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Chapter 2: The Ex

Professor Lee finally lets us out, after taking more than an extra 20 minutes as if we have nothing else to do as if I do not have a job that I now have to run to. Not only this, but he also gave us an assignment for next week, one that will keep me off sleep for several nights. I cannot let my grades drop, that will cost me my scholarship which will cost me a year off my studies to cover up my tuition costs.

Maddie was waiting for me outside and she seems eager to talk to me, waving a flyer at my face.

"I'm sorry babe, but I really have to go. My shift starts in less than thirty minutes, and I missed my train." I say apologetically, dragging her with me towards the exit door.

"There will be a festival this weekend, you should definitely come! It'll be fun, a night out with the gang!" She is half running beside me to keep up with my pace.

"I'll be working this weekend, unfortunately, it's my turn."

"Find someone to take it over from you, we haven't hanged out in ages!" She stops which makes me stop too and turn to face her pouting grimace.

"C'mon!" I say dragging her with me, "We hang out like … 3 weeks ago, it's not that long ago and you know how busy I am with…"

"Assignments and work, "she cuts me off "I know, I know, but you can at least grant me this weekend, please!"

"Fine, I'll try my best to take this weekend off."

She leaps at me, hugging me tightly "We'll have so much fun I promise! And I'll try to drop by later." She kisses me on the cheek before heading back to the bloc.

I finally make it to the pub I work at panting. I practically ran here.

I head directly to the staff room to arrange my stuff and get my apron; it is a red-colored one matching with all the bartenders here and it has the logo of the pub in black on its right upper corner.

"Hi Evan!" he was already behind the bar, cleaning some glasses.

"Hey you!" He smiles at me "Heard we're hosting a birthday party tonight so it's going to be busy for a weekday."

I sigh tired "That's all that was missing from my day! By the way, I was going to ask you if you can take this weekend's shift for me." I look at him with my puppy eyes which I am sure looks nothing close to the face I actually want to make.

"Sorry but that won't work this time, I'm visiting my parents for the weekend."

I feel a stinging feeling in my chest, I miss my mother and I have not seen her since the starting of this college year. Since my father's death, I have been trying to be fully independent financially and I have been taking up as many shifts as I can so that I can cover all my costs. I have to admit that I am quite the gourmand, I spend most of my money on food, I like me a fine meal once a while and I also need to keep in my mind that I might find myself with no scholarship which is why I keep saving almost half of my paycheck.

"You can ask Cindy though I bet she's free."

Cindy is our fourth bartender; our shifts always have two bartenders at a time, but Cindy hates me for a reason that I truly ignore.

"She won't take it even if she is. But can you ask her for me please!"

"You two should get over whatever nonsense you have, and you should ask her yourself, she'll hate you even more if you send me."

I must admit he is right, let us hope there is still a little good in her towards me, she has tomorrow's shift so maybe I'll drop by and that would be the best time to ask her.

The shift has been going well so far, the birthday people did not come yet so it has been quiet. Maddie joined me as promised thirty minutes ago, she is all dressed up, this girl is the life of a party, she brings joy with her wherever she goes, and I bet she will go celebrating with those birthday people once they arrive.

"Here they come!" Evan announces as a group of people enters the pub and to my surprise, Clinton was with them, his arm was wrapped around a curly-haired girl. She is beautiful, she is wearing a long-sleeved short dress with red flowers prints all over it, or maybe it is cherries, I cannot really tell at this distance and with this light, but she is stunning. They head directly towards the reserved area and out of my sight, thankfully he did not see me.

I was taking out a bottle of gin from the shelf when I hear a loud but awkward "Hey". I turn around to see Clinton standing by the bar, next to Maddie. She was glaring at him.

"Hi" I simply smile not knowing what else to say.

"How are you doing? I didn't think you would be working tonight with exams coming up and all."

"Well, here I am." I avoid responding to his first question, it will not change anything anyway.

His girlfriend joins us, wrapping her arms around him "Can you please make sure to bring us the cake after the drinks, my friend dropped it over earlier."

"Sure!" I smile at her, or I try my best.

I have no feelings left for him, that is for sure, but it still bothers me the way he has moved on and living happily without me, a life I was once part of.

He orders their drinks then heads back to the group.

"I hate him! How can you act this way around him? 'I didn't think you'd be working tonight' my ass," Maddie mimics his voice in the most horrible way "there are hundreds of other pubs they could've gone to but he chose this one."

"C'mon Maddie, we ended it on good terms, it does not have to always be bad."

"You didn't end it on good terms!"

Thankfully, Evan joins us, so she stops ranting.

"Wasn't that Clinton?" he asks following him with his gaze.

"Yeah, the asshole." Maddie answers before me and I glare at her.

"I'll prepare their drinks, but can you take it to them?" I ask him, I do not want to go there and see him again, I've had my dose of awkwardness for the night.

"Yea, sure." He pats me on the back then joins another customer waiting.

"Seriously Isla, stop being like this!"

"Maddie please…"

"No you listen to me, that guy cheated on you, you don't have to be cool about it. You deserve better than that and he should know."

"Maddie please, our relationship was nonexistent by that time, none of us was brave enough to admit it though."

"No, you were still together! You barely talking and hanging out does not give him the right to treat you that way. Isla life is too short to be passive, speak up for yourself do something."

"Maddie I have to work, now is not the time to have this talk."

She turns her back at me without any other word and I turn back to preparing the drinks Clinton requested but I could not help but think about what she just said. Maybe she is right, maybe I am too passive, maybe I should have done something, maybe I should stop being this way.

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