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Chapter 8: Chapter 7: The aftermath of the Uchiha Massacre

Kazuto pov

Welp after that fiasco I went to the hospital to visit Sasuke. I enter the hospital and I ask a nurse what room Sasuke was in and she led me straight to Sasuke. As I wave goodbye to the nurse, as I walk into the room I see Sasuke turn his head towards me, I see recognition in his eyes before it turned to contempt.

Kazuto: "Yo Sasuke."

Sasuke: "Hn."

Kazuto: "Now that was just rude don't cha think Sasuke."

Sasuke: "Why?"

Kazuto: "Hm, why what?"


Kazuto: "Simple my dear friend."


I roll my eyes.

Kazuto: "I was simply stronger then him and as to why I'm like this I'm simply to lazy to care." I without care.


I show Sasuke my Mangekyo sharingan. I see Sasuke stiffen in fear.

Sasuke: " eyes?"

I scoff.

Kazuto: "I obviously gained them dear friend, do you need any other type of proof little Sasuke."

Sasuke: "Train me."

Kazuto: "Hmmm."


I giggle then it suddenly turns into a full blown insane laugh. I see Sasuke back into his bed fear written on his expression.

Kazuto: "And why should I train an ignorant person who can't even figure out why his kind older brother that he looked up to destroy his life right before his eyes hmm."


I go into a full blown laughter again.

Kazuto: "Humorous, if you can't even figure out what I said then you don't deserve my training."

Sasuke: "Wha wha what do you mean."

Kazuto: "If you still can't figure out what I mean then I guess it's time for your punishment." I smile manically.

Sasuke's eyes widen in fear.

Sasuke: "Wat punishment?!"

I laugh manically again.

Kazuto: "Oh you'll see when you get out of the hospital."

I walk out of the room to the Hokage tower laughing like a maniac along the way. I hear people whisper poor kid looks like the massacre got to him. As I enter the Hokage's office I smile and shout:

Kazuto: "Jiji-San!"

I see Jiji look towards me, his eyes soften a little.

Hiruzen: "What can I do for you Kazuto-kun (At least he didn't lose his bright personality even though he just experienced a massacre. The will of fire burns brightly in this child.)

Kazuto: "I want to ask you something Jiji."

Hiruzen: "And what would that be little Kazuto."

Kazuto: "I would like to adopt Sasuke Jiji!"

I smile brightly. Jiji looks stunned.

Hiruzen: "Oh and why would you like to adopt Sasuke little Kazuto your even younger then him."

My bright face suddenly turns serious.

Kazuto: "Well Jiji, Sasuke is currently experiencing emotional trauma, if he lives alone he won't be able to take care of himself and having a family member next to him despite myself being a half Uchiha I still wish to adopt Sasuke. If your still having doubts I can cook and do housework while protecting him from the council. As I don't doubt that the council will want him to do the CRA (Clan Restoration Act)."

Hiruzen looks at me his eyes hardened and stunned due to my intelligence and reasoning at such a young age.

Hiruzen: "Oh and how will you keep the council away Kazuto."

Kazuto: "Despite me being only 7 years old my intelligence is on par with an adult Nara, also I will take the Uchiha clan head seat until Sasuke is old enough to take it himself. Oh if your wondering how'll I protect him then....."

I show Hiruzen my Mangekyo sharingan. His pipe falls out of his mouth. He turns even more serious.

Hiruzen: "Kazuto how did you get the Mangekyo sharingan."

Kazuto: "That is a secret, now I have no doubt that people will be after me due to this but I will become strong enough to fend them off."

Hiruzen looks at me then sighs.

Hiruzen: "You do know the implications of the matter right."

Kazuto: "So what let them come, I will show them that I am not to be messed with."

Hiruzen looks at me then smiles.

Hiruzen: "Alright! I now announce that you Kazuto Uzumaki Uchiha are to take the clan head of the Uchiha's and you may officially adopt Sasuke and take him under your wing."

I smile.

Kazuto: "Thanks Jiji! Also can you make it so Kakashi Hatake train Sasuke, Naruto, a random kunoichi and me."

Jiji looks at me in a thinking pose.

Hiruzen: "I understand you, Sasuke and a random kunoichi but why Naruto."

My eyes harden as I put silencing seals over the place. I see Hiruzen eyes turn serious again. I throw a bunch of senbon needles to the ROOT anbu hidden in the corner he collapses. I see Jiji's anbu surround me weapons ready for the kill.

Hiruzen: ''Why did you do that to my anbu Kazuto, depending on your answer I may have to reluctantly execute you."

I laugh. I see the anbu tense.

Kazuto: "Jiji if you can't even tell the difference between your anbu and a ROOT operative then you really are going old huh Jiji."

Hiruzen was stunned by my words the furiously roared.

Hiruzen: "ANBU GET THAT ROOT OPERATIVE TO THE T&I DEPARTMENT NOW!" (I'll have to talk to Danzo about why the ROOT anbu are still active)

Anbu: "Yes Hokage-sama!''

The Anbu shunshins to the T&I department with the ROOT operative. Hiruzen then looks at me.

Hiruzen: "I must thank you Kazuto for exposing him but how did you know he was there when even I couldn't sense him."

I scoff.

Kazuto: "I'm a naturally born sensor Jiji of course I'll be able to sense him."

Hiruzen: "Ah inherited from your mother I see, and back to my question why Naruto and you do realize it is normally a 3 man cell?"

I roll my eyes.

Kazuto: "I know that there is going to be an uneven amount of people is one and lastly I know Naurto's heritage Jiji."

I see Hiruzen visibly stiffen, he then asks carefully:

Hiruzen: "What heritage Kazuto?"

Kazuto: "Oh just the secret that the fact Naruto is the son of the Yondaime and Kushina Uzumaki, also the fact that he is the jinchuriki of the Kyuubi."

Hiruzen eye widens and then suddenly turns serious.

Hiruzen: "And how did you get this type of Information, this secret is an SSS rank secret."

I sneered.

Kazuto: "I've seen pictures of the Yondaime, Naruto looks just like him, while the last name indicates that he is related to Kushina. The Jinchuriki status came from the fact that he had whiskers and the older generation weren't really subtle with there hate."

Hiruzen looked at me shocked written all over his face.

Hiruzen: "Your intelligence really is on par no surpasses even the Nara, I'm impressed."

Kazuto: "And I must say I'm pretty impressed at how terrible you are at keeping your promises."

Jiji looked at me weirdly.

Hiruzen: "What do you mean by that?"

Kazuto: "What I mean is when the Yondaime asked you to make his son a hero, and look at him now scorned by his own village." I sneered.

Jiji stared at me as if I'm a monster.

Hiruzen: "How did you know this! You weren't even born on the night."

Kazuto: "You should really update your security Jiji."

I see Jiji's eyes widen.

Hiruzen: "You mean...."

I snickered.

Kazuto: "I snuck into the Hokages archive Jiji. I was really curious as to why Naruto isn't worshiped as a hero for holding back the Kyuubi. Then when I read the files I figured it out, Jiji you really made a big mistake this time."

I see Jiji sigh sadly. It seems he is about to breakdown.

Hiruzen: "It seems you figured it all out."

I snorted.

Kazuto: "Obviously, also let, me take the Uzumaki clan seat until Naruto is able to. Another thing that make sure to tell the whole village that Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha is under my protection and whoever messes with them will feel my wrath."

I flare my Mangekyo sharingan. I see Jiji gulp.

Hiruzen: "Why Kazuto, why do this."

Kazuto: "I do this for my friends and Itachi."

Hiruzen: "I see you even know about that incident, do tell no one as it's an SSS rank secret same with the others. And thank you for being friends with Naruto when he first talked about you he was quite excited to have a friend." He smiles sadly.

I snort.

Kazuto: "I'll always be friends with Naruto he may be an idiot but he still is a lovable one, ah yes also could you make adoptions paper for Naruto too and I don't care what the council says I'm officially clan head. HMPH."

I start to walk out the door I then turn around and say:

Kazuto: "I do not care for the council as they are practically all the selfish if they dare go against me they won't live to the next day."

I left, leaving a stunned Jiji. I walk towards my home thinking of the fun that's going to happen in the next 6 years.


Next day in the morning

Sasuke pov

I walk out of the hospital as it seems I already healed up. For some reason the Hokage called me to his office. I wonder what for. As I kept thinking I did not notice that I was already in said office. I hear a cough. I look up to see the Hokage staring at me weirdly.

Sasuke: "Hokage-sama why have you called me here after that incident."

The Hokage looked at me saddened then went back to normal again.

Hiruzen: "I called you here to tell you something Sasuke."

Sasuke: "What do you need to tell me Hokage-sama."

Hiruzen: "Your getting adopted Sasuke."

I looked at him shocked I thought who would dare adopt me.

Sasuke: "Oh and who is the person adopting me Hokage-sama."

The Hokage smiles at me, I feel a sense of foreboding coming. My face paled when I heard the name:

Hiruzen: "Kazuto Uzumaki Uchiha is the one adopting you."

I fainted, then woke up again. I then screamed out in pure terror:


Hiruzen sweat drops at my acts.

Hiruzen: "Oh he is also the Uchiha clan head until you are ready to be the next clan head.

I pale even further.


Hiruzen: "Sadly my boy this is no dream this is reality."


I hear the door open. I turn around to see who it is. Standing there is Kazuto with a smug look on his face.

Kazuto: "Now come to daddy my son."

I fainted hoping this was all just a dream.

Kazuto pov

I laugh as Sasuke faints. I see Jiji looks at me weirdly.

Hiruzen: "And just what did you say to him to get this type of reaction."

Kazuto: "Secret." I smile brightly.

I carry Sasuke out of the room to my house. Before I exit I remind Jiji to tell Naruto about the adoption. I then leave towards my house snickering along the way.

Hiruzen pov

I see Kazuto leave with an Unconscious Sasuke. I sweat dropped at his antics. I get Naruto's adoption papers out and sign it leaving the rest to Kazuto. I then think about all the chaos that's about to happen. I look over to the stack of paperwork. I grumble "Stupid paper work."

I take out my pipe and light it on fire. Before I smoke I say

Hiruzen: "I'm getting too old for this shit."

I gesture towards an anbu to go get Naruto. This is going to be one heck of a ride.

1 hour later

I see Naruto enter my office screaming JIJI! I smile towards my favorite boy.

Naruto: "So Jiji what do ya want."

Hiruzen: "Well Naruto someone is willing to adopt you will you accept."

I see Naruto's eyes widen in disbelief. Before saying:

Naruto: "Really Jiji someone's adopting me. I'm going to have family?"

I sadden at the thought of the life Naruto currently has maybe accepting Kazuto's decisions were right. I smile softly.

Hiruzen: "Yes Naruto your going to have a family."

I see Naruto breakdown and start crying. I go towards him and hug him comforting him. After a while Naruto stops crying and ask:

Naruto: "So who's adopting me Jiji?"

Hiruzen: "A clan head is adopting you Naruto and as to who that person is you'll see, also here is the map to lead you towards were your new family is."

Naruto: "THANKS JIJI! I'll see you later."

Naruto wave goodbye to me, as I wave back thought thank you Kazuto for helping Naruto when not even I can do anything.


Naruto pov

Jiji said that I was going to get adopted today and that I was under the protection of a clan head. I ignored the last part as I was actually getting adopted DATTEBOYO!I wonder if the person who adopted me is nice. I walk towards my new home. Somehow this house feels familiar. I went up to the door and rang the bell. I heard footsteps coming near the door. It opened to show Kazuto standing there.

Naruto: "What are you doing here Kazuto?"

Kazuto: "Jiji didn't tell you?"

Naruto: "Tell me what?"

Kazuto: "That I'm the one adopting you."

My eyes widened then before I knew it tears streamed down my face.

Naruto: "You really mean it."

Kazuto: "Of course."

I cried and said thank over and over until I felt warm hands around me I looked up to see Kazuto hugging me.

Kazuto: "shhh shh it's alright Naruto you have family now."

Naruto: "Thank you Kazuto-Nii."

Kazuto: "Oi I may be your family but I also adopted another person, he is your brother not me."

I look at him confused.

Naruto: "Then who are you in the family."

Kazuto: "I'm your father."

I looked up in shock. I then fainted hoping this wasn't a dream but the part where Kazuto is my adoptive father.

Kazuto pov

I look down at Naruto, who fainted. I sweat dropped. Why do they always keep fainting. I carried Naruto into the house then I suddenly got the most brilliant idea. I smiled sadistically. I w carried Naruto all the way to Sasuke's room who is still asleep from shock. I placed Naruto down onto the bed right next to Sasuke. Sasuke then proceeds to cling to the new heat source with Naruto doing the same. I take out my camera and take a photo. This is going to be very good black mail material. Oh I haven't had this much fun since juggling those stupid God wannabes. I see an anbu shunshin in front of me.

Anbu: "Lord Hokage has called for you for the council meeting Kazuto-sama."

Kazuto: ''Alright I'll be going now then."

The anbu nods as he disappears. I shunshin into the council room surprising everyone but the Hokage. Jiji nods.

Hiruzen: "Now that everyones here we can now begin the meeting."

thereallydepressed thereallydepressed

yo would of uploaded earlier but webnovel Fed itself up. Anyways if your wondering when the fight scenes happen I estimate 3-4 chapters. the scene will be about the bell test also I will nit be including movie scenes. Ja ne

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