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Chapter 2: Awakening Early

As soon as the Twang could be heard, the rhythmic sound of the wooden stick hitting the trunk of the tree abruptly ceased.

The sound caused from the bow releasing the arrow caused Shiloh to turn his head in the direction where the sound came from.

Like a fish moving downstream without any resistance, an eagle diving down towards its prey, a white hue collected around the arrow piercing the air towards Ali.

A look of panic flashed on Shiloh's face, the stress of seeing that arrow move closer and closer to his younger sister was like seeing death's reaper closing in on his other half. That beautiful smiling face, that loving and caring little sister, the best side of him ceasing to exist, was something he never thought would happen. Shiloh felt like the world was closing in on him, his reality breaking apart, those stars up in the sky bursting and the night sky cracking apart and shattering.

The image of his future of a life without his better half, dull and lonely. Going to an academy which should have been a joyous occasion for all and sharing it with his little sister, gone. His strength increasing to where he could communicate with others no longer mattered because he couldn't tease and bother his younger sister endlessly with it. His academic achievements, which were to benefit the Shengda empire, worthless. His marriage which was supposed to be one of the best days of his life felt like something was missing. Growing old, feeling that there was an empty void at all times. On his deathbed, his biggest regret was not being able to save his other half. His younger sister.

The emotional trauma and stress of seeing his future life flash through his mind and seeing that arrowing speeding closer and closer, the hormones in his mind, burst forth like a tsunami flooding the coast. Overloading his neural network like a raging river overflowing, time slowed down to what could be described as a feeling of standing still.

The arrow moving slowly in his mind, Shiloh's beaming grey eyes giving off a grey hue, now shone in a light grey tone. He turned his head to which he saw his adorable little sister's face deathly pale, with a look of despair. Her eyes wide open staring at her impending death.

"Shiloh!" she yelled a tinge of palpable fear could be felt from her voice.

Shiloh's hand which was angled towards Ali still had his pinky outstretched, opened into a palm, grasped that small shuddering shoulder.

Under the acute stress, Shiloh's sympathetic nervous system prepared itself for sustained, vigorous action. His adrenal gland dumped large amounts of cortisol and adrenaline into his blood stream. His blood pressure surged, his heart raced, giving more oxygen and energy to all of his muscles. Essentially supercharging himself into a bona fide superhero for the time being.

He pushed with all his might, pushing his sister away from her frozen position and the arrows final destination. The momentum carried over after pushing his little sister away, moving closer to the where the arrows final destination should be.

'Pssht' The arrow struck through a tiny palm, embedding itself into Shiloh's hand. Blood dripping down the tiny hand.

"AHHHHHHHHH" Shiloh screamed in pain. "Damn", he cursed under his breath.

Grabbing his wrist with his other hand unconsciously, he gathered his senses and turned once again to his little sister who was still lying on the ground, leaves covered her, looking at the Shiloh now.

"Ali, Get up!" Shiloh yelled.

Ali just stared at Shiloh like a little kitten who had been wronged, with big wide eyes and shivering.

Shiloh picked himself up and ran towards Ali.

'T'chi' the twang sound of an arrow being released again. Shiloh didn't bother looking in the direction where the sound came from. Only two reasons flashed through Shiloh's mind.

One: his older brother would be here.

Second: that this new arrow was not for him but his little sister again.

'Shing' the sound of two forces colliding that are enwrapped with star force range out.

Shiloh grabbed Ali and forcefully pulled her behind a sizeable boulder. Peering over he could see two silhouettes dancing under the moonlight, a wooden stick encased in a chilling gray hue and a dagger which appeared to be the colour of obsidian brimming with a red hue with murderous intent.

"Older Brother Ty!" Shiloh softly said, not knowing this would throw off his elder brothers' rhythm.

Ty shifted his vision to his periphery to make sure his two younger siblings were alright. Seeing his younger brother with a look of determination on his face, he inwardly felt relief. A single glance was all it took for the obsidian looking dagger to plunge into Ty's shoulder. The assassins red hue ran rampant inside of Ty's body. His muscles spasming wherever the red hue ran, slowly moving towards his heart.

Myrill Myrill

I am writing this for fun as a way to pass time. Please leave comments and suggestions.

I ultimately want to get readers involved if there are some readers. Setting up a discord or a twitter to have polls and suggestions to give the story a readers touch. It will not effect the big picture as I have a sense of where I want this story of Ali's to go but it will add some twists and turns.

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