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Chapter 2: Chapter Two: The Black Sea Battle

Previously on.... The Big King

The large human saved his best friend, Stella from being kidnapped by a lowly monster. In return for saving his best friend he was sealed away in unbreakable barrier by Goros, one of the grandmaster fairies then sent to shores of the Black Sea. The three Grandmaster Fairies, Giant King Grimmbaud, Hardoy, and Xix had all intended on seeing him be thrown into eternal darkness. However, with physical strength that not even the Giant King could compare too, he broke out of the barrier. Now, it was one against six. An abdominal force of monstrous nature verse six very powerful beings.

"STOP!" Stella exclaimed to the six, "HE'S NOT THE ENE-" Stella words were cut when Goros places unbreakable barrier around her that way no one could hear her words.

Hardoy stepped forward, a tight grip on the handle of his sword. Of everyone here, he was the one that held the nastiest grudge against both the human and Dawn. The male human stared up at Hardoy who was a little over half his height. "It's about time you pay for what you did to my king's home as well as my own." Placing his other hand on the grip of the sword, Hardoy rose it above his head. "Celestial cut!" The gray steel blade turned into a blinding yellow light, a beam shooting straight into the highest heavens that caused the clouds to part. With all his might, Hardoy brought down his blade at high speeds. The human rose his hand upwards bringing his fist forward colliding with celestial magic steel. The force behind each attack caused a huge shockwave that was sent in every direction. The tides shifted backwards leading to a reverse tsunami of complete darkness.

The two pushed against one another. For a short moment, Hardoy was holding his own but even with the his mountain cutting strength and blade he wasn't overpowering him. Eventually, with no effort the human broke Hardoy's sword. "DAMN IT!" He exclaimed only to see the human jump to his eye level with his fist reared back. At this very moment, Hardoy's life flashed before his own eyes. Particularly, when that same fist was responsible for snapping Genriro's neck in one blow to the jaw.

Clearly shocked Hardoy's life was in jeopardy. Just as his fist propelled forward Xix in the nick of time tackled his brother out of the way causing both to fall to the side. The weight of both giants crashing down on the ground created a huge tremble.

The human landed a few feet away from the Grandmaster Fairies standing up quickly and reaching into the sky towards Diamond, who was responsible for teleporting him over here. With fast reflexes, she evaded him just as his finger tips were inches away from her body.

"Vine!" Hamitha screamed out making vines come straight from the ground despite being on a sandy beach. A pillar of vine was summoned to the same height as his own. "Vine Behemoth!" The live vine then manifested Itself into a 29 foot tall humanoid like being. "Attack!" The behemoth charged forward raising its hands only to interlock them with his opponent's beginning to push one another. Then, the vine behemoth headbutted the human only to no avail. With overwhelming strength he overpowered the vines uprooting it from the sand and throwing it into the black sea.

Diamond knew Grimmbaud was their only chance of victory. While he may not be stronger than this human, he was more than capable of forcing him into the black sea if he catches him off guard. She flew directly in front of her face forcing him to lock eyes on her. "Its about time you pitched in, Giant King."

Looking downward behind her he saw that the human was looking up at him, eyes totally red and his facial expression told Grimmbaud he was intended on killing him. "Looks like I have no choice...." Taking his sword out of its sleeve he stepped forward his massive seventy-five foot tall stature dwarfing the human's twenty-nine foot tall stature barely even surpassing his knees. "I GROW TIRED OF YOUR TRICKS DAWN! RELEASE THIS HUMAN CHILD AT ONCE!" He commanded, raising his sword high into the air then brought it down at full force. The sword turned into a yellow light of energy as it was being going towards its target. In response, the human rose his arm above his head colliding with the sword. Sand from beneath his feet blasted into multiple directions, dust blinding anyone temporarily. Grimmbaud's had set an unsettling trembling force that shook the entire terrain and changed its landscape. Yet, as the dust cleared the human remained standing his arm stopping Grimmbaud's continent splitting strength slash without even so much as a drop of blood from his arm. Flabbergasted, Grimmbaud couldn't even move anymore as the human shrugged off his blade and took of at high speeds ramming his shoulder into his knees.


A wail of a scream came from Grimmbaud as the human broke his knee and swept his massive feet right from underneath him making the giant fall down face first. While doing this, he sped off again snatching Diamond right out of the air before she could even react. Only to throw her back down at tremendous force creating a small crater she coughed up blood instantly. Goros tried to interfere but that would prove a bad idea as he was swatted into Hamitha that nearly made them go into the black sea.

Xix stomped his way over to the human knowing his sword and celestial magic was practically useless. The only thing he could do was use the brute force to try and launched him into the sea. Reeling his fist back he brought it straight forward only to hurt himself. The human leaped up using the top of his head to hit Xix underneath the chin launching him off into the ground. Instantly he was unconscious. Hardoy saw this and overcame the shock he was in. Anger replaced despair as he stampeded over to the human. "Die!" He bellowed.

The human ran towards Hardoy intercepting his fist and taking a hold of his arm and slamming him on his back.

Turning his attention back to Diamond who dragged herself out of the crater he leaped into the air landing only a few feet away from her. Raising his foot above her body to finish her off a slight smile was on his face. "My apologies..." An unknown loud echoing voice said causing the human to stop smiling. From behind rocks rose out from beneath the sand and began fusing together beginning to grow bigger and bigger the shadow eclipsing the human. Turning around the human looked up seeing nothing but a massive hand of stone come from his left striking him with a devastating blow to the side. The human went flying down the shoreline his body bouncing off the shoreline multiple times on various parts of his body before skidding to a stop. Getting back to his feet quickly the rocky figure had already closed the huge gap that was between them.

It looked as if someone had built artificial limbs upon a sixty foot tall mountain as it stared down at the human. The head and arms floated separately from its rocky body, its arms consisted of several very large floating stone brick columns each being coated with an arcane rune. Its head had been adorned with seven silver eyes arranged around its face.

Overseeing what had just transpired. Both the giants and grandmaster fairies stood shocked as the impressive power displayed by this behemoth. "Just in time...." Diamond commented, a small smile forming on her face. Earlier as the fight was commencing Diamond took the opportunity to cast a rare summoning spell that only a select few know. This was one of the remaining ancient six golems of the world. Ancient beings who were the very first to walk this planet and the oldest beings to exist.

Grimmbaud, the Giant King gritted his teeth. "Andimorak, the tremor golem...the great fathers had mentioned about these great beings. They are far more powerful then they had described." Remembering as his sword attack didn't do anything to the human.

Stella's eyes widened at this golem. "No way! Run! Don't fight just run!" Her face grew pale feeling absolutely useless that she couldn't do anything besides watch this unneeded battle continue.

The human leaped into the sky reaching eye level with the golem only to be smacked right back down by one of its columns smashing into him. Reaching up to touch his head he felt a warm liquid pulling his hand back he saw red with a hint of purple blood. In his sixteen years of life this had been the first time he saw blood. Focusing back on the golem his eyes widened as the fist of the golem was coming his way.

Quickly, he raised his arms to defend himself. With ferocious force against his arms a cracking sound could be heard before a thunderous boom as the human was sent flying down the shoreline once more this time with one bounce ending up into the shallow part of the black sea. Luckily he had already repositioned himself in mid air landing on his feet. Also, his height played a significant role has the black water came up to his knees.

"In all my years I have never encountered a human such as yourself." Andimorak said as the human leaped back onto land with both arms limp but still willing to fight. Not only was his arms completely nullified, he was seriously injured with his temple bleeding and even though he wasn't aware of it several other bones had been broken. "Even with my trembling attacks that directly send the earthquakes I have collected for over a millennia into your body yet you remain standing and willing to fight. However, I know this is not anything close to a natural gift." Andimorak's eyes glowed locking sight with the human's making him go into a deep trance. "I know what your doing.... Dawn... you disgusting witch! RELEASE THIS CHILD!" Andimorak's voice boomed across the island its sheer command alone forced Goro's spell to break freeing Stella from the barrier.

Moments later, after Andimorak and the human stopped locking eyes with one another and the human had gone back to normal no longer having interest in fighting. Instead, he turned around and started slowly wandering away. While multiple bones had been broken this did not phase him at all.

Stella stopped by the head of the golem looking as her friend wandered away. "What... what did you do to him?"

"Dawn, the Elder Witch is responsible for this and I simply freed him of her control. However, being an elder witch she knows how to evade my gaze and more than most likely will be back again when she sees the keen opportunity. However, I understand that you two are on an quest to find the rare artifact located in the demon's territory. Correct young enhancer fairy?" She nodded her head. "Young enhancer fairy, you are to protect your friend at all cost. While he is strong he along with yourself will come across truly terrifying beings. You two will need to become stronger if you are to reach the ancient artifact. Incredible strength and unnatural durability can easily be overcomed as you saw. Many beings have attacks that effect not only the insides of someone they can also effect the very soul of any living individual."

Stella turned her attention to Andimorak, "I heard of what you could do. Ever since the beginning of your life you have been absorbing tremendous tremors to store them in your body. You have the power to completely destroy the world with one devastating tremor."

"Yet I have no intentions in performing such an catastrophic event. I have only one job in this world and destroying it is not of interest just yet." A piece of Andimorak's floating arm gently pushed Stella forward urging for her to go towards her friend. "Head over to Cathiolonne young fairy and continue on with your quest to the artifact." Now reunited with her friend the two set off to a far off kingdom known as Cathiolonne, a massive and the only human populated territory on the entire planet. According to the primordial Andimorak, it is in need of help and also answers about the human could be found.

The outskirts of Western Cathiolonne at midnight....

"We're here...." Stella murmured as her hand was pressed against her cheek obviously tired. More than 1500 meters away was the kingdom of West Cathiolonne. The human continued walking at a slow yet steady pace. Thanks to Stella, he had completely healed from the thrashing earlier by the tremor golem. Several minutes later, the two could see more clearly just the outline of the castle. Torches lit up the walls of the castle, catapults lined up along with cannons loaded and ready to fire, and a massive moat with steaming water that surrounded and stretched for miles around. For humans, it was quite a formidable fortress against other humans. But considering other species and races inhabit this massive world it can easily be breached and destroyed.

The human and Stella stared at the large gate as they gotten closer now only being 300 meters away. A man who was doing his patrols took notice of the extremly large figure as they closed the gap. "What the hell is that? A giant? No, it can't be he is far too small to be one even shorter than a dwarf giant...." Other guards begun seeing what he had been seeing as well starting to quietly panic. "Its him... that one that has been wrecking havoc across the world! He's made it to Cathiolonne!"


Hundreds of troops ran to different sections of the wall. A small portion would go to the cannons, another to grab cannon balls, and the last few to ready the horses. "Call the prince! Inform him of what's going on!"

210 meters away before reaching the gates the guards stood ready as the human was now in cannon range. "Fire!" A squad leader commanded and shortly after multiple cannons were fired going straight at the human. With very fast reflexes he intercepted these cannon balls that exceeded over a 100 miles an hour. One after another they were being swatted out of midair. "DO WHAT YOU MUST TILL THE PRINCE ARRIVES! HE CANNOT BREACH CATHIOLONNE!" More cannons fired only for the same results to take place. A ground team deployed on horseback to try and deter the approaching human. Sharp swords and shields equipped in hands men charged forward carelessly for their home. A 100 meters away from the main gate the men on the ground could only be bewildered by the size and physique of the human. That didn't stop them from continuing forward but the something strange happened as the charged. The horses the men rode had reared up on their hind legs causing their riders to fall off and ran away.

The presence alone from this goliath made the horses no longer want to obey their owners. Instead, their instincts told them to run for their own lives as they knew this battle could not be won. With their only somewhat efficient mode of transportation retreating the men were left their weapons against an enemy that has far more superior range then them just by taking a single step. Even with the horses gone the adrenaline in their vines took over the fear they felt and rushed forward with everything they had.

"Be careful not to step on them it'll create quite a mess." She instructed as they begun stabbing at his shins which didn't even pierce his skin. Like he's been doing this entire time he walked forward only this time he avoided stepping on them.

She looked down from her high perch that is his shoulder clearly not amused by the amount of power they displayed. "Humans surely are not as impressive as I thought they would be. How could such a wea-" The enhancer fairy had cut her own sentence short when an orange light took to the sky from within the castle walls. Both her and the human switched their attention to it following its motions. The same light had begun a transformation spiraling in the middle of the night sky.

"Fire wyvern!" A voice bellowed out and as it did the orange light transformed into a fiery light wyern. "YOU WILL NOT DESTROY MY HOME!"

The orange light formed wyvern opened his mouth, "Starfall!" Small balls of fire begun launching from the wyvern at speeds that traveled faster than sound itself. Stella took flight while the human stood in one place taking the attack head on.

"YEAH!!" Those few moments of happiness was short lived by the men when they realized he still remained standing unaffected by the attack. Even the wyvern himself was flabbergasted that his heat based attack had no effects on him. Once more the fire wyvern opened his jaws as wide as he could, "fire....." A great ball of fire formed spiraling in place. "Cannon!" A straight beam of fire erupted from his jaws striking the human once again with a powerful force that didn't even make move an inch back.

"Impossible...I can burn even giants and he isn't affected...."

Clearly unfazed, the human continued on forward and despite being hit with cannons, feebly stabbed with swords, and attacked by fire he never once attacked back. At the gates he slightly bent his knees and effortlessly leaped over the walls and all the men could do is watch in all of how such a massive person could move so nimbly. Landing on the gravel a huge tremble was sent in all directions.

Stella had returned to his shoulder crossing her arms and legs. "If he had really wanted too, this entire place could have been erased with ease. I suggest you stop this unneeded assault." She informed.

The wyvern stared, as did the men on the ground and on wall it was clear that by no means were they going or doing any harm. Moments passed off by a hard stare down from all three perspectives. Eventually, the wyvern ceased returning back to it's original state and going to ground level. Not even twenty feet from the duo was once again the spiraling light. In the middle of it all a human silhouette began forming inside the orange light. Suddenly, it disappeared in a flash of light and a young man in golden knight armor appeared. "If this monster isn't here to harm us then what is your business here fairy?" The young man asked, "fairies and humans have never or are allowed to coexist with one another." He added in.

A small grin formed on her face, "we are only here for answers that your kingdom can provide. Once that is done, we can be on our way to the ancient artifact that will grant a wish."

"Answers? What could you possibly expect from here about this monstrousity? And the ancient artifact? That is surrounded by demons? Are you mad fairy?"

She smirked at his question, "when you require one wish you will stop at nothing to achieve it."

The inner village within the walls of the castle had started to brighten up due to torches and lanterns. Not long after people begun exited their homes light sources in hand. Screams erupted from the citizens when they came face to face with a ginormous figure staring at them. "My people! They are not here to harm our kingdom!" The young knight reassured.

The screams ceased after his confirmation about the duo. "Follow me.... my father will like to have a chat with you..."

A distance later, the three arrived and before them was an even larger castle with a huge faze banner plastered against a stone brick wall. The giant wooden gates open allowing entrance. Now inside Stella descended landing on the carpeted path taking in the beautiful scenery in front of her.

The golden young knight removed his helmet releasing his silky long blonde hair. "I am Prince Zachara of Cathiolonne and you may be?" He asked.

"Stella and this massive fellow right here doesn't have a name and if he did he couldn't tell you because he has no tongue to speak and has very low intelligence."

Prince Zachara nodded his head gesturing with his hand to follow him. As they walked through royal guards in the castle stood on edge ready to attack if needed even though they had nothing in their own arsenal that could even bruise his skin. "An interesting foundation you humans have established here. How long did it take to build?" She asked.

"Centuries due to the fact that humanity's greatest obstacle are other races around the world. Especially the werewolf tribe.... our rivalry with them has never stopped. At least the other races have moved on leaving us be. But those beast will not stop as they look at us as a primary food source."

"Not even you can stop it?" Stella questioned.

"My father, many years before I was even born or came into thought made a treaty with the wolves. He won't explain the very origin of the treaty however, I know that I must honor it as it somewhat keeps the peace between both the humans and the werewolves." Zachara finished.

Stella grew a displeased expression on her face, "your father sounds like a coward." She bluntly said.

Two royal guards at the throne room doors rushed to push open both of them. Allowing the three to enter and come face to face with none other than the king of Cathiolonne. The King, known as Cathiolum had sweat going down his face as he locked eyes with the human who had to bend down to get into the throne room. Yet still the man tried his best to keep his bravado of a king. "Kane... you finally arrived. A man built for purely destruction! What may your business here be?"

Stella stepped forward, a glimmer of light radiating off her petite figure. "Kane? Is that his real name?"

Cathiolum shook his head, "no little fairy. As I state before, Kane means destruction or a war like being. For years he has been causing nothing but just that correct? Now, again why have you two gone through the trouble of seeking my kingdom out?"

Zachara took to his knees before his father, "father, they are here for nothing more than answers."

In response, King Cathiolum rose from his royal throne clasping his hands behind his back. There were no answers that could given simply due to him not even having the slightest clue what they could have been talking about. However, he did not want to upset the human as it may result in the destruction of his own kingdom he worked so hard to protect. He had been stuck between a rock and a hard place. No answers could result in destruction and the wrong answer may just confirm it as well. In a time of turmoil he quickly came up with a suggestion that benefited his kingdom. "I can help you only if you help me, Kane." He stated.

Stella immediately smiled and rose her finger. "Only if you provide us with three wagons full of luxury sweets everyday. That is how to keep him calm."

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