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The Phoenix of Fairytail The Phoenix of Fairytail original

The Phoenix of Fairytail

Author: LonelyTurkey

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

My name is Lucien Michaels. This is my story. Well, this is my story of ending up in another story. If that makes sense.

Originally, I was born in a small village in England to a happy family. I was a nerd. I had some friends but I much preferred reading manga or chilling in my room watching Netflix.

I could talk about how my parents were murdered when I was 12, or about my first girlfriend, my friends, my job, but I doubt you really care about any of that.

To simplify my life, I was mugged and shot afterward. Yes, that's it. No truck, or saving someone, nothing. Just 1 bullet to the gut, and I died. Not like it matters now anyway. No, what you came here for is what happened after I died. And that is what this story is about. My second life.


In a small village, on the continent of Earthland, a young blonde-haired boy awoke from sleep with a gasp.

Clutching his head, he felt the pain of familiar and unfamiliar memories mixed together as he tried to sort out what was going on.

Roughly 5 minutes later, he managed to calm down enough to realize his current situation. After his death, he appeared in a strange and indescribable place. Instead of a wise old man, or a beautiful woman, it was more like he was looking at a piece of creation. Understanding what the being wanted, despite the lack of words, Lucien wished to be reborn into the world of Fairytail along with the abilities of Marco, from the world of One Piece.

Marco's Devil Fruit, the Tori Tori no Mi: Model Phoenix was always his favorite . It may not be the strongest, or a Logia, but he always found it cool. Imagining himself with it, soaring through the skies as a flaming bird, with incredible strength and regenerative abilities, was always a fun pastime for Lucien. Now that he actually had it - and Haki as well - he was ecstatic(Technically, he wished for Marco's abilities, not just his devil fruit, so Haki is included).

Searching his memories, more specifically this time, he found that in this world his name was still Lucien Michaels. Though, from what he can remember, his looks had changed. Now, he was of above-average height(for a 10-year-old anyway), with blonde hair, and blue eyes. "I'm definitely gonna be a looker," he - arrogantly, might I add - muttered to himself.

Standing up in the old and dingy-looking room, Lucien's bright blue eyes scoured the room. He could see a small desk on one side of the room, a window above it, and, of course, the old bed he was previously resting on. Looking out of the window, he could see that the sun was just rising and the residents of the small village he appeared to be in were heading off to work.

Just then, he heard the door open behind him and a soft and gentle voice entered his ears, "Lucien, sweety, it's time to-oh, you're already awake."

Searching his memories, he recognized this kind woman as Madam Prich, the caretaker at the orphanage he has lived in for his entire life. "Good morning, Madam," he replied.

"Come now, sweetie, it's time for breakfast."

"I'll be down in a moment, Madam," he replied, almost on instinct. Madam Prich was a kind older woman who treated everyone well. She was like a mother to all the kids in the orphanage.

After she left, Lucien spent a few moments collecting himself, then got dressed and headed downstairs for breakfast with the other kids in the orphanage. Truth be told, he was excited to have a family, since he was an only child in his last life.


Roughly a week later.

After breakfast that day, Lucien had spent his time finding a secluded area in the forest nearby and practicing his abilities.

Now, standing in the middle of a clearing in the forest, Lucien took a deep breath and suddenly his arms burst into blue and yellow flames in the shape of wings. Strangely enough, the flames gave off no heat, no matter how hot they looked.

Swinging his wings forward, he shot out a blast of fire, creating a large dent in one of the trees. Satisfied with the damage of his attack, he moved on to the next part.

Taking a deep breath. In. Out. His entire body morphed into blue/yellow flames in the shape of a brilliant phoenix.

Standing on 2 talons, and as tall as 2 grown men, he was definitely an incredible sight to see. His eyes were surrounded by darker blue circles, and 3 golden chains floated behind him, connected to his tail feathers.

Stretching out his new body, the flaming phoenix crouched down before flapping his wings in a powerful motion, causing him to shoot off into the sky.

"wooohoohooo!!" Lucien screeched - even though he had been flying all week, he just couldn't get over how incredible it felt - as he flipped and spun and twisted through the sky at a speed where normal people would see nothing but a bright, blue, blur.

Flying through the sky was just such a freeing feeling. Like leaving all your worries beneath you on the ground.

Unfortunately, such a scene, even in this new world, was unusual. While some would ignore such rumors as unbelievable, a group of dark mages decided to investigate and visit the nearest village, which so happened to be the one Lucien was living in, for information. Let's just say, their way of questioning didn't involve asking kindly, which is something Lucien would find out the hard way.

After landing back on the ground, Lucien transformed back to do some more tests - strength, speed, healing(cutting his palm with a knife he stole and seeing how long it would take to heal, which was not fun and something he will not be doing again) - before he decided to head back to the village since he promised to play tag with some of the younger kids after lunch. He might have only been here for a week, but he has an entire life's worth of memories spent with these people. Plus, they grow on you after a while.

While running, Lucien thought of what to do in the future,' Joining Fairytail would be a good idea. It might be dangerous, but so is just living in this world. Plus, I definitely have powers, or technically magic, which have the potential to make me very strong, especially once I awaken my Haki. Also, most of the fairies in the anime have a lot of luck, so it seems like a good idea.'

After deciding to head out and join the Fairytail guild somewhere in the future, Lucien took off in a run towards the village.

The trees around him were just a blur of green when he suddenly looked up, only to see smoke rising high into the sky, from the direction he was headed. As a feeling of panic filled his stomach, he doubled his speed and rushed to his destination. Trees blurred past him as he ran between them, jumped over fallen logs, and ducked under low branches. He would've made a joke about Temple Run if he wasn't so worried right now.

He hoped that he was overreacting and nothing was wrong. That when he got there the kids would be waiting by the entrance to the village to play catch with him. That it would just be some bonfire creating all the smoke.

But there was too much smoke for a simple bonfire. And the feeling in his gut was telling, screaming at him that something was wrong.

What he saw when he arrived would haunt his dreams for the rest of his life.

Flames. Destruction. Bodies.

Looking around frantically, Lucien tried to stop himself from freaking out and hyperventilating.

Coming up to the gate, tears poured down his face like a waterfall as he found 4 small bodies - Jacky, Stevens, Pauly, Rodericks - on the grass, covered in blood. They were waiting for him. If he had come back sooner, maybe they would-

Cutting off that train of thought, for now, he entered the village. He could see destroyed buildings - some of which were still on fire - all around him.

Trying to ignore them, and the bodies of those he considered friends, some even family - Mary, the woman who taught him how to read and write, Joseph, the kind old man who would give him extra bread, Sarah, a woman who treated him like he was her own son after she lost her's in childbirth - who littered the streets, he rushed forwards.

He rushed to the orphanage just in time to see Madam Prich being run through with a sword, before being set on fire by someone in a dark cloak, and a mask with a strange symbol on his face.

Her screams froze Lucien as he watched the person he considered his surrogate mother burned alive. Her screams cut off when the mage took mercy - or more likely got bored - and cut Madam Prich's head off with his head.

"Aaarrggghhhh!!" Lucien screamed as he charged at the mage in question.

If he had been more clear-headed, he would've used his powers. Instead, he charged with his body and didn't notice the mage's partner sneaking up behind him.

The last thing Lucien felt was a sharp pain in the back of his head.

Then, nothing.

LonelyTurkey LonelyTurkey

This is my first attempt at writing. I know it's bad. Thanks for reading


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