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Chapter 3: The Last Days- Part 2

"Pardon?", asked the old lady.

"Didn't you hear me the first time? Do you have shit stuck in that ears of yours? I said to shut up." Alex scowled back at her, "All you been doing the nag and nag! Don't you have anything else to do?"

The old hag was totally baffled and taken back after seeing the sudden change in his attitude. He took out a cigarette from his new packet of the cigar box and placed on his lip. Then he took out his lighter from his jacket pocket and lit his cigarette. After taking a deep puff from his cigarette, he had calmed himself down.

"How dare you speak like that? Do you talk to your mother the same way! Did they naught teach you manners?", asked the angry old hag. Her face had been swelled red in anger. It seemed her dentures would have jumped out from her mouth any second.

But soon after Alex heard mentioning about his parents, he became a little sad.

He took another puff from his cigarette and exhaled at the hags face.

"How preposterous! What a reprehensible man!", shrieked out old hag.

He laid back on his office chair and glanced at the ceiling with a sorrowful look.

"I am an orphan so I never had the opportunity to converse with them, my parents I mean. I was left outside the church gate when I was an infant, like a typical old fashioned orphan baby from movies. Hahaha", he tried to laugh it out but then he let out a sigh.

"So you don't have parents, Now I see why you act so spoilt and arrogant. Who even gave you this position? I need to give them an earful.", replied back the old hag.

Alex was totally taken back with her response.

Most people would sympathize with him after they hear his story. It's not like he yearns for peoples sympathy but the old hag was typically, just insulting more without any remorse.

"You really are a demon, aren't you? Do you even have a heart in that soggy breast of yours? Were you perhaps an Ex-Nazi soldier?", asked surprised Alex.

"Watch your tongue!", yelled the angry old lady, "Call the Manager! Call him here at once."

After they stirred quite a commotion, the manager had to abandon his flirting and came rushing to Alex's desk.

"Good evening, madam. How may I help you?", asked the manager like a typical manager from restaurants.

The old lady in a furious tone,

"This arrogant man here has -"

"No! This good for nothing hag been torturing me mentally for a long time!", Alex butted in and started to place his complaints, instead.

"Huh? What?", said the perplexed manager.

Alex continued,

"This hag been pestering to make an account for mere 2 bucks. A new account for just 2 bucks? Are you crazy?! Just put that in some piggy bank, instead. Also to open her new account she bought her school ID card as her identity and address proof! Look at this photo! Even when she was young, she looked totally evil. See those menacing eyes in that photo! It's like she took this photo right after she murdered someone. Please throw this hag out of this bank, this instant! You should even ban her from every other bank as well. I already missed my lunch break because of her! And you!", he said as he pointed at the manager.

"Despite being married to a wealthy girl, you had screwed with every girl in this office! All my age I wasn't able to land a single girlfriend and you despite being 10 years older, you been flirting and cuddling with all the woman so boldly! Can't you have a little more sentiments for the adult single men such as myself! I am really, really fed up with this shit."

Both the hag and the manager were baffled and even the other customers started to crowd around his desk.

Alex took another puff from his cigarette and exhaled it upwards in the air.

The old hag was first to burst up in anger,

"There is a limit to how rude you can be! I shall bring my son here and close this bank for good. For your information, he is a reputable lawyer. Just you wait!"

The old hag got up from her seat to make an exit.

The manager tried to persuade her but wasn't able to do a thing. The hag had left the bank, finally.

Soon the manager came back to Alex's desk in a furious manner,

"That's it! You were doing a poor job before but I was kind enough to turn a blind eye and let you keep this job. But now you crossed the line! First, you insult me with all these blatant lies and then you also insult the customers and has the audacity to smoke inside the office. You are fired! Get out of the office this instant!", screamed out the angry manager.

Alex looked back at the manager with scornful eyes. He then pulled off his tie and placed it on the table.

"Shove your job up in your ass for all I care! I was about to quit, anyway."

"What has gotten into you? Why are you acting this way!?", asked the baffled manager.

To his question Alex gave him a bright cheerful smile,

"This is the real me! Sitting office was never my style. Welp, catch you later, Japan is calling me!", responded Alex.

Alex picked his stuff and started to leave the office.

The customers and his fellow colleagues started to gossip as they watch this drama unfold in front of them.

"Suit yourself! Don't come running back when you need the job, next time.", said the manager.

Just when Alex was about to leave through the office doors, he stopped and turned back towards the Manager. On one hand, he was carrying a box filled his belongings and from the other, he took out his phone from his pockets. He again started to fiddle on his phone's screen for some seconds before putting it back in his pockets.

He turned towards the door with a chuckle,

"Yo manager-san! A great calamity will be falling upon you. The road ahead would be a harsh one but I know you can manage it. You are the manager after all. Hahaha!" said Alex as he bid farewell and exited the building.

"What does that mean? Alex?", shrieked out the manager.

Alex left the bank premises and walked down the street heading to his apartment. He had a bright cheerful smile on his face than ever before. Before he stopped in front of a busy road. He wanted to cross the road but the signal to cross was still red.

Alex had been collecting photos of the manager's scandalous act on his phones. He just posted everything on his social site as well as some videos. Even linked the video on the bank's social network page, etc.

While waiting to cross the road, he placed his box down on the ground. And once again opened his phone. The notification of his recently uploaded video was stirring a lot of buzz so he turned off the notification from the app. Then he dialed one of his friends.

"Yo, Aaron! How's it going?... Everything is great! A little too great!... Listen to this good news! I am heading to Japan, after all, baby!... Just won the lottery and I gathered all the money before time! Sounds crazy, right? I guess Japan is calling me. And I would finally be able to go to this comic-con to meet my favorite mangaka! Hahaha!... Also, remember to grab a ticket for your's truly in the theatres for the new movie!..."

He wholeheartedly gossiped with his fellow otaku friend, Aaron. Who also was a hardcore otaku like Alex and currently he was living in Japan. He smuggled his way inside Japan and settled there through some shady means. Now he works in some restaurant for a living.

Some weebs don't even know there's a line that you shouldn't cross.

But that was to expect as they both would never leave the life of manga and anime for anything.

They both were close friends and also made collab comics. Alex was the illustrator and Aaron was the writer. They even participated in the comic con festivals that took in the cities of Huskor. They were really inspired by the culture of mangas through Japan.

Alex especially loved the anime of his favorite manga which was about to get another movie adaptation. The first screening of the movie would be in Japan cinemas. Hence he has been collecting money to watch this movie in Japan as well as meet the mangaka of his favorite manga.

He had been drawing a lot of fan arts related to characters of his favorite shows that he wanted to show to the mangaka first hand.

Now that he won a lottery he had collected a lump sum of money take a tour in Japan.

The signal to the crosswalk turned green and Alex picked up his box. He was still busy discussing with Aaron on the phone as he crossed the road. It had been a long time since Alex had talked with Aaron, so they had many things to catch up to.

There were loud honking sounds and people screaming down the roads. Alex didn't hear the commotion and continued to cross the lane.

There was truck filled carrying fishes had run out of control. The truck had smashed around the cars and people that it came in front of it. It was straight headed towards Alex. The truck driver honked continuously so the people would be alerted beforehand.

Just when Alex noticed the honking had gotten louder but it was already too late. At that moment if Alex if could have tried to jump aside by his reflexes he still could have dodged the truck. But he wasn't able to do that because his hands were full. On one hand, he had a box filled with his belongings and on the other hand, he was holding his phone.

The speeding truck sped towards Alex while pushing aside other vehicles halted in the signal on its path. It marched towards Alex like a fierce metal beast pouncing on its prey.

Alex froze to his ground in shock after he saw the marching truck which was just 3 meters away from him.

Froze in fear he let out few words,

"Eh? Truck-sama?" he said.

Which was also his last words.

At least his last words in the earth realm.

HomelessDancer HomelessDancer

Sorry for the delay!

And thanks for reading!

Please leave me some feedback if you have time to spare!

Have a nice day!

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