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Chapter 4: Boundless Friendship

*With Treyvon… Treyvon's P.O.V*

I hesitantly walked to my own room. I was still a little worried about Andrew and Christina's private conversation. However, I know Christina is strong, so she should be able to take care of herself. I changed into some comfortable clothes and called William to my room.

"William, can you come with me to the field?" I asked him.

"Of course," he agreed, nodding his head. When we arrived at the field, we saw a man shooting arrows.

"Hello, Anthony," I called out to him. He turned to me and smiled.

"Good morning, Treyvon," he greeted.

"So, Anthony," William started. "How long have you been out here?"

"Not long," Anthony answered. "I came here a little early to practice my shooting."

"You still don't go out into the forest to hunt the animals?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Never," he answered. "I do not target animals unless it is necessary, like hunting for resources. Personally, I do not enjoy hurting creatures for fun." I nodded in understanding.

"If you are against harming other things, why did you decide to be a knight? A great one, at that," William questioned. "Wouldn't it bother you to injure or possibly end the life of someone else?" Anthony stood quietly for a second, wondering how he should phrase his answer. Then he smiled.

"A wise man like you, William, should know that our king does not get involved in wars for no-good reasons," Anthony explained. "He's an intelligent, peaceful king. He treats his people fairly and rules with a firm but kind attitude. If danger comes to destroy the peace he has created, I will defend him with honor. I choose to fight for a reason, rather than attack just because there is an opportunity."

I nodded at his words. He was truly a man to look up to, just like William. I only wished Andrew would be willing to listen to the wise lessons that lie in the people who he believes are inferior.

"Well now, it is time for your practice, Treyvon," Anthony told me, picking up his sword from a nearby tree. "Are you ready?"

I nodded my head and got into a defensive stance. In a few seconds, I had Anthony charging at me. I had no worries, though. Years of practice of dueling with him - and even William - had made me an opponent to be reckoned with.

*With Christina… Christina's P.O.V*

I am so glad I do not have a guard. I was surprised that Andrew even said that, although I shouldn't be since I have seen how he truly is. I still cannot believe he is related to a kind family like the one he has. Speaking of family, I am starting to feel a little homesick. I had never actually thought that I would be completely happy marrying another prince since I will never be graced with the opportunity to choose my own groom. Now that I am forced to be with Andrew, life has taken a much dreadful turn for the worst. However, I cannot back out of the marriage because it is an agreement of peace and healthy relations of trading and other things between the South and North Kingdoms. It is as if I am a representative of my family. As long as I prove to be a useful wife and queen, things will remain peaceful.

I walked to my room, contemplating on writing a letter to my family. What could I tell them that would be good? Andrew had proved to be a very controlling man. To top it off, he hates many people… including his own family. I cannot even imagine raising a family with him. I sat at my vanity and pulled out a paper and a utensil to write with. Somehow, I could not bring myself to write anything. My parents needed me to marry Andrew for the sake of peace and connections to trade valuable resources. If I refuse this marriage, I could jeopardize the relations that have been occurring for decades. I crumbled up the paper and walked to my balcony. I had to be strong. For my home and for my family.

As the cool breeze played with my hair, I thought about Andrew's idea. A guard. He believed I needed a guard. I crossed my arms. I was far from a child, and he knows that. He was probably afraid of me leaving the North Kingdom. Maybe if you were a good husband, I would not wish to leave.

I walked to my balcony, leaning on the rail and daydreaming about the future until I heard clinging sounds. I looked down to see two men sword fighting. Such skill. I watched for a while until I noticed one of them looked familiar. I squinted at the scene until I could make out the two duelers. It was Treyvon! I did not know who his opponent was, but I could see William sitting under a tree reading a book while watching bits of the fight. So that's where he went.

I continued watching the show. After five minutes, I had observed that Treyvon was very determined and strong. He also, however, was a clean fighter. He never went for a dirty shot to gain an advantage over his opponent. That made me turn to thoughts about his brother. I am sure Andrew is not a clean fighter. He is willing to do anything to gain the upper hand. Then I smacked myself in the head. Why was I comparing them? I was stuck with Andrew so I will just have to learn how to deal with his qualities.

I looked down to see that Treyvon and his opponent had stopped their match. They seemed like they were taking a break, so I quickly headed down to the field to get a closer look. I walked out of my room and went down some hallways.

"Where are you going, Princess Christina?" a guard asked me.

"Oh, I'm going out to the field," I told him.

I quickly walked past him so he wouldn't ask any additional questions or offer to guard me. I opened the large, rear door and was greeted with vast, emerald grass decorated with vivid-colored flowers. It was truly a sight to behold. However, I didn't have time to admire the flowers, for I had to find Treyvon and William. I had been so bored inside the castle, and I needed something to do or someone to talk to.

A few minutes later, I found the three men in the same area as before. The break seemed to be over because the clashing of swords could be heard in the air. I quickly walked over to William, who was reading and sat down beside him. Not wanting to interrupt William's concentration, I silently watched Treyvon and the stranger's match. The servant put his book down and looked at me.

"Am I not worthy of conversation, princess?" he inquired. My eyes grew wide since he caught me so off guard.

"Oh, no," I said to him quickly. "You were reading, so I didn't want to bother you." He gave me a small smile.

"I know, princess," William said. "I was merely joking, so you do not have to become so flustered. But I am grateful that you were polite enough to let me finish my chapter." I smiled at his friendliness.

"You're welcome," I told him. Then I looked at Treyvon's opponent. "…Who is the man Treyvon is currently fighting?" William's gray eyes glanced at the stranger momentarily.

"Oh, his name is Anthony," he informed me. "He is an excellent knight of this kingdom, and he trains Treyvon in sword fighting."

"Well, Treyvon seems like a highly skilled fighter," I admired. "How long has he trained?"

"Many years," William answered. "Since he was a young boy, he wanted to know how to handle a sword like a true knight." I looked back at Treyvon, trying to imagine him as a little boy dreaming to be a knight and laughed to myself.

*Treyvon's P.O.V*

Somehow Christina had managed to slip into my training session unnoticed. I wasn't complaining, but I was surprised that she would even be interested in watching. I should've known she would be different from other girls. Everything about her has been different. The way she helps others without a second thought, how she stands up to Andrew when he is overbearing, and she is very considerate of others. Maybe her kindness will balance Andrew's harsh attitude when they are married.

The wedding would probably be in a month or two, but it still seemed ephemeral to me. Being married to a complete stranger must be a tough task to deal with. What if you don't love the one you are matched with? You'd just be stuck with someone you don't care for and be unhappy for the rest of your life. It would be a tragic case, surely. My mind wandered back to Christina. Did she love Andrew? Could she possibly learn to get used to him? How would things work out?

I glanced at Christina. It was a bold move, considering Anthony was currently battling me, but the sight was worth it. She was absolutely stunning in her blue dress while she sat gracefully in the grass. I tried to focus back on the match, but my brain had other ideas. My eyes flew back to her and I saw her smile. Her smile is the most beautiful thing I've seen in my life. She hasn't smiled a lot since Andrew has probably caused her so much stress, but I felt blessed to be graced with the image.

I looked back at Anthony and began blocking strikes that were flying at me like a fierce wind. He probably noticed that I slowed down, so he's probably trying to keep my attention. I tried to ignore the princess sitting not too far away, so I could focus on ending the training match.

Then, it happened. I heard her laugh, and it captured my senses. It was as soft as a smooth melody from the finest orchestra. It was clear and true, different from the uptight, fake chuckles that were shared at fancy parties in the castle when the other royal families visited. My head immediately turned to see the source of the heavenly sound, and I made eye contact with Christina. Again, her smiled captured me. Her smile was contagious because, for some reason, I had a smile on my face too. Something about her was just too magnificent to ignore.

Distracted, I loosened the grip on my sword. It was too late when I had finally noticed that Anthony had struck the weapon fiercely out of my hand… and it flew straight at Christina. In a split second, I almost had a severe heart attack. Thankfully, William caught it just in time. I let out a sigh of relief and ran up to the princess.

"My apologies, Christina," I said to her. "That was my mistake." She shook her head and smiled again. My heart fluttered.

"You gave me quite a scare, Treyvon," she admitted. "But I accept your apology." I held out a hand to her and lifted her from the grass.

"You are an excellent fighter," she told me. "I am very impressed with your skills." Hearing her compliment me made me feel elated that she even noticed the effort I put into training.

"Thank you," I told her. "I'm glad I could entertain you. Usually, though, I'm not as clumsy as the moment you just witnessed." I gave a short chuckle to hide my slight embarrassment.

"You seemed distracted before, Treyvon," William pointed out. "What caught your attention? You're usually very focused."

I turned to him just in time to see him glance at me, to Christina, then back to me. My breath caught in my throat. What was he insinuating? Anthony looked at William, nodded his head, and then looked at me with a smirk on his face. To my chagrin, I realized that they thought I was too busy staring at Christina to pay attention. I looked down at my shoes. I was merely glancing, not staring…right?

"That is it for today," Anthony announced. "Maintain your health and keen senses." He sat down next to William and they began to converse to themselves. I decided to have a small conversation with Christina.

"So… how have things been for you here?" I asked her. I almost cringed at my own question. This very morning, Andrew tried to tie her to a guard! Who would be happy after that?

"Well, it has been decent," she answered slowly. "There are more people to know and get used to. And I have to be married…" She trailed off softly, in deep thought.

"Getting to know people can be fun," I told her. "However, I cannot tell you how being forced into a marriage is. I've never experienced such a case. Andrew is ecstatic to be married, though."

"And you?" she asked me. "Would you liked to be married anytime soon?" I paused. I had never given thought to having a bride before. Sure, I knew people married when they are older, but I've never looked for anything that is connected to marriage.

"…Not anytime soon," I informed Christina. "I know I will need a family in the future, but I need time to figure things out." She nodded her head.

"I just wish I could choose my groom," she said sadly. "I am not fond of courting strangers." Her brown eyes cast downward. In empathy, put my arm over her shoulder and hugged her.

"I will help you become comfortable here," I said to her. "I know all of these people like the back of my hand." She laughed and I did too.

"I'm serious, Christina," I added. "From the castle to the end of the North Kingdom territory, I know everyone."

" Andrew doesn't want me to interact with the village people," Christina added. "They are very nice, so I think he is just being ridiculous." I nodded my head.

"I agree," I told her. "But Andrew's opinions differ from mine, and I will respect that."

"I know, but…," she started. Then she looked up at me intently with her soft, brown eyes. "Don't you believe people are more than their titles?" she continued. "That they are worth more than the crown on their head or the rags on their backs. Everyone in this kingdom works together to make it as strong as it is. Everyone needs each other."

I just nodded my head, amazed at her sight of things. Not only was she beautiful on the outside, but she had a stunning personality to match. Andrew's stubbornness was making him miss out on the gift right in front of him. Couldn't he see how intelligent and kind she is? How her heart is made of pure gold? He was blind and she needed someone who could see all the goodness in her as I see it.

"So are you suggesting that she should be with you since you are not blind?" my heart spoke. I moved my arm away from Christina, startled by my own conscience. She looked at me confused, but I assured her nothing was wrong.

"I need to go back to the castle," I explained. I told Anthony and William of my planned departure and quickly left the field. I went all the way to my room and locked the door behind me. Now alone, I sat on my bed and started thinking about earlier.

Why would I even suggest Christina being with me? I'm not looking for a bride, and she is Andrew's future wife! I thought about the time she came to my room to apologize on Andrew's behalf. I held her hand and my mind wandered to thoughts of saving her from a possibly loveless marriage. Why was this suddenly happening? There was only one possible way to get rid of those thoughts: I have to detach myself from Christina at all costs. I'm only thinking about her like this because she is a new friend of mine and she's very interesting. That is all. Space will make everything go back to normal.

*Later… 3rd P.O.V*

The king and queen of the North Kingdom called Treyvon and Christina for a meeting. The two walked into a large room to see Andrew and the royal parents already seated at a table. Andrew instructed Christina to sit on his right side. He looked at Treyvon.

"Oh, brother," he called nicely. "I haven't seen you in a while. Come sit beside me." Treyvon hesitantly sat at his older brother's left side. He was curious about Andrew's suspicious, suddenly friendly demeanor.

"We are still waiting for one more guest," King Caldwell told them. Then, the village priest came in and sat down.

"Good evening, Your Majesties," he greeted.

"Thank you for joining us," Queen Fiona told him. King Caldwell cleared his throat.

"We are all gathered here to discuss the adjustments that are going to be made for Andrew and Christina's wedding," he announced.

*Andrew's P.O.V*

I made sure to seat Treyvon next to me for this meeting. I was just dying to see his face when he finds out what I have planned. Instead of waiting for my father to tell everyone, I decided to tell them myself.

"Yes, it has been decided to make our wedding sooner," I said confidently.

Treyvon didn't make any comments. He stayed as still as a statue. I slightly frowned. He was putting on a poker face but I knew he had to be feeling something. I needed evidence that he couldn't be trusted. I was waiting for him to break.

"Sooner?" I heard Christina ask.

"Two weeks to be exact," I added. "Aren't you excited?"

"Isn't that too quick?" Treyvon asked. "She has just arrived. Shouldn't she be able to have time to adjust to here?"

Yes, keep talking. I'm waiting for you to just slip up any second. Say what's really on your mind, Treyvon.

"True love has no time," I told him. "Love is everlasting. She and I are completely ready to become man and wife, king and queen…lovers." I glanced at Treyvon, but he was just looking at the table. He was trying to close himself up, but I wasn't done yet.

"Christina seems too ecstatic to speak," I commented. "What about you, Treyvon? Aren't you happy for us also?" Everyone looked at him intently. He stayed staring at the table, and I smirked at his silence. I had already won.

"…Yes," he finally said.

It was too late, though. I already planned his future demise. I smiled at the thought and laughed to myself. He should know that things will always work out in my favor, and it was foolish to even attempt to go against me. Things revolved around me because I was filled with pure, royal blood. Always. It will always be this way, and I will make him learn.

*Treyvon's P.O.V*

"Yes, we've decided to make the wedding sooner." It repeated over and over in my head like a curse. Christina was soon to be his.

"Man and wife, king and queen…lovers."

"Don't forget we have a celebration in three days," Andrew said.

"For what?" I asked. Our parents hadn't said anything about a ball.

"So our people may celebrate that the wedding is coming sooner," my brother said as if stating the obvious. "And make sure you dress appropriately. Do not embarrass our family more than you already do." I clenched my fists but said nothing. I wasn't going to start an argument at the table.

"Okay, then," I said. I stood up and left the room, not wanting to be in there any longer.

*Christina's P.O.V*

I also left quickly, not wanting to stay near Andrew anymore. I went to my room and lied on my bed. Thoughts were swirling in my head. I had to marry Andrew in two weeks! He seemed so controlling, and I could never feel comfortable around him. Treyvon was way better company than his older brother. They were so different. Treyvon was helpful, sincere, and hardworking.

I still wasn't used to the North Kingdom yet, but here I was, about to rule in the not so soon future. How would I handle being Andrew's wife? I couldn't imagine having a family with him. Just the thought of him touching me in that way made me sick. He would never be a good husband or father. People with cold hearts cannot raise children with love. I thought about how Treyvon said he would have a family later when he was ready. I envied him. He would be able to take his time finding the perfect partner because he wasn't taking the throne. He could find someone that truly made him happy on his own free will.

Andrew was not the man his father had promised earlier, the one my parents agreed to have me marry. King Caldwell said Andrew was an intelligent and respectful man that would treat me like his true queen. He said Andrew was kind and honest also, so I doubted the North King knew his eldest son very well.

*With Treyvon… 3rd P.O.V*

Treyvon walked slowly to his room. He needed time to think about the meeting that was just held, regarding Andrew and Christina's wedding. When he finally reached his quarters, he sat on his sapphire bed. Two weeks? It's such a short time. He put his face in his hands and sighed loudly. I guess this is what I asked for. I said I wanted space from Christina, and this is what I received.

He knew he had messed up since the beginning. Ever since he had first seen her, he knew he shouldn't have gotten involved. He had lied to himself. He said he didn't want a wife - he didn't want to be tied to some random girl - but here he was. Holding onto a woman who wasn't his. Never to be his. She had a duty to be queen, and he stepped out of his boundaries. Doubt slowly started to creep into his conscious. The things Andrew said to him started going through his head.

"Do not embarrass our family more than you already do."

"Well, I guess you should do more of that, since you never truly act like royalty."

"It's a disgrace to our family name." Treyvon's thoughts came to a halt as he heard knocking coming from his door.

"Come in," he said, not moving. The door opened to reveal William. He walked into Treyvon's room and quietly closed the door. He looked at the younger prince for a few seconds and spoke.

"I know Andrew gave you a hard time," he told Treyvon.

"How did you know?" Treyvon asked him, finally looking up.

"In the past years I that I have been your servant, I've noticed that Andrew constantly antagonizes you," William answered solemnly. "And since I know you so well, I brought you something to make you feel better."

Treyvon noticed that William had a tray as the servant uncovered the hidden dish. He looked at it to see a cake on a fancy, white platter. He looked up, amused, to see William with a small smile on his face.

The simple chocolate cake brought back a memory from when they were younger. It was Treyvon's birthday, and he was very bored. He wasn't ungrateful for his surplus of marvelous gifts, but he just wanted to go outside to the village. Sadly, the king said he was too young to go out of the castle. After opening all of his gifts, Treyvon waited for his birthday cake. He expected to see a cake with the usual design of a crown drawn on it with cream.

Then, the head chef came in and put a brought a plate with a new type of cake on it. The man explained how one of the new chefs, Carter, wanted to do something different. Surprised, Treyvon looked at the cake to see it wasn't the traditional vanilla with a crown. It was a circular, chocolate cake with designs of the village on it. The young prince could see the castle on the right, the village on the left, and the wall separating the two.

Treyvon devoured a piece of his cake quickly and surprised everyone by hugging the creator of the cake. He then took a piece and brought it to William, who was in the prince's room folding the laundry. The young boy presented the piece of cake to him with a bright smile on his face. William was amazed to see the kindness in the child, and he knew that Treyvon was different from his royal family.

The two of them bonded more and more as William officially became his friend and teacher. William taught Treyvon knowledge that he had learned himself from literature. He also introduced sword fighting to him and later introduced him to Anthony. Though the young prince had to stay inside the castle walls for many years, William had educated him on everything he needed to know. It was interesting how one cake could change Treyvon's life so much.

Thinking about that distant memory made Treyvon always remember to treasure the little things. He chuckled a little and decided to take a bite of his cake. He savored the moist, chocolatey flavor in his mouth.

"I now remember why I've always loved this," he said.

"You have always been a child at heart," William told him. Treyvon put the cake down and shook his head.

"And just like a child, I cannot control what is happening around me."

"What do you mean?" William asked him.

"Andrew and Christina's wedding has been moved to a sooner date," Treyvon answered. "And Andrew told me that there will be a celebration in three days to celebrate the change."

*William's P.O.V*

I have never heard Treyvon sound so…depressed. His voice was clouded with loneliness. But why? He usually paid no attention to girls. He has always told me that he needed to find his place, so women were always the last thing on his mind. Now, he doesn't sound happy about Andrew marrying Christina. She has only been here for a short amount of time, but he seems to have become attached to her somehow. She's beautiful, but I know her appearance didn't cause the change. Treyvon has met many fair princesses from other lands, but he never gave them a second glance. Somehow Christina has broken his stone-covered heart.

Could it be love? I have read and heard many stories about love and its obstacles, and they would usually conclude with a happy fate. Unfortunately, this is life, not a storybook. Treyvon loving her would most likely be his demise. I do not want anything to happen to him, but no one can stop true love. Then, I heard him say something else.

"I know this may seem ridiculous, but…" He looked at me intensely. "I don't want her to get married." I wanted him to explain more. Not just for me, but for himself. I could tell he has been contemplating this idea for a while.

"Why do you say that all of a sudden?" I questioned. He looked down at the wooden floor.

"She isn't happy, William," he said clearly. "She said she wanted a marriage full of love, and she doesn't seem to love Andrew. And he doesn't love her either. He's using her, and it's not fair."

"So you pity her for her situation?" I asked him.

"I don't want someone I know is a good person to suffer every day," Treyvon explained. "If she's married to Andrew, I will see her sad every day." He turned away from me.

"I need to go outside for a moment," he said, suddenly standing up. "I'll soon you soon." He walked out of the room without another word. I immediately knew he had more to say than what he told me.

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