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Chapter 13: Chapter 13- Battle in Gongmen City

The team of Masters arrives at the place where, via a sign, they manage to locate the Gongmen City prison.

They look towards the door and spot two werewolf guards, as they are in the shadows, Zagreus makes a suggestion.

"I think I can get you all into prison."

"Can you really? We don't want our main strength to wear out before we even fight."

Crane asks Zagreus and adds the risks he would have in bringing this trip.

"No need to worry, it's nothing you can't take, and besides, if we go through the werewolves to work it's pretty much lost, so let's go as soon as you all try to hold on to my shoulders and arms so that I can go."

Zagreus finishes saying and all the Furious Five cling to him, the Dragon Warrior then concentrates to use the Skill [Shadow Journey] through the door and feels the familiar lightness over his body.

In a few seconds all the Masters come out of a shadow in the middle of the prison and the Masters who were trapped there, Master Storming Ox and Master Croc.

Zagreus who has no time to waste goes and destroys the fragile hinges of the cells and the metal door falls to the ground freeing the two Masters.

"I have a lot to answer for both Master Storming Ox and Master Crocodile, their deeds are Legendary, and now that they are free of these fragile cells I ask for help to free this city from Shen's control!"

Zagreus tells the Masters to remain silent.

"You don't want to go out, don't you" Tigress says and then completes. "The Legendary Masters you are would have easily broken this prison, you are here because you want to, so why?"

Master Ox looks at Tigress with appreciation for his clever theory.

"Yes we could have gotten out of here, but we can't do that, if we fight She, he'll point his gun at the city, and that we can't allow."

Zagreus soon responds to him.

"I know the weapon he has, we know where the Factory is and where we can ambush him there while we destroy everything there."

The Dragon Warrior tells his simple and effective action plans so that the trapped Masters would change their minds.

"The only way to defeat Shen is to save the city is to attack him while his fleet is not ready yet, and what prevents Shen from killing the people of this city is not you trapped here like rats, it is the citizens of Gongmen City serves as a shield so that the other Masters do not make a definitive attack on the city."

"We are already in the city, we have the necessary information and if we don't stop it, it will soon take over all of China and more and more people will die."

Master Ox and Master Crocodile enter into deep thoughts about what Zagreus had said but in their faces it is visible their will to live and fight, will to avenge their friend and leader who was recently killed.

Ox leaves his cell first, which seems to influence Crocodile to follow him. Ox walks straight to the boy who had said such words to him that rekindled the flames of life in his body. (I traveled a little here but you got it.)

"We will fight boy, even if we die in this fight, we will die as Warriors."

And there it was, back to the norm, The Legendary Master Storming Ox in all his glory and courage.

Crocodile, who always followed Ox as his friend, also says.

"I hope I don't die in this battle, but I won't fear when it comes, I hope your plan works out boy, we'll follow them, so take us to victory."

The ferocious Master Crocodile tells Zagreus in a strong tone and as fierce as his own title.

Zagreus smiles and explains the plan to everyone there.

Break Line

The night, when almost everyone had gone to sleep.

The Factory where the weapons were mounted was in full force.

The team of Masters had increased, as they now contained two Masters of Legendary renown, they were near the door where weapons were being made and preparing to enter.

Each Master carried a super powerful powder cart, they were waiting for the signal from Zagreus who was checking if Shen was here.

A shadow takes shape in front of them and Zagreus is fully covered in black in traditional ninja-style clothing and his trusty Sword of Heroes on his back.

He removes the mask covering his face and his expression is grim.

"Shen is not here!"

"What? That can't be possible, I checked it myself when he left his tower towards the Factory."

Crane speaks in a low tone to Zagreus who responds.

"So you made a mistake you stupid, mistakes happen but there couldn't be mistakes here."

"And what do we do now?"

Tigress asks seriously.

"You will continue the mission, destroy all weapons and plans you find in the Factory, nothing can be left there, we can't take the risk of someone else remaking this weapon."

"I'll go after Shen."

Zagreus ends by stating what Tigress feared most.

Tigress says but knows that only he can do such work.

"Tigress, I know you're worried but being in danger is part of our job, I'm the fastest move if everyone is here and I'm pretty sure Shen is in the tower."

Zagreus approaches her and hugs her, she kisses her but not as usual, this time it's a chaste kiss full of love.

"I hope you complete this quest, Good luck everyone."

And so he used the Skill [Shadow Journey] towards the tower.

Tigress has full confidence in her boyfriend's strength, but even so her worry won't subside until this fight is over.

But she hardens her resolve and walks toward her team.

With a definite nod between them all, they all start pushing their own wheelbarrows and start running towards the door.

They storm the Factory with huge amounts of gunpowder in their hands and light up the wicks.

All the werewolf soldiers who were assembling the guns panic when they see those huge amounts of that highly explosive powder.

But there's no time to think when they see the Masters running away and try to run too, only to be engulfed by the huge explosion.

Werewolf soldiers who hear the explosion start running towards the Factory.

Break Line

30 minutes before the explosion, in the peacock tower.

When Zagreus reaches the foot of the tower, he sees a huge golden throne being thrown from the top floor, the throne falling to the ground raising a cloud of dust.

The Dragon Warrior couldn't ask for a better chance when he activates his lightning power derived from [Descendant of Jupiter] and [Metahuman Physiology - Bang Baby], the black lightning encircles his body and his movement speed becomes much faster than normal and he goes towards the entrance of the tower to reach the top.

And as Zagreus reached the ladder to climb, Shen and two of his soldiers who looked like huge gorillas, these men seemed to have muscle in their muscles, they were carrying the cannon to a stage in the center of the hall.

"A little to the left" Shen ordered the giant subordinates.

"Ouhh, but it's so heavy, Master!" One of them complained to Shen and the other beside him looked at his friend in despair.

"Thirty years I've been waiting for this moment, everything has to be exactly the way I imagined and I imagined a little more to the left."

Soothing Shen with his usual sanity responds to his subordinate who soon does as ordered.

When he sees the gun positioned the way he wanted, he looks straight ahead and smiles with glee.

"Perfect. With the gun at my side... A little more to the left." Shen tells the gorilla men behind him and when the gun is moved to the position he wanted he continues. "With the gun at my side, all of China will bow to me."

"We leave in 2 days with full moon and high tide. Hahahaha and now, Old Goat, why don't you guess..."

"Your luck?" The Lady with horns disproportionate to her body interrupts Shen.

"Future, I was going to tell my future. Look into your bowl and tell me what glory awaits."

"If you keep walking this will come to the foot of the stairs."

Shen stops and sees that the old goat's prediction of the future works and he's at the bottom of the stairs.

"I see...I see…I see pain and anger."

The old goat pulls one of Shen's feathers and tears off a piece of his clothing next.

Shen is furious at the boldness of the old goat.

"How dare you? That is the finest silk in the province!"

"Followed by denial." She says and then Shen yells at her.

"You don't predict the future, you just say what's happening in the..."

"Now? The most important time is now, but if you really want to see the future."

The old goat uses Shen's feather and the piece of clothing from Shen and throws a kind of powder that burns these objects and makes a white cloud.

Shen realizes it's the same method used thirty years ago and gets serious when asked.

"What do you see?"

"A Peacock...will not be defeated by any warrior in this world....but by a Warrior who turns into a fireball!"

"Nothing has changed."

Shen angrily destroys the bowl and says.

"Tak Warrior doesn't exist, there are no reports of any Warrior coming in a fireball like you said."

At the end of Shen's sentence, the Wolf-Chief enters the room nervously and kneels before his Master.

"Master, in the last mission we did, in Musicians Village, we heard among the villagers about a Warrior like never seen before, he defeated a dangerous Warrior like Tai Lung, and they also say.... they also say he was chosen by the universe and arrived here by means of a fireball."

The old goat just smiles at this revelation and Shen opens his eyes wide and goes on top of the Wolf-Chief and lifts him by the neck with a significant grip.

"Are you sure this statement is true and not just conversation among common people, I will kill you if I find out it was just a stupid rumor you related to me!"

"It's not Master, I researched him, he's called Zagreus and was never seen before being chosen as Dragon Warrior, he arrived through a fireball just as Oogway would choose the Dragon Warrior."

Shen lets go of him and his expression is one of extreme fury and even fear can be seen in his eyes.

"Find this Warrior and bring him to me, go now,"

Shen orders his General and the Wolf-Chief starts running down the stairs.

"So, ordinary people talking about what they don't understand tend to exaggerate the rumors, that doesn't make it right."

Shen says looking at the Old Goat who tells him.

"Being right makes me right."

Break Line

(Pov - Zagreus)

I was climbing these stairs carefully until I hear the sounds of someone running down the stairs, when I can see him, I see the Wolf Chief who killed that woman.

He looks nervous and in a hurry, I hide in the shadow of the stairs and wait for him to be next to me, when he reaches the stairs closest to me, I attack him, pierce his heart as I cover his mouth, we fall to the ground and the Sword of Heroes cuts through the ground and the sword enters the Wolf-Chief's body to the hilt and seeing this I twist the sword causing him to grunt in pain.

He starts to thrash around and scratch at me with his claws and horror fills his face when he sees it's not working, his arms gradually lose their strength as his blood drains from the wound, I drop the Sword of Heroes when I notice that he has no more strength in his body and I remove my ninja mask, but I continue to cover his mouth so he doesn't warn the soldiers in his last breath.

When he sees my face his expression adopts genuine surprise and terror, and I tease the pathetic soldier who was now dying a nobody by saying.


And I smile broadly in genuine happiness for avenging the innocent mother and ridding this world of such rubbish.

I put his body in inventory and put my mask back on.

"One less."

I use [Shadow Journey] and continue to climb.

After a few minutes of a boring walk down the stairs so as not to waste my energy on a possible fight, I reach the top floor and spot the man who was terrorizing the city, the one who created a weapon that revolutionized this world, since being the first to create a cannon in a world where you fight with weapons and techniques becomes king.

I walk into the room and move to a shadow on the ceiling and step out of the shadow but keep hidden.

The pale man has a white peacock tail with some red accents, I have to admit it makes a pretty pattern, I've always thought peacocks are one of the cutest animals.

The acknowledged Lord Shen seemed to be arguing about….me? Well I am Dragon Warrior and seem to have some prediction of the future where I am destined to stop Shen.

Well, the prediction is right, as I will make sure to make him pay for his sins and bring him to justice.

I take a quick look around the place and see a gun in the center of the room, it looks like that's where the golden throne was, I also see that in addition to Shen there are also two men over six feet and with many, many muscles in the room. .

'I think the move I should make in this situation is to attack in a straight hit on Shen, preferably I prefer to take him prisoner but if I can't I'll kill him without hesitation.'

I won't be using the sword right away and will try to immobilize him using pressure point techniques.

I take a deep breath and make use of the lightning bolt to increase my reflexes and my nervous system as a whole, and use one of my favorite skills [Shadow Journey] and appear right behind Shen, using my hands as a [Mantis Style tweezers] a-God] to have greater precision.

(Pov- 3rd Person)

Shen feels a chill down his spine while talking to the Old Goat and without thinking he slashes with his sword that was hidden in his sleeve.

Zagreus did not expect his enemy to have such heightened senses and almost gets caught in the sword thrust when he dodges and disarms Shen, the latter retreats from the enemy who has just tried to kill him.

"Hoho, and who would you be? One of the envoys of that council of Masters? I very much doubt those idiots wouldn't send an assassin to stop me."

Zagreus doesn't want to have much conversation with such a lunatic and goes after Shen with the Sword of Heroes now in his hands, only this time the sword glows in a yellowish color of Chi and when it stops glowing, in Zagreus' hands was a halberd with the blade similar to the previous sword and the long handle and carved with various designs of Chinese dragons in green.

The Dragon Warrior then makes a simple spear movement towards Shen's stomach which quickly deflects the halberd to the side with his feathers, Zagreus draws back his arms to pull the halberd and perform a spin in the air as he slashes the halberd from above.

But Shen is not easily defeated and dodges to the side and shoots small feather-shaped blades at Zagreus.

Zagreus barely sees the blades coming towards him, such was the speed they were coming, so without much thought he relaxes his body and enters a peaceful state of mind and activates the Skill [Seikuken], he uses his free hand to deflect the blades at the last moment to save energy, and at that moment he crouches avoiding a club blow to the head that one of the two men was in his hand.

He without thinking too much cuts his head off and runs towards Shen who had his own halberd in his hands.

Shen strikes him from above, trying to kill him with a blow to the head, but Zagreus drops to the ground as he strikes him from above in the dominant arm of the halberd he was using, his right arm.

The halberd, which contained the same ridiculous sharpening, cuts Shen's arm like butter and nearly takes the limb off completely but Shen backs off at the last moment and prevents his arm from being ripped off.

"Arrrrrrgggh, you damn bastard."

He yells as he throws those little blades again at Zagreus, the latter hasn't deactivated the [Seikuken] in any time he just lowered the reaction radius back to the last moment and again dodges the blades.

Shen runs towards the cannon in the middle of the room which is conveniently in the middle of the room and conveniently loaded and aimed at him, it looks like the Cheat [Protagonist's Aura] wasn't kidding when it warned that it will bring luck but also great misfortunes like this ridiculous convenience .

But Zagreus doesn't even panic and stretches his open hand towards the cannon as Shen laughed at the boy he already considered dead, he scratched with the metal claws on his foot and lit a spark in the wick, the cannon seemed about to launch the bullet.

Until Zagreus closes his hand tightly and the tip of the cannon is crushed and the cannon instead of spears exploded the back, throwing Shen out of the turret.

The cannon broke the floor of the top floor and falls towards the ground floor where it comes out breaking the entire staircase and some important support columns, but the tower remains standing.

What Zagreus was concerned about at the moment was getting the lady out of here, and the only apparent way was [Traveling in the Shadows].

He removes the mask to calm the lady and takes her in a princess shipment and uses the Skill [Shadow Journey], and manages to reach the courtyard in front of the tower where Shen's apparently living but bleeding body rested.

And a big, loud explosion is heard in the distance.

The mission is complete.

(Author's Note)

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, it took me all night and now all day to finish it, until the next chapter.

from your future favorite author of course.


AbelWizard AbelWizard

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