of time. Fuck it I'm not giving up on finding that dungeon."






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