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Chapter 60: Mysterious Dialogue of an Unknown

AN: Damn these two chapter and the previous chapter's words is so fucking high. The previous one before this is 2700+ words and now this chapter was 2600+ words. It should only be 2000 words per chapter, well anyway cherish these two chapters, especially this one. By the way, i will not release chapter tomorrow, it's Sunday.


After 30 minutes of arguing with the system, Tristan and Metang carried out the plan. Tristan used 150 points, and Metang used 330 points (180 + 150 = 330 points). They are now inside the simulation field.

If anyone in the Black Region, particularly from station 92, sees this, they will be surprised. Tristan and Metang are currently battling beasts, including Enhanced Physon, Wolvone, Thompson, Ade, Ded, and others as if the previous invasion has returned. However, their opponents are actually just virtual AI created by the simulation field based on Tristan's memories.

An hour later, Tristan and Metang are hunting in a forest full of beasts, numbering in the hundreds. If this were real, Tristan would be cautious, but fortunately, it is not.

This time, he wants to maximize his potential, particularly his speed and dexterity. Improving his agility may seem like a normal training exercise for any warrior, but Tristan's method of training has surpassed the limits of his rank. He is running at a high speed, his body is injured, and his eyes are turning redder and redder. His attacks are becoming faster and faster, even faster than his movement speed. He just wants to be


Tristan has already activated his total concentration breathing, and he has almost reached his limits for today.

I don't care.

Just be fast!







There are many beasts that have died behind Tristan due to his attacks. However, after he killed them, he saw more than 10 Enhanced Late Stage beasts surrounding him then attacked him, and he died. Tristan can no longer move as he has reached his limits.

On the other hand, Metang also has its own set of opponents, mainly consisting of a normal middle-stage and some late-stage creatures. If Tristan has previously fought many strong enhanced stages, then the lower-ranked ones would be numerous, similar to a zombie apocalypse.

This is why the remote region is dangerous, even for experts. If you get surrounded by these creatures, there would be no hope of survival. Fortunately, Metang can fly using Magnet Rise and either attack the beasts on the ground or fight the flying beasts.

This is how Tristan and Metang practiced in the simulation field, which is similar to virtual reality. They would fight monsters, but there were points or experiences that could be earned by defeating them.

But there is a type of experience that can be gained, but it is not like in a game where you receive experience points for defeating an enemy. It is a real-life experience, such as improving mastery and techniques or analyzing the habits of opponents. This is the best way to maximize their potential in fighting and improve their skills quickly.

Then another hour later, the venue changes.

Tristan is fighting some core members, while Metang is fighting some second-year students from SHU. A few hours later, Tristan fights Sheila and loses, as expected.

Mostly, Tristan is fighting Fred in order to familiarize himself with the remaining Thunder Breathing Technique, which he almost forgot and neglected before.

In the simulation field, Tristan is able to suppress Fred and fight Iris on equal terms. However, it's important not to be fooled by the simulation field. The people in the field have no emotions and are based solely on data collected from previous days.

Tristan can suppress Fred because it is a computer, and he can fight Iris evenly with just a slight disadvantage because the simulation field only includes data from Tristan's experiences and observations. Iris did not put forth her full effort when fighting Tristan before, so the simulation field does not accurately reflect their true abilities.

All of these events happened in just a few hours. Most of the time, Tristan was practicing the "Nature route" and then used the remaining hour to familiarize himself with his team members in team battles.

As he said yesterday, he is trying to change himself and be cooperative with every core member, and now he is attempting to fulfill that. He's allocating 1 hour a day to the team fight.

He's trying to team up with Jade then Iris, Fred, Alfred, Paul, etc. In all core members and even some sub-core members he teamed up with, he really felt comfortable fighting with Jade as if there was chemistry between the two. However, thinking about his sister's inappropriate behavior with this person, he becomes annoyed at the thought of being teamed up with him.

Hmph, who would want to be teamed up with this guy, anyway I don't.

Unlike Tristan, who mostly allocated his time to the "Nature" route, Metang spent most of his time in battle, familiarizing himself with new skills. It used the remaining 6 hours to gain insights. Metang doesn't cultivate like what humans doing, it just needs to eat and fight, and it can improve very well.

And all of these have only happened in just a blink of an eye.

Currently, they're still here near the training venue.

He then happens to hear his phone ringing, so he takes it out and sees a message from the owner of the previous clothing shop. He thought the production of these suits would start once he passed the blueprint design, but he didn't expect the owner to breach the contract. What the hell happened?"

Then he received another prompt, he received 50,000 ACP from the previous owner. It must be the liquidated damage.

Tristan was confused. Is the owner of the shop dumb, to cooperate with him and then breach the contract just a day later? There was already good fortune in front of her eyes, but she didn't treasure it. Thinking about this, if it had happened yesterday or even the day before, he might have still cared about it, but now he doesn't.

He's already rich and even regrets agreeing to cooperate with her so quickly, but it seems fate heard his complaint and returned it back to him. In any case, it is not his loss if she rejected it.

Tristan didn't care but the system feels suspicious and then said.

[Tristan, isn't it suspicious?]

(Huh, what do you mean?)

[You gave the blueprint design and then she breached the contract]

(Wait, you mean is)

[Tristan you didn't apply the blueprint design in the Copyright Patent and Trademark Office (CPTO) right?]


[You might be scammed!]


"I'll go" Tristan may not care about that money, but that doesn't mean he can be taken advantage of by others. And feeling like he has been scammed by others makes him angry this time. They dare to fool him - hmph!

[What? You're causing trouble again? You already caused trouble yesterday. If the police catch you again this time, there's a chance you'll be in jail.]

(They're the ones whose making trouble not me!)

[But it is you whose making violence]

(Because they started it)

Tristan ignored its persuasion and was about to go but fortunately this time, some students saw him.

"Eh, senior brother what happened" Aaron happened to see him. Their training was already finished and was about to find Tristan, and speaking of the devil he find him and greeted him but he saw something wrong with his senior brother's expression.

He feels like his senior brother was angry.

What happened?

"Tristan where are you going?" Lyda also happened to see him, then rushed toward him and greeted him. You could see her face was blushing as she looked at him.

Tristan heard it but he has no time to talk with them, he's rushing outside.

Seeing him ignoring her, she felt disappointed.

"Eh, there's something wrong with senior brother" Aaron said.

Lyda looked confusedly at this junior.

"No, could it be, senior brother was making trouble again, no, no, I must get him"

Aaron immediately ran toward Tristan and pulled his arm: "Senior, you're causing trouble again, aren't you? You must not, you must not!"

"Let me go" Tristan immediately forced his hand to let go.

"This... Senior, you must not get into trouble this time, just this time" Aaron tried to pull him with all of his strength, but Tristan was too strong and easily escaped Aaron's grasp. Then Tristan continues to walk out of school.

"This... what happened?" Lyda asked feeling confused as she saw Aaron pulling Tristan's hand.

"Senior is going to cause trouble again. We must find the instructor, the headmaster" Aaron immediately ran towards the instructor's location.

'What? Tristan is going to make trouble again? My goodness!" Lyda immediately followed him.

A few seconds later, people can see the flash silhouette of Kenile rushing forward. A few minutes later, Tristan is currently sitting in the headmaster's office in a depressed mood.

Kenile asked him what he was going to do earlier. Tristan hesitated a bit but remembering what Instructor Bobby had said yesterday and his promise, he immediately told him what happened.

So, it is. Kenile understood now. He also gained some insight into Tristan's personality. He was not the type of person who would do something extreme unless he was being provoked, but if someone provoked him, he would fight for it.

Then he looked at his coat, of course, he understood it. Tristan's clothes were really special and unique. This was the first time he saw something cool designed like this.

"You didn't apply it to CPTO?" Kenile asked.


"Did you give her the blueprint?" Kenile asked.

"Yeah, she tricked me. That bastard," Tristan said, snorting angrily.

"I see," Kenile said. Suddenly, he heard a notification on his phone and looked at it. "Your blueprint design has not yet been applied. It is still under review," he said while showing it in front of Tristan.

"It's good that bastard still didn't make it yet" Tristan sighed in relief and said.

"Screenshots your transaction now and the blueprint design you sent to her, the liquidated damages she returned, and also any other relevant documents or images. I'll also send the picture of yourself wearing the coat more than a month ago as evidence that you had it before she sent the blueprint today."

"Wow, headmaster you're really reliable! You're great! But what about her? I want her to be punished for her actions"

"We will file a case against her," Kenile snorted. "That's enough to make her suffer, by the way, I have a favor I wanted to ask your consent for"

"Eh, what is it?"

"Since she breached the contract, how about cooperating with the school?"


Somewhere in unknown places and unknown times, there are two unknown having conversations with each other. Maybe it happens in the past or current time.

"The transferred person has died, it's good" Unknown 1

"That person's lineage was still alive though" Unknown 2

"Can you find it?" Unknown 1

"N-no, it changed everything other than soul" Unknown 2

"Anyway, It's the rule, they will soon follow him since he violated it. He will take the consequences" Unknown 1

"But that traitor was still alive" Unknown 2

"That's all your job, but why do I think you're not doing well?" Unknown 1

"You both really made a mess, a real fucking mess, first it's both of you, I let it pass, and now it's him, and now it's only you! You also made a mistake! What the heck are you doing?" Unknown 1.

"I'm also confused, please don't doubt me, I also never expected this would happen" Unknown 2

"Do you know why I call you this time?" Unknown 1.


"You don't know?" Unknown 1

"This..." Unknown 2

"YOU DON'T KNOW?" Unknown 1

"I, I, I..." Unknown 2

"It sounds like there are a few things that have gone wrong. No, it's not a few, there's someone who shouldn't be there, damn it happens again for the second time and it's because of both of you!" Unknown 1

"This should be ended more than a century ago and I let it past that time and now, there's another one!" Unknown 1

"Bu-but, b-both of t-them have gone now" Unknown 2

"They're GONE, but what have they done changed everything! Someone who has died and split which is the most important pieces in plan! Someone who has ESCAPED, and THEN SOMEONE WHO RETUNED. This is all A COMPLETE MESS!!" Unknown 1 said in frustration, particularly emphasizing the last word.

"Isn't it your fault?"


"TIME has also been reset, which has never happened before. The foresight is these, HERO, TIME, DISRUPTOR, HUH, you're included? So, Who do you think is the one RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL OF THESE?" Unknown 1

"This..." Unknown 2


"I ask you again, do you know why I called you this time?" Unknown 1

"I, I know.." Unknown 2


"You know right, YOU KNOW THAT you are Useless, more useless than I thought. So, just like that guy, it would be MUCH BETTER IF YOU WERE GONE" Unknown 1

"No, I'm just careless please give me a chance, please, please. AH, NO, NO!" Unknown 2

A few hours later.

Unknown 1 activated something and there were two silhouettes appeared.

"You are the new recipient of this power that I have bestowed upon you. I hope that you will not disappoint me. Do you understand?" Unknown 1

"Understood" Unknown 2 and Unknown 3 nodded.

"Now, find them!" Unknown 1

Unknown 2 and Unknown 3 disappeared.

A few seconds later, Unknown 1 looked somewhere and said: "Even though you have died and been separated, fate cannot be changed and will pass on to your descendants."


After going out the door, Tristan was bewildered by what the Headmaster had said. He was also surprised to see Iris standing in front of him.

"Why are you doing here?" He asked.

"I think it's none of your business, right?" She said.

"Whatever" He doesn't care and walked away.

He just heard Iris entering the office.

Inside of Headmaster's office

"Headmaster, I think you should warn the alliance city to be careful," Iris said.

"Isn't that what the Colonel is doing right now?" Kenile was confused.

"I still feel like it's somewhat loose. It's better to be careful, especially in the auction. Much better if they checked all the personnel" Iris said.

Kenile stopped a bit then looked at her and said: "Did you guess something?"

"It's my premonition" Iris said.

Hearing what she said, Kenile couldn't help but be frowned and said "I will try"

"I will go" Iris nodded and left.

Kenile immediately makes a call.

A few minutes later.

"Don't worry, everything is guarded. The detectors and countless sentries have already been deployed. This is one of the greatest auctions that will happen, it will even surpass the previous one. So, how could we be careless?"

"Still, it was still better to be safe than sorry. With everything in place, the auction needs to be a success with no problem"

"I feel your concern, there are also other universities and officers who contacted me earlier same like you, don't worry and please reassure yourself, with me here, there will be no problem"

"It's good"

A few minutes later, Kenile hung up the phone and sighed in relief.

Taking a deep breath, Kenile let out a sigh of relief. Perhaps Iris was just being overly cautious, he thought to himself.

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