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Chapter 38: Chapter 38- A Cold Journey (1/3)

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(Thanks for your words of affection and power stones, here is a warm Chap for you!!!)

From your favorite Author- AbelWizard


"HICCUP!" Shouts Ruffunut to her boyfriend as she is startled by the sudden attack, the two jump off the Dragon and activate their glider suits.

The two glide towards the large ship resembling a large floating fort and are soon surrounded by its crew members.

Hiccup's ChangWing, nicknamed kali, tries to spit acid to free himself but soon his mouth is gagged and he is trapped.

The men who captured such a dragon, was only possible because of the tools they were using.

And soon the same voice that ordered the attack, is heard again with a threatening tone.

"Well well, what do we have here? Looks like the Dragon Knights have come back to screw us again!"

A man at 5'11 feet, bulging muscles and a large two-handed bastard sword on his back, the man was obviously the leader of the ship and seemed to have anger at the Dragon Knights in general.

The man looks at kali(Hiccup's ChangeWing) and nods, apparently pleased with what he saw. Contrary to what his appearance told, he seems to be a great lover of Dragons.

"Is that what I think it is? Is that really a ChangWing Titan Wing? Whoa, one of those you don't find every day!" Said the man quickly with glee.

"Look we don't want any trouble, just release us and we'll leave without a fight" Hiccup said quickly and thankful that he was wearing a mask.

"Release? Get my pants down...that's a Titan Wing Dragon, I would never release one of these. Looks like our luck has changed for the better, boys!  Don't think Drago has one of these in his dragon army." He says with relief, and is quickly questioned by Ruffunut.

"Dragon army?"

But before his question could be answered, Hiccup says again, his peaceful nature making him do his best to avoid conflict.

"Look man, I don't care what you guys do here. All I want is my Dragon back and you guys can go back to what you were doing!" Hiccup lied between his teeth to escape, the important thing at the moment was to get away and tell his father everything he discovered so that he could then solve this problem by the root.

"Ah! You should have thought of that before you stole all our dragons and blew our fort to pieces!" The man says and is soon followed by his men who say.

"Yeah, look at that!" Crewman 1 says while pointing to a part of the captain's cabin destroyed by ice.

"You destroyed our beer stock, THE beer stock" Crewman 2 yells with all his might while hugging some barrels to pieces with tears and snot all over his face.

"Wait..." Hiccup starts to say.

"What are you talking about ?" And Ruffunut completes his line of thought, apparently the pair have gotten very close in these times.

"Do you think we did this ?" The Crown Prince asks with confusion evident in his voice.

The man apparently irritated by Hiccup's denial, begins to speak while pointing at him.

"Capturing dragons is hard enough work without well-meaning dragon riders sneaking around to rescue them." He finishes speaking as if the Dragons are his property. But Hiccup focuses on another part of what the man said.

"What?!!.... are there other dragon riders?"

Still irritated, the man answers Hiccup's questions more calmly than before.

"You mean besides your thieving friend from last night?  You tell me.  You may have an ice-spitting dragon by your side, but we still have a quota to fill.  How do you think we explain this mess to Drago Bludvist?"

"Drago who what?    Does anything you say make sense?" Hiccup says playing dumb to get more information.

And he succeeds when Crewman 3 answers.

"He is expecting a new shipment of dragons for his army tomorrow."

Followed by his friend, Crewman 4.

"And Drago doesn't take apologies well."

The two were so in sync, as if it were a well-rehearsed play.

"That's what he gave me the last time I showed up empty-handed." The man starts his monologue and shows a scar on his shoulder under his shirt. "He promised to be much less understanding in the future."

"Look, we don't know anything about a dragon thief, or an ice-spitting dragon,..."

Hiccup notices the man nod to someone behind him, but continues to talk as if he hadn't noticed.

"Or your lunatic boss and his dragon army, okay?  Just give us back our dragon and we'll go, Strange-Hostile-Person-Who-We-Never-Know."

The man laughs with a newly gained confidence and then smiles and says.

"Oh, where are my manners?  I am Eret.  Son of Eret.  The best dragon hunter alive.  After all, not just anyone can capture a Titan Wing Dragon."

But soon his expression changes to one full of killing intent and he unsheathes his GreatSword.


The Hidden Dragon Hunters attack in tandem, but at that moment that the rest of the team arrives to help the pair.

Zagreus, in his completely black scale armor lands on the ship and quickly slits the throat of one of the Crewmen with his Hidden Blades below the wrist.

On his right wrist was a sort of bracelet made of grass, the bracelet, sensing an arrow coming towards his Master, activates and which a rotates and forms a shield with a metalic shine and the arrow hits the shield and come back.

Astrid and Heather come down next and fight side by side, the blonde with her loyal double-edged axe and the brunette with two daggers in each hand, both girls seemed to know what they were doing by how easily they killed their enemies and defended each other.

But one of the crew members throws an axe at Heather from a place that neither she nor Astrid could see, which would result in her instant death.

However, a redheaded figure moves at great speed and with the palm of his hand, deflects the Axe and saves Heather, the redhead wore a white Chinese style kimono and black claws on the tips of her nails. Two ears and a beautiful red striped coat added a surreal beauty to the already beautiful woman.

"Don't just focus on what's in front of you, in this kind of fight we're in it's good to keep your attention on everything around you!" Said the Redhead as if teaching them, Astrid and Heather begin to sound cold at their own carelessness despite the training they have been through and soon apologize for their carelessness.

" "We are so sorry, Master Tigress!" " The two shout at the same time as they turn their attention back to the battle.

The Redhead we now know to be, Tigress, smiles with satisfaction and begins to eliminate the Long Range Crewmen.

Tuffnut and Snotlout land together, a spear user and a sword user, respectively. The two seemed to be in sync as they defended each other in battle.

And near them, the usual legendary duo, Monkey and Crane. The Crewmen didn't stand a chance against the two experienced Masters.

Some of Eret's men were being taken down without even seeing what had happened, it was Master Mantis. With his speed beyond anything anyone who was there could see.

Within minutes the battle was decided, and Eret was captured. Most of his men dead, and some captured and unconscious.

The Dragon Knights gather the captured men and return to Berk to report what they have discovered and interrogate them.

Break Line

The Dragon Knights arrive in Berk quickly, Hiccup explained what he had discovered before they arrived, and now everyone was aware of the situation.

Realizing the gravity of the situation, everyone goes straight to Stoick, surrounded by some guards, he was helping a villager to carry the heavy materials that were being used to repair a house.

As soon as Stoick sees the group, more precisely Hiccup, he cracks a big smile that shows the great joy he feels for having him as his son.

"Look who's finally here! The pride of Dragon's Wood!"

Hiccup doesn't want to spoil his father's blatant joy, but he knows the importance of the matter so he tries to get his attention to talk to him alone.

"Hey, Dad, can I have a word?"

But hearing the words containing little seriousness, Stoick interprets it differently and just laughs even harder when he says.

"Something you're anxious to tell me?" Stoick says proudly.

"Not quite what you're thinking, but yes." Hiccup replies, still not giving it the proper seriousness.

"Good man!  Now, lesson one.  A King's first duty is to his people." Stoick doesn't care much for Hiccup's words and again begins with his lecture to his Heir.

"Father, this is actually a little more important than fixing houses and these lectures..." Hiccup tries to explain again what he means about but is interrupted by Stoick who says.

"Ah-ah!  Lesson two.  No task is too small when it comes to serving your people and ...." Stoick tries to teach his son but is also interrupted by an angry Zagreus about the whole thing.

"STOICK, sorry to interrupt the father and son interaction! But what we have to talk about is of immense importance to the entire kingdom and needs to be dealt with as soon as possible!"

Zagreus interrupted Stoick in a harsh and rude manner, the King of Dragon's Wood didn't seem to mind one bit, but that was different for the guards around him.

"Hey, boy! Don't you dare talk that way to the King of Drago..."

"Silence! I don't need you to scold him. He's one of mine!" Stoick stops and notices the seriousness on the faces of all the Dragon Knights and then says. "Let's go to the throne hall, we can talk there!"

Stoick starts walking and is followed by all the Dragon Knights, but the two guards are ordered to stay where they are.

When the guard realizes that the group is no longer in sight he hits the head of the guard who tried to scold Zagreus, the guard was confused as to why he caught it and just looked at his superior who explains to him.

"You just tried to scold the General of the Dragon Knights, you imbecile! He could cut your head off and no one would question it." Said the older guard and the younger guard began to break out into a cold sweat at the thought of almost dying now.

Break Line

Stoick was sitting across from the group, on the same level as them, although they are in the throne room, Stoick didn't sit on his throne when it wasn't strictly necessary as he didn't like those mannerisms.

The entire main group of Dragon Knights was in the room. Dagur, the second in command when Zagreus was not present, an excellent strategist and an even better warrior.

Heather, the expert in the use of poisons and their creation, she is also skilled in the art of healing and teaches several people in first aid.

Snotlout and Tuffnut were Zagreus' minions, his personal warriors who always accompanied him. The twin Ruffunut, dedicated to the art of the spear, is now one of the best spear-users in the kingdom.

Fishlegs, after so much dedication in his studies, is the main writer of books about dragons, documenting all the discoveries already made and the ones he continues to discover.

The Furious Five, despite having been introduced by Zagreus himself, was not present at the time. But he had already earned great respect from everyone present and everyone learned a little from his martial arts.

After the end of Hiccup's report to his father, Stoick looked, for the first time, surprisingly frightened. This was a complete surprise to everyone who had never seen their Leader/King afraid.

But everyone remains silent, waiting for the next words of their King, who after a heavy sigh, says.

"I didn't want to have to deal with Drago this time, but it seems that this threat needs to be dealt with as soon as possible!"

He takes a deep breath before continuing to say.

"This morning, a group from a neighboring Kingdom came to deliver a message. A request for help. To deal with a man named Drago Bludvist, it said that he had an army of dragons like you have just been talking about. I now see that we had better make an alliance with that kingdom to finish off Drago once and for all." Stoick finishes saying and asks a guard to call for such a messenger.

"And what kingdom would that be, father?" Hiccup asks, curiosity was apparent in his tone and face. Stoick gives a wry smile and answers.

"The Kingdom of Arendelle, the one where their King proposed the hand of his eldest daughter, Elza, to marry you my son and heir a few months ago!"

Break Line

AbelWizard AbelWizard

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