/ Fantasy / The primordial of sloth

The primordial of sloth Original

The primordial of sloth

Fantasy 11 Chapters 8.1K Views
Author: bruhmancer

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There was once a demon named Vance Lancehart this demon was unlike others it didn’t have a sin it belonged to.

Each of these demons had a primordial sin they were chosen by either it be lust,wrath,pride,envy,gluttony or greed each sin with their own set of unique rules to live by.

But Vance didn’t belong to any of those so he was thought to be forsaken by the sins.

So he was tossed out banished from the kingdom of demons known as Terra Peccatorum.But other races hated demons to the bone so he couldn’t find asylum with them.

Vance was aimlessly walking down the path but thought of something and began to make an idol and pray to it little did he know this action would change his life forever.

(This is my first time writing a novel so helpful criticism would be amazing.I am also just creating this for fun so don’t expect a daily release schedule or something.I don’t own the pictures used in this novel if you own them and at any time want them removed just comment.)


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Author bruhmancer