Malika was skeptical about what was happening, but she also knew that they couldn't rely on a dumb plan all the time.
Their time was getting more limited and Hawi was right. So as Rukiya and the prisoners made their way out of the shelter to do the blood oath, Hawi could only hope that this was going to be truly beneficial for her.
She knew that there would be risks, but wasn't she born of risks from the very beginning anyway? She had lived a happy life, only to lose it all because of her family, and maybe that was enough motivation for her to get on their necks and demand what was hers.
"I need to see what is happening too, help me out of this damn shelter," Hawi said and Malika and everyone else just looked at her. It was like they had forgotten that they had an old woman keeping them company all this while.
The woman was a nuisance and they were contemplating whether to let her be there or to see to it that she was helped. But would it be worth it?
And we finally got our old hag back lol