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Chapter 2: Chapter 2

What was this!

Dan was bewildered. Why was there letters floating in front of him. What was this image in front of him. Dan let go of Kan and reached out to the letters floating in front of him.

Slowly by slowly he inched closer until he finally touched it. It was cold as ice but it felt refreshing as if he had a full body massage.It felt like the weight on his shoulders and all the cramps just disappeared.

Dan looked at Kan who had finished eating out of his hand and was wondering what was going on? The large, black dobberman had a genuinely concerned look on his face. "Can you see this?" He pointed towards the letters in front of him but the dog could not see anything.

Kan looked at where he was pointing and saw the door. So he was being told to get out of the door. It was fun while it lasted. His owner must be busy. Kan licked Dan's hand and walked out of the door without looking back.

"So I'm guessing he could not see what I was pointing at." Dan concluded. "If he saw what I was pointing at he would have barked."

He pulled back his hand and the gentle sensation from the marijuana he was feeling disappeared.

He looked down at the floor and wondered.

"Wha...what happened?" he questioned out loud.


➡️"I detoxed your body from all the drugs inside you. I reduced your glucose and insulin levels and leveled your heartbeat to match that of normal humans. I also removed any cramps or injuries from your body."

Dan jumped up and looked around the room for the source of the voice. A low deep Male voice answered. It was definitely not the same as his fathers.

"Who said that? Where are you? Who are you?"he hissed.

➡️"I said it, I already introduced myself as system no.4 Dan. I know that this is weird and unexpected to you but please pay attention. " The voice spoke again but this time Dan heard it in his head.

Telepathy! Dan already knew about telepathy and had friends that used this ability but this felt different. It felt like telepathy and also didn't feel like it.

"Did you talk?" Dan asked the floating words. Dan thought he had finally lost it. He was hallucinating and asking words if they could talk.

➡️yes it was me.

But this time he didn't hear the voice but instead text appeared in front of him.

➡️I am system no 4 and you are my master. My purpose is to help you become stronger and achieve your full potential.

Dan read in disbelief. He wanted to become stronger after he had hit his limits long time ago.

"I will be stronger?" His voice shook with excitement and wariness. It had been a while since Dan felt any emotion.

➡️As strong as you want. Do you wish to learn the tutorial now? (Y/N)

A tutorial?What was this tutorial the system spoke about? Was it some kind of training? Dan was suspicious of this system but that did not mean he shouldn't use it.

"Yes, let's start the training." Dan said.

➡️ This is a tutorial on how to use me, the training will be after the tutorial. The most important thing is exp which is also called experience points. You can gain these through various activities. If you want to raise your strength you can either work out,train or kill monsters to gain exp. Your exp points turn into stat points and you can use stat points to increase your physical features and abilities. The more powerful or rare the monster you defeat the better the drop rate. You can also use gold gained from monsters to buy stat points. Once you reach level 5 the shop will be open where you can buy and sell equipments. If you want to grow stronger at a fast pace then clear dungeons, caves and towers.

Dan nodded his head as he read the words that were in front of him. He did not understand a single thing but he got the gist of it.

Train hard and kill lots of monsters to become stronger.

➡️For example if you do your homework your intelligence stat increases by little. if you keep on studying, reading books or do your homework you will be smart.

"Stating the obvious maybe this thing is a scam"

➡️You have been gifted with 10 gold coins. You can use it increase your level. Every time your level increases you increase all your stats by 2 and also receive 5 stat points that you can put into anything. Since you have doubts why don't you use the 10 gold coins to increase your level and use the stat points to increase your strength or speed. Would you like to use 10 gold coins to increase your level?


As Dan re read the message over and over he understood better. "Yes."

➡️Leveling up. (You have leveled up) Congratulations you are now level 2.

You have received 5 stat points what would you like to use it on?

Dan thought about it carefully. If the results were instant then he would see immediate changes. At first he decided to increase his strength or speed to see if he got faster or stronger but he would have to go outside to fight someone.

"2 points on vision." Dan felt the cold refreshing feeling he felt when he touched the words all over his face. The feeling went from covering his face and narrowed itself to his eyes.

"This feels amazing." Dan thought. He took of the glasses he was wearing and he noticed that his eyesight had gotten a lot better. He put on his glasses back on and then back of to spot the difference. It had truly improved greatly But his eyesight was still terrible.

"Spend two points on speed." Dan spoke affirmatively. He would keep the remaining stat point in case of an emergency or something happened.

Je felt the gentle cool sensation again but this time it was all around his body.

➡️ Time to start training.

Run 5km (0/5km)

Throw 1000 jabs (0/1000jabs)

Curl something weighing 20kg or above 100 times(0/100)

Do 100 squats(0/100)

Do 100 pushups(0/100)

Do 100 kicks (0/100)

Do your homework.

Reward upon completion: 3 stat points. mysterious Common grade box.500exp. 2000exp to next level

Penalty upon failure: Painful body cramps that prevent you from moving a muscle and flu.

Time left to completion:6 hours.

Dan looked in disbelief at what he was reading. This was a normal workout schedule. He wasn't trying to lose weight or build muscle. But who cares if he finished this training schedule he would receive 3 stat points and 500 exp and not to mention a mysterious box.

Dan put back down his glasses. If his eyesight could truly become better he would not need them. He would also damage his newly found eyesight if he wore glasses of the wrong prescription.

Dan changed into a more traditional clothes for running. It could be considered a full body armor by people who didn't know what it was actually but it was in fact a full body leather suit made for working out.

Dan called for Kan when he reached the door. He managed to get out of the house without anyone noticing him.

Dan decided to multitask. Although it was night time he would take his dog for a walk. He took of running he wanted to complete the running first. For every 100 metres he would stop and throw 50 jabs in quick succession. After a 1km he had finished throwing 1000 jabs.

After seeing that he completed 1000 jabs Dan switched up and done 10 squats, 10 kicks and 10 pushups every 100 metres.

He finished doing 100 squats, 100 kicks and 100 pushups after another kilometre. He had ran 2km now. Only 3 more kilometres left. This was nothing to Dan. Anytime he woke up late he would have to run to school which was 20 km away. He finished running all 5 km in under 40 minutes. If he truly wanted he could finish running 5km within 20 minutes but he had to run at a slow pace for his dog to keep up with him.

Dan looked at Kan who was breathing heavily. Kan was wondering what had gotten into his master today. He was told to go out of the room, he took him for a walk late at night and after he left the room he heard his master shout.

Dan looked at the screen all that was left was to curl something weighing 20kg and do his homework. Dan looked around for something. He found a giant rock that seemed to be around 30kg. Dan lifted it and started curling. This was really hard. He had the strength to pick it up but what he lacked was a proper place to hold it. He was barely holding onto the rough edges of the giant rock.

After 20 minutes and three broken fingernails Dan had finished. Now all that was left was his homework. Dan looked at his hand, the broken fingernails oozing out blood. Suddenly Dan had an idea. He touched the screen and he felt the cool refreshing feeling all over again.

His fingernails were back to normal. "Let us go home Kan," Dan called for Kan who came running with a dead rabbit in his mouth. Dan took the rabbit out of his mouth and patted his head. Dan threw the rabbit away.

"You can't eat that it's bad for you, it will fill you up and you won't be able to eat dinner." Dan decided to walk back home . He still had at least 5 hours left he could complete his homework in under 30 minutes. After 30 minutes he reached him and smelt a familiar scent. The old man had arrived.

Dan entered the house and tried to get to his room but was stopped by a loud booming voice.

"Where were you?" Dan already knew who it was. He sighed and answered "I went out to train," Kliran was the name of the man who raised Dan. A tall,huge man with bulging muscles. A tattoo of a woman on his chest. He was a general in the demon Lord's forces. He always wanted what was best for his 3 children. Although Dan was not his child he treated him like his own. He was tough but fair. Strict yet kind. In simple terms a great father and a great husband.

Kliran was surprised at this. Dan had given up training long Time ago when he reached his limits. "Why don't you join me tommorow, I will train you." He said. Dan looked into his adoptive fathers eyes which were shimmering with hope. He knew he was just looking out for him but Dan could not help messing around with him.

"I have school tommorow," He said "Besides why should I be trained someone weaker than me?"

Dan seemed to have struck a nerve. Kliran's giant fist hit him on his cheek and Dan flew back from the impact that he was hit with crashing into a wall. Dan stood up from the hit. It was painful as heck He remembered the time he used to be trained by his father he would be hit anytime he tried running away. He could endure it. It wasn't as powerful as he remembered, which meant one of two things. Either he had gotten weaker or he dialled his hit back down a lot.

"Is that all you got? Kan's bite is more painful than that childish punch." Kliran launched himself across the room but before he could hit Dan again a voice was heard. "I hope you two are not fighting again in my living room."

Kliran's turned around towards his wife who was standing at the door. A gentle yet scary looking woman. She was plump and short and she smelt of pumpkins.

Kliran ran towards her and hugged her "Honey, how is my the love of my life?" He kissed her on the neck and she blushed.

Only one word came to Dan's mind. "Cringe." Dan did not understand why his adoptive mother settled for an idiot like Kliran. She was beautiful and strong. She could have any man that she wanted but she was satisfied with Kliran.

"I'm going upstairs to do my homework." Dan said loudly. Martha pushed Kliran back and spoke to Dan. "There is a goat missing, Do you know anything about it?" Her eyes showed hostility and at the same time showed kind warmth. "I have no idea." Dan replied as he ran up the stairs without looking back. He obviously knew it was his sister but he was not gonna snitch on her.

"Dinner will be ready within an hour." Martha said "Make sure you come down and do not wake up Jake." Jake was Dan's younger brother. He hated him just in the same way everyone hated their younger sibling.

A brat among brats. The brat overlord. He was probably the reason why elder brothers killed their younger brothers.

"At least he is asleep right now." Dan thought to himself. He went to his room and sat down to do his homework closing his door behind him.

He finished his homework within 40 minutes and then he heard the familiar sound.

➡️Daily mission finished.

Run 5km (5/5km)

Throw 1000 jabs (1000/1000jabs)

Curl something weighing 20kg or above 100 times(100/100)

Do 100 squats(100/100)

Do 100 pushups(100/100)

Do 100 kicks (100/100)

Do your homework. (Finished)

Reward: 3 stat points ... 500 exp

Mysterious common grade box.

Would you like to open the box.

Dan thought about it what could possibly be inside. Dan thought about it. It was a common box. A wand? Magic book? A sword?


➡️Opening mysterious common grade box.

you have received 2 gold coins.

Dan was expecting something else but it turned out that was it. "Well it did say it was common."

Now Dan had 4 stat points. He considered what to put them in. What he needed the most right now was his eyesight.

"2 points into eyesight." And just like Dan had felt before he felt the gentle sensation from before. His eyesight right now could not be described with words alone. He could see everything in a brand new way.

He noticed the small rough texture on the wall, the ant hiding in the dark corner of the room. Now he had to 2 unused points.

"System how do I get stronger faster?"

➡️ As I previously said, to grow stronger you can clear dungeons, towers, caves or kill monsters. You can also gain significant stat points if you complete an achievement.

Dan thought a while and finally came to a conclusion. He learnt a few things about the system. For every 1 stat point it would become 5 points. For example his eyesight that was one was now 21. 4 stat points turned into 20 points.

The screen would go away if he waved his hand to the right. If he was not looking at the screen or his eyes were closed he would here the systems voice telepathically.

For every point that he in tested into his speed his strength would increase by 1.

The system could change the writing and background of the screen referring to it as wallpaper and font. So far that was all he knew.

Dan heard his mother call him downstairs to eat. He got out of his room and went downstairs to the living room. A feast had been cooked up. Food that could feed an entire village for a week.

"Happy birthday!"

Fria used magic to explode small fireworks in the room. Kliran lifted Dan onto his shoulder but this was a trap.

After reaching the table Kliran threw Dan of his shoulders as if he had been carrying a grudge. With cat-like reflex Dan landed on his feet.

He had forgotten that today was his birthday.

➡️Welcome player number 12 to System no 4.

Player ID:432378 Level:2

Time: 9:00 p.m.

Name: Dante Aliases: D, Dan, Dri.

Hp:100/100(F) Potential:♾

Speed:60/60(F) Endurance:90/90(F)

Intelligence:60/60(F) Stamina:70/70(F)

Strength: 152/152(F) Vision:21/21(F)

Magic knowledge: 30/30(F)

Unused stat points: 2


Beginner Magic (Proficiency 98%)

Intermediate Magic (Proficiency 82%)

Elite Magic (Proficiency 4%) Street fighting (S+)

Martial arts combat (Proficiency 12%)

quick thinking (Proficiency 8%)

Swordsmanship (S+)

Chaos energy (A+)

➡️ unique skills

⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ Level 1

➡️status: indifferent, hungry, bored, petty

sensei_24 sensei_24

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