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Chapter 135: A Schweinorg's Responsibility



Unsurprised, Hadrian did a face-palm at the latter revelation, though he did took note of the former's name.

"I guess that's gives me a legitimate reason to go after the bloody ingrate, huh?" Hadrian said in a dull tone.

"Ja, all the more. If a guy hits you, isn't it natural to hit back?" Zelretch chuckled, giving Hadrian a sense that his grandfather seemed to find the situation amusing. "Think of it this way, you're not just helping the Flamels with their society's issue, but also avenging your other self. Plus, getting rid of another filthy psycho is also good for the world, you know."

Fully convinced, Hadrian sighed as he resigned himself to his fate.

"I suppose…" He agreed, reluctant.

Knowing that he won, Zelretch laughed.

"It's a lot of work, I know, considering your main assignment. But our duty must come first."

By 'duty', his grandfather meant their roles and responsibilities as the arbiters of the world.

While most mages only look out for their self-interests, the Schweinorg family was a bit different.

Granted, they are a family of researchers and scholars in the art of businesses, politics and, secretly, magic.

But, they do have morals, making certain lines for themselves that they would not cross, at least not willingly.

Of course, this quality of Schweinorg family had caused most noble families of the Lords in their society to view them as strange, criticizing them even, but their unkind words and looks had all disappeared when a certain magician was born from their family.

Needless to say, everything changed for the Schweinorg family when his grandfather was officially recognized as a Magician.

One of the first things that Zelretch had done as a Magician was to eliminate the magi that disrespected his family.

Fresh from his battle against Crimson Moon, his grandfather hunted down every single magus that insulted the Schweinorg name, even going as far as to dissolve their family name from the Moonlit world, which had earned him the fear and notoriety among their society. The reverence came soon after once he was made as a Wizard Marshall by the Chairman of the Clock Tower himself.

The other was the establishment of what became the family's main business.

In a way, his grandfather acts like the middle man between the agents of Gaia and Alaya.

How the old magician managed such a feat, Hadrian doesn't know.

What he does know was that his grandfather had connections to higher beings that were associated to the two otherworldly beings, in which they had granted his grandfather and anyone closely related with him to be in charge of investigating unnatural events around the world and, if needed, in parallel dimensions.

It was a great responsibility that the old magician had shouldered alone without complaint, which can be unusual from someone as eccentric as Zelretch.

But, Hadrian was aware why his grandfather would do such a thing.

The old magician had always taught him to cherish the world, but to also be mindful and respectful of their race, the humans.

Zelretch has no love for most deities, though some had earned his respect and belief. But, to the earth and the mankind, it was different.

Through his words alone, it was easy to see that his grandfather regards the earth important yet was fond of humans despite their destructive nature, a strange but understandable view that Hadrian can sympathized with. Also, his grandfather's point of view might have been influenced by his time with his late grandmother, which were the family's happier memories.

Hadrian might not have met his grandmother in this life, but even he knew that she had a great influenced in how his grandfather became who he was today.

His musings came to a halt when the old magician continued his wise counsel.

"On the bright side, at least you'll get to experience and learn a lot of things in that world. Wizards and witches, their customs and way of thinking might be odd and infuriatingly grating most of the time, I can't deny that there are some things in that world that will be of help to you in the future. Even I had benefited from their plethora of knowledge in the magical arts in some way." The old magician advised sagely with a hint of a smile in his voice.

Even though his grandfather wouldn't see it, Hadrian nodded his head as he kept the old magician's words to heart.

"I will." He replied solemnly.

"Hmm, I think that should be it. We will, of course, speak more on this in the future. For now, I suggest you retire for the night and rest. You did awoken recently, and I doubt that body would be capable of being up for more than several hours in your current state." Zelretch pointed out, causing Hadrian to look at himself.

Blinking twice, the young mage realized that he was right.

Even though he didn't do anything that would deplete his energy quickly, he was feeling a bit tired, something that he would only experience after hours of constant spars with his retainers, doing rounds in the Arena within the SERAPH or if his headaches were acting up.

It was a sort of epiphany that caused Hadrian to pause in silent surprise.

Noting the lack of response, Zelretch chuckled, a deep husky noise that cut through Hadrian's thoughts.

"Enjoy your stay there, enkel, and do give those alter wichser hell."

Amused, Hadrian laughed.

"I will." He promised.

Before he could bid goodbye, his grandfather made a noise of surprise, as if realizing something.

"Ah, one other thing..." The old magician said.

Lifting a brow, Hadrian was about to ask when he saw a large tear appear in the night sky from the distance.



Regius_Sanguis Regius_Sanguis

Yeah, just think of Zelretch similar to Doctor Strange. I kind of modeled him after the latter since they're kind of similar, given their powers and eccentricities.

I hope, by giving the details in this chapter, this would you guys a different look to him. I made it so to make seem more humane and not just an eccentric old man he's infamously known to be.

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