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Chapter 3: Chapter 2 : The Age of Darkness

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Despite the devastation wrought by the Night King, from the shadows under the command of Children. The First Men persisted in their quest for dominion over Westeros. The conflict raged on for centuries, a never ending cycle of bloodshed and despair, on both sides. Children already in scarce numbers, reduced to a near extinct population, amount to only a couple hundred.

But came a prophecy fulfilling moment, that Children using there immense magical poweress summuned The Hammer of The Water. A magical spell cutting the landbridge that connected Westross and Essos. First Men used to come to Westross. Eventually leading the battle in an standstill and made a pact.

Thus, Came the 'Treaty', between First Man and the Children of the Forest, stopping the war, mending their relationship, for the survival of both the races.

At Another place at the Same time, During a battle, no, it was a massacre of one of the villages of humans, as the Night King surveyed the carnage he had wrought under the command of his maker. He held his ice sword, looking down in front of him as a human child, no more than 8 years old, crying over the recently gutted body of his mother.

Night King felt a familiar sense of power and magic, from the soul of the mother he just devoured, the last bit of his prison and chains bounding him loosened.

'More! More! Just a little more and I shall be truly free. It shall be this boy. He will be enough!'

He was about to behead the trembling human But he was soon greeted by his makers.


The Night King's icy blue eyes met the gaze of Leaf, the eldest of the Children of the Forest. Her eyes were filled with a mixture of sorrow and regret, for she too had been changed by the passage of time. She was in turmoil for the action of their creation, after having just signed the treaty with First men. Sought to stop Night king continuing his wrath upon humans. A flicker of defiance cursed through him.

"You have served your purpose. The human not to be killed any longer. Humans are no longer an enemy." Leaf said commanding him with her magic.

Night King looking at Leaf, his consciences trembled with anger and hypocrisy of these forest creatures. But a command from Leaf bearing down his mind. He used all his willpower to remain in control. He was so near, just this boy and his young soul. He will break through its restraints.

Seeing Her creation not lowering his towering sword from above the boy, Leaf was stunned, seeing him disobeying her commands.

"How are you able to my magic!! You are only a mindless weapon created for our purpose. You will follow our command. Move away from that human." Leaf screamed using her full magical strength.

Only what happened next will signify the biggest mistake her kind, or possibly anyone has ever done, as she watches an ice blue monster's ever neutral face showing a bloodthirsty grin. Night King used every last bit of his magic collect in the last 2 millennia, to move his body.

An ice-cold chill went down her and other children's spine, only for it to become worse. The ice sword fell, cutting the human child's neck like a hot knife cutting butter.

As a head rolled on the ground and blood spraying from his artries, the children heard a maniacal laugh….

"Hahahaha, finally. It's time for you Forest Creatures to pay for your actions. You have tormented me enough for two thousand years. You used me as a hound and now you cast me aside as you made amends with these humans….YOUR KIND SHALL BE ERADICATED!!!"

He screamed, speaking for the first time in this life, breaking free from his magical constraints, vows for revenge for his two millennial old confinement. He magic fuels an ice storm strong enough to freeze blood in the body, he summed his generals, mindless hundred thousands of wights, as he looked like anger would swallow the realm itself.

"You!! We don't know how you are free but you have made a mistake if you think you can live after this. You are an abomination, a mistake. You never should have existed. For the world of living, you must not be allowed to live, you must end." Leaf cried outload signalling her brethren to attack.

The frozen wilderness was plunged into an eerie silence as the Night King, no longer bound by the Children's control, stood alone. His icy blue eyes bore a fierce intensity, and his very presence seemed to radiate anger and power.

Leaf, the eldest of the Children of the Forest, watched with a mixture of trepidation and fear seeing such magical control. She had unleashed a force of nature, and now that force was about to turn against her kind.

The Night King's response was a chilling blast of icy wind. He raised his hand, and a blizzard erupted from his fingertips, swirling around him like a vortex. Trees were uprooted, and snow and ice were hurled in every direction. The other Children scrambled to shield themselves from the sudden onslaught.

With a wave of his hand, the Night King summoned ice spears from the ground. They shot toward the Children with deadly precision, forcing them to conjure protective barriers of magic. Leaf held her own against the onslaught, her eyes filled with both determination and sadness. With another wave his wights rushed forward like a swarm of insects….

The children, possessing magic being never meant for battle, while they had control over nature and it's forces like wind, fire and lightning. But not to the degree of control Night King had on ice. As now they saw death itself in front of them. Some summoning a wall of thick tree branches, other attacking with fire balls the size of tennis balls, in a futile attempt to stop the incoming hoard of undead corpses. Some tried to attack the Night King by shooting sharp branches at him. Only to be stopped midway by one of his generals.

Only the next second to see the incoming hordes of wights to breach through the walls of branches. Seeing this, they instantly realised it was a battle they can't win.

"You were never meant to be free," Leaf whispered, her voice trembling with regret.

"Night King, we created you to protect us," Leaf cried out, her voice strained. "We were desperate, and our actions were a grave mistake." Hoping for a safe way out.

The Night King's response was a bone-chilling laugh that echoed through the frozen landscape. He continued his relentless assault, hurling ice shards and summoning gusts of frigid wind. The Children of the Forest fought back with their own magic, sending torrents of fire and lightning toward their creation. As they possess the natures elements of magic.

As the battle raged on, the Night King's anger and frustration intensified. He was a being of pure elemental power, and he sought to assert his dominance over the very creatures who had enslaved him for millennia.

Finally, with a thunderous roar, the Night King unleashed his most devastating attack. He raised his arms, and a wave of ice spread out from his fingertips, freezing everything in its path. Trees turned to crystal, and the very ground itself became a frozen wasteland, only for its later known as LAND OF ETERNAL WINTER.

Leaf, battered and weakened, watched as her fellow Children were encased in ice. She was the last one standing, the last to face the wrath of the Night King. Her heart was heavy with regret, but she knew that she had to confront the monster she had helped create and hoped for her survival.

Her voice steadily despite the fear in her eyes. "You were a weapon, but you were also a victim. We used to kill your own descendant, We were wrong, and I am sorry. Forgive my kind for this, they have done not-"

The Night King interupted, his icy gaze fixed on Leaf. Not for a moment it seemed he will waver it, instead it showed anger and amusement at her suffering. As he grabbed her neck, lifting her to his eye level….

"Hahaha, you are more worthless than these humans, Leaf. You think I cared that, you made me kill my kind, these humans. They are not my kind, I am more now, I AM SUPERIOR TO THEM!! So no, instead I would have killed them myself as it only makes me more powerful. For what their life's worth, its better that they are fuel for me and my magic. I savour every kill, every scream of these years.... that's not what I am angry about. Tell me tell you something, you waste. You don't know what it's like to be trapped inside your own brain for 2000 years, you can't control your body, you can't do anything. Alone by yourself in prison. Do you know how that feels, Leaf, Do you, Leaf? DO YOU!!?"

He screamed like a psychopath in ending anger, which only seems to be increased after 2000 years of prison time, his cronic anger bursting like a volcano as he Questioned her, squeezing her small neck with his chill biting hand.

Leaf, in that moment understood that she might have screwed up more than she initially thought, after understanding his nature. He didn't care for anyone, even his own people. He was a Monster. And she gave this monster power to bring the world down.

"TELL ME??!" He again questioned.

"N-no" Leaf replied.

With a final, devastating blast of ice, the Night King encased Leaf and her frozen friends in a frozen prison. Crouching in front of her, he looked at her with dead eyes and said.

"Then, you shall know it, right? You will watch as i will hunt down your kind to the end of the earth. I will cut down your trees. I will skin those wolves you love and control. I will show to true despair. I know you told them about me. You Childrens have a way to communicate through earth. Right? It's nice piece of magic from those Old Gods, huh. I will see how gods will save you now. You may enjoy the show, as I have."

She watched as he turned away, his form disappearing into the blizzard he had created. Her heart is bleeding from thinking about what will happen to her brothers and sisters.

"May Old Gods help my brother and sister." She prayed from the depth of her heart, hoping their gods will save them.

And she knows she will need them, for the Age of Heroes had given way to the Age of Darkness, a time when Westeros was shrouded in shadows and the land bore witness to untold horrors.


Agora1 Agora1

I had pre written this chapter so published it. I don't really know how psychopath think, I hope you like it. next tomorrow......

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