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Chapter 8: Chapter 08- The Legendary Battle

Break Line

(Pov- 1st Person: Zagreus)

Jade Palace. 00:00 in the morning.

As soon as I open my eyes I feel a new power coursing through my veins, the power of my blood finally awakens.

'Open Status Screen'


Name: Zagreus Di Leoni

Titles: Son of *****, Dragon Warrior

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Race: Human, Dragon, Demigod.


Equipment: N/A

Skills: [Snake Style (Level 3)], [Monkey Style (Level 3)], [Tiger Style (Level 3)], [Crane Style (Level 3)], [Mantis Style (Level 3)], [Blunt Weapon Mastery (Level 3)], [Wise's Eye (Level 3)], [Blade Mastery (Level 3)], [Dragon Style (Level 2)], [Dragon Blood (Level 2)].

Cheats: [The Strongest Disciple], [Aura of the Protagonist].


[Dragon Style]    [Level 2]



[Description: Based on the dragon's incredible powers, the technique of this style refers to long, coherent and continuous movements, with the most common attacks being with the elbow, knee, joints and ankle. All of these techniques are also used to release the power contained in draconic blood.]


[Dragon Blood]    [Level 2]



[Description: This technique was created by the one and only Patriarch of the Long Clan, it allows those who use it to access the power hidden in their draconic blood, and evolve it.]


These two techniques will help me to evolve as a whole, I'll be able to defeat enemies stronger than me with them.

My body starts to stop levitating and I come out of my meditative position to land on my feet, while standing I look back and see my Master.

"Shifu, I managed to acquire the power of Legendary Dragon Masters." I say excitedly and then question him. "How long did it take me? A few hours? Where's the staff?" I keep asking because I don't see him answering and I get more worried by the moment.

Before Shifu even says anything, I hear a faint flutter of wings and a distress call from a family voice coming from outside the Palace, Shifu and I go running towards the voice and when I get there I realize that it's already night and the that I see me despairs.

Monkey, Crane and Mantis, all three badly injured and excluding Crane the other two seem to be paralyzed, but what scares me the most is that I don't see my Tigress or Viper.

My Master quickly goes to Mantis' body and after reaching the correct pressure points, Monkey manages to move again, although he is injured, Shifu does the same to Mantis and they start to tell what happened.

Monkey is the first to speak.

"He's too fast, you can't fight him."

My fear grows bigger when I don't see them here.

"He could have killed you." Shifu says but not noticing that someone was missing which made my anger rise.

"And why not....."

""Where's Tigress and Viper??"

I can't hold back my eagerness to know and soon asked which Crane answered me.

"Tai Lung is with them, he said you couldn't run away as he is with them, and you would know what could happen if you ran...or delayed."

Break Line

(Pov- 3rd Person)

Zagreus' eyes lose their glow, the air around him seems to be on fire as smoke comes out of his body, it seemed ready to explode.

Shifu didn't seem to notice this as he calmly concentrated on solving this problem and after thinking he said.

"You three will go where the citizens are and protect them for now, Zagreus if I can't get back you will take the citizens to a safe place." Orders Shifu to his disciples.

But Zagreus on hearing this does not hold back and advances on Shifu.

"Forgive me Master, but I won't lose anyone else close to me." Zagreus says to Shifu in a calm, cold voice.

"It is your duty as a Dragon Warrior to protect the people, you have to listen to your Master and believe that I can save them." Shifu responds angrily to Zagreu's selfish actions.

"I don't give a shit about the Dragon Warrior title, I won't lose anymore, anyone I love, NO ONE."

He takes a deep breath to calm himself and continues to talk.

"And my destiny Master as you said yourself, is to defeat Tai Lung, you cannot defeat the monster that is the son you created, but I will." Zagreus said now, no longer angrily, but with a coldness in his voice that would chill anyone who heard it.

Zagreus wastes no time and quickly tells him what he will do and what they must do in a voice that leaves no room for argument.

"Master, you and Monkey, Mantis and Crane will protect the citizens, I will go to the Heroes' Hall to prepare for battle." Zagreus says and starts walking towards the Hall.

The 4 Masters follow him to see what he meant by equipping.

When he arrives at the Heroes' room, Zagreus soon sees some items he will take.


[Master Rhino Flying's Armor ]



[Description: Is a large set of rhino armor specifically modeled for its owner, Master Flying Rhino.


[Golden Shield]



[Description: As its name suggests, is a large golden shield. Its previous user is unknown, due to the lack of survivors from the battle it lasted through.


[Sword of Heroes]



[Description: The Sword of Heroes is a two-sided sword with the ability to split and transform into multiple weapons - including a dagger, a short sword, and a double-bladed halberd.]


Zagreus without wasting time goes straight to the armor and stores it in the inventory to equip by the System, so he doesn't waste time equipping the big armor.

Shifu, seeing the armor disappear, is impressed and speaks.

"Zagreus, I don't know what kind of power you gained from the Scroll, and I don't care how much you take from the Hall of Heroes, just defeat Tai Lung, and bring my daughter back safely." Shifu says with a pitiful look on his tired face.

Zagreus glares at Shifu and a little sparkle returns to his eyes and responds after taking a deep breath.

"My priority now is to get Tigress and Viper back safely, then I'll take care of Angry Kitty." Zagreus responds with a little mockery in his tone to try to alleviate his anger.

Zagrue equips the armor through the system and after a white glow on his body, [Master Flying Rhino's Armor] appears on his body as if it were made for him, with no empty space inside the armor, Zagreus goes to the [Sword of Heroes ] and puts it on his waist and the [Dark Gold] in the middle of his back.

"Which direction is Tai Lung?" Zagreue asks Crane.

"He said he would be waiting shortly after entering the Valley of Peace."

Hearing where his beloved was, Zagrues runs to the edge of the mountain he's on, and jumps with all his strength, when he's up there, he pulls the rope that activates the armor mechanism and platinum wings appear on his back. .

And he starts flying towards his deadly enemy.

Break Line

(Change of Pov- 1st Person: Tai Lung)

It was night and the girls were passed out, while I was waiting for the fake Dragon Warrior, I hadn't touched any of these inferior girls so I wouldn't get tired and harm myself in my fight, but when I beat this Fake, I'll have the Dragon Scroll , and unlimited power, ALL CHINA WILL BEND TO TAI LUNG!!! HAHAHAHAH." I laughed with all my might as I imagined my grand future approaching.

But suddenly I felt the danger and narrowly dodged a large golden disk that was familiar to me, but it still cut my chest, I growled and looked for my assailant who I assumed was the Dragon Warrior, but what I realized was that my two hostages vanished in a black flash.

My eyes twitch as I don't know what technique this person used but there is no sound.

I growled and realized it was the Dragon Warrior as he saved his comrades first, so I started running towards my old home, the Jade Palace.

Break Line

(Change of POV- 3rd Person)

Before reaching Tai Lung.

Zagreus flew towards Tai Lung and sees a smoke in front of an orange light that would probably be a bonfire he assumes to be Tai Lung, he lands and approaches to identify who is there when he hears a manic laugh and at that moment he he realizes that he is in the right place and his anger grows even more.

He approaches as quietly as possible which was always easy for him, even more in the dark where he felt at ease and had a better view, a few moments later he saw his enemy, a pale man with a strong build and Chinese armor old man with a bastard sword now at his waist, a little farther away he sees the two people he's come to save and his heart lightens at seeing their clothes intact and no very bad wounds.

His right eye glowed gold while his left eye acquired a blood-red light in his pupil in anger as he looked at this man, he underestimated this world due to having watched it as a children's cartoon, but this is not a cartoon here is life real, and he would never make that mistake again.

Zagreus after convincing himself of this fact, gathers all the strength he has and throws the golden shield at Tai Lung, while the familiar feeling he felt with the night grows and he surrenders to the sensation, as he does so his body dives into the shadows and reaches the sleeping bodies of Tigress and Viper he picks them up and goes back into the shadows with his companions.

A little later the Dragon Warrior manages to arrive at the Jade Palace with a tired face but relieved to bring them to safety. He puts them in the dorm and runs towards to the Leopard destined to die.

The sun will already begin to shine as Zagreus races towards the destined battle.

When he arrived at the place where he had been chosen as the Dragon Warrior by Oogway, the man he was looking for was standing there, as if waiting for him.

Zagreus quickly uses his ability [Eye of the Wise].


Name: Tai Lung

Titles: Adopted son of Shifu, The first to master the thousand scrolls, the one destined for greatness.

Age: 40

Genre: Male

Race: Beastman (Snow Leopard)


Equipment: Ancient Chinese Armor, Tai Chi Sword.

Skills: [Blade Mastery (Level 3)], [Leopard Style (Level 3)], [Anatomy-Pressure Points (Level 3)].


The Snow Leopard wore ancient blue Chinese style armor, a Tai Chi sword at his waist and was staring at Zagreus, he doesn't look too worried when he asks.

"So you are the Legendary Dragon Warrior, chosen by Oogway, if I'm not mistaken your name is Zagreus isn't it?" Tai Lung asks Zagreus in a relaxed way.

"And you must be Tai Lung, I don't think you managed to dodge the shield completely did you? Apparently what I heard about you was exaggeration." Zagreus mocks Tai Lung as if he's nothing.

Tai Lung growls and jumps into battle stance, pulling his sword from its scabbard while taunting the Dragon.

"After I'm done with you, I'll cut off your arms and legs and make you watch as I rape those two girls day after day." He claims Tai Lung as if what he said was the absolute truth.

Zagreus' blood starts to boil when I hear Tai Lung speak of Tigress like that and a crimson aura surrounds him as he takes the Sword of Heroes from his back.

"You'll regret the day you thought of getting your dirty hands on my family!"

The Dragon and the Leopard exchange sword blows quickly, it is visible that Tai Lung despite being arrogant has more technique and experience in fighting than the Dragon Warrior who started a week ago, but Zagreus doesn't care about that and has maximum focus on killing the opponent in front of him, and with superior strength and sword he cuts Tai Lung's sword that seemed to foresee that this would happen and grabs Zagreus' wrists and twists his wrists inward and disarms him.

Zagreus receives a kick in the chest throwing him away from the stairs and towards the buildings of the Valley of Peace, he uses the roof to land as the mechanism is no longer working due to the blow he has just received.

Tai Lung lands right in front of him and lets out a roar as he runs towards him, Zagreus was increasingly angry and lets out a roar that makes the Leopard stop and narrowly avoid the punch in the face, and counterattacks with a circular kick to the ribs that is met with an elbow defense that breaks ankle armor.

Zagreus makes a taloned feint to the face of his hated opponent who easily swerves to the left and positions himself to attack the Young Dragon and ends up not noticing the knee coming in his face, ripping off his proud left fang and helmet , the Young Dragon tries to continue with the combo but misses by a few centimeters the blow aimed at the opponent's neck with his hands in the form of pincers.

Tai Lung takes advantage of his opponent's confusion and swings both fists at the same time and Zagreus is again thrown away, but he recovers and gets back on his feet.

"Where's my Scroll?" Tai Lung angrily asks about the injuries he sustained and his opponent's difficulty in winning.

"You mean my Scroll, don't you?" Zagreus questions back. "What would you have gained if you weren't a bastard, and with the power the Scroll has granted me, I will defeat you now!" The Dragon Warrior says and stands with one hand back with the slightly open fist pointing downwards and the other fist in front pointing downwards and the body slightly leaning back.

Upon completing the [Dragon Style] form, he also uses the [Dragon Blood] ability and the crimson aura grows stronger, strong enough for a warrior like Tai Lung to fear this horrible power for which the Dragon Clan was known.

But such fear in Tai Lung's heart was an embarrassment to him, he growls to himself and buries these feelings deep in his heart and focuses his anger on the boy in front of him who apparently had read the Dragon Scroll, but shouldn't have had time to master it and reach unlimited power.

The Dragon Warrior doesn't allow Tai Lung to think too much and attacks using [Dragon Style] attacks, he starts with a strike like a claw towards the face of the Leopard, who backs up and tries to punch Zagreus, the latter grabs the wrist of the Leopard's right arm with its claw-shaped right hand and performs an elbow strike to Tai Lung's right elbow joint.

The Snow Leopard snarls and tightens his arm with the pain of Zagreus' blow, which wounded his arm to the point where he couldn't use all his strength on that arm.

Zagreus doesn't even let Tai Lung breathe properly and attacks with his claw-shaped hand towards the eyes of the wounded Leopard who protects the eyes completely in a naive way, leaving the rest of the body unprotected and with the same hand he used as a feint in the previous attack and attacks the wretched Leopard Donger with a fist like a sledgehammer followed by a claw blow to the now uncovered eyes.

"Arrrgh, you damn miserable one." Tai Lung Screams covering one eye that has now turned into a bloody ball.

Zagreus' previous attack wasn't executed as it should and ended up hitting only one of the opponent's eyes, but for someone who had never trained Kung-Fu for 2 weeks, he was beating a Master with more than 20 years of experience.

Tai Lung didn't complain for long and presses a pressure point on his left chest and a yellow light glows and his body loses the feeling of pain and a maddened smile grows on his face and runs towards Zagreus on all fours.

The Leopard slashes his right fist at Zagreus' chest in an attempt to hit his pressure point and paralyze him, but the Dragon sees his aim and defends by grabbing his fist and pulling him down while slamming his knee up.

The Snow Leopard doesn't seem to care and spins back, breaking free of the grip on his fist and using his weight to hit Zagreus in the head.

Who defended with both arms in an "X" shape above his head, Tai Lung then uses his other leg to move away before running towards him again, he starts to hit Zagreus who does his best to defend and attack more forward. of an enemy who feels no pain and appears to be insane, but doesn't seem to have any effect when at last a Tai Lung blow lands on his left shoulder and he instantly loses the movement of his left arm.

Zagreus tries to retreat to recover but Tai Lung continues to attack and the blows start to hit more and more, the Leopard now isn't attacking his pressure points as he thinks the fight is already decided and hits Zagreus in the face with his fists again and again.

Until Zagreus bends down as if he's fallen and sweeps Tai Lung who jumps out of the predictable attack and at that moment the Dragon Warrior jumps in with a series of foot strikes with a speed and strength impossible for normal people.

The two climbed to the top and Tai Lung tries to use Zagreus to hit the ground, Zagreus with his pincer-shaped hand pierces Tai Lung's remaining eye and with his arm still usable, he switches places with Tai Lung and kicks him down doing a crater in the place where the Leopard lands, and still falling Zagreus uses gravity and performs a kick next to a mortal on his back in a fallen Tai Lung.

The dust rises again and you can see a Zagreu with one eye swollen shut, and blood coming from his head, cut lips and a left arm hanging uselessly limp.

He moves away from the body as he feels movement coming from it and sees a Tai Lung without both eyes with numerous cuts on the body and purple wrist and claw marks.

"I can't lose, not now that I'm free, and not to this fake Dragon Warrior.... I'm Tai Lung the Dragon Warrior." Says the defeated Tai Lung in a low voice but audible to Zagreu's trained ears.

"You lost Tai Lung, your death will be remembered as the first stone to be crushed in my path, you will be nothing more than a mention in my Legend." Zagreus complements Tai Lung's disgrace as he takes a steel bar from a nearby smithy.

"NO, THIS IS ALL YOUR ZAGREUS' BLAME, YOUR BLAME, I'M GOING TO KILL EVERYTHING THAT'S IMPORTANT TO YOU, I…" At that moment he feels something hit him in the chest and go through him, he loses his breath and falls on the ground, still regretting its end.

"I'll at least give you a one-way ticket straight to the spirit realm, as a tribute to a True Warrior from a different universe who defeated you." Zagreus told Tai Lung as he knelt down and took his index finger and performed the Dragon Warrior's favorite technique that would come if not for him. "Skadoosh" .

And a golden wave swept the Valley of Peace and reached the hidden citizens, who linked it to the end of the fight and with Master Shifu's confirmation, they returned to the valley escorted by the Masters who were there.

Break Line

Shifu, Monkey, Crane and Mantis arrive at the Jade Palace and find a Tigress and Viper awake and confused.

Shifu feels a weight leave his shoulders when he sees his daughter safe and runs towards sher and hugs sher without caring about the people behind him.

Tiger who is confused about has arrived here, feels shocked to feel the embrace of sher father figure that she always respected but never expected that kind of attitude from him.

"I am happy to see you well, my daughter." Shifu says as she lets go of Tigress's hug with teary eyes and Tigress looks at him with the same tear-filled eyes as she hugs him back.

"So where is Zagreus?" Monkey asks them.

"Is he awake yet? We haven't seen him." Viper replied to Monkey.

Shifu heads to the front of the Jade Palace and sees fighting marks on the stairs.

"The fight between Zagreus and Tai Lung must have happened down there, let's have to do with Zagreus is!" Shifu says anxiously, he's not too keen on losing someone else.

All the people of the Valley of Peace and the Furious Five descend the stairs to see the results of the fight.

After some minutes.

When they reach the bottom of the stairs everyone can't see far ahead due to the dust, but they can see a silhouette of a man walking towards them, the man was wearing a conical straw hat, he walked until the dust settled and his face was visible.

All nervous citizens start to smile and then Scream in praise of the Hero who had saved them.

"Dragon Warrior, Dragon Warrior,  Dragon Warrior." The voice of the crowd became united and seemed to be one voice.

The Furious Five looked shocked and especially Tigress who was privy to the story that happened when she was held hostage by Tai Lung, about Zagreus' explosion and how he had been nervous about her.

Tigress ran to him and grabbed him by the collar while giving him a peck, his face was red the color of his hair, and Zagreus was just as embarrassed.

"Thank you" Tigress told him when she stopped kissing him and it was the last thing Zagreus heard before collapsing in his beloved's comfortable arms.

Break Line

2 days later

In the dormitory located in the Jade Palace, the savior of the Valley of Peace was leaning, completely bandaged in his bedroom bed.

He opens his eyes and sits up in bed with difficulty as he was in pain in all parts of his body.

But despite the screaming pain in his body, Zagreus felt a visible joy in his huge smile on his face.

As soon as he wakes up, familiar blue screens appear in front of him.









'System, open Gacha'

Break Line


I mastered Cliffhanger's Dao, as you can see.

Yo guys, how are you this weekend? I managed to write for you today, today's chapter ends the 1st movie and I would like you to comment on the fight, it's my first fanfic so be patient, but I hope you enjoyed it.

Tomorrow there will be more chapters in the normal word count, between 2500 and 3000 words, stay well and vote for me, comment and review the story.

From your future favorite author.

- AbelWizard.

Word Count - 4386.

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