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Chapter 12: Brothel Life

On the very day that Fohion would walk into the Ironheart House of Bliss for the very first time, the brothel that he now owned, the day began as it always did for the elven sex workers who lived in the establishment.

There were two distinct groups of elves who worked in the infamous brothel. The first group, which was certainly the group of lesser importance to the day-to-day operations of the brothel, were the male elves who lived in the building's basement.

They awoke first, before the sun rose into the morning sky, and began to do maintenance work on the building, prepare meals for the elves who actually made money, and did a number of other things to make life easier for the female elves living in the building.

The second group was the group that enticed visitors to the building; the female elves who were employed as sex workers and were also catered to by the male elves dwelling in the basement.

This group of elves was one of the most diverse groups of elves living in the city, consisting of almost every kind of elf from dark elves to wood elves, and lacked only the rarest kinds of elves such as the noble caste of "High elves" and the distant sea elves who dwelled in the oceans and deepest rivers of the world.

This group woke up not much later than their male counterparts. That probably owed itself to a strange quirk of the business and how they did business; many of the male elves were once female elves whose gender had been shifted through the usage of magical drafts.

And, very importantly, the reverse was also true; some of the female elves had once been male elves who had imbibed arcane brews and had their gender magically transformed.

Shortly after awakening, long before Fohion was actually in the world for the first time, the elves began their day by welcoming the first of the human clientele into their establishment. And with that, their day began in earnest.

A day they had awoken believing would be filled with nothing more than the usual debauchery, and certainly nothing as remarkable as the arrival of a new Ironheart. And to their surprise, they were destined to forever remember today as the beginning of a strange new age.


The journey to the brothel was an easy-going one.

My ultra-charged mind was aware of every facet of the powers I possessed as a potent living god, and one of the grand powers I possessed was one that made me the ultimate traveler: the mighty power known as "Planeswalker" which granted me a diverse set of interlocked powers which facilitated travel, such as omnilingualism, flight, super speed, and cosmic adaptability. By using that power, combined with "Subtle" I was able to easily navigate the busy city.

The city, once the capital of a fallen elven kingdom, was a vast and sprawling metropolis. It was filled with hundreds of thousands of people, of all sorts, and of all alignments.

I could sense them, and their thoughts were as readily obvious to me as they were to themselves. And with every passing second the potency of "Eternal Ascension" allowed me to sense more and more, and further and further. Though that was not the power of mine that quickly established itself as my favorite.

No, rather than "Eternal Ascension" standing out to me, the power that truly stood out was the potent "Power Architect" power that I possessed. "Power Architect" was a potent power-manipulation power that allowed me to do things like bestowing superpowers, taking them away, and even modifying their potency.

With it, I could even grant myself new powers! I had made healthy use of this incredible power over the course of the last few minutes to grant myself a range of new abilities, especially ones related to disease and illness.

As I made my way deeper and deeper into the city I utilized my new powers. I wasn't incredibly aggressive with them, as I wanted to have fun and take my time spreading the Blacklight virus throughout this world rather than mercilessly and immediately infecting everything and everyone I could.

Now that I was armed with greater awareness and with a much firmer hold over my powers I wanted to take time to master my abilities and spread out my focus. The Blacklight virus was one facet of myself and it was one of my ultimate weapons, I could use it sparingly and still attain tremendous results.

I relaxed my mind as I drew closer and closer to the strange brothel I had somehow "inherited". As my mind relaxed I immediately felt it begin to swim with information from all around me. At the moment even if I closed my eyes I could utilize my other senses to draw a powerfully detailed and accurate mental map of the city.

The vast city was an exciting playground that I intended to turn into a den of sin and my own personal palace of pleasure.

It sat directly at the heart of the world, as far as elven-human relations go, and on one side of it stood a vast, somewhat unified region of human-ruled states, and on the other side sat an enormous, unified elven theocracy where each person in power was some sort of elven worshipper of the strange mother-goddess that the elven clerics I had corrupted minutes ago worshiped.


It seemed that the sole, true threat this world may have in store for me was the place's creator goddess. She was a minor divinity, at least compared to myself, but still one that was strong enough to create this universe which meant that she possessed at least some power.

I could have taken the easy route and utilized "Ex-Nihilo" on her, but that felt like a waste when I could instead take my time and corrupt her instead.

If I took the more challenging route and corrupted her I'd both extend the time I could spend having fun in this world, and also gain a new ally of truly immense power. That said, I didn't have to start off alone.

As I made my way deeper and deeper into the city, crawling ever closer to the brothel I had inherited I began to activate one of the more directly fearsome powers I possessed.

With but a thought I activated "Omnikinesis", a powerful ability that allowed me to manipulate energy, space, time, matter, quantum particles, and more. And as I did, the smile that was stuck to my face grew wider and wider.


With the activation of "Omnikensis" Fohion began to do something no one aside from the universe's creator had ever been able to do to the universe; he began to modify it. The powerful living god took control of the space beyond the sole world that the universe's creator had hand-designed, and he began to tweak it.

The space outside of the world, and the universe's very few celestial bodies such as its sole star and moon, consisted of a vast void. Or at least it had until Fohion began to exert his will on the custom-crafted universe.

His foul will infected the previously empty space beyond the one planet the mini-universe possessed, and he began to create something that this universe hadn't been intended to host; an abyss.

Abysses were nightmare realms of chaos and evil. They were the potent, foul, fecund pits from which demons spawn, and where the souls of chaotic evil individuals were naturally and irresistibly lured upon their deaths. Fohion, in an act of true maliciousness and hatred, was creating one in the beating, metaphysical heart of the universe he had invaded.

The abyss quickly began to take shape and began to spew corruption and evil outward, in the direction of the tiny planet where the goddess watched all of the lives she had either created or allowed to exist as excitedly as a voyeur might watch the victims of her subtle spying.

The dimension's external manifestation in the central universe it was a part of was akin to a white hole, spewing evil and hate outwards towards the weird little planet. The sinful goddess was so engrossed in her lecherous activities that she didn't even notice the sudden and concentrated evil beginning to race towards her little playground. But her servants were not so inattentive.

Angelic servitors of the goddess, located both on the planet and in the goddess's divine realm, quickly noticed when foul, purple meteorites that were surrounded by auras of sickly corruption began to rain down on various societies throughout the world. Some of the braver angels were quick to go and investigate the meteorites, and thus they quickly became the first victims of the various demons created by and loyal to Fohion.


The demons that the Abyss created were all innately infected with the Blacklight virus, which made it a very fun surprise for me when said demons were hurled at the planet, and upon landing on various parts of the world were immediately confronted by beautiful, elf-like angels. In the time after I created the foul nightmare scape known as an "Abyss", I had completed my journey to the front of the brothel, all while being treated to a number of sights.

I watched elfen angels be brought low by some of the first lifeforms I was directly responsible for creating. My demons took on a litany of forms, from massive, rock-like creatures wreathed in foul abyss-fire, to beautiful and handsome entities with eerie, bat-like wings and scorpion-like stingers. And each of the demons I had created was quick to enslave the angels that had confronted them.

I was fortunate that the angels created by the goddess were not combatants, they were primarily intended to be messengers and worshipers, not warriors or generals. Due to that weakness, they were easy for my newly created worshipers to corrupt and enthrall.

And as my demons corrupted the angels I felt their minds become linked to my own. And that brought a smile to my foul face. But now I stood in front of "my" property.

I stood in front of the door leading into a massive, multi-story building. It was a large, fairly ugly-looking thing on the outside, and despite that, it had a line of people waiting to walk into it.

There were so many people waiting to enter the brothel that the line stretched all the way around the building. I studied the sight for a second and wondered whether or not to be subtle, before ultimately deciding to reach inward and pull out the deed to the building.

I reached into myself, quite literally, by pushing one of my hands into my other arm. When I did, I saw a multitude of boxes begin to appear in my mind's eye, each of which was filled with an item of some sort.

I scanned the boxes, all while still fully indetectable due to "Subtle", until I found the box that contained the deed to the brothel. I smirked at the thing and pulled it out of the box by focusing on it and retracting my hand from my arm. When it was pulled out, the deed was in my hand.

The deed was a simple, but legally notarized piece of paper affirming that the brothel was my possession. It contained a few phrases written in this world's version of legalese, and ended by stating that the brothel and all of the sex workers who worked in it were either my possessions or my employees, and even with but a glance I could tell that the thing was perfectly aboveboard legally.

I studied the deed and made my way to the front of the line heading into the brothel before deactivating "Subtle". I did not care to wait and I didn't want to sneak into a place that I owned. I was too proud for that.

When people behind me began to protest my sudden appearance I fully ignored them and walked up to the surprisingly muscular elven warrior who served as a sort of bouncer for the place. I flashed him the deed and smiled at him.

He glared at me but turned his eyes towards the deed out of curiosity. As soon as he began to make it partway through the document his cerulean-blue eyes widened and his demeanor changed. He seemed to shrink, and he turned to face me again, with a frightened attempt at a smile plastered on his face.

"Mr. Ironheart, it's a pleasure to meet you!" He began, sheepishly. As soon as he said my last name I heard a few scattered gasps from the crowd I had just skipped, and they took a few steps back from me. I also heard a few whispered attempts at apologies, which made me smile.

"Please, sir, right this way!" The elf told me, stepping out of the way and allowing me to walk into the brothel. I stepped past him and into "My" brothel, with an enormous grin on my face. I stepped into the grand foyer of the building, and as I did I heard the strange voice that had spoken to me inside of "My warehouse" begin to speak once more.

"Alert: You have begun to acquire local worshipers, and have begun to usurp the local goddess, Nevermoor, by stealing some of her angels from her. As a result of that, your influence is growing, slowly but surely."

"As you acquire more and more influence you may begin to gain more of the things left behind by your potent ancestors, be it their black artifacts, which contain the totality of tributes offered to them and the souls of their worshipers, or even the ability to usurp their authorities and take their powers for yourself." The voice, now a somewhat familiar comrade and companion, informed me.

"Also, if you gain the loyalty of other, lesser, gods you can usurp their authorities. That includes deities such as Nevermoor, which means that if you are seeking a goal your current goal could easily be to corrupt and gain the service and worship of Nevermoor." The voice suggested, which was itself a fairly intriguing suggestion.

While I listened to the voice I heard the telepathic "voices" of a conversation occurring around me that involved me. It seemed that the male elf who was working as a bouncer for the establishment was a decent telepath, which was a pleasant surprise.

He was messaging the brothel's "Madam", who was now quite ecstatic since she could see me through potent scrying artifacts placed throughout the entire building which allowed her to see everything going on in it from "her" room, which was actually, now anyway, "my" room.

The elf began to excitedly make her way to me, an enormous grin on her face. While she did, I began to utilize my own immense psionic powers for a bit of fun, as I began to focus my keen senses on the minds of each of the elven sex workers inside of the brothel.

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