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Chapter 15: Chapter 14

A few hours had passed since the hectic earlier morning that Lysette had experienced, and right now she was sitting at a relatively luxurious dining table, it wasn't as pompous as the one in her home, but it was still a decent one. But she wasn't paying attention to that, or anything else, as currently, Lysette was simply sitting silently as she kept looking down, as if to hide her face.

"… Lysette-chan, is everything alright?"

"…" *Nods*

Her father, Hamilton, who was sitting right next to her, asked her in a worried tone since usually Lysette would always hold her head up and quite an amount of confidence every morning, a stark contrast to her current state which was the exact opposite.


On the other side of the table, sitting right in front of the two, was Edward and his father, Oliver, with Nanako silently standing right behind Edward, as she also kept looking down similarly to Lysette. Edward and Oliver were also silent, but in their case, it was because they wanted to avoid in saying anything rude to their liege, especially Edward as he was currently doing everything that he could to not scream and keep his poker face.

"…" <Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. I really messed up this time! I knew that Lysette-sama wouldn't fully recover in these few hours, but I didn't expect that she would be this affected by what happened this morning!!! Please, Lysette-sama! Don't say that my little guy got hard nor that we slept together last night! Please! I want to live!!!>

Edward continued to show his poker smile with his eyes closed as a way to accept his fate, which for everyone else just made him look as if he was feeling calm. Lysette would occasionally raise her head a little, look at him, and then look back down with her face turning ever so redder each time, something that her father was quick to notice, and that he began trying to find out.

As all of them were busy with their problems, their breakfast was neatly put down in front of them, and when Camilla finished doing so, she clapped her hands, bringing everyone back to reality.

"… Father-in-law, Lysette-sama… Shall we now have breakfast before it gets cold?"

"Of course"

"…" *Nods*

With that, they all began having their breakfast, in comparison to what he and Lysette had at their manor, this breakfast provided by the Harding family was a rather simple one, but that didn't stop Hamilton nor Lysette from showing excellent manners when eating.

" "!" "

And when each of them took a bite of the meal, they both made surprised faces, as it tasted delicious.

"Sir Oliver, Little Edward, I am impressed, even though this breakfast is simple, it's really delicious. Please give my thanks to the chef later"

"Ah!… Thanks… I'm glad you liked father-in-law"

"Hm?… What do you mean by that, Little Edward?"

"?…! Ah, sorry! I forgot to mention, but I was the one who made today's breakfast since the chef was already busy making meals for the interns and teaching some of them how to cook"


"Oho? Really?"

"Yes, ah! D-Did you perhaps prefer that we had hired a famous chef to make breakfast for you and Lysette-sama today?"

"No that's not it. I'm just impressed by the fact that you know how to cook, Little Edward"

"Ahaha… I'm not all that good, I just know how to do it, because I'm quite often the only one with time to make the meals alongside the chef. I'm always the one who has time to make the snacks for whenever Lysette-sama visits here"

"… … …"

Hearing their conversation, Lysette who had frozen at hearing that the breakfast was handmade by Edward, started making a despairing face when she heard that all those snacks she always had during her visits, were also handmade by Edward. After all, she always ate quite a number of those snacks, and never once, did she thank Edward for making them, nor asked who was the one who had made them.

"… … … E-Edward-sama?…"

"Hm? What is it, Lysette-sama?"

"I-I'm sorry… F-For n-never t-thanking y-you f-for t-t-the s-snacks…"

"Eh!? Y-You don't need to apologize, Lysette-sama! A-actually, I'm always happy whenever I see you making a delighted face when eating the snacks I made. A-And I should be the one apologizing for not saying anything!"

"… … …"

Hearing Edward's response, Lysette began pouting and tearing up from the anger she was feeling at herself, from making Edward apologize to her just now, and from never repaying Edward properly for going so far as to make those snacks and the breakfast by himself.

"… *Takes another bite from her breakfast*… *Gets even angrier at herself*…"




After having their breakfast, everyone in the dining room left to do their things. Camilla and Nanako both retrieved the dishes and took them away for washing, Edward and Oliver went to do their daily administrative work, but Hamilton and Lysette who were guests at the Harding manor, didn't have anything to do. So for the time being, they both went to the guest room used by Hamilton to have a private talk.

"Lysette-chan, how are you feeling?"

"… I'm fine, father…"


"Yes… I just… I just think that… Edward-sama has been pampering me too much…"

"… … … But isn't that a good thing?"

When Lysette revealed her concerns to her father with an embarrassed expression, all he did was stay silent and make a confused face, as he asked that very obvious question.

"No, because… Because at this rate I won't be able to properly repay Edward-sama for everything he has been doing for me!"

"I see… You really are just like your mother, Lysette-chan"


Lysette simply remained silent as her embarrassment made her unable to say anything else, because of that Hamilton was able to start thinking of some way to help his daughter feel better without intruding too much into her affairs.

"Lysette-chan, I'll be returning to our territory in a short time, after I finish some things with Sir Oliver, but since you're worried about Little Edward… How about you pass the day here?"

"Eh? F-Father, Y-You're saying for me to stay b-by Edward-sama's s-side f-for the whole day?"

"Exactly, because then you may be able to find something about Little Edward that you can pay him back with"

"… … …! That's true!"

"So? What do you say, Lysette-chan? Do you want to stay here for a little longer?"


"That's my girl"

Seeing his daughter getting more excited and acting without caring about her position was enough to put a happy smile on Hamilton's face as he patted her head.




After talking to her father, Lysette went to talk with Edward, who was currently in his family's library organizing some of the books and documents.

"Eh? You'll be spending the whole day here, Lysette-sama?"

"Yes, Edward-sama. As your fiancée, I must be able to assist you in any of your assignments, and… It is also for me to find a way to repay you properly…"

"You don't need to repay me though"

"Edward-sama, I insist! Let me repay you properly for everything you did for me!"

"… If you ask me like that, I can't possibly refuse you…"

Unable to refuse his cute fiancée's request, Edward relented with a bittersweet smile as he looked at the beaming Lysette who could now pass the entire day with him. But he still did find one problem with her request.

"… Erm, Lysette-sama"

"Yes, Edward-sama?"

"… This might sound rude, but… Do you plan on spending the whole day on those clothes?"

"Hm?… … …!"

Lysette was initially confused by Edward's question, but when she looked down and saw that she was still wearing the night dress lent to her by Nanako, she was flooded once again by sheer embarrassment.

"E-E-E-Edward-sama! I-I-I-I w-w-will g-g-go c-c-change t-t-to m-m-my d-d-dress f-f-from y-y-yesterday!"

"Ah wait! Won't you feel uncomfortable wearing that dress for the whole day?"

"That's still better than wearing a night dress for the whole day and looking like I am just a reclusive lady who does nothing all day!"

"… But you look cute on that night dress though"

"!? P-P-P-Please s-s-stop s-saying s-such things a-a-at t-t-these times!"

As the two began a harmless argument, the library's doors were, revealing a certain someone who took eager steps towards Edward.

"Edward-sama! Here are more documents to be archived from Lord Oliver!"

"Thanks… Ah, that's right!"

Nanako showed a very bright smile as she said those words and handed the documents to Edward, which he dutifully picked, as he showed a small smile while thanking Nanako, but then he just remembered about what he was talking with Lysette.

"Nanako, can I ask something from you?"

"Of course, Edward-sama"

"Can I ask you to lend some of your clothes to Lysette-sama again? This time one of your uniforms, just so that she can have something comfortable and… Not controversial?… for the day?"

"… Of course, Edward-sama! But…"


"…" *Lowers her head*

Without saying anything, Nanako simply lowered her head in a very familiar way that Edward had become used to, since he was the one who taught Nanako to do that.

"*Sigh* You really like headpats, Nanako"

"You're the one who always head-patted me, Edward-sama"

That was the unspoken signal from Nanako that she wanted a headpat from Edward for her good work, something that he would always give to her even if she didn't ask or refused to accept (at least initially). And of course, as always, Lysette felt a bit jealous from seeing Nanako receiving headpats from Edward. Still, she didn't say anything because she felt that if she asked for headpats as well, she would only cause herself to feel angry for making Edward pamper her even more than he already had.

"Thank you as always, Edward-sama. Now, Lysette-sama, can you come with me? I might need to make some adjustments to my spare uniform to have them fit you"

"! Yes, Edward-sama. If you excuse me"

"I'll bring Lysette-sama back to you once she finishes having her clothes changed"

"*Nods* Have a nice time, you two"

Lysette respectfully bowed down to Edward before following after Nanako, who looked at her with her usual friendly smile, but Lysette could see a bit of smugness on her smile as well, from having just received headpats from Edward. Once the two were at the door, Nanako opened it and gestured for Lysette to go in front, which she did so with Nanako following right after her as she closed the library's door.




Lysette and Nanako were both inside the dressing room assigned for the female "interns," Lysette was already dressed in one of Nanako's spare uniforms, with Nanako making some minor adjustments to it to make them more comfortable with Lysette.

"… And done! What do you think, Lysette-sama?"

"… *Spins to the left*… *Spins to the right*… It feel pretty nice, Nanako-san. Thank you, and sorry for troubling you by lending me one of your spare uniforms"

"Don't worry about it, Lysette-sama. Is there any place that you're feeling uncomfortable?"

"… Well, the area around my shoulder feels a bit tight, and I would prefer a slightly longer skirt. But besides these two problems, I have none"

"I see… Hmm… Maybe I should call Camilla-san for help, she was the one who made the uniform after all"

Then just as Nanako said that the dressing room's door was open, followed by Camilla making her entrance.

"Ara. Did someone just call my name?"

"Ah! Camilla-san!… … … Huh? Why are you here a this time?"

"Edward-sama told me that he asked you to lend one of your uniforms to Lysette-sama, and he asked me to come help you two if had any problems"

"I-I see…"

Both Lysette and Nanako shyly smiled at hearing that from Camilla.

"Fufu, you two must be feeling pretty happy at hearing how much Edward-sama cares for both of you, right?"

" "! I-It's not like that!" "

At Lysette and Nanako's simultaneous embarrassed reply, Camilla just made a gentle and amused laugh at seeing the two lovestruck girls.

"Fufu, anyways. Nanako, please step aside for a moment and look closely at how I do it"

"! Yes!"

Doing as Camilla said, Nanako stepped aside and allowed Camilla to approach Lysette, who she began closely inspecting and measuring, after repeatedly doing so for a few minutes, Camilla nodded as she now knew what changes she needed to do.

"Lysette-sama, could you take your clothes so that I work on them?"

"Of course"

This time it was Lysette who did as Camilla asked, as she took off the uniform lent to her and handed it to Camilla who immediately began modifying the necessary areas. And so after an hour, Camilla finished making the necessary changes and handed the clothes back to Lysette.

"So how does it feel now, Lysette-sama?"

"… *Spins around*… It feels more comfortable than before"

"*Nods* That's great to hear. So now you have a pair of clothes to wear for the day, right Lysette-sama?"

"That is correct"

"That's good, so may I ask you what you plan on doing from now on?"

"Ah!… Well… I… I plan on assisting Edward-sama on his task today… So that I can learn more about him"

"I see… !"

Hearing Lysette's honest and embarrassed response, Camilla made an amused and happy expression, then she glanced at Nanako who was currently revising everything that she had shown her, which caused Camilla to come up with an idea.

"Nee, Nanako, Lysette-sama, do you two wanna hear a little secret technique to make Edward-sama feel really happy?"

" "! Y-Yes! W-We want to!" "

"Good, good, so when you two find him, make sure to greet him nicely, and then follow it up with a 'how may I serve you today, Goshujin-sama?' while making a curt bow"

" "…" "

Upon hearing Camilla's advice, the two girls remained silent in confusion at how those few words would make Edward feel happy, but the other thing they were confused about was how she knew about that.

"Hm… Camilla-san, how do you know that?"

"*Gently smiles* Nanako… One thing you might not be aware of Edward-sama yet is that he's very similar to his father in terms of likes and dislikes"

" "?" "

"Fufu, you two will understand what I mean by that soon enough. But if you two can excuse me right now, I have other assignments I need to attend to, so please forgive me for my sudden exit"

With that, Camilla bowed to the two girls and then left the dressing room as she gently closed the door, leaving the confused Lysette and Nanako to ponder what she meant by that. However, their eagerness to see Edward as soon as possible, made the two throw that concern to the back of their minds as they both left the dressing room to find Edward.




"Let's see, I already organized all of the documents as of now, I already checked the storage room, and I already helped Father in calculating some of the budget expenses, so that means now I need to… … … Help take care of the horses"

Edward was walking down the corridor as he mentally noted what assignments he had already finished for now, and having reminded himself what he needed to do now, he was about to make his way to the stables. But, before he could do so…

" "Edward-sama!" "

"! Lysette-sama, Nanako, how can I help you two? !!"

His two fiancées called him from behind, making him turn as he asked them such a question. Then he saw Lysette wearing a maid uniform, just like Nanako, which caused him to make a surprised face as he became silent.

"E-Edward-sama? W-What d-do you think? D-Does it f-fits me?"

"… … … I think I am awakening to some weird kink"


"Nothing! I meant that you look adorable in that uniform, Lysette-sama!"


"You also look really good in your uniform as always, Nanako!"

"… … … Ehehehe!"

When the two received compliments from Edward, they couldn't help but feel embarrassed, but they also couldn't stop themselves from making dumb happy smiles with that simple action from Edward. Then the two still having Camilla's words in their minds, glanced at each other and nodded. They both deeply breathed in and calmed themselves down before repeating the exact words that Camilla taught them as they curtly bowed down while slightly raising their skirts.

" "'How may I serve you today, Goshujin-sama?" "


All that Edward could do was feel lightning striking him, in his precious place, when he saw his two cute fiancées doing that in front of him. What Lysette and Nanako had done wasn't anything too special nor different from a usual greeting, but Edward couldn't help himself from feeling a weird excitement at seeing the two greeting him like that. So much was his excitement that he ended up moving without thinking.

"…" *Gently holds Lysette's cheeks*

"Eh? !?"

Before Lysette could react, Edward kissed her on the lips, getting her completely by surprise, and turning her completely silent as her face turned beet red.

"! H-Hey! That's-"

"…" *Gently holds Nanako's cheeks*

"Eh? !?"

Nanako just like Lysette, was unable to react to Edward suddenly kissing her on the lips, and just like her, Nanako's face had also turned beet red. Having kissed the two, Edward hugged them at the same time, only making them even more surprised.

"Lysette-sama, Nanako, please don't say that to anyone else but me, okay?"

" "Y-Yesh!…" "




Then for a second time, Edward kissed the two on the lips again in the same manner as the first one, then he gave his two fiancées a third kiss each.


"… What are you teaching those two?"

From behind a corner, a man and a woman were watching the three openly flirting in the middle of the hallway. Those two were Edward's father, Oliver, and the head maid Camilla.

"Hm? I just hinted at them on how to perk up Edward. Or do you have a problem in me helping them on how to get more along… Goshuji-sama?"

"… … … Please keep that only for the night"

"Fufu, as you wish, my dear lord"

Camilla gently grasped Oliver's right hand and held it in a very intimate manner.

"… Haa, fine, you win. But let's first go to my office so that we can have a bit more privacy"

"Mm! *Nods*"

With that Oliver and Camilla left the scene to do something very similar to what Edward was doing to Lysette and Nanako.

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